THRIFT-3018 Compact protocol for Delphi
Client: Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.Compact.pas b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.Compact.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89bf9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.Compact.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit Thrift.Protocol.Compact;
+  Classes,
+  SysUtils,
+  Math,
+  Generics.Collections,
+  Thrift.Transport,
+  Thrift.Protocol,
+  Thrift.Utils;
+  ICompactProtocol = interface( IProtocol)
+    ['{C01927EC-021A-45F7-93B1-23D6A5420EDD}']
+  end;
+  // Compact protocol implementation for thrift.
+  // Adapted from the C# version.
+  TCompactProtocolImpl = class( TProtocolImpl, ICompactProtocol)
+  public
+    type
+      TFactory = class( TInterfacedObject, IProtocolFactory)
+      public
+        function GetProtocol( const trans: ITransport): IProtocol;
+      end;
+  private const
+    { TODO
+    static TStruct ANONYMOUS_STRUCT = new TStruct("");
+    static TField TSTOP = new TField("", TType.Stop, (short)0);
+    }
+    PROTOCOL_ID       = Byte( $82);
+    VERSION           = Byte( 1);
+    VERSION_MASK      = Byte( $1F); // 0001 1111
+    TYPE_MASK         = Byte( $E0); // 1110 0000
+    TYPE_BITS         = Byte( $07); // 0000 0111
+    TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT = Byte( 5);
+  private type
+    // All of the on-wire type codes.
+    Types = (
+      STOP          = $00,
+      BOOLEAN_TRUE  = $01,
+      BOOLEAN_FALSE = $02,
+      BYTE_         = $03,
+      I16           = $04,
+      I32           = $05,
+      I64           = $06,
+      DOUBLE_       = $07,
+      BINARY        = $08,
+      LIST          = $09,
+      SET_          = $0A,
+      MAP           = $0B,
+      STRUCT        = $0C
+    );
+  private const
+    ttypeToCompactType : array[TType] of Types = (
+      Types.STOP,           // Stop    = 0,
+      Types(-1),            // Void    = 1,
+      Types.BOOLEAN_TRUE,   // Bool_   = 2,
+      Types.BYTE_,          // Byte_   = 3,
+      Types.DOUBLE_,        // Double_ = 4,
+      Types(-5),            // unused
+      Types.I16,            // I16     = 6,
+      Types(-7),            // unused
+      Types.I32,            // I32     = 8,
+      Types(-9),            // unused
+      Types.I64,            // I64     = 10,
+      Types.BINARY,         // String_ = 11,
+      Types.STRUCT,         // Struct  = 12,
+      Types.MAP,            // Map     = 13,
+      Types.SET_,           // Set_    = 14,
+      Types.LIST            // List    = 15,
+    );
+    tcompactTypeToType : array[Types] of TType = (
+      TType.Stop,       // STOP
+      TType.Bool_,      // BOOLEAN_TRUE
+      TType.Bool_,      // BOOLEAN_FALSE
+      TType.Byte_,      // BYTE_
+      TType.I16,        // I16
+      TType.I32,        // I32
+      TType.I64,        // I64
+      TType.Double_,    // DOUBLE_
+      TType.String_,    // BINARY
+      TType.List,       // LIST
+      TType.Set_,       // SET_
+      TType.Map,        // MAP
+      TType.Struct      // STRUCT
+    );
+  private
+    // Used to keep track of the last field for the current and previous structs,
+    // so we can do the delta stuff.
+    lastField_ : TStack<Integer>;
+    lastFieldId_ : Integer;
+    // If we encounter a boolean field begin, save the TField here so it can
+    // have the value incorporated.
+    private booleanField_ : IField;
+    // If we Read a field header, and it's a boolean field, save the boolean
+    // value here so that ReadBool can use it.
+    private  boolValue_  : ( unused, bool_true, bool_false);
+  public
+    constructor Create(const trans : ITransport);
+    destructor Destroy;  override;
+    procedure Reset;
+  private
+    procedure WriteByteDirect( const b : Byte);  overload;
+    // Writes a byte without any possibility of all that field header nonsense.
