Thrift: Revamp TMemoryBuffer constructors.
There were some weird cases where the implicit conversion from
const char* to std::string was causing the wrong constructor to be called.
There wasn't really a clean workaround, so we're dropping the string
Reviewed By: mcslee
Test Plan:
Ran the test.
Grepped around the /projects tree for uses that had to fixed,
and fixed them.
Revert Plan: ok
Other Notes:
This risk was pointed out by Ben Maurer.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/cpp/src/transport/TTransportUtils.h b/lib/cpp/src/transport/TTransportUtils.h
index 6aceb82..0aa29c9 100644
--- a/lib/cpp/src/transport/TTransportUtils.h
+++ b/lib/cpp/src/transport/TTransportUtils.h
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
* doubles as necessary.
* @author Mark Slee <>
+ * @author David Reiss <>
class TMemoryBuffer : public TTransport {
@@ -316,30 +317,78 @@
static const uint32_t defaultSize = 1024;
+ /**
+ * This enum specifies how a TMemoryBuffer should treat
+ * memory passed to it via constructors or resetBuffer.
+ *
+ * TMemoryBuffer will simply store a pointer to the memory.
+ * It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the pointer
+ * remains valid for the lifetime of the TMemoryBuffer,
+ * and that it is properly cleaned up.
+ * Note that no data can be written to observed buffers.
+ *
+ * COPY:
+ * TMemoryBuffer will make an internal copy of the buffer.
+ * The caller has no responsibilities.
+ *
+ * TMemoryBuffer will become the "owner" of the buffer,
+ * and will be responsible for freeing it.
+ * The membory must have been allocated with malloc.
+ */
+ enum MemoryPolicy {
+ OBSERVE = 1,
+ COPY = 2,
+ };
+ /**
+ * Construct a TMemoryBuffer with a default-sized buffer,
+ * owned by the TMemoryBuffer object.
+ */
TMemoryBuffer() {
initCommon(NULL, defaultSize, true, 0);
+ /**
+ * Construct a TMemoryBuffer with a buffer of a specified size,
+ * owned by the TMemoryBuffer object.
+ *
+ * @param sz The initial size of the buffer.
+ */
TMemoryBuffer(uint32_t sz) {
initCommon(NULL, sz, true, 0);
- // transferOwnership should be true if you want TMemoryBuffer to call free(buf).
- TMemoryBuffer(uint8_t* buf, int sz, bool transferOwnership = false) {
- initCommon(buf, sz, transferOwnership, sz);
- }
+ /**
+ * Construct a TMemoryBuffer with buf as its initial contents.
+ *
+ * @param buf The initial contents of the buffer.
+ * Note that, while buf is a non-const pointer,
+ * TMemoryBuffer will not write to it if policy == OBSERVE,
+ * so it is safe to const_cast<uint8_t*>(whatever).
+ * @param sz The size of @c buf.
+ * @param policy See @link MemoryPolicy @endlink .
+ */
+ TMemoryBuffer(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t sz, MemoryPolicy policy = OBSERVE) {
+ if (buf == NULL && sz != 0) {
+ throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
+ "TMemoryBuffer given null buffer with non-zero size.");
+ }
- // copy should be true if you want TMemoryBuffer to make a copy of the string.
- // If you set copy to false, the string must not be destroyed before you are
- // done with the TMemoryBuffer.
- TMemoryBuffer(const std::string& str, bool copy = false) {
- if (copy) {
- initCommon(NULL, str.length(), true, 0);
- this->write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, str.length());
- } else {
- // This first argument should be equivalent to the following:
- // const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
- initCommon((uint8_t*), str.length(), false, str.length());
+ switch (policy) {
+ case OBSERVE:
+ initCommon(buf, sz, policy == TAKE_OWNERSHIP, sz);
+ break;
+ case COPY:
+ initCommon(NULL, sz, true, 0);
+ this->write(buf, sz);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
+ "Invalid MemoryPolicy for TMemoryBuffer");
@@ -362,6 +411,7 @@
void close() {}
+ // TODO(dreiss): Make bufPtr const.
void getBuffer(uint8_t** bufPtr, uint32_t* sz) {
*bufPtr = buffer_;
*sz = wPos_;
@@ -384,33 +434,31 @@
void resetBuffer() {
wPos_ = 0;
rPos_ = 0;
+ // It isn't safe to write into a buffer we don't own.
