Add Smalltalk support to Thrift
Summary: Submitted by Patrick Collison
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/st/README b/lib/st/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c72db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/st/README
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Author: Patrick Collison <>
+Last updated Nov 2007
+To get started, just file in with Squeak, and run something like:
+sock := TSocket new host: 'localhost'; port: 9090; open.
+prot := TBinaryProtocol new transport: sock.
+calc := CalculatorClient new inProtocol: prot.
+calc addNum1: 10 num2: 15
+Tested in Squeak 3.7, but should work fine with anything later.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/st/ b/lib/st/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c24f616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/st/
@@ -0,0 +1,2147 @@
+SystemOrganization addCategory: #Thrift!
+SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Thrift-Protocol'!
+SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Thrift-Test'!
+SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Thrift-Transport'!
+Error subclass: #TError
+ instanceVariableNames: 'code'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift'!
+!TError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:28'!
+signalWithCode: anInteger
+ self new code: anInteger; signal! !
+!TError methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:28'!
+ ^ code! !
+!TError methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:28'!
+code: anInteger
+ code := anInteger! !
+TError subclass: #TProtocolError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TProtocolError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:39'!
+ ^ 4! !
+!TProtocolError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:39'!
+ ^ 1! !
+!TProtocolError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:39'!
+ ^ 2! !
+!TProtocolError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:40'!
+ ^ 3! !
+!TProtocolError class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:40'!
+ ^ 0! !
+TError subclass: #TTransportError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Transport'!
+TTransportError subclass: #TTransportClosedError
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Transport'!
+Error subclass: #Xception
+ instanceVariableNames: 'errorCode message'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Xception methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ errorCode! !
+!Xception methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+errorCode: anI32
+ errorCode := anI32! !
+!Xception methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ message! !
+!Xception methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+message: aString
+ message := aString! !
+Error subclass: #Xception2
+ instanceVariableNames: 'errorCode structThing'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Xception2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ errorCode! !
+!Xception2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+errorCode: anI32
+ errorCode := anI32! !
+!Xception2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ structThing! !
+!Xception2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+structThing: aXtruct
+ structThing := aXtruct! !
+Object subclass: #Bonk
+ instanceVariableNames: 'message type'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Bonk methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ message! !
+!Bonk methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+message: aString
+ message := aString! !
+!Bonk methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ type! !
+!Bonk methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+type: anI32
+ type := anI32! !
+Object subclass: #EmptyStruct
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+Object subclass: #Insanity
+ instanceVariableNames: 'userMap xtructs'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Insanity methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ userMap! !
+!Insanity methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+userMap: a
+ userMap := a! !
+!Insanity methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ xtructs! !
+!Insanity methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+xtructs: a
+ xtructs := a! !
+Object subclass: #TClient
+ instanceVariableNames: 'iprot oprot seqid remoteSeqid'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift'!
+TClient subclass: #SecondServiceClient
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!SecondServiceClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ""
+ self sendBlahBlah.
+ ^ self recvBlahBlah success
+! !
+!SecondServiceClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp118 temp117|
+ temp117 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp118 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp118 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp119|
+ temp118 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp119 := true.
+ temp117 success: iprot readVoid].
+ temp119 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp118 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp117] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!SecondServiceClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'blahBlah';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'BlahBlah_args').
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!TClient methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 23:03'!
+inProtocol: aProtocol
+ iprot := aProtocol.
+ oprot ifNil: [oprot := aProtocol]! !
+!TClient methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 04:28'!
+ ^ seqid
+ ifNil: [seqid := 0]
+ ifNotNil: [seqid := seqid + 1]! !
+!TClient methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:51'!
+outProtocol: aProtocol
+ oprot := aProtocol! !
+!TClient methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/28/2007 15:32'!
+validateRemoteMessage: aMsg
+ remoteSeqid
+ ifNil: [remoteSeqid := aMsg seqid]
+ ifNotNil:
+ [(remoteSeqid + 1) = aMsg seqid ifFalse:
+ [TProtocolError signal: 'Bad seqid: ', aMsg seqid asString,
+ '; wanted: ', remoteSeqid asString].
+ remoteSeqid := aMsg seqid]! !
+TClient subclass: #ThriftTestClient
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp7 temp6|
+ temp6 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp7 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp7 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp8|
+ temp7 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp8 := true.
+ temp6 success: iprot readByte].
+ temp8 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp7 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp6] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp19 temp18|
+ temp18 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp19 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp19 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp20|
+ temp19 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp20 := true.
