1. de262dc Thrift-1903: PHP namespaces cause binary protocols to not be used by Jake Farrell · 12 years ago
  2. 1f9717d THRIFT-1878 php: THttpClient - Add the possibility to send custom headers by Roger Meier · 12 years ago
  3. 0193149 THRIFT-1801 Sync up TApplicationException codes across languages and thrift implementations by Roger Meier · 12 years ago
  4. 78a54a1 THRIFT-1521:patches for more Performance Client: php Patch: D. Edler by Jake Farrell · 12 years ago
  5. 21c0a85 THRIFT-1615 PHP Namespace (was Thrift for Symfony 2) Patch: Xavier HAUSHERR by Roger Meier · 13 years ago