+    procedure WriteByteDirect( const n : Integer);  overload;
+    // Write an i32 as a varint. Results in 1-5 bytes on the wire.
+    // TODO: make a permanent buffer like WriteVarint64?
+    procedure WriteVarint32( n : Cardinal);
+  private
+    // The workhorse of WriteFieldBegin. It has the option of doing a 'type override'
+    // of the type header. This is used specifically in the boolean field case.
+    procedure WriteFieldBeginInternal( const field : IField; typeOverride : Byte);
+  public
+    procedure WriteMessageBegin( const msg: IMessage); override;
+    procedure WriteMessageEnd; override;
+    procedure WriteStructBegin( const struc: IStruct); override;
+    procedure WriteStructEnd; override;
+    procedure WriteFieldBegin( const field: IField); override;
+    procedure WriteFieldEnd; override;
+    procedure WriteFieldStop; override;
+    procedure WriteMapBegin( const map: IMap); override;
+    procedure WriteMapEnd; override;
+    procedure WriteListBegin( const list: IList); override;
+    procedure WriteListEnd(); override;
+    procedure WriteSetBegin( const set_: ISet ); override;
+    procedure WriteSetEnd(); override;
+    procedure WriteBool( b: Boolean); override;
+    procedure WriteByte( b: ShortInt); override;
+    procedure WriteI16( i16: SmallInt); override;
+    procedure WriteI32( i32: Integer); override;
+    procedure WriteI64( const i64: Int64); override;
+    procedure WriteDouble( const dub: Double); override;
+    procedure WriteBinary( const b: TBytes); overload; override;
+  private
+    class function  DoubleToInt64Bits( const db : Double) : Int64;
+    class function  Int64BitsToDouble( const i64 : Int64) : Double;
+    // Abstract method for writing the start of lists and sets. List and sets on
+    // the wire differ only by the type indicator.
+    procedure WriteCollectionBegin( const elemType : TType; size : Integer);
+    procedure WriteVarint64( n : UInt64);
+    // Convert l into a zigzag long. This allows negative numbers to be
+    // represented compactly as a varint.
+    class function  longToZigzag( const n : Int64) : UInt64;
+    // Convert n into a zigzag int. This allows negative numbers to be
+    // represented compactly as a varint.
+    class function intToZigZag( const n : Integer) : Cardinal;
+    //Convert a Int64 into little-endian bytes in buf starting at off and going until off+7.
+    class procedure fixedLongToBytes( const n : Int64; var buf : TBytes);
+  public
+    function  ReadMessageBegin: IMessage; override;
+    procedure ReadMessageEnd(); override;
+    function  ReadStructBegin: IStruct; override;
+    procedure ReadStructEnd; override;
+    function  ReadFieldBegin: IField; override;
+    procedure ReadFieldEnd(); override;
+    function  ReadMapBegin: IMap; override;
+    procedure ReadMapEnd(); override;
+    function  ReadListBegin: IList; override;
+    procedure ReadListEnd(); override;
+    function  ReadSetBegin: ISet; override;
+    procedure ReadSetEnd(); override;
+    function  ReadBool: Boolean; override;
+    function  ReadByte: ShortInt; override;
+    function  ReadI16: SmallInt; override;
+    function  ReadI32: Integer; override;
+    function  ReadI64: Int64; override;
+    function  ReadDouble:Double; override;
+    function  ReadBinary: TBytes; overload; override;
+  private
+    // Internal Reading methods
+    // Read an i32 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
+    // if there is another byte to follow. This can Read up to 5 bytes.
+    function ReadVarint32 : Cardinal;
+    // Read an i64 from the wire as a proper varint. The MSB of each byte is set
+    // if there is another byte to follow. This can Read up to 10 bytes.
+    function ReadVarint64 : UInt64;
+    // encoding helpers
+    // Convert from zigzag Integer to Integer.
