1. 8a6bcc7 THRIFT-5747 warning: The macro `AC_HELP_STRING' is obsolete. Patch: Jens Geyer by Jens Geyer · 1 year, 4 months ago
  2. 3b5dacb THRIFT-2849: spelling errors fixed using codespell tool by Konrad Grochowski · 10 years ago
  3. 0cb870b Thrift-2467: Unable to build contrib/fb303 on OSX 10.9.2 by jfarrell · 11 years ago
  4. 60723b8 Thrift-1715: Allow excluding libraries in fb303 configure by Jake Farrell · 12 years ago
  5. 7c28b33 contrib/fb303: Some changes to the build for the Scribe release by David Reiss · 17 years ago