1. ef16420 THRIFT-698 - fix .app file, remove unused parts of build system, updated LICENSE to reflect changes by Anthony F. Molinaro · 15 years ago
  2. 53ae9f3 THRIFT-622. Add appropriate licensing information to get Thrift ready for a release. by Todd Lipcon · 15 years ago
  3. 9f2a5d7 Rename "alterl" to "erl". by David Reiss · 17 years ago[Renamed from lib/alterl/src/thrift.app.src]
  4. 920959a Handle crashes/errors in the processor by sending back a serialized exception by David Reiss · 17 years ago
  5. ae756f4 Read and write of structs, lists, maps, and sets by David Reiss · 17 years ago