+    class function zigzagToInt( const n : Cardinal ) : Integer;
+    // Convert from zigzag Int64 to Int64.
+    class function zigzagToLong( const n : UInt64) : Int64;
+    // Note that it's important that the mask bytes are Int64 literals,
+    // otherwise they'll default to ints, and when you shift an Integer left 56 bits,
+    // you just get a messed up Integer.
+    class function bytesToLong( const bytes : TBytes) : Int64;
+    // type testing and converting
+    class function isBoolType( const b : byte) : Boolean;
+    // Given a TCompactProtocol.Types constant, convert it to its corresponding TType value.
+    class function getTType( const type_ : byte) : TType;
+    // Given a TType value, find the appropriate TCompactProtocol.Types constant.
+    class function getCompactType( const ttype : TType) : Byte;
+  end;
+//--- TCompactProtocolImpl.TFactory ----------------------------------------
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.TFactory.GetProtocol( const trans: ITransport): IProtocol;
+  result := TCompactProtocolImpl.Create( trans);
+//--- TCompactProtocolImpl -------------------------------------------------
+constructor TCompactProtocolImpl.Create(const trans: ITransport);
+  inherited Create( trans);
+  lastFieldId_ := 0;
+  lastField_ := TStack<Integer>.Create;
+  booleanField_ := nil;
+  boolValue_ := unused;
+destructor TCompactProtocolImpl.Destroy;
+  try
+    FreeAndNil( lastField_);
+  finally
+    inherited Destroy;
+  end;
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.Reset;
+  lastField_.Clear();
+  lastFieldId_ := 0;
+  booleanField_ := nil;
+  boolValue_ := unused;
+// Writes a byte without any possibility of all that field header nonsense.
+// Used internally by other writing methods that know they need to Write a byte.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteByteDirect( const b : Byte);
+var data : TBytes;
+  SetLength( data, 1);
+  data[0] := b;
+  Transport.Write( data);
+// Writes a byte without any possibility of all that field header nonsense.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteByteDirect( const n : Integer);
+  WriteByteDirect( Byte(n));
+// Write an i32 as a varint. Results in 1-5 bytes on the wire.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteVarint32( n : Cardinal);
+var i32buf : TBytes;
+    idx : Integer;
+  SetLength( i32buf, 5);
+  idx := 0;
+  while TRUE do begin
+    ASSERT( idx < Length(i32buf));
+    // last part?
+    if ((n and not $7F) = 0) then begin
+      i32buf[idx] := Byte(n);
+      Inc(idx);
+      Break;
+    end;
+    i32buf[idx] := Byte((n and $7F) or $80);
+    Inc(idx);
+    n := n shr 7;
+  end;
+  Transport.Write( i32buf, 0, idx);
+// Write a message header to the wire. Compact Protocol messages contain the
+// protocol version so we can migrate forwards in the future if need be.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteMessageBegin( const msg: IMessage);
+var versionAndType : Byte;
+  Reset;
+  versionAndType := Byte( VERSION and VERSION_MASK)
+                 or Byte( (Cardinal(msg.Type_) shl TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) and TYPE_MASK);
+  WriteByteDirect( PROTOCOL_ID);
+  WriteByteDirect( versionAndType);
+  WriteVarint32( Cardinal(msg.SeqID));
+  WriteString( msg.Name);
+// Write a struct begin. This doesn't actually put anything on the wire. We use it as an
+// opportunity to put special placeholder markers on the field stack so we can get the
+// field id deltas correct.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteStructBegin( const struc: IStruct);
+  lastField_.Push(lastFieldId_);
+  lastFieldId_ := 0;
+// Write a struct end. This doesn't actually put anything on the wire. We use this as an
+// opportunity to pop the last field from the current struct off of the field stack.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteStructEnd;
+  lastFieldId_ := lastField_.Pop();
+// Write a field header containing the field id and field type. If the difference between the
+// current field id and the last one is small (< 15), then the field id will be encoded in
+// the 4 MSB as a delta. Otherwise, the field id will follow the type header as a zigzag varint.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteFieldBegin( const field: IField);
+  case field.Type_ of
+    TType.Bool_ : booleanField_ := field; // we want to possibly include the value, so we'll wait.
