THRIFT-5283: add support for Unix Domain Sockets in lib/rs (#2545)

Client: rs
diff --git a/test/rs/src/bin/ b/test/rs/src/bin/
index 8623915..8274aae 100644
--- a/test/rs/src/bin/
+++ b/test/rs/src/bin/
@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@
 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
 use std::fmt::Debug;
-use std::net::TcpStream;
+use std::net::{TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs};
+use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
+use std::path::Path;
 use thrift;
 use thrift::protocol::{
@@ -35,6 +40,11 @@
 use thrift::OrderedFloat;
 use thrift_test::*;
+type ThriftClientPair = (
+    ThriftTestSyncClient<Box<dyn TInputProtocol>, Box<dyn TOutputProtocol>>,
+    Option<SecondServiceSyncClient<Box<dyn TInputProtocol>, Box<dyn TOutputProtocol>>>,
 fn main() {
@@ -51,7 +61,6 @@
 fn run() -> thrift::Result<()> {
     // unsupported options:
-    // --domain-socket
     // --pipe
     // --anon-pipes
     // --ssl
@@ -62,41 +71,38 @@
         (about: "Rust Thrift test client")
         (@arg host: --host +takes_value "Host on which the Thrift test server is located")
         (@arg port: --port +takes_value "Port on which the Thrift test server is listening")
-        (@arg transport: --transport +takes_value "Thrift transport implementation to use (\"buffered\", \"framed\")")
+        (@arg domain_socket: --("domain-socket") +takes_value "Unix Domain Socket on which the Thrift test server is listening")
         (@arg protocol: --protocol +takes_value "Thrift protocol implementation to use (\"binary\", \"compact\", \"multi\", \"multic\")")
+        (@arg transport: --transport +takes_value "Thrift transport implementation to use (\"buffered\", \"framed\")")
         (@arg testloops: -n --testloops +takes_value "Number of times to run tests")
     let host = matches.value_of("host").unwrap_or("");
     let port = value_t!(matches, "port", u16).unwrap_or(9090);
-    let testloops = value_t!(matches, "testloops", u8).unwrap_or(1);
-    let transport = matches.value_of("transport").unwrap_or("buffered");
+    let domain_socket = matches.value_of("domain_socket");
     let protocol = matches.value_of("protocol").unwrap_or("binary");
+    let transport = matches.value_of("transport").unwrap_or("buffered");
+    let testloops = value_t!(matches, "testloops", u8).unwrap_or(1);
-    // create a TCPStream that will be shared by all Thrift clients
-    // service calls from multiple Thrift clients will be interleaved over the same connection
-    // this isn't a problem for us because we're single-threaded and all calls block to completion
-    let shared_stream = TcpStream::connect(format!("{}:{}", host, port))?;
-    let mut second_service_client = if protocol.starts_with("multi") {
-        let shared_stream_clone = shared_stream.try_clone()?;
-        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(shared_stream_clone, transport, protocol, "SecondService")?;
-        Some(SecondServiceSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot))
-    } else {
-        None
+    let (mut thrift_test_client, mut second_service_client) = match domain_socket {
+        None => {
+            let listen_address = format!("{}:{}", host, port);
+            info!(
+                "Client binds to {} with {}+{} stack",
+                listen_address, protocol, transport
+            );
+            bind(listen_address.as_str(), protocol, transport)?
+        }
+        Some(domain_socket) => {
+            info!(
+                "Client binds to {} (UDS) with {}+{} stack",
+                domain_socket, protocol, transport
+            );
+            bind_uds(domain_socket, protocol, transport)?
+        }
-    let mut thrift_test_client = {
-        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(shared_stream, transport, protocol, "ThriftTest")?;
-        ThriftTestSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot)
-    };
-    info!(
-        "connecting to {}:{} with {}+{} stack",
-        host, port, protocol, transport
-    );
     for _ in 0..testloops {
         make_thrift_calls(&mut thrift_test_client, &mut second_service_client)?
@@ -104,14 +110,68 @@
-fn build(
-    stream: TcpStream,
+fn bind<A: ToSocketAddrs>(
+    listen_address: A,
+    protocol: &str,
+    transport: &str,
+) -> Result<ThriftClientPair, thrift::Error> {
+    // create a TCPStream that will be shared by all Thrift clients
+    // service calls from multiple Thrift clients will be interleaved over the same connection
+    // this isn't a problem for us because we're single-threaded and all calls block to completion
+    let shared_stream = TcpStream::connect(listen_address)?;
+    let second_service_client = if protocol.starts_with("multi") {
+        let shared_stream_clone = shared_stream.try_clone()?;
+        let channel = TTcpChannel::with_stream(shared_stream_clone);
+        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(channel, transport, protocol, "SecondService")?;
+        Some(SecondServiceSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot))
+    } else {
+        None
+    };
+    let thrift_test_client = {
+        let channel = TTcpChannel::with_stream(shared_stream);
+        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(channel, transport, protocol, "ThriftTest")?;
+        ThriftTestSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot)
+    };
+    Ok((thrift_test_client, second_service_client))
+fn bind_uds<P: AsRef<Path>>(
+    domain_socket: P,
+    protocol: &str,
+    transport: &str,
+) -> Result<ThriftClientPair, thrift::Error> {
+    // create a UnixStream that will be shared by all Thrift clients
+    // service calls from multiple Thrift clients will be interleaved over the same connection
+    // this isn't a problem for us because we're single-threaded and all calls block to completion
+    let shared_stream = UnixStream::connect(domain_socket)?;
+    let second_service_client = if protocol.starts_with("multi") {
+        let shared_stream_clone = shared_stream.try_clone()?;
+        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(shared_stream_clone, transport, protocol, "SecondService")?;
+        Some(SecondServiceSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot))
+    } else {
+        None
+    };
+    let thrift_test_client = {
+        let (i_prot, o_prot) = build(shared_stream, transport, protocol, "ThriftTest")?;
+        ThriftTestSyncClient::new(i_prot, o_prot)
+    };
+    Ok((thrift_test_client, second_service_client))
+fn build<C: TIoChannel + 'static>(
+    channel: C,
     transport: &str,
     protocol: &str,
     service_name: &str,
 ) -> thrift::Result<(Box<dyn TInputProtocol>, Box<dyn TOutputProtocol>)> {
-    let c = TTcpChannel::with_stream(stream);
-    let (i_chan, o_chan) = c.split()?;
+    let (i_chan, o_chan) = channel.split()?;
     let (i_tran, o_tran): (Box<dyn TReadTransport>, Box<dyn TWriteTransport>) = match transport {
         "buffered" => (
diff --git a/test/rs/src/bin/ b/test/rs/src/bin/
index 6a05e79..7e6d08f 100644
--- a/test/rs/src/bin/
+++ b/test/rs/src/bin/
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
 fn run() -> thrift::Result<()> {
     // unsupported options:
-    // --domain-socket
     // --pipe
     // --ssl
     let matches = clap_app!(rust_test_client =>
@@ -60,21 +59,26 @@
         (author: "Apache Thrift Developers <>")
         (about: "Rust Thrift test server")
         (@arg port: --port +takes_value "port on which the test server listens")
+        (@arg domain_socket: --("domain-socket") +takes_value "Unix Domain Socket on which the test server listens")
         (@arg transport: --transport +takes_value "transport implementation to use (\"buffered\", \"framed\")")
         (@arg protocol: --protocol +takes_value "protocol implementation to use (\"binary\", \"compact\")")
-        (@arg server_type: --server_type +takes_value "type of server instantiated (\"simple\", \"thread-pool\")")
+        (@arg server_type: --("server-type") +takes_value "type of server instantiated (\"simple\", \"thread-pool\")")
         (@arg workers: -n --workers +takes_value "number of thread-pool workers (\"4\")")
-            .get_matches();
+        .get_matches();
     let port = value_t!(matches, "port", u16).unwrap_or(9090);
+    let domain_socket = matches.value_of("domain_socket");
     let transport = matches.value_of("transport").unwrap_or("buffered");
     let protocol = matches.value_of("protocol").unwrap_or("binary");
     let server_type = matches.value_of("server_type").unwrap_or("thread-pool");
     let workers = value_t!(matches, "workers", usize).unwrap_or(4);
     let listen_address = format!("{}", port);
-    info!("binding to {}", listen_address);
+    match domain_socket {
+        None => info!("Server is binding to {}", listen_address),
+        Some(domain_socket) => info!("Server is binding to {} (UDS)", domain_socket),
+    }
     let (i_transport_factory, o_transport_factory): (
         Box<dyn TReadTransportFactory>,
@@ -135,7 +139,10 @@
-                server.listen(&listen_address)
+                match domain_socket {
+                    None => server.listen(&listen_address),
+                    Some(domain_socket) => server.listen_uds(domain_socket),
+                }
             } else {
                 let mut server = TServer::new(
@@ -146,9 +153,13 @@
-                server.listen(&listen_address)
+                match domain_socket {
+                    None => server.listen(&listen_address),
+                    Some(domain_socket) => server.listen_uds(domain_socket),
+                }
         unknown => Err(format!("unsupported server type {}", unknown).into()),
diff --git a/test/rs/src/ b/test/rs/src/
index 3c7cfc0..9cfd7a6 100644
--- a/test/rs/src/
+++ b/test/rs/src/
@@ -15,9 +15,5 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
 mod thrift_test;
 pub use crate::thrift_test::*;