+ temp18 success: iprot readDouble].
+ temp20 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp19 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp18] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp56 temp55|
+ temp55 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp56 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp56 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp57|
+ temp56 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp57 := true.
+ temp55 success: iprot readI32].
+ temp57 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp56 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp55] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp97 temp96|
+ temp96 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp97 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp97 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp98|
+ temp97 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp98 := true.
+ temp96 success: iprot readVoid].
+ temp97 id = -2 ifTrue: [
+ temp98 := true.
+ temp96 exception: [|temp100 temp99|
+ temp99 := Xception new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp100 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp100 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp101|
+ temp100 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp101 := true.
+ temp99 errorCode: iprot readI32].
+ temp100 id = 2 ifTrue: [
+ temp101 := true.
+ temp99 message: iprot readString].
+ temp101 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp100 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp99] value].
+ temp98 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp97 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp96] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp10 temp9|
+ temp9 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp10 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp10 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp11|
+ temp10 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp11 := true.
+ temp9 success: iprot readI16].
+ temp11 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp10 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp9] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp13 temp12|
+ temp12 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp13 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp13 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp14|
+ temp13 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp14 := true.
+ temp12 success: iprot readI32].
+ temp14 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp13 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp12] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp16 temp15|
+ temp15 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp16 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp16 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp17|
+ temp16 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp17 := true.
+ temp15 success: iprot readI64].
+ temp17 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp16 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp15] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp72 temp71|
+ temp71 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp72 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp72 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp73|
+ temp72 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp73 := true.
+ temp71 success: [|temp74 temp75|
+ temp74 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp75 := Dictionary new.
+ temp74 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp75 at: iprot readI64 put: [|temp76 temp77|
+ temp76 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp77 := Dictionary new.
+ temp76 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp77 at: iprot readI32 put: [|temp79 temp78|
+ temp78 := Insanity new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp79 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp79 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp80|
+ temp79 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp80 := true.
+ temp78 userMap: [|temp81 temp82|
+ temp81 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp82 := Dictionary new.
+ temp81 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp82 at: iprot readI32 put: iprot readI64].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp82] value].
+ temp79 id = 2 ifTrue: [
+ temp80 := true.
+ temp78 xtructs: [|temp83 temp84| temp83 := iprot readListBegin.
+ temp84 := OrderedCollection new.
+ temp83 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp84 add: [|temp86 temp85|
+ temp85 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp86 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp86 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp87|
+ temp86 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp87 := true.
+ temp85 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp86 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp87 := true.
+ temp85 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp86 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp87 := true.
+ temp85 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp86 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp87 := true.
+ temp85 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp87 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp86 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp85] value].
+ iprot readListEnd.
+ temp84] value].
+ temp80 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp79 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp78] value].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp77] value].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp75] value].
+ temp73 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp72 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp71] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp51 temp50|
+ temp50 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp51 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp51 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp52|
+ temp51 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp52 := true.
+ temp50 success: [|temp53 temp54| temp53 := iprot readListBegin.
+ temp54 := OrderedCollection new.
+ temp53 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp54 add: iprot readI32].
+ iprot readListEnd.
+ temp54] value].
+ temp52 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp51 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp50] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp39 temp38|
+ temp38 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp39 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp39 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp40|
+ temp39 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp40 := true.
+ temp38 success: [|temp41 temp42|
+ temp41 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp42 := Dictionary new.
+ temp41 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp42 at: iprot readI32 put: iprot readI32].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp42] value].
+ temp40 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp39 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp38] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp62 temp61|
+ temp61 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp62 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp62 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp63|
+ temp62 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp63 := true.
+ temp61 success: [|temp64 temp65|
+ temp64 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp65 := Dictionary new.
+ temp64 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp65 at: iprot readI32 put: [|temp66 temp67|
+ temp66 := iprot readMapBegin.
+ temp67 := Dictionary new.
+ temp66 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp67 at: iprot readI32 put: iprot readI32].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp67] value].
+ iprot readMapEnd.
+ temp65] value].
+ temp63 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp62 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp61] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp91 temp90|
+ temp90 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp91 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp91 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp92|
+ temp91 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp92 := true.
+ temp90 success: [|temp94 temp93|
+ temp93 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp94 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp94 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp95|
+ temp94 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp95 := true.
+ temp93 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp94 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp95 := true.
+ temp93 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp94 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp95 := true.
+ temp93 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp94 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp95 := true.
+ temp93 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp95 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp94 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp93] value].