+  else
+    WriteFieldBeginInternal(field, $FF);
+  end;
+// The workhorse of WriteFieldBegin. It has the option of doing a 'type override'
+// of the type header. This is used specifically in the boolean field case.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteFieldBeginInternal( const field : IField; typeOverride : Byte);
+var typeToWrite : Byte;
+  // if there's a type override, use that.
+  if typeOverride = $FF
+  then typeToWrite := getCompactType( field.Type_)
+  else typeToWrite := typeOverride;
+  // check if we can use delta encoding for the field id
+  if (field.ID > lastFieldId_) and ((field.ID - lastFieldId_) <= 15)
+  then begin
+    // Write them together
+    WriteByteDirect( ((field.ID - lastFieldId_) shl 4) or typeToWrite);
+  end
+  else begin
+    // Write them separate
+    WriteByteDirect( typeToWrite);
+    WriteI16( field.ID);
+  end;
+  lastFieldId_ := field.ID;
+// Write the STOP symbol so we know there are no more fields in this struct.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteFieldStop;
+  WriteByteDirect( Byte( Types.STOP));
+// Write a map header. If the map is empty, omit the key and value type
+// headers, as we don't need any additional information to skip it.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteMapBegin( const map: IMap);
+var key, val : Byte;
+  if (map.Count = 0)
+  then WriteByteDirect( 0)
+  else begin
+    WriteVarint32( Cardinal( map.Count));
+    key := getCompactType(map.KeyType);
+    val := getCompactType(map.ValueType);
+    WriteByteDirect( (key shl 4) or val);
+  end;
+// Write a list header.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteListBegin( const list: IList);
+  WriteCollectionBegin( list.ElementType, list.Count);
+// Write a set header.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteSetBegin( const set_: ISet );
+  WriteCollectionBegin( set_.ElementType, set_.Count);
+// Write a boolean value. Potentially, this could be a boolean field, in
+// which case the field header info isn't written yet. If so, decide what the
+// right type header is for the value and then Write the field header.
+// Otherwise, Write a single byte.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteBool( b: Boolean);
+var bt : Types;
+  if b
+  then bt := Types.BOOLEAN_TRUE
+  else bt := Types.BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+  if booleanField_ <> nil then begin
+    // we haven't written the field header yet
+    WriteFieldBeginInternal( booleanField_, Byte(bt));
+    booleanField_ := nil;
+  end
+  else begin
+    // we're not part of a field, so just Write the value.
+    WriteByteDirect( Byte(bt));
+  end;
+// Write a byte. Nothing to see here!
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteByte( b: ShortInt);
+  WriteByteDirect( Byte(b));
+// Write an I16 as a zigzag varint.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteI16( i16: SmallInt);
+  WriteVarint32( intToZigZag( i16));
+// Write an i32 as a zigzag varint.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteI32( i32: Integer);
+  WriteVarint32( intToZigZag( i32));
+// Write an i64 as a zigzag varint.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteI64( const i64: Int64);
+  WriteVarint64( longToZigzag( i64));
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.DoubleToInt64Bits( const db : Double) : Int64;
+  ASSERT( SizeOf(db) = SizeOf(result));
+  Move( db, result, SizeOf(result));
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.Int64BitsToDouble( const i64 : Int64) : Double;
+  ASSERT( SizeOf(i64) = SizeOf(result));
+  Move( i64, result, SizeOf(result));
+// Write a double to the wire as 8 bytes.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteDouble( const dub: Double);
+var data : TBytes;
+  SetLength( data, 8);
+  fixedLongToBytes( DoubleToInt64Bits(dub), data);
+  Transport.Write( data);
+// Write a byte array, using a varint for the size.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteBinary( const b: TBytes);
+  WriteVarint32( Cardinal(Length(b)));
+  Transport.Write( b);
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteMessageEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteMapEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteListEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteSetEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteFieldEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+// Abstract method for writing the start of lists and sets. List and sets on
+// the wire differ only by the type indicator.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteCollectionBegin( const elemType : TType; size : Integer);
+  if size <= 14
+  then WriteByteDirect( (size shl 4) or getCompactType(elemType))
+  else begin
+    WriteByteDirect( $F0 or getCompactType(elemType));
+    WriteVarint32( Cardinal(size));
+  end;
+// Write an i64 as a varint. Results in 1-10 bytes on the wire.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.WriteVarint64( n : UInt64);
+var varint64out : TBytes;
+    idx : Integer;
+  SetLength( varint64out, 10);
+  idx := 0;
+  while TRUE do begin
+    ASSERT( idx < Length(varint64out));
+    // last one?
