1. 5d6bd5a THRIFT-1645: Replace Object#tee with more conventional Object#tap in specs by Jake Farrell · 12 years ago
  2. a87810f Thrift-1644:Upgrade RSpec to 2.11.x and refactor specs as needed by Jake Farrell · 13 years ago
  3. 8941458 Thrift-1424:Ruby specs fail when run with rake Client: ruby Patch: Peter Sanford by Jake Farrell · 13 years ago
  4. ea2cba8 THRIFT-387. Add license headers to a bunch of files by David Reiss · 16 years ago
  5. 356f861 Rename spec wrapper classes to prevent cross-pollination of specs. Require rspec 1.1.4 or later to fix the "describe Module do" bug by Kevin Clark · 17 years ago
  6. 4a2b841 Spec out Thrift::Processor by Kevin Clark · 17 years ago