1. 0069cc4 THRIFT-916 no errors on GNU/Linux when compiling with CXXFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -pedantic" by Roger Meier · 14 years ago
  2. f673509 THRIFT-926. cpp: Thrift: throw bad_alloc when malloc fails, not something else by David Reiss · 14 years ago
  3. e71115b THRIFT-922. cpp: Templatize binary and compact protocol by David Reiss · 14 years ago[Renamed (67%) from lib/cpp/src/protocol/TCompactProtocol.cpp]
  4. 141eab4 THRIFT-425. cpp: numeric_limits is declared in <limits> by Bryan Duxbury · 16 years ago
  5. e4d4ea0 THRIFT-333. cpp: Initial TCompactProtocol implementation by David Reiss · 16 years ago