+    if (n and not UInt64($7F)) = 0 then begin
+      varint64out[idx] := Byte(n);
+      Inc(idx);
+      Break;
+    end;
+    varint64out[idx] := Byte((n and $7F) or $80);
+    Inc(idx);
+    n := n shr 7;
+  end;
+  Transport.Write( varint64out, 0, idx);
+// Convert l into a zigzag Int64. This allows negative numbers to be
+// represented compactly as a varint.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.longToZigzag( const n : Int64) : UInt64;
+  // there is no arithmetic right shift in Delphi
+  if n >= 0
+  then result := UInt64(n shl 1)
+  else result := UInt64(n shl 1) xor $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
+// Convert n into a zigzag Integer. This allows negative numbers to be
+// represented compactly as a varint.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag( const n : Integer) : Cardinal;
+  // there is no arithmetic right shift in Delphi
+  if n >= 0
+  then result := Cardinal(n shl 1)
+  else result := Cardinal(n shl 1) xor $FFFFFFFF;
+// Convert a Int64 into 8 little-endian bytes in buf
+class procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.fixedLongToBytes( const n : Int64; var buf : TBytes);
+  ASSERT( Length(buf) >= 8);
+  buf[0] := Byte( n         and $FF);
+  buf[1] := Byte((n shr 8)  and $FF);
+  buf[2] := Byte((n shr 16) and $FF);
+  buf[3] := Byte((n shr 24) and $FF);
+  buf[4] := Byte((n shr 32) and $FF);
+  buf[5] := Byte((n shr 40) and $FF);
+  buf[6] := Byte((n shr 48) and $FF);
+  buf[7] := Byte((n shr 56) and $FF);
+// Read a message header.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadMessageBegin : IMessage;
+var protocolId, versionAndType, version, type_ : Byte;
+    seqid : Integer;
+    msgNm : String;
+  Reset;
+  protocolId := Byte( ReadByte);
+  if (protocolId <> PROTOCOL_ID)
+  then raise TProtocolException.Create( 'Expected protocol id ' + IntToHex(PROTOCOL_ID,2)
+                                      + ' but got ' + IntToHex(protocolId,2));
+  versionAndType := Byte( ReadByte);
+  version        := Byte( versionAndType and VERSION_MASK);
+  if (version <> VERSION)
+  then raise TProtocolException.Create( 'Expected version ' +IntToStr(VERSION)
+                                      + ' but got ' + IntToStr(version));
+  type_ := Byte( (versionAndType shr TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) and TYPE_BITS);
+  seqid := Integer( ReadVarint32);
+  msgNm := ReadString;
+  result := TMessageImpl.Create( msgNm, TMessageType(type_), seqid);
+// Read a struct begin. There's nothing on the wire for this, but it is our
+// opportunity to push a new struct begin marker onto the field stack.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadStructBegin: IStruct;
+  lastField_.Push( lastFieldId_);
+  lastFieldId_ := 0;
+  result := TStructImpl.Create('');
+// Doesn't actually consume any wire data, just removes the last field for
+// this struct from the field stack.