+ if (!owner_) {
+ bufferSize_ = 0;
+ }
- // transferOwnership should be true if you want TMemoryBuffer to call free(buf).
- void resetBuffer(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t sz, bool transferOwnership = false) {
- if (owner_) {
- free(buffer_);
- }
- owner_ = transferOwnership;
- buffer_ = buf;
- bufferSize_ = sz;
- wPos_ = sz;
- rPos_ = 0;
- }
+ /// See constructor documentation.
+ void resetBuffer(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t sz, MemoryPolicy policy = OBSERVE) {
+ // Use a variant of the copy-and-swap trick for assignment operators.
+ // This is sub-optimal in terms of performance for two reasons:
+ // 1/ The constructing and swapping of the (small) values
+ // in the temporary object takes some time, and is not necessary.
+ // 2/ If policy == COPY, we allocate the new buffer before
+ // freeing the old one, precluding the possibility of
+ // reusing that memory.
+ // I doubt that either of these problems could be optimized away,
+ // but the second is probably no a common case, and the first is minor.
+ // I don't expect resetBuffer to be a common operation, so I'm willing to
+ // bite the performance bullet to make the method this simple.
- // See the constructor that takes a string.
- void resetFromString(const std::string& str, bool copy = false) {
- if (copy) {
- uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(str.length());
- if (buf == NULL) {
- throw TTransportException("Out of memory");
- }
- std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), buf);
- resetBuffer(buf, str.length(), true);
- } else {
- // See the above comment about const_cast.
- resetBuffer((uint8_t*), str.length(), false);
- }
+ // Construct the new buffer.
+ TMemoryBuffer new_buffer(buf, sz, policy);
+ // Move it into ourself.
+ this->swap(new_buffer);
+ // Our old self gets destroyed.
uint32_t read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
@@ -439,6 +487,14 @@
void consume(uint32_t len);
+ void swap(TMemoryBuffer& that) {
+ using std::swap;
+ swap(buffer_, that.buffer_);
+ swap(bufferSize_, that.bufferSize_);
+ swap(wPos_, that.wPos_);
+ swap(owner_, that.owner_);
+ }
// Data buffer
uint8_t* buffer_;
@@ -455,6 +511,8 @@
// Is this object the owner of the buffer?
bool owner_;
+ // Don't forget to update constrctors, initCommon, and swap if
+ // you add new members.
diff --git a/test/TMemoryBufferTest.cpp b/test/TMemoryBufferTest.cpp
index a8975e1..2b2f90c 100644
--- a/test/TMemoryBufferTest.cpp
+++ b/test/TMemoryBufferTest.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
shared_ptr<TMemoryBuffer> strBuffer2(new TMemoryBuffer());
shared_ptr<TBinaryProtocol> binaryProtcol2(new TBinaryProtocol(strBuffer2));
- strBuffer2->resetFromString(serialized);
+ strBuffer2->resetBuffer((uint8_t*), serialized.length());
thrift::test::Xtruct a2;;
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
string* str1 = new string("abcd1234");
const char* data1 = str1->data();
- TMemoryBuffer buf(*str1, true);
+ TMemoryBuffer buf((uint8_t*)str1->data(), str1->length(), TMemoryBuffer::COPY);
delete str1;
string* str2 = new string("plsreuse");
bool obj_reuse = (str1 == str2);
@@ -65,4 +65,30 @@
assert(str3 == "wxyzabcd");
assert(str4 == "67891234");
+ {
+ using facebook::thrift::transport::TTransportException;
+ using facebook::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer;
+ using std::string;
+ char data[] = "foo\0bar";
+ TMemoryBuffer buf1((uint8_t*)data, 7, TMemoryBuffer::OBSERVE);
+ string str = buf1.getBufferAsString();
+ assert(str.length() == 7);
+ buf1.resetBuffer();
+ try {
+ buf1.write((const uint8_t*)"foo", 3);
+ assert(false);
+ } catch (TTransportException& ex) {}
+ TMemoryBuffer buf2((uint8_t*)data, 7, TMemoryBuffer::COPY);
+ try {
+ buf2.write((const uint8_t*)"bar", 3);
+ } catch (TTransportException& ex) {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }