THRIFT-3131 fix path for "go get"
Client: Go
Patch: Konstantin Shaposhnikov <>

This closes #497 is the correct import path as it is used
by default in the generated go code.

Unfortunately "go get" can download this library only using git:// scheme so if a user running "go get" is behind a firewall or Git is down at (which seems to be the case from time to time) then running go get with this path will fail.

I will try to get this fixed in Go 1.5.
Issues to watch:
diff --git a/lib/go/ b/lib/go/
index 802b9a4..1263f3b 100644
--- a/lib/go/
+++ b/lib/go/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 In following Go conventions, we recommend you use the 'go' tool to install
 Thrift for go.
-    $ go get
+    $ go get
 Will retrieve and install the most recent version of the package.