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadStructEnd;
+  // consume the last field we Read off the wire.
+  lastFieldId_ := lastField_.Pop();
+// Read a field header off the wire.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadFieldBegin: IField;
+var type_ : Byte;
+    fieldId, modifier : ShortInt;
+  type_ := Byte( ReadByte);
+  // if it's a stop, then we can return immediately, as the struct is over.
+  if type_ = Byte(Types.STOP) then begin
+    result := TFieldImpl.Create( '', TType.Stop, 0);
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  // mask off the 4 MSB of the type header. it could contain a field id delta.
+  modifier := ShortInt( (type_ and $F0) shr 4);
+  if (modifier = 0)
+  then fieldId := ReadI16    // not a delta. look ahead for the zigzag varint field id.
+  else fieldId := ShortInt( lastFieldId_ + modifier); // add the delta to the last Read field id.
+  result := TFieldImpl.Create( '', getTType(Byte(type_ and $0F)), fieldId);
+  // if this happens to be a boolean field, the value is encoded in the type
+   // save the boolean value in a special instance variable.
+  if isBoolType(type_) then begin
+    if Byte(type_ and $0F) = Byte(Types.BOOLEAN_TRUE)
+    then boolValue_ := bool_true
+    else boolValue_ := bool_false;
+  end;
+  // push the new field onto the field stack so we can keep the deltas going.
+  lastFieldId_ := result.ID;
+// Read a map header off the wire. If the size is zero, skip Reading the key
+// and value type. This means that 0-length maps will yield TMaps without the
+// "correct" types.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadMapBegin: IMap;
+var size : Integer;
+    keyAndValueType : Byte;
+    key, val : TType;
+  size := Integer( ReadVarint32);
+  if size = 0
+  then keyAndValueType := 0
+  else keyAndValueType := Byte( ReadByte);
+  key := getTType( Byte( keyAndValueType shr 4));
+  val := getTType( Byte( keyAndValueType and $F));
+  result := TMapImpl.Create( key, val, size);
+  ASSERT( (result.KeyType = key) and (result.ValueType = val));
+// Read a list header off the wire. If the list size is 0-14, the size will
+// be packed into the element type header. If it's a longer list, the 4 MSB
+// of the element type header will be $F, and a varint will follow with the
+// true size.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadListBegin: IList;
+var size_and_type : Byte;
+    size : Integer;
+    type_ : TType;
+  size_and_type := Byte( ReadByte);
+  size := (size_and_type shr 4) and $0F;
+  if (size = 15)
+  then size := Integer( ReadVarint32);
+  type_ := getTType( size_and_type);
+  result := TListImpl.Create( type_, size);
+// Read a set header off the wire. If the set size is 0-14, the size will
+// be packed into the element type header. If it's a longer set, the 4 MSB
+// of the element type header will be $F, and a varint will follow with the
+// true size.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadSetBegin: ISet;
+var size_and_type : Byte;
+    size : Integer;
+    type_ : TType;
+  size_and_type := Byte( ReadByte);
+  size := (size_and_type shr 4) and $0F;
+  if (size = 15)
+  then size := Integer( ReadVarint32);
+  type_ := getTType( size_and_type);
+  result := TSetImpl.Create( type_, size);
+// Read a boolean off the wire. If this is a boolean field, the value should
+// already have been Read during ReadFieldBegin, so we'll just consume the
+// pre-stored value. Otherwise, Read a byte.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadBool: Boolean;
+  if boolValue_ <> unused then begin
+    result := (boolValue_ = bool_true);
+    boolValue_ := unused;
+    Exit;
+  end;
+  result := (Byte(ReadByte) = Byte(Types.BOOLEAN_TRUE));
+// Read a single byte off the wire. Nothing interesting here.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadByte: ShortInt;
+var data : TBytes;
+  SetLength( data, 1);
+  Transport.ReadAll( data, 0, 1);
+  result := data[0];
+// Read an i16 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadI16: SmallInt;
+  result := SmallInt( zigzagToInt( ReadVarint32));
+// Read an i32 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadI32: Integer;
+  result := zigzagToInt( ReadVarint32);
+// Read an i64 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadI64: Int64;
+  result := zigzagToLong( ReadVarint64);
+// No magic here - just Read a double off the wire.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadDouble:Double;
+var longBits : TBytes;
+  SetLength( longBits, 8);
+  Transport.ReadAll( longBits, 0, 8);
+  result := Int64BitsToDouble( bytesToLong( longBits));
+// Read a byte[] from the wire.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadBinary: TBytes;
+var length : Integer;
+  length := Integer( ReadVarint32);
+  SetLength( result, length);
+  if (length > 0)
+  then Transport.ReadAll( result, 0, length);
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadMessageEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadFieldEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadMapEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadListEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+procedure TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadSetEnd;
+  // nothing to do
+// Read an i32 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
+// if there is another byte to follow. This can Read up to 5 bytes.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadVarint32 : Cardinal;
+var shift : Integer;
+    b : Byte;
+  result := 0;
+  shift  := 0;
+  while TRUE do begin
+    b := Byte( ReadByte);
+    result := result or (Cardinal(b and $7F) shl shift);
+    if ((b and $80) <> $80)
+    then Break;
+    Inc( shift, 7);
+  end;
+// Read an i64 from the wire as a proper varint. The MSB of each byte is set
+// if there is another byte to follow. This can Read up to 10 bytes.
+function TCompactProtocolImpl.ReadVarint64 : UInt64;
+var shift : Integer;
+    b : Byte;
+  result := 0;
+  shift  := 0;
+  while TRUE do begin
+    b := Byte( ReadByte);
+    result := result or (UInt64(b and $7F) shl shift);
+    if ((b and $80) <> $80)
+    then Break;
+    Inc( shift, 7);
+  end;
+// Convert from zigzag Integer to Integer.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.zigzagToInt( const n : Cardinal ) : Integer;
+  result := Integer(n shr 1) xor (-Integer(n and 1));
+// Convert from zigzag Int64 to Int64.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.zigzagToLong( const n : UInt64) : Int64;
+  result := Int64(n shr 1) xor (-Int64(n and 1));
+// Note that it's important that the mask bytes are Int64 literals,
+// otherwise they'll default to ints, and when you shift an Integer left 56 bits,
+// you just get a messed up Integer.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.bytesToLong( const bytes : TBytes) : Int64;
+  ASSERT( Length(bytes) >= 8);
+  result := (Int64(bytes[7] and $FF) shl 56) or
+            (Int64(bytes[6] and $FF) shl 48) or
+            (Int64(bytes[5] and $FF) shl 40) or
+            (Int64(bytes[4] and $FF) shl 32) or
+            (Int64(bytes[3] and $FF) shl 24) or
+            (Int64(bytes[2] and $FF) shl 16) or
+            (Int64(bytes[1] and $FF) shl  8) or
+            (Int64(bytes[0] and $FF));
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.isBoolType( const b : byte) : Boolean;
+var lowerNibble : Byte;
+  lowerNibble := b and $0f;
+  result := (Types(lowerNibble) in [Types.BOOLEAN_TRUE, Types.BOOLEAN_FALSE]);
+// Given a TCompactProtocol.Types constant, convert it to its corresponding TType value.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.getTType( const type_ : byte) : TType;
+var tct : Types;
+  tct := Types( type_ and $0F);
+  if tct in [Low(Types)..High(Types)]
+  then result := tcompactTypeToType[tct]
+  else raise TProtocolException.Create('don''t know what type: '+IntToStr(Ord(tct)));
+// Given a TType value, find the appropriate TCompactProtocol.Types constant.
