THRIFT-698 - fix .app file, remove unused parts of build system, updated LICENSE to reflect changes
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 90b70c2..9d189ef 100644
@@ -210,16 +210,9 @@
conditions of the following licenses.
-The following files are licensed under the MIT License:
- lib/erl/build/beamver
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/build/mime.types
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/build/
- lib/erl/src/Makefile
+Portions of the following files are licensed under the MIT License:
+ lib/erl/src/
Please see doc/otp-base-license.txt for the full terms of this license.
diff --git a/ b/
index b5bfcf8..53fff48 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@
+ lib/erl/src/Makefile
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/beamver b/lib/erl/build/beamver
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b5f77b..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/beamver
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# erlwareSys: otp/build/beamver,v 1.1 2002/02/14 11:45:20 hal Exp $
-# usage: beamver <beam_file>
-# if there's a usable -vsn() attribute, print it and exit with status 0
-# otherwise, print nothing and exit with status 1
-# From the Erlang shell:
-# 5> code:which(acca_inets).
-# "/home/martin/work/otp/releases/<app>/../../acca/ebin/<app>.beam"
-# 8> beam_lib:version(code:which(<app>)).
-# {ok,{<app>,['$Id: beamver,v 2003/06/13 21:43:21 mlogan Exp $ ']}}
-# TMPFILE looks like this:
-# io:format("hello ~p~n",
-# beam_lib:version("/home/hal/work/otp/acca/ebin/acca_inets.beam")]).
-# exit with failure if we can't read the file
-test -f "$1" || exit 1
-cat > $TMPFILE <<_EOF
- [beam_lib:version($BEAMFILE)]).
-# beam_result is {ok,{Module_name, Beam_version} or {error,beam_lib,{Reason}}
-beam_result=`erl -noshell \
- -s file eval $TMPFILE \
- -s erlang halt`
-rm -f $TMPFILE
-# sed regexes:
-# remove brackets and anything outside them
-# remove quotes and anything outside them
-# remove apostrophes and anything outside them
-# remove leading and trailing spaces
-case $beam_result in
- echo $beam_result | sed -e 's/.*\[\(.*\)].*/\1/' \
- -e 's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/' \
- -e "s/.*\'\(.*\)\'.*/\1/" \
- -e 's/ *$//' -e 's/^ *//'
- exit 0
- ;;
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index db52b78..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-EBIN ?= ../ebin
-ESRC ?= .
-EMULATOR = beam
-ERL = erl -boot start_clean
-$(EBIN)/%.beam: $(ESRC)/%.erl
- @echo " ERLC $<"
- $(ERLC) $(ERL_FLAGS) $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(dir $@) $<
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d69c41..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Colors to assist visual inspection of make output.
-# Colors
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b7377..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#single place to include docs from.
- @mkdir -p ../doc
- @echo -n $${MY_BLUE:-$(BLUE)}; \
- $(EDOC_PATH)/edoc $(APP_NAME); \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
- echo $${MY_LRED:-$(LRED)}"$$d Doc Failed"; \
- fi; \
- echo -n $(OFF)$(NO_COLOR)
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/mime.types b/lib/erl/build/mime.types
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e3c0d..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/mime.types
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-application/mac-binhex40 hqx
-application/mac-compactpro cpt
-application/msword doc
-application/octet-stream bin dms lha lzh exe class
-application/oda oda
-application/pdf pdf
-application/postscript ai eps ps
-application/powerpoint ppt
-application/rtf rtf
-application/x-bcpio bcpio
-application/x-cdlink vcd
-application/x-compress Z
-application/x-cpio cpio
-application/x-csh csh
-application/x-director dcr dir dxr
-application/x-dvi dvi
-application/x-gtar gtar
-application/x-gzip gz
-application/x-hdf hdf
-application/x-httpd-cgi cgi
-application/x-koan skp skd skt skm
-application/x-latex latex
-application/x-mif mif
-application/x-netcdf nc cdf
-application/x-sh sh
-application/x-shar shar
-application/x-stuffit sit
-application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio
-application/x-sv4crc sv4crc
-application/x-tar tar
-application/x-tcl tcl
-application/x-tex tex
-application/x-texinfo texinfo texi
-application/x-troff t tr roff
-application/x-troff-man man
-application/x-troff-me me
-application/x-troff-ms ms
-application/x-ustar ustar
-application/x-wais-source src
-application/zip zip
-audio/basic au snd
-audio/mpeg mpga mp2
-audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc
-audio/x-pn-realaudio ram
-audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin rpm
-audio/x-realaudio ra
-audio/x-wav wav
-chemical/x-pdb pdb xyz
-image/gif gif
-image/ief ief
-image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
-image/png png
-image/tiff tiff tif
-image/x-cmu-raster ras
-image/x-portable-anymap pnm
-image/x-portable-bitmap pbm
-image/x-portable-graymap pgm
-image/x-portable-pixmap ppm
-image/x-rgb rgb
-image/x-xbitmap xbm
-image/x-xpixmap xpm
-image/x-xwindowdump xwd
-text/html html htm
-text/x-server-parsed-html shtml
-text/plain txt
-text/richtext rtx
-text/tab-separated-values tsv
-text/x-setext etx
-text/x-sgml sgml sgm
-video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe
-video/quicktime qt mov
-video/x-msvideo avi
-video/x-sgi-movie movie
-x-conference/x-cooltalk ice
-x-world/x-vrml wrl vrml
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0381e..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-# $Id:,v 1.4 2004/07/01 14:57:10 tfee Exp $
-# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-# - to be included in all OTP Makefiles
-# installed to /usr/local/include/erlang/
-# gmake looks in /usr/local/include - that's hard-coded
-# users of this file will use
-# include erlang/
-# most interface files will be installed to $ERL_RUN_TOP/app-vsn/include/*.hrl
-# group owner for library/include directories
-# ERL_TOP is root of Erlang source tree
-# ERL_RUN_TOP is root of Erlang target tree (some Ericsson Makefiles use $ROOT)
-# ERLANG_OTP is target root for Erlang code
-# - see sasl/systools reference manual page; grep "TEST"
-# OS_TYPE is FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, SCO_SV, SunOS.
-OS_TYPE=${shell uname}
-# MHOST is the host where this Makefile runs.
-MHOST=${shell hostname -s}
-# The location of the erlang runtime system.
-ifndef ERL_RUN_TOP
-# Edit to reflect local environment.
-# ifeq (${OS_TYPE},Linux)
-# ERL_RUN_TOP=/usr/local/lib/erlang
-# Note* ERL_RUN_TOP can be determined by starting an
-# erlang shell and typing code:root_dir().
-# ERL_TOP=a symbolic link to the actual source top, which changes from version to version
-# Note* ERL_TOP is the directory where the erlang
-# source files reside. Make sure to run ./configure there.
-# TARGET=i686-pc-linux-gnu
-# Note* Target can be found in $ERL_TOP/erts
-# endif
-# See above for directions.
-ifeq (${OS_TYPE},Linux)
-# Aliases for common binaries
-# Note - CFLAGS is modified in erlang.conf
-# SunOS
-ifeq (${OS_TYPE},SunOS)
- CC=gcc
- CXX=g++
- AR=/usr/ccs/bin/ar
- CXXFLAGS+=${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/g++
- LD=/usr/ccs/bin/ld
- RANLIB=/usr/ccs/bin/ranlib
-CFLAGS+=-Wall -pedantic -ansi -O
-# FreeBSD
-ifeq (${OS_TYPE},FreeBSD)
- ifdef LINUXBIN
- COMPAT_LINUX=/compat/linux
- CC=${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/bin/gcc
- CXX=${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/bin/g++
- AR=${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/bin/ar
- CXXFLAGS+=-fhandle-exceptions ${CFLAGS} -I${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/include/g++
- LD=${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/bin/ld
- RANLIB=${COMPAT_LINUX}/usr/bin/ranlib
- BRANDELF=brandelf -t Linux
- else
- CC=gcc
- CXX=g++
- AR=/usr/bin/ar
- CXXFLAGS+=-fhandle-exceptions ${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/g++
- LD=/usr/bin/ld
- RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib
- BRANDELF=@true
- LDFLAGS+=-lc_r
- # -pthread flag for 3.0+
- ifneq (${shell uname -r | cut -d. -f1},2)
- CFLAGS+=-pthread
- endif
- endif
- endif
-CFLAGS+=-Wall -pedantic -ansi -O -DFREEBSD
-# OpenBSD
-ifeq (${OS_TYPE},OpenBSD)
- CC=gcc
- CXX=g++
- AR=/usr/bin/ar
- CXXFLAGS+=${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/g++
- LD=/usr/bin/ld
- RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib
- LDFLAGS+=-lc_r
- # -pthread flag for 3.0+
- ifneq (${shell uname -r | cut -d. -f1},2)
- CFLAGS+=-pthread
- endif
- endif
-CFLAGS+=-Wall -pedantic -ansi -O -DOPENBSD
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a36c65..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Comment by tfee 2004-07-01
-# ==========================
-# This file is a mod of the stock OTP one.
-# The change allows make to stop when a compile error occurs.
-# This file needs to go into two places:
-# /usr/local/include/erlang
-# /opt/OTP_SRC/make
-# where OTP_SRC is a symbolic link to a peer directory containing
-# the otp source, e.g. otp_src_R9C-2.
-# After installing OTP, running sudo make install in otp/build
-# will push this file out to the two places listed above.
-# The mod involves setting the shell variable $short_circuit, which we
-# introduce - ie it is not in the stock file. This variable is tested
-# to affect execution flow and is also returned to affect the flow in
-# the calling script (this one). The latter step is necessary because
-# of the recursion involved.
-# =====================================================================
-# ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-# retrieved via the world wide web at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-# under the License.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-# Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-# AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-# $Id:,v 1.5 2004/07/12 15:12:23 jeinhorn Exp $
-# Make include file for otp
-.PHONY: debug opt release docs release_docs tests release_tests \
- clean depend
-# Targets that don't affect documentation directories
-debug opt release docs release_docs tests release_tests clean depend: prepare
- @set -e ; \
- app_pwd=`pwd` ; \
- if test -f; then \
- echo "=== Entering application" `basename $$app_pwd` ; \
- fi ; \
- case "$(MAKE)" in *clearmake*) tflag="-T";; *) tflag="";; esac; \
- short_circuit=0 ; \
- for d in $(SUB_DIRECTORIES); do \
- if [[ $$short_circuit = 0 ]]; then \
- if test -f $$d/SKIP ; then \
- echo "=== Skipping subdir $$d, reason:" ; \
- cat $$d/SKIP ; \
- echo "===" ; \
- else \
- if test ! -d $$d ; then \
- echo "=== Skipping subdir $$d, it is missing" ; \
- else \
- xflag="" ; \
- if test -f $$d/ignore_config_record.inf; then \
- xflag=$$tflag ; \
- fi ; \
- (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $$xflag $@) ; \
- if [[ $$? != 0 ]]; then \
- short_circuit=1 ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- if test -f; then \
- echo "=== Leaving application" `basename $$app_pwd` ; \
- fi ; \
- exit $$short_circuit
- echo
diff --git a/lib/erl/build/ b/lib/erl/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf8535d..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# for testing erlang files directly. The set up for a
-# this type of test would be
-# files to test reside in lib/<app_name>/src and the test files which are
-# just plain erlang code reside in lib/<app_name>/test
-# This color codes emitted while the tests run assume that you are using
-# a white-on-black display schema. If not, e.g. if you use a white
-# background, you will not be able to read the "WHITE" text.
-# You can override this by supplying your own "white" color,
-# which may in fact be black! You do this by defining an environment
-# variable named "MY_WHITE" and setting it to $'\e[0;30m' (which is
-# simply bash's way of specifying "Escape [ 0 ; 3 0 m").
-# Similarly, you can set your versions of the standard colors
-# found in
- @TEST_MODULES=`ls *_test.erl`; \
- trap "echo $(OFF)$(NO_COLOR); exit 1;" 1 2 3 6; \
- for d in $$TEST_MODULES; do \
- echo $${MY_GREEN:-$(GREEN)}"Testing File $$d" $${MY_WHITE:-$(WHITE)}; \
- echo -n $${MY_BLUE:-$(BLUE)}; \
- erl -name $(APP_NAME) $(TEST_LIBS) \
- -s `basename $$d .erl` all -s init stop -noshell; \
- if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
- echo $${MY_LRED:-$(LRED)}"$$d Test Failed"; \
- fi; \
- echo -n $(OFF)$(NO_COLOR); \
- done
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/Makefile b/lib/erl/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 78af14f..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 2004/08/13 16:35:59 mlogan Exp $
-include ../build/
-include ../build/
-include ../build/
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Application version
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-include ../
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Install directory specification
-# WARNING: INSTALL_DIR the command to install a directory.
