Thrift: Haskell library and codegen
Summary: It's thrift for haskell. The codegen is complete. The library has binary protocol, io channel transport, and a threaded server.
Reviewed by: mcslee
Test plan: Yes
Revert plan: yes
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/hs/README b/lib/hs/README
new file mode 100644
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+Haskell Thrift Bindings
+Running: you need -fglasgow-exts.
+Enums: become haskell data types. Use fromEnum to get out the int value.
+Structs: become records. Field labels are ugly, of the form f_STRUCTNAME_FIELDNAME. All fields are Maybe types.
+Exceptions: identical to structs. Throw them with throwDyn. Catch them with catchDyn.
+Client: just a bunch of functions. You may have to import a bunch of client files to deal with inheritance.
+Interface: You should only have to import the last one in the chain of inheritors. To make an interface, declare a label:
+data MyIface = MyIface
+and then declare it an instance of each iface class, starting with the superest class and proceding down (all the while defining the methods).
+Then pass your label to process as the handler.
+Processor: Just a function that takes a handler label, protocols. It calls the superclasses process if there is a superclass.
+Note: Protocols implement flush as well as transports and do not have a getTransport method. This is because I couldn't get getTransport to typecheck. Shrug.