+ temp92 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp91 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp90] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp103 temp102|
+ temp102 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp103 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp103 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp104|
+ temp103 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp104 := true.
+ temp102 success: [|temp106 temp105|
+ temp105 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp106 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp106 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp107|
+ temp106 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp107 := true.
+ temp105 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp106 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp107 := true.
+ temp105 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp106 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp107 := true.
+ temp105 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp106 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp107 := true.
+ temp105 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp107 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp106 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp105] value].
+ temp103 id = -3 ifTrue: [
+ temp104 := true.
+ temp102 exception: [|temp109 temp108|
+ temp108 := Xception new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp109 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp109 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp110|
+ temp109 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp110 := true.
+ temp108 errorCode: iprot readI32].
+ temp109 id = 2 ifTrue: [
+ temp110 := true.
+ temp108 message: iprot readString].
+ temp110 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp109 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp108] value].
+ temp103 id = -4 ifTrue: [
+ temp104 := true.
+ temp102 exception: [|temp112 temp111|
+ temp111 := Xception2 new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp112 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp112 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp113|
+ temp112 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp113 := true.
+ temp111 errorCode: iprot readI32].
+ temp112 id = 2 ifTrue: [
+ temp113 := true.
+ temp111 structThing: [|temp115 temp114|
+ temp114 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp115 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp115 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp116|
+ temp115 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp116 := true.
+ temp114 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp115 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp116 := true.
+ temp114 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp115 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp116 := true.
+ temp114 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp115 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp116 := true.
+ temp114 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp116 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp115 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp114] value].
+ temp113 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp112 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp111] value].
+ temp104 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp103 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp102] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp28 temp27|
+ temp27 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp28 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp28 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp29|
+ temp28 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp29 := true.
+ temp27 success: [|temp31 temp30|
+ temp30 := Xtruct2 new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp31 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp31 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp32|
+ temp31 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp32 := true.
+ temp30 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp31 id = 2 ifTrue: [
+ temp32 := true.
+ temp30 structThing: [|temp34 temp33|
+ temp33 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp34 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp34 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp35|
+ temp34 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp35 := true.
+ temp33 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp34 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp35 := true.
+ temp33 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp34 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp35 := true.
+ temp33 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp34 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp35 := true.
+ temp33 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp35 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp34 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp33] value].
+ temp31 id = 3 ifTrue: [
+ temp32 := true.
+ temp30 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp32 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp31 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp30] value].
+ temp29 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp28 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp27] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp45 temp44|
+ temp44 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp45 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp45 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp46|
+ temp45 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp46 := true.
+ temp44 success: [|temp47 temp48| temp47 := iprot readSetBegin.
+ temp48 := Set new.
+ temp47 size timesRepeat: [
+ temp48 add: iprot readI32].
+ iprot readSetEnd.
+ temp48] value].
+ temp46 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp45 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp44] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp4 temp3|
+ temp3 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp4 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp4 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp5|
+ temp4 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp5 := true.
+ temp3 success: iprot readString].
+ temp5 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp4 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp3] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp22 temp21|
+ temp21 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp22 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp22 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp23|
+ temp22 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp23 := true.
+ temp21 success: [|temp25 temp24|
+ temp24 := Xtruct new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp25 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp25 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp26|
+ temp25 id = 1 ifTrue: [
+ temp26 := true.
+ temp24 stringThing: iprot readString].
+ temp25 id = 4 ifTrue: [
+ temp26 := true.
+ temp24 byteThing: iprot readByte].
+ temp25 id = 9 ifTrue: [
+ temp26 := true.
+ temp24 i32Thing: iprot readI32].
+ temp25 id = 11 ifTrue: [
+ temp26 := true.
+ temp24 i64Thing: iprot readI64].
+ temp26 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp25 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp24] value].
+ temp23 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp22 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp21] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp59 temp58|
+ temp58 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp59 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp59 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp60|
+ temp59 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp60 := true.
+ temp58 success: iprot readI64].
+ temp60 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp59 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp58] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ | f msg res |
+ msg := oprot readMessageBegin.
+ self validateRemoteMessage: msg.
+ res := [|temp1 temp0|
+ temp0 := TResult new.
+ iprot readStructBegin.
+ [temp1 := iprot readFieldBegin.
+ temp1 type = TType stop] whileFalse: [|temp2|
+ temp1 id = 0 ifTrue: [
+ temp2 := true.
+ temp0 success: iprot readVoid].
+ temp2 ifNil: [iprot skip: temp1 type]].
+ oprot readStructEnd.
+ temp0] value.
+ oprot readMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush.
+ res exception ifNotNil: [res exception signal].
+ ^ res! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestByteThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testByte';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestByte_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType byte; id: 1).
+ iprot writeByte: thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestDoubleThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testDouble';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestDouble_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType double; id: 1).
+ iprot writeDouble: thing asFloat.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestEnumThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testEnum';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestEnum_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType i32; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI32: thing.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestExceptionArg: arg
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testException';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestException_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg'; type: TType string; id: -1).
+ iprot writeString: arg.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestI16Thing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testI16';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestI16_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType i16; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI16: thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestI32Thing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testI32';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestI32_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType i32; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI32: thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestI64Thing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testI64';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestI64_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType i64; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI64: thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestInsanityArgument: argument
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testInsanity';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestInsanity_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'argument'; type: TType struct; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'Insanity').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'userMap'; type: TType map; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeMapBegin: (TMap new keyType: TType i32; valueType: TType i64; size: argument userMap size).
+ argument userMap keysAndValuesDo: [:temp68 :temp69 |
+ iprot writeI32: temp68.
+ iprot writeI64: temp69 asInteger].
+ oprot writeMapEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'xtructs'; type: TType list; id: 2).
+ [oprot writeListBegin: (TList new elemType: TType struct; size: argument xtructs size).
+ argument xtructs do: [:temp70|
+ [oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'Xtruct').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'string_thing'; type: TType string; id: 1).
+ iprot writeString: temp70 stringThing.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'byte_thing'; type: TType byte; id: 4).
+ iprot writeByte: temp70 byteThing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i32_thing'; type: TType i32; id: 9).
+ iprot writeI32: temp70 i32Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i64_thing'; type: TType i64; id: 11).
+ iprot writeI64: temp70 i64Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd] value
+ oprot writeListEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestListThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testList';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestList_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType list; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeListBegin: (TList new elemType: TType i32; size: thing size).
+ thing do: [:temp49|
+ iprot writeI32: temp49 asInteger
+ oprot writeListEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestMapMapHello: hello
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testMapMap';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestMapMap_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'hello'; type: TType i32; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI32: hello asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestMapThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testMap';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestMap_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType map; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeMapBegin: (TMap new keyType: TType i32; valueType: TType i32; size: thing size).
+ thing keysAndValuesDo: [:temp36 :temp37 |
+ iprot writeI32: temp36 asInteger.
+ iprot writeI32: temp37 asInteger].
+ oprot writeMapEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestMultiArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1 arg2: arg2 arg3: arg3 arg4: arg4 arg5: arg5
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testMulti';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestMulti_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg0'; type: TType byte; id: -1).
+ iprot writeByte: arg0 asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg1'; type: TType i32; id: -2).
+ iprot writeI32: arg1 asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg2'; type: TType i64; id: -3).
+ iprot writeI64: arg2 asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg3'; type: TType map; id: -4).
+ [oprot writeMapBegin: (TMap new keyType: TType i16; valueType: TType string; size: arg3 size).
+ arg3 keysAndValuesDo: [:temp88 :temp89 |
+ iprot writeI16: temp88 asInteger.
+ iprot writeString: temp89].
+ oprot writeMapEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg4'; type: TType i32; id: -5).
+ iprot writeI32: arg4.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg5'; type: TType i64; id: -6).
+ iprot writeI64: arg5 asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestMultiExceptionArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testMultiException';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestMultiException_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg0'; type: TType string; id: -1).
+ iprot writeString: arg0.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'arg1'; type: TType string; id: -2).
+ iprot writeString: arg1.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestNestThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testNest';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestNest_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType struct; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'Xtruct2').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'byte_thing'; type: TType byte; id: 1).
+ iprot writeByte: thing byteThing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'struct_thing'; type: TType struct; id: 2).
+ [oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'Xtruct').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'string_thing'; type: TType string; id: 1).
+ iprot writeString: thing structThing stringThing.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'byte_thing'; type: TType byte; id: 4).
+ iprot writeByte: thing structThing byteThing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i32_thing'; type: TType i32; id: 9).
+ iprot writeI32: thing structThing i32Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i64_thing'; type: TType i64; id: 11).
+ iprot writeI64: thing structThing i64Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i32_thing'; type: TType i32; id: 3).
+ iprot writeI32: thing i32Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestSetThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testSet';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestSet_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType set; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeSetBegin: (TSet new elemType: TType i32; size: thing size).
+ thing do: [:temp43|
+ iprot writeI32: temp43 asInteger
+ oprot writeSetEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestStringThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testString';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestString_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType string; id: 1).
+ iprot writeString: thing.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestStructThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testStruct';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestStruct_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType struct; id: 1).
+ [oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'Xtruct').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'string_thing'; type: TType string; id: 1).
+ iprot writeString: thing stringThing.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'byte_thing'; type: TType byte; id: 4).
+ iprot writeByte: thing byteThing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i32_thing'; type: TType i32; id: 9).
+ iprot writeI32: thing i32Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'i64_thing'; type: TType i64; id: 11).
+ iprot writeI64: thing i64Thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd] value.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+sendTestTypedefThing: thing
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testTypedef';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestTypedef_args').
+ oprot writeFieldBegin: (TField new name: 'thing'; type: TType i64; id: 1).
+ iprot writeI64: thing asInteger.
+ oprot writeFieldEnd.
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ oprot writeMessageBegin:
+ (TCallMessage new
+ name: 'testVoid';
+ seqid: self nextSeqid).
+ oprot writeStructBegin: (TStruct new name: 'TestVoid_args').
+ oprot writeFieldStop; writeStructEnd; writeMessageEnd.
+ oprot transport flush! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testByteThing: thing
+ "thing: byte"
+ self sendTestByteThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestByte success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testDoubleThing: thing
+ "thing: double"
+ self sendTestDoubleThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestDouble success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testEnumThing: thing
+ "thing: Numberz"
+ self sendTestEnumThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestEnum success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testExceptionArg: arg
+ "arg: string"
+ self sendTestExceptionArg: arg.
+ ^ self recvTestException success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testI16Thing: thing
+ "thing: i16"
+ self sendTestI16Thing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestI16 success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testI32Thing: thing
+ "thing: i32"
+ self sendTestI32Thing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestI32 success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testI64Thing: thing
+ "thing: i64"
+ self sendTestI64Thing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestI64 success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testInsanityArgument: argument
+ "argument: Insanity"
+ self sendTestInsanityArgument: argument.
+ ^ self recvTestInsanity success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testListThing: thing
+ "thing: "
+ self sendTestListThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestList success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testMapMapHello: hello
+ "hello: i32"
+ self sendTestMapMapHello: hello.
+ ^ self recvTestMapMap success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testMapThing: thing
+ "thing: "
+ self sendTestMapThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestMap success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testMultiArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1 arg2: arg2 arg3: arg3 arg4: arg4 arg5: arg5
+ "arg0: byte, arg1: i32, arg2: i64, arg3: , arg4: Numberz, arg5: UserId"
+ self sendTestMultiArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1 arg2: arg2 arg3: arg3 arg4: arg4 arg5: arg5.
+ ^ self recvTestMulti success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testMultiExceptionArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1
+ "arg0: string, arg1: string"
+ self sendTestMultiExceptionArg0: arg0 arg1: arg1.
+ ^ self recvTestMultiException success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testNestThing: thing
+ "thing: Xtruct2"
+ self sendTestNestThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestNest success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testSetThing: thing
+ "thing: "
+ self sendTestSetThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestSet success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testStringThing: thing
+ "thing: string"
+ self sendTestStringThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestString success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testStructThing: thing
+ "thing: Xtruct"
+ self sendTestStructThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestStruct success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+testTypedefThing: thing
+ "thing: UserId"
+ self sendTestTypedefThing: thing.
+ ^ self recvTestTypedef success
+! !
+!ThriftTestClient methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ""
+ self sendTestVoid.
+ ^ self recvTestVoid success
+! !
+Object subclass: #TField
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name type id'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:05'!
+ ^ id ifNil: [0]! !
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:44'!
+id: anInteger
+ id := anInteger! !
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:04'!
+ ^ name ifNil: ['']! !
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:44'!
+name: anObject
+ name := anObject! !
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:05'!
+ ^ type ifNil: [TType stop]! !
+!TField methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:44'!
+type: anInteger
+ type := anInteger! !
+Object subclass: #TMessage
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name seqid type'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+TMessage subclass: #TCallMessage
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TCallMessage methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:53'!
+ ^ 1! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:05'!
+ ^ name ifNil: ['']! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:35'!
+name: aString
+ name := aString! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:05'!
+ ^ seqid ifNil: [0]! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:35'!
+seqid: anInteger
+ seqid := anInteger! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:06'!
+ ^ type ifNil: [0]! !
+!TMessage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:35'!
+type: anInteger
+ type := anInteger! !
+Object subclass: #TProtocol
+ instanceVariableNames: 'transport'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+TProtocol subclass: #TBinaryProtocol
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:24'!
+intFromByteArray: buf
+ | vals |
+ vals := Array new: buf size.
+ 1 to: buf size do: [:n | vals at: n put: ((buf at: n) bitShift: (buf size - n) * 8)].
+ ^ vals sum! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:46'!
+ ^ self readByte isZero not! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 00:02'!
+ ^ (self transport read: 1) first! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/28/2007 16:24'!
+ | val |
+ val := Float new: 2.
+ ^ val basicAt: 1 put: (self readRawInt: 4);
+ basicAt: 2 put: (self readRawInt: 4);
+ yourself! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:02'!
+ | field |
+ field := TField new type: self readByte.
+ ^ field type = TType stop
+ ifTrue: [field]
+ ifFalse: [field id: self readI16; yourself]! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:15'!
+ ^ self readInt: 2! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:20'!
+ ^ self readInt: 4! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:20'!
+ ^ self readInt: 8! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 02:35'!
+readInt: size
+ | buf val |
+ buf := transport read: size.
+ val := self intFromByteArray: buf.
+ ^ buf first > 16r7F
+ ifTrue: [self unsignedInt: val size: size]
+ ifFalse: [val]! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:57'!
+ ^ TList new
+ elemType: self readByte;
+ size: self readI32! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:58'!
+ ^ TMap new
+ keyType: self readByte;
+ valueType: self readByte;
+ size: self readI32! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:22'!
+ | version |
+ version := self readI32.
+ (version bitAnd: self versionMask) = self version1
+ ifFalse: [TProtocolError signalWithCode: TProtocolError badVersion].
+ ^ TMessage new
+ type: (version bitAnd: 16r000000FF);
+ name: self readString;
+ seqid: self readI32! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/28/2007 16:24'!
+readRawInt: size
+ ^ self intFromByteArray: (transport read: size)! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 00:59'!
+ "element type, size"
+ ^ TSet new
+ elemType: self readByte;
+ size: self readI32! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 04:48'!
+ ^ (transport read: self readI32) asString! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:22'!
+unsignedInt: val size: size
+ ^ 0 - ((val - 1) bitXor: ((2 raisedTo: (size * 8)) - 1))! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:13'!
+ ^ 16r80010000 ! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:01'!
+ ^ 16rFFFF0000! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:35'!
+write: aString
+ transport write: aString! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:23'!
+writeBool: bool
+ bool ifTrue: [self writeByte: 1]
+ ifFalse: [self writeByte: 0]! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 09:31'!
+writeByte: aNumber
+ aNumber > 16rFF ifTrue: [TError signal: 'writeByte too big'].
+ transport write: (Array with: aNumber)! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/28/2007 16:16'!
+writeDouble: aDouble
+ self writeI32: (aDouble basicAt: 1);
+ writeI32: (aDouble basicAt: 2)! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:56'!
+writeField: aField
+ self writeByte: aField type;
+ writeI16: aField id! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 00:01'!
+writeFieldBegin: aField
+ self writeByte: aField type.
+ self writeI16: aField id! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:04'!
+ self writeByte: TType stop! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 02:06'!
+writeI16: i16
+ self writeInt: i16 size: 2! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 02:06'!
+writeI32: i32
+ self writeInt: i32 size: 4! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 02:06'!
+writeI64: i64
+ self writeInt: i64 size: 8! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:23'!
+writeInt: val size: size
+ 1 to: size do: [:n | self writeByte: ((val bitShift: (size negated + n) * 8) bitAnd: 16rFF)]! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 00:48'!
+writeListBegin: aList
+ self writeByte: aList elemType; writeI32: aList size! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:55'!
+writeMapBegin: aMap
+ self writeByte: aMap keyType;
+ writeByte: aMap valueType;
+ writeI32: aMap size! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:36'!
+writeMessageBegin: msg
+ self writeI32: (self version1 bitOr: msg type);
+ writeString: msg name;
+ writeI32: msg seqid! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 00:56'!
+writeSetBegin: aSet
+ self writeByte: aSet elemType; writeI32: aSet size! !
+!TBinaryProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 18:35'!
+writeString: aString
+ self writeI32: aString size;
+ write: aString! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readBool! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readByte! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readDouble! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readFieldBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readFieldEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readI16! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readI32! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readI64! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readListBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readListEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readMapBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readMapEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:39'!
+readMessageBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:39'!
+readMessageEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readSetBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readSetEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 16:10'!
+readSimpleType: aType
+ aType = TType bool ifTrue: [^ self readBool].
+ aType = TType byte ifTrue: [^ self readByte].
+ aType = TType double ifTrue: [^ self readDouble].
+ aType = TType i16 ifTrue: [^ self readI16].
+ aType = TType i32 ifTrue: [^ self readI32].
+ aType = TType i64 ifTrue: [^ self readI64].
+ aType = TType list ifTrue: [^ self readBool].! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readString! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+ ! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:40'!
+readStructEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'reading' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 21:34'!
+skip: aType
+ aType = TType stop ifTrue: [^ self].
+ aType = TType bool ifTrue: [^ self readBool].
+ aType = TType byte ifTrue: [^ self readByte].
+ aType = TType i16 ifTrue: [^ self readI16].
+ aType = TType i32 ifTrue: [^ self readI32].
+ aType = TType i64 ifTrue: [^ self readI64].
+ aType = TType string ifTrue: [^ self readString].
+ aType = TType double ifTrue: [^ self readDouble].
+ aType = TType struct ifTrue:
+ [| field |
+ self readStructBegin.
+ [(field := self readFieldBegin) type = TType stop] whileFalse:
+ [self skip: field type. self readFieldEnd].
+ ^ self readStructEnd].
+ aType = TType map ifTrue:
+ [| map |
+ map := self readMapBegin.
+ map size timesRepeat: [self skip: map keyType. self skip: map valueType].
+ ^ self readMapEnd].
+ aType = TType list ifTrue:
+ [| list |
+ list := self readListBegin.
+ list size timesRepeat: [self skip: list elemType].
+ ^ self readListEnd].
+ aType = TType set ifTrue:
+ [| set |
+ set := self readSetBegin.
+ set size timesRepeat: [self skip: set elemType].
+ ^ self readSetEnd].
+ self error: 'Unknown type'! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 23:02'!
+ ^ transport! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:28'!
+transport: aTransport
+ transport := aTransport! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeBool: aBool! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeByte: aByte! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:38'!
+writeDouble: aFloat! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:38'!
+writeFieldBegin: aField! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeFieldEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeFieldStop! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeI16: i16! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeI32: i32! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeI64: i64! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:39'!
+writeListBegin: aList! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeListEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:39'!
+writeMapBegin: aMap! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeMapEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:36'!
+writeMessageBegin! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:36'!
+writeMessageEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:39'!
+writeSetBegin: aSet! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeSetEnd! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:38'!
+writeString: aString! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:38'!
+writeStructBegin: aStruct! !
+!TProtocol methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:37'!
+writeStructEnd! !
+Object subclass: #TResult
+ instanceVariableNames: 'success oprot iprot exception'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift'!
+!TResult methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 21:35'!
+ ^ exception! !
+!TResult methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 21:35'!
+exception: anError
+ exception := anError! !
+!TResult methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 14:43'!
+ ^ success! !
+!TResult methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/26/2007 14:43'!
+success: anObject
+ success := anObject! !
+Object subclass: #TSizedObject
+ instanceVariableNames: 'size'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+TSizedObject subclass: #TList
+ instanceVariableNames: 'elemType'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:04'!
+ ^ elemType ifNil: [TType stop]! !
+!TList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:42'!
+elemType: anInteger
+ elemType := anInteger! !
+TList subclass: #TSet
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+TSizedObject subclass: #TMap
+ instanceVariableNames: 'keyType valueType'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:04'!
+ ^ keyType ifNil: [TType stop]! !
+!TMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:45'!
+keyType: anInteger
+ keyType := anInteger! !
+!TMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:04'!
+ ^ valueType ifNil: [TType stop]! !
+!TMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:45'!
+valueType: anInteger
+ valueType := anInteger! !
+!TSizedObject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:03'!
+ ^ size ifNil: [0]! !
+!TSizedObject methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:06'!
+size: anInteger
+ size := anInteger! !
+Object subclass: #TSocket
+ instanceVariableNames: 'host port stream'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Transport'!
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:34'!
+ self isOpen ifTrue: [stream close]! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:23'!
+ ^ (self socketStream openConnectionToHost:
+ (NetNameResolver addressForName: host) port: port)
+ timeout: 180;
+ binary;
+ yourself! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:35'!
+ stream flush! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:08'!
+host: aString
+ host := aString! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 20:34'!
+ ^ stream isNil not
+ and: [stream socket isConnected]
+ and: [stream socket isOtherEndClosed not]! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:22'!
+ stream := self connect! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:09'!
+port: anInteger
+ port := anInteger! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:17'!
+read: size
+ | data |
+ [data := stream next: size.
+ data isEmpty ifTrue: [TTransportError signal: 'Could not read ', size asString, ' bytes'].
+ ^ data]
+ on: ConnectionClosed
+ do: [TTransportClosedError signal]! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:18'!
+ ^ Smalltalk at: #FastSocketStream ifAbsent: [SocketStream] ! !
+!TSocket methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 22:17'!
+write: aCollection
+ [stream nextPutAll: aCollection]
+ on: ConnectionClosed
+ do: [TTransportClosedError signal]! !
+Object subclass: #TStruct
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Protocol'!
+!TStruct methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:47'!
+ ^ name! !
+!TStruct methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 19:47'!
+name: aString
+ name := aString! !
+Object subclass: #TTest
+ instanceVariableNames: 'prot'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!TTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:47'!
+protocol: aProtocol
+ prot := aProtocol! !
+!TTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 11/1/2007 04:49'!
+ | c |
+ c := ThriftTestClient new inProtocol: prot.
+ c testByteThing: 32.
+ c testDoubleThing: -1.0.
+ c testEnumThing: 1.
+ c testExceptionArg: 'foo'.
+ c testI16Thing: 16.
+ c testI16Thing: -16.
+ c testI32Thing: 32.
+ c testI32Thing: -32.
+ c testI64Thing: 123.
+ c testDoubleThing: 1.2.
+ c testStructThing: (Xtruct new byteThing: 1; i32Thing: 2; i64Thing: 3; stringThing: 'foo').
+ c testSetThing: (Set new).
+ c testListThing: (OrderedCollection new).
+ c testEnumThing: 1.
+ c testInsanityArgument:
+ (Insanity new
+ userMap: (Dictionary new at: 1 put: 2; yourself);
+ xtructs: (OrderedCollection new)).
+ c testMultiArg0: 1 arg1: 2 arg2: 3 arg3: (Dictionary new) arg4: ((ThriftTest enums at: 'Numberz') at: 'FIVE') arg5: 6.
+ c testExceptionArg: 'Xception'.
+ c testMultiExceptionArg0: 'Xception' arg1: 'Xception2'! !
+Object subclass: #TTransport
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Transport'!
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:18'!
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:22'!
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:18'!
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:18'!
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:18'!
+read: anInteger
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:22'!
+readAll: anInteger
+ ^ String streamContents: [:str |
+ [str size < anInteger] whileTrue:
+ [str nextPutAll: (self read: anInteger - str size)]]! !
+!TTransport methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:22'!
+write: aString
+ self subclassResponsibility! !
+Object subclass: #TType
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift'!
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:03'!
+ ^ 2! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:03'!
+ ^ 3! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 15:55'!
+codeOf: aTypeName
+ self typeMap do: [:each | each first = aTypeName ifTrue: [^ each second]].
+ ^ nil! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:03'!
+ ^ 4! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 6! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 8! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 10! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 15! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 13! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 15:56'!
+nameOf: aTypeCode
+ self typeMap do: [:each | each second = aTypeCode ifTrue: [^ each first]].
+ ^ nil! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 14! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:03'!
+ ^ 0! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 11! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:04'!
+ ^ 12! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/25/2007 15:51'!
+ ^ #((bool 2) (byte 3) (double 4) (i16 6) (i32 8) (i64 10) (list 15)
+ (map 13) (set 15) (stop 0) (string 11) (struct 12) (void 1))! !
+!TType class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pc 10/24/2007 17:03'!
+ ^ 1! !
+Object subclass: #Xtruct
+ instanceVariableNames: 'stringThing byteThing i32Thing i64Thing'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ byteThing! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+byteThing: aByte
+ byteThing := aByte! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ i32Thing! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+i32Thing: anI32
+ i32Thing := anI32! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ i64Thing! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+i64Thing: anI64
+ i64Thing := anI64! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ stringThing! !
+!Xtruct methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+stringThing: aString
+ stringThing := aString! !
+Object subclass: #Xtruct2
+ instanceVariableNames: 'byteThing structThing i32Thing'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Thrift-Test'!
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ byteThing! !
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+byteThing: aByte
+ byteThing := aByte! !
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ i32Thing! !
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+i32Thing: anI32
+ i32Thing := anI32! !
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+ ^ structThing! !
+!Xtruct2 methodsFor: 'as yet uncategorized' stamp: 'thrift 11/01/2007 04:43'!
+structThing: aXtruct
+ structThing := aXtruct! !