Jake Farrell | 7ae13e1 | 2011-10-18 14:35:26 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | (*
| 2 | * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
| 3 | * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
| 4 | * distributed with this work for additional information
| 5 | * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
| 6 | * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
| 7 | * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
| 8 | * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 9 | *
| 10 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| 11 | *
| 12 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
| 13 | * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
| 15 | * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
| 16 | * specific language governing permissions and limitations
| 17 | * under the License.
| 18 | *)
| 19 |
| 20 | unit TestClient;
| 21 |
| 22 | interface
| 23 |
| 24 | uses
| 25 | SysUtils, Classes, Thrift.Protocol, Thrift.Transport, Thrift.Test,
| 26 | Generics.Collections, Thrift.Collections, Windows, Thrift.Console,
| 27 | DateUtils;
| 28 |
| 29 | type
| 30 |
| 31 | TThreadConsole = class
| 32 | private
| 33 | FThread : TThread;
| 34 | public
| 35 | procedure Write( const S : string);
| 36 | procedure WriteLine( const S : string);
| 37 | constructor Create( AThread: TThread);
| 38 | end;
| 39 |
| 40 | TClientThread = class( TThread )
| 41 | private
| 42 | FTransport : ITransport;
| 43 | FNumIteration : Integer;
| 44 | FConsole : TThreadConsole;
| 45 |
| 46 | procedure ClientTest;
| 47 | protected
| 48 | procedure Execute; override;
| 49 | public
| 50 | constructor Create(ATransport: ITransport; ANumIteration: Integer);
| 51 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 52 | end;
| 53 |
| 54 | TTestClient = class
| 55 | private
| 56 | class var
| 57 | FNumIteration : Integer;
| 58 | FNumThread : Integer;
| 59 | public
| 60 | class procedure Execute( const args: array of string);
| 61 | end;
| 62 |
| 63 | implementation
| 64 |
| 65 | { TTestClient }
| 66 |
| 67 | class procedure TTestClient.Execute(const args: array of string);
| 68 | var
| 69 | i : Integer;
| 70 | host : string;
| 71 | port : Integer;
| 72 | url : string;
| 73 | bBuffered : Boolean;
| 74 | bFramed : Boolean;
| 75 | s : string;
| 76 | n : Integer;
| 77 | threads : array of TThread;
| 78 | dtStart : TDateTime;
| 79 | test : Integer;
| 80 | thread : TThread;
| 81 | trans : ITransport;
| 82 | streamtrans : IStreamTransport;
| 83 | http : IHTTPClient;
| 84 |
| 85 | begin
| 86 | bBuffered := False;;
| 87 | bFramed := False;
| 88 | try
| 89 | host := 'localhost';
| 90 | port := 9090;
| 91 | url := '';
| 92 | i := 0;
| 93 | try
| 94 | while ( i < Length(args) ) do
| 95 | begin
| 96 | try
| 97 | if ( args[i] = '-h') then
| 98 | begin
| 99 | Inc( i );
| 100 | s := args[i];
| 101 | n := Pos( ':', s);
| 102 | if ( n > 0 ) then
| 103 | begin
| 104 | host := Copy( s, 1, n - 1);
| 105 | port := StrToInt( Copy( s, n + 1, MaxInt));
| 106 | end else
| 107 | begin
| 108 | host := s;
| 109 | end;
| 110 | end else
| 111 | if (args[i] = '-u') then
| 112 | begin
| 113 | Inc( i );
| 114 | url := args[i];
| 115 | end else
| 116 | if (args[i] = '-n') then
| 117 | begin
| 118 | Inc( i );
| 119 | FNumIteration := StrToInt( args[i] );
| 120 | end else
| 121 | if (args[i] = '-b') then
| 122 | begin
| 123 | bBuffered := True;
| 124 | Console.WriteLine('Using buffered transport');
| 125 | end else