-# INSTALL_DST is the target directory
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Target Specs
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-MODULES = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | sed 's:^\./::' | sed 's/\.erl//')
-MODULES_STRING_LIST = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | sed 's:^\./:":' | sed 's/\.erl/",/')
-BEHAV_MODULES = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | xargs grep -l behaviour_info | sed 's:^\./::' | sed 's/\.erl//')
-ERL_FILES= $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-ERL_INCLUDE = -I../include -I../../fslib/include -I../../system_status/include
-ERL_BEHAV_PATH = -pz ../ebin
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-all debug opt: $(EBIN) $(TARGET_FILES)
-#$(EBIN)/rm_logger.beam: $(APP_NAME).hrl
-include ../build/
-# Note: In the open-source build clean must not destroy the preloaded
-# beam files.
- rm -f $(TARGET_FILES)
- rm -f *~
- rm -f core
- rm -rf $(EBIN)
- rm -rf *html
- mkdir $(EBIN)
-dialyzer: $(TARGET_FILES)
- dialyzer --src -r . $(ERL_INCLUDE)
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Special Build Targets
-# ----------------------------------------------------
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' \
- -e 's;%PFX%;$(PFX);' \
- -e 's;%APP_NAME%;$(APP_NAME);' \
- $< > $<".tmp"
- sed -e 's/%MODULES%\(.*\),/\1/' \
- $<".tmp" > $@
- rm $<".tmp"
- sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
-$(WEB_TARGET): ../markup/*
- rm -rf $(WEB_TARGET)
- mkdir $(WEB_TARGET)
- cp -r ../markup/ $(WEB_TARGET)
- cp -r ../skins/ $(WEB_TARGET)
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Install Target
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-install: all $(WEB_TARGET)
-# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_DST)/include
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/ b/lib/erl/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6fcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erl/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Application version
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+ERL_INCLUDE = -I../include
+ERL_BEHAV_PATH = -pz ../ebin
+EBIN ?= ../ebin
+ESRC ?= .
+EMULATOR = beam
+ERL = erl -boot start_clean
+$(EBIN)/%.beam: $(ESRC)/%.erl
+ @echo " ERLC $<"
+ $(ERLC) $(ERL_FLAGS) $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(dir $@) $<
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Target Specs
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+MODULES = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | sed 's:^\./::' | sed 's/\.erl//')
+MODULES_STRING_LIST = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | sed 's:^\./::' | sed 's/\.erl/,/')
+BEHAV_MODULES = $(shell find . -name \*.erl | xargs grep -l behaviour_info | sed 's:^\./::' | sed 's/\.erl//')
+ERL_FILES= $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Targets
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+all debug opt: $(EBIN) $(TARGET_FILES)
+# Note: In the open-source build clean must not destroy the preloaded
+# beam files.
+ rm -f $(TARGET_FILES)
+ rm -f *~
+ rm -f core
+ rm -rf $(EBIN)
+ rm -rf *html
+ mkdir $(EBIN)
+dialyzer: $(TARGET_FILES)
+ dialyzer --src -r . $(ERL_INCLUDE)
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Special Build Targets
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+ sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' \
+ -e 's;%APP_NAME%;$(APP_NAME);' \
+ $< > $<".tmp"
+ sed -e 's/%MODULES%\(.*\),/\1/' \
+ $<".tmp" > $@
+ rm $<".tmp"
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/ b/lib/erl/src/
index f5472bf..ebe38d3 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/
+++ b/lib/erl/src/
@@ -54,9 +54,6 @@
% should the TApplicationException serialized back to the client
% include the erlang backtrace?
{exceptions_include_traces, true}
- ]},
- % The Module and Args used to start this application.
- {mod, {thrift_app, []}}
+ ]}
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift.appup.src b/lib/erl/src/thrift.appup.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 54a6383..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift.appup.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lib/erl/ b/lib/erl/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b4001..0000000
--- a/lib/erl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@