Rollback a few recent Erlang changes to fix blame data
My combined patch for THRIFT-599 was committed, but it is preferable
commit the individual patches to preserve the more detailed log and
blame data. I'll recommit r987018 as a sequence of patches and r988722
as its own rev.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl b/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc11a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+%% distributed with this work for additional information
+%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% Tests the behavior of clients in the face of transport errors.
+%% Makes sure start, start_linked, and start_tethered work as expected.
+t() ->
+ io:format("Beginning transport error test.~n"),
+ Pid1 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, t_sub, [2]),
+ wait_for(Pid1),
+ io:format("Beginning protocol error test.~n"),
+ Pid2 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, t_sub, [22]),
+ wait_for(Pid2),
+ ok.
+t_sub(Port) ->
+ io:format("Starting.~n", []),
+ register(tester, self()),
+ Pid1 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_start, [Port]),
+ receive after 200 -> ok end, % Wait for completion.
+ case is_up(Pid1) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("PASS. Unlinked owner still alive.~n");
+ false ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Unlinked owner is dead.~n")
+ end,
+ Pid2 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_linked, [Port]),
+ receive after 200 -> ok end, % Wait for completion.
+ case is_up(Pid2) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Linked owner still alive.~n");
+ false ->
+ io:format("PASS. Linked owner is dead.~n")
+ end,
+ Pid3 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_tethered, [Port]),
+ receive after 200 -> ok end, % Wait for completion.
+ case is_up(Pid3) of
+ true ->
+ io:format("PASS. Tethered owner still alive.~n");
+ false ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Tethered owner is dead.~n")
+ end,
+ check_extras(3).
+is_up(Pid) ->
+ MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info} ->
+ false
+ after
+ 50 ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MonitorRef),
+ true
+ end.
+wait_for(Pid) ->
+ MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+check_extras(0) -> ok;
+check_extras(N) ->
+ receive
+ {client, Type, Pid} ->
+ case {Type, is_up(Pid)} of
+ {unlinked, true} ->
+ io:format("PASS. Unlinked client still alive.~n");
+ {unlinked, false} ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Unlinked client dead.~n");
+ {linked, true} ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Linked client still alive.~n");
+ {linked, false} ->
+ io:format("PASS. Linked client dead.~n");
+ {tethered, true} ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Tethered client still alive.~n");
+ {tethered, false} ->
+ io:format("PASS. Tethered client dead.~n")
+ end,
+ check_extras(N-1)
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Expected ~p more clients.~n", [N])
+ end.
+make_thrift_client(Opts) ->
+ thrift_client:start(fun()->ok end, thriftTest_thrift, Opts).
+make_protocol_factory(Port) ->
+ {ok, TransportFactory} =
+ thrift_socket_transport:new_transport_factory(
+ "", Port, []),
+ {ok, ProtocolFactory} =
+ thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
+ TransportFactory, []),
+ ProtocolFactory.
+test_start(Port) ->
+ {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}]),
+ tester ! {client, unlinked, Client1},
+ {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}]),
+ io:format("PASS. Unlinked clients created.~n"),
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+ thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+ io:format("FAIL. Unlinked client connected and called.~n", [])
+ catch
+ Kind:Info ->
+ io:format("PASS. Caught unlinked error. ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+ end,
+ receive after 100 ->
+ io:format("PASS. Still alive after unlinked death.~n"),
+ %% Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+ receive after 200 -> ok end
+ end,
+ %% Exit abnormally to not kill our unlinked extra client.
+ exit(die).
+test_linked(Port) ->
+ {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, link}]),
+ tester ! {client, linked, Client1},
+ {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, link}]),
+ io:format("PASS. Linked clients created.~n"),
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+ thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+ io:format("FAIL. Linked client connected and called.~n", [])
+ catch
+ Kind:Info ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Caught linked error. ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+ end,
+ receive after 100 ->
+ io:format("FAIL. Still alive after linked death.~n"),
+ % Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+ receive after 200 -> ok end
+ end,
+ %% Exit abnormally to kill our linked extra client.
+ %% But we should never get here.
+ exit(die).
+test_tethered(Port) ->
+ {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, tether}]),
+ tester ! {client, tethered, Client1},
+ {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, tether}]),
+ io:format("PASS. Tethered clients created.~n"),
+ try
+ gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+ thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+ io:format("FAIL. Tethered client connected and called.~n", [])
+ catch
+ Kind:Info ->
+ io:format("PASS. Caught tethered error. ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+ end,
+ receive after 100 ->
+ io:format("PASS. Still alive after tethered death.~n"),
+ % Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+ receive after 200 -> ok end
+ end,
+ %% Exit abnormally to kill our tethered extra client.
+ exit(die).