| 126 | if (args[i] = '-f' ) or ( args[i] = '-framed') then
| 127 | begin
| 128 | bFramed := True;
| 129 | Console.WriteLine('Using framed transport');
| 130 | end else
| 131 | if (args[i] = '-t') then
| 132 | begin
| 133 | Inc( i );
| 134 | FNumThread := StrToInt( args[i] );
| 135 | end;
| 136 | finally
| 137 | Inc( i );
| 138 | end;
| 139 | end;
| 140 | except
| 141 | on E: Exception do
| 142 | begin
| 143 | Console.WriteLine( E.Message );
| 144 | end;
| 145 | end;
| 146 |
| 147 | SetLength( threads, FNumThread);
| 148 | dtStart := Now;
| 149 |
| 150 | for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do
| 151 | begin
| 152 | if url = '' then
| 153 | begin
| 154 | streamtrans := TSocketImpl.Create( host, port );
| 155 | trans := streamtrans;
| 156 | if bBuffered then
| 157 | begin
| 158 | trans := TBufferedTransportImpl.Create( streamtrans );
| 159 | end;
| 160 |
| 161 | if bFramed then
| 162 | begin
| 163 | trans := TFramedTransportImpl.Create( trans );
| 164 | end;
| 165 | end else
| 166 | begin
| 167 | http := THTTPClientImpl.Create( url );
| 168 | trans := http;
| 169 | end;
| 170 | thread := TClientThread.Create( trans, FNumIteration);
| 171 | threads[test] := thread;
| 173 | thread.Resume;
| 175 | end;
| 176 |
| 177 | for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do
| 178 | begin
| 179 | threads[test].WaitFor;
| 180 | end;
| 181 |
| 182 | for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do
| 183 | begin
| 184 | threads[test].Free;
| 185 | end;
| 186 |
| 187 | Console.Write('Total time: ' + IntToStr( MilliSecondsBetween(Now, dtStart)));
| 188 |
| 189 | except
| 190 | on E: Exception do
| 191 | begin
| 192 | Console.WriteLine( E.Message + ' ST: ' + E.StackTrace );
| 193 | end;
| 194 | end;
| 195 |
| 196 | Console.WriteLine('');
| 197 | Console.WriteLine('done!');
| 198 | end;
| 199 |
| 200 | { TClientThread }
| 201 |
| 202 | procedure TClientThread.ClientTest;
| 203 | var
| 204 | binaryProtocol : TBinaryProtocolImpl;
| 205 | client : TThriftTest.Iface;
| 206 | s : string;
| 207 | i8 : ShortInt;
| 208 | i32 : Integer;
| 209 | i64 : Int64;
| 210 | dub : Double;
| 211 | o : IXtruct;
| 212 | o2 : IXtruct2;
| 213 | i : IXtruct;
| 214 | i2 : IXtruct2;
| 215 | mapout : IThriftDictionary<Integer,Integer>;
| 216 | mapin : IThriftDictionary<Integer,Integer>;
| 217 | j : Integer;
| 218 | first : Boolean;
| 219 | key : Integer;
| 220 | listout : IThriftList<Integer>;
| 221 | listin : IThriftList<Integer>;
| 222 | setout : IHashSet<Integer>;
| 223 | setin : IHashSet<Integer>;
| 224 | ret : TNumberz;
| 225 | uid : Int64;
| 226 | mm : IThriftDictionary<Integer, IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>>;
| 227 | m2 : IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>;
| 228 | k2 : Integer;
| 229 | insane : IInsanity;
| 230 | truck : IXtruct;
| 231 | whoa : IThriftDictionary<Int64, IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>>;
| 232 | key64 : Int64;
| 233 | val : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;
| 234 | k2_2 : TNumberz;
| 235 | k3 : TNumberz;
| 236 | v2 : IInsanity;
| 237 | userMap : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, Int64>;
| 238 | xtructs : IThriftList<IXtruct>;
| 239 | x : IXtruct;
| 240 | arg0 : ShortInt;
| 241 | arg1 : Integer;
| 242 | arg2 : Int64;
| 243 | multiDict : IThriftDictionary<SmallInt, string>;
| 244 | arg4 : TNumberz;
| 245 | arg5 : Int64;
| 246 | StartTick : Cardinal;
| 247 | k : Integer;
| 248 | proc : TThreadProcedure;
| 249 |
| 250 | begin
