1. 17c3ad9 THRIFT-4318 Delphi performance improvements Client: Delphi Patch: Jens Geyer by Jens Geyer · 8 years ago
  2. e0e3240 THRIFT-3794 Split Delphi application, protocol and transport exception subtypes into separate exceptions by Jens Geyer · 9 years ago
  3. 7107043 THRIFT-3524 dcc32 warning "W1000 Symbol 'IsLowSurrogate' is deprecated: 'Use TCharHelper'" in Thrift.Protocol.JSON.pas by Jens Geyer · 9 years ago
  4. a6509f7 THRIFT-3404 Fixed JSON String reader doesn't recognize UTF-16 surrogate pairs. by Phongphan Phuttha · 9 years ago
  5. 9f9535c THRIFT-2890 binary data may lose bytes with JSON transport under specific circumstances by Jens Geyer · 10 years ago
  6. d8bddbc THRIFT-2890 binary data may lose bytes with JSON transport under specific circumstances by Jens Geyer · 10 years ago
  7. 7bb44a3 THRIFT-2345 Delphi: UTF-8 sent by PHP as JSON is not understood by TJsonProtocol by Jens Geyer · 11 years ago
  8. 2136694 THRIFT-2297: TJsonProtocol implementation for Delphi does not allow for both possible slash (solidus) encodings, including a test case by Jens Geyer · 11 years ago
  9. febe845 THRIFT-1621 Delphi Memory leaks Patch: Jens Geyer by Roger Meier · 13 years ago
  10. 333bbf3 THRIFT-1485 Performance: pass large and/or refcounted arguments as "const" by Roger Meier · 13 years ago
  11. 45a3726 THRIFT-1473 JSON context stack may be left in an incorrect state when an exception is thrown during read or write operations by Roger Meier · 13 years ago
  12. a2a9ee9 Thrift-1467:Possible AV with empty strings when using JSON protocol by Jake Farrell · 13 years ago
  13. 2727422 Thrift-1401: JSON-protocol for Delphi XE Libraries by Jake Farrell · 13 years ago