1. 316723a remove stdcxx namespace and use std directly by cyy · 6 years ago
  2. 533405e THRIFT-4376: fix more high impact coverity defects by James E. King, III · 7 years ago
  3. 82ae957 THRIFT-2221: detect C++11 and use std namespace for memory operations (smart_ptr) by James E. King, III · 8 years ago
  4. b819260 THRIFT-3736 C++ library build fails if OpenSSL does not surrpot SSLv3 by Nobuaki Sukegawa · 9 years ago
  5. 9f0d961 THRIFT-3621 Fix lib/cpp/test/SecurityTest.cpp to use ephemeral ports by John Sirois · 9 years ago
  6. 9ed45e9 THRIFT-3608 lib/cpp/test/SecurityTest is flaky in jenkins Thrift-precommit build. by John Sirois · 9 years ago
  7. 796667b THRIFT-3437 Fixed MinGW-w64 build Client: Build Patch: Antonio Di Monaco by Antonio Di Monaco · 9 years ago
  8. e9bdb41 THRIFT-3329: fix C++ tests incompatibility with boost-1.59 by Konrad Grochowski · 10 years ago
  9. b0b710a THRIFT-3164: disable insecure SSLv3 protocol in cpp lib unless SSLv3 is specifically asked for to make the defaults more secure; added a matrix security unit test for SSL in the cpp lib by Jim King · 10 years ago