| 251 | binaryProtocol := TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create( FTransport );
| 252 | client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( binaryProtocol );
| 253 | try
| 254 | if not FTransport.IsOpen then
| 255 | begin
| 256 | FTransport.Open;
| 257 | end;
| 258 | except
| 259 | on E: Exception do
| 260 | begin
| 261 | Console.WriteLine( E.Message );
| 262 | Exit;
| 263 | end;
| 264 | end;
| 265 |
| 266 | Console.Write('testException()');
| 267 | try
| 268 | client.testException('Xception');
| 269 | except
| 270 | on E: TXception do
| 271 | begin
| 272 | Console.WriteLine( ' = ' + IntToStr(E.ErrorCode) + ', ' + E.Message_ );
| 273 | end;
| 274 | end;
| 275 |
| 276 | Console.Write('testVoid()');
| 277 | client.testVoid();
| 278 | Console.WriteLine(' = void');
| 279 |
| 280 | Console.Write('testString(''Test'')');
| 281 | s := client.testString('Test');
| 282 | Console.WriteLine(' := ''' + s + '''');
| 283 |
| 284 | Console.Write('testByte(1)');
| 285 | i8 := client.testByte(1);
| 286 | Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i8 ));
| 287 |
| 288 | Console.Write('testI32(-1)');
| 289 | i32 := client.testI32(-1);
| 290 | Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr(i32));
| 291 |
| 292 | Console.Write('testI64(-34359738368)');
| 293 | i64 := client.testI64(-34359738368);
| 294 | Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i64));
| 295 |
| 296 | Console.Write('testDouble(5.325098235)');
| 297 | dub := client.testDouble(5.325098235);
| 298 | Console.WriteLine(' := ' + FloatToStr( dub));
| 299 |
| 300 | Console.Write('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})');
| 301 | o := TXtructImpl.Create;
| 302 | o.String_thing := 'Zero';
| 303 | o.Byte_thing := 1;
| 304 | o.I32_thing := -3;
| 305 | o.I64_thing := -5;
| 306 | i := client.testStruct(o);
| 307 | Console.WriteLine(' := {''' +
| 308 | i.String_thing + ''', ' +
| 309 | IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' +
| 310 | IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' +
| 311 | IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}');
| 312 |
| 313 | Console.Write('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})');
| 314 | o2 := TXtruct2Impl.Create;
| 315 | o2.Byte_thing := 1;
| 316 | o2.Struct_thing := o;
| 317 | o2.I32_thing := 5;
| 318 | i2 := client.testNest(o2);
| 319 | i := i2.Struct_thing;
| 320 | Console.WriteLine(' := {' + IntToStr( i2.Byte_thing) + ', {''' +
| 321 | i.String_thing + ''', ' +
| 322 | IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' +
| 323 | IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' +
| 324 | IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}, ' +
| 325 | IntToStr( i2.I32_thing) + '}');
| 326 |
| 327 |
| 328 | mapout := TThriftDictionaryImpl<Integer,Integer>.Create;
| 329 |
| 330 | for j := 0 to 4 do
| 331 | begin
| 332 | mapout.AddOrSetValue( j, j - 10);
| 333 | end;
| 334 | Console.Write('testMap({');
| 335 | first := True;
| 336 | for key in mapout.Keys do
| 337 | begin
| 338 | if first then
| 339 | begin
| 340 | first := False;
| 341 | end else
| 342 | begin
| 343 | Console.Write( ', ' );
| 344 | end;
| 345 | Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapout[key]));
| 346 | end;
| 347 | Console.Write('})');
| 348 |
| 349 | mapin := client.testMap( mapout );
| 350 | Console.Write(' = {');
| 351 | first := True;
| 352 | for key in mapin.Keys do
| 353 | begin
| 354 | if first then
| 355 | begin
| 356 | first := False;
| 357 | end else
| 358 | begin
| 359 | Console.Write( ', ' );
| 360 | end;
| 361 | Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapin[key]));
| 362 | end;
| 363 | Console.WriteLine('}');
| 364 |
| 365 | setout := THashSetImpl<Integer>.Create;
| 366 | for j := -2 to 2 do
| 367 | begin
| 368 | setout.Add( j );
| 369 | end;
| 370 | Console.Write('testSet({');
| 371 | first := True;
| 372 | for j in setout do
| 373 | begin
| 374 | if first then
| 375 | begin
| 376 | first := False;
| 377 | end else
| 378 | begin
| 379 | Console.Write(', ');
| 380 | end;
| 381 | Console.Write(IntToStr( j));
| 382 | end;
| 383 | Console.Write('})');
| 384 |
| 385 | Console.Write(' = {');
| 386 |
| 387 | first := True;
| 388 | setin := client.testSet(setout);
| 389 | for j in setin do
| 390 | begin
| 391 | if first then
| 392 | begin
| 393 | first := False;
| 394 | end else
| 395 | begin
| 396 | Console.Write(', ');
| 397 | end;
| 398 | Console.Write(IntToStr( j));
| 399 | end;
| 400 | Console.WriteLine('}');
| 401 |
| 402 | Console.Write('testEnum(ONE)');
| 403 | ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.ONE);
| 404 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));
| 405 |
| 406 | Console.Write('testEnum(TWO)');
| 407 | ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.TWO);
| 408 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));
| 409 |
| 410 | Console.Write('testEnum(THREE)');
| 411 | ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.THREE);
| 412 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));
| 413 |
| 414 | Console.Write('testEnum(FIVE)');
| 415 | ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.FIVE);
| 416 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));
| 417 |
| 418 | Console.Write('testEnum(EIGHT)');
| 419 | ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.EIGHT);
| 420 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));
| 421 |
| 422 | Console.Write('testTypedef(309858235082523)');
| 423 | uid := client.testTypedef(309858235082523);
| 424 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( uid));
| 425 |
| 426 | Console.Write('testMapMap(1)');
| 427 | mm := client.testMapMap(1);
| 428 | Console.Write(' = {');
| 429 | for key in mm.Keys do
| 430 | begin
| 431 | Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => {');
| 432 | m2 := mm[key];
| 433 | for k2 in m2.Keys do
| 434 | begin
| 435 | Console.Write( IntToStr( k2) + ' => ' + IntToStr( m2[k2]) + ', ');
| 436 | end;
| 437 | Console.Write('}, ');
| 438 | end;
| 439 | Console.WriteLine('}');
| 440 |
| 441 | insane := TInsanityImpl.Create;
| 442 | insane.UserMap := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, Int64>.Create;
| 443 | insane.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5000);
| 444 | truck := TXtructImpl.Create;
| 445 | truck.String_thing := 'Truck';
| 446 | truck.Byte_thing := 8;
| 447 | truck.I32_thing := 8;
| 448 | truck.I64_thing := 8;
| 449 | insane.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl<IXtruct>.Create;
| 450 | insane.Xtructs.Add( truck );
| 451 | Console.Write('testInsanity()');
| 452 | whoa := client.testInsanity( insane );
| 453 | Console.Write(' = {');
| 454 | for key64 in whoa.Keys do
| 455 | begin
| 456 | val := whoa[key64];
| 457 | Console.Write( IntToStr( key64) + ' => {');
| 458 | for k2_2 in val.Keys do
| 459 | begin
| 460 | v2 := val[k2_2];
| 461 | Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k2_2)) + ' => {');
| 462 | userMap := v2.UserMap;
| 463 | Console.Write('{');
| 464 | if userMap <> nil then
| 465 | begin