+class function TCompactProtocolImpl.getCompactType( const ttype : TType) : Byte;
+  if ttype in VALID_TTYPES
+  then result := Byte( ttypeToCompactType[ttype])
+  else raise TProtocolException.Create('don''t know what type: '+IntToStr(Ord(ttype)));
+//--- unit tests -------------------------------------------
+{$IFDEF Debug}
+procedure TestDoubleToInt64Bits;
+  procedure TestPair( const a : Double; const b : Int64);
+  begin
+    ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.DoubleToInt64Bits(a) = b);
+    ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.Int64BitsToDouble(b) = a);
+  end;
+  TestPair( 1.0000000000000000E+000,  Int64($3FF0000000000000));
+  TestPair( 1.5000000000000000E+001,  Int64($402E000000000000));
+  TestPair( 2.5500000000000000E+002,  Int64($406FE00000000000));
+  TestPair( 4.2949672950000000E+009,  Int64($41EFFFFFFFE00000));
+  TestPair( 3.9062500000000000E-003,  Int64($3F70000000000000));
+  TestPair( 2.3283064365386963E-010,  Int64($3DF0000000000000));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901230000E-300,  Int64($01AA74FE1C1E7E45));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234500E-150,  Int64($20D02A36586DB4BB));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234565E+000,  Int64($3FF3C0CA428C59FA));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234567E+000,  Int64($3FF3C0CA428C59FB));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+000,  Int64($3FF3C0CA428C59FC));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+150,  Int64($5F182344CD3CDF9F));
+  TestPair( 1.2345678901234569E+300,  Int64($7E3D7EE8BCBBD352));
+  TestPair( -1.7976931348623157E+308, Int64($FFEFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
+  TestPair( 1.7976931348623157E+308,  Int64($7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
+  TestPair( 4.9406564584124654E-324,  Int64($0000000000000001));
+  TestPair( 0.0000000000000000E+000,  Int64($0000000000000000));
+  TestPair( 4.94065645841247E-324,    Int64($0000000000000001));
+  TestPair( 3.2378592100206092E-319,  Int64($000000000000FFFF));
+  TestPair( 1.3906711615669959E-309,  Int64($0000FFFFFFFFFFFF));
+  TestPair( NegInfinity,              Int64($FFF0000000000000));
+  TestPair( Infinity,                 Int64($7FF0000000000000));
+  // NaN is special
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.DoubleToInt64Bits( NaN) = Int64($FFF8000000000000));
+  ASSERT( IsNan( TCompactProtocolImpl.Int64BitsToDouble( Int64($FFF8000000000000))));
+{$IFDEF Debug}
+procedure TestZigZag;
+  procedure Test32( const test : Integer);
+  var zz : Cardinal;
+  begin
+    zz := TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(test);
+    ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.zigzagToInt(zz) = test, IntToStr(test));
+  end;
+  procedure Test64( const test : Int64);
+  var zz : UInt64;
+  begin
+    zz := TCompactProtocolImpl.longToZigzag(test);
+    ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.zigzagToLong(zz) = test, IntToStr(test));
+  end;
+var i : Integer;
+  // protobuf testcases
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(0)  = 0, 'pb #1');
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(-1) = 1, 'pb #2');
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(1)  = 2, 'pb #3');
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(-2) = 3, 'pb #4');
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(+2147483647) = 4294967294, 'pb #5');
+  ASSERT( TCompactProtocolImpl.intToZigZag(-2147483648) = 4294967295, 'pb #6');
+  // back and forth 32
+  Test32( 0);
+  for i := 0 to 30 do begin
+    Test32( +(Integer(1) shl i));
+    Test32( -(Integer(1) shl i));
+  end;
+  Test32( Integer($7FFFFFFF));
+  Test32( Integer($80000000));
+  // back and forth 64
+  Test64( 0);
+  for i := 0 to 62 do begin
+    Test64( +(Int64(1) shl i));
+    Test64( -(Int64(1) shl i));
+  end;
+  Test64( Int64($7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
+  Test64( Int64($8000000000000000));
+  {$IFDEF Debug}
+  TestDoubleToInt64Bits;
+  TestZigZag;
+  {$ENDIF}