1. 3160971 Thrift: Update some makefiles to make "make dist" work. by David Reiss · 17 years ago
  2. 1fdb592 Thrift: Add a Makefile to build the C# library with Mono. by David Reiss · 17 years ago
  3. 46dc629 Thrift: Miscellaneous optimizations for C#. by David Reiss · 17 years ago
  4. cba5727 Thrift: String/Binary distinction for C#. by David Reiss · 17 years ago
  5. 1e15018 Thrift CSharp build to check compiler return code by Mark Slee · 17 years ago
  6. 7f42bcf Thrift: C# Bindings. by David Reiss · 17 years ago