| 466 | for k3 in userMap.Keys do
| 467 | begin
| 468 | Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k3)) + ' => ' + IntToStr( userMap[k3]) + ', ');
| 469 | end;
| 470 | end else
| 471 | begin
| 472 | Console.Write('null');
| 473 | end;
| 474 | Console.Write('}, ');
| 475 | xtructs := v2.Xtructs;
| 476 | Console.Write('{');
| 477 |
| 478 | if xtructs <> nil then
| 479 | begin
| 480 | for x in xtructs do
| 481 | begin
| 482 | Console.Write('{"' + x.String_thing + '", ' +
| 483 | IntToStr( x.Byte_thing) + ', ' +
| 484 | IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + ', ' +
| 485 | IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + '}, ');
| 486 | end;
| 487 | end else
| 488 | begin
| 489 | Console.Write('null');
| 490 | end;
| 491 | Console.Write('}');
| 492 | Console.Write('}, ');
| 493 | end;
| 494 | Console.Write('}, ');
| 495 | end;
| 496 | Console.WriteLine('}');
| 497 |
| 498 | arg0 := 1;
| 499 | arg1 := 2;
| 500 | arg2 := High(Int64);
| 501 |
| 502 | multiDict := TThriftDictionaryImpl<SmallInt, string>.Create;
| 503 | multiDict.AddOrSetValue( 1, 'one');
| 504 |
| 505 | arg4 := TNumberz.FIVE;
| 506 | arg5 := 5000000;
| 507 | Console.WriteLine('Test Multi(' + IntToStr( arg0) + ',' +
| 508 | IntToStr( arg1) + ',' + IntToStr( arg2) + ',' +
| 509 | multiDict.ToString + ',' + IntToStr( Integer( arg4)) + ',' +
| 510 | IntToStr( arg5) + ')');
| 511 |
| 512 | Console.WriteLine('Test Oneway(1)');
| 513 | client.testOneway(1);
| 514 |
| 515 | Console.Write('Test Calltime()');
| 516 | StartTick := GetTIckCount;
| 517 |
| 518 | for k := 0 to 1000 - 1 do
| 519 | begin
| 520 | client.testVoid();
| 521 | end;
| 522 | Console.WriteLine(' = ' + FloatToStr( (GetTickCount - StartTick) / 1000 ) + ' ms a testVoid() call' );
| 523 |
| 524 | end;
| 525 |
| 526 | constructor TClientThread.Create(ATransport: ITransport; ANumIteration: Integer);
| 527 | begin
| 528 | inherited Create( True );
| 529 | FNumIteration := ANumIteration;
| 530 | FTransport := ATransport;
| 531 | FConsole := TThreadConsole.Create( Self );
| 532 | end;
| 533 |
| 534 | destructor TClientThread.Destroy;
| 535 | begin
| 536 | FConsole.Free;
| 537 | inherited;
| 538 | end;
| 539 |
| 540 | procedure TClientThread.Execute;
| 541 | var
| 542 | i : Integer;
| 543 | proc : TThreadProcedure;
| 544 | begin
| 545 | for i := 0 to FNumIteration - 1 do
| 546 | begin
| 547 | ClientTest;
| 548 | end;
| 549 |
| 550 | proc := procedure
| 551 | begin
| 552 | if FTransport <> nil then
| 553 | begin
| 554 | FTransport.Close;
| 555 | FTransport := nil;
| 556 | end;
| 557 | end;
| 558 |
| 559 | Synchronize( proc );
| 560 | end;
| 561 |
| 562 | { TThreadConsole }
| 563 |
| 564 | constructor TThreadConsole.Create(AThread: TThread);
| 565 | begin
| 566 | FThread := AThread;
| 567 | end;
| 568 |
| 569 | procedure TThreadConsole.Write(const S: string);
| 570 | var
| 571 | proc : TThreadProcedure;
| 572 | begin
| 573 | proc := procedure
| 574 | begin
| 575 | Console.Write( S );
| 576 | end;
| 577 | TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc);
| 578 | end;
| 579 |
| 580 | procedure TThreadConsole.WriteLine(const S: string);
| 581 | var
| 582 | proc : TThreadProcedure;
| 583 | begin
| 584 | proc := procedure
| 585 | begin
| 586 | Console.WriteLine( S );
| 587 | end;
| 588 | TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc);
| 589 | end;
| 590 |
| 591 | initialization
| 592 | begin
| 593 | TTestClient.FNumIteration := 1;
| 594 | TTestClient.FNumThread := 1;
| 595 | end;
| 596 |
| 597 | end.