THRIFT-5009 Serializer implemtation lacks support for layered transports
Client: Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/serializer/TestSerializer.dpr b/lib/delphi/test/serializer/TestSerializer.dpr
index 39752cf..bb4cc89 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/serializer/TestSerializer.dpr
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/serializer/TestSerializer.dpr
@@ -42,235 +42,9 @@
   Thrift.TypeRegistry in '..\..\src\Thrift.TypeRegistry.pas',
+  TestSerializer.Tests,
-  TTestSerializer = class //extends TestCase {
-  private type
-    TMethod = (
-      mt_Bytes,
-      mt_Stream
-    );
-  private
-    FProtocols : TList< IProtocolFactory>;
-    class function  Serialize(const input : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory) : TBytes;  overload;
-    class procedure Serialize(const input : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const aStream : TStream);  overload;
-    class procedure Deserialize( const input : TBytes; const target : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory);  overload;
-    class procedure Deserialize( const input : TStream; const target : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory);  overload;
-    procedure Test_Serializer_Deserializer;
-    procedure Test_OneOfEach(     const method : TMethod; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const stream : TFileStream);
-    procedure Test_CompactStruct( const method : TMethod; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const stream : TFileStream);
-  public
-    constructor Create;
-    destructor Destroy;  override;
-    procedure RunTests;
-  end;
-{ TTestSerializer }
-constructor TTestSerializer.Create;
-  inherited Create;
-  FProtocols := TList< IProtocolFactory>.Create;
-  FProtocols.Add( TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create);
-  FProtocols.Add( TCompactProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create);
-  FProtocols.Add( TJSONProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create);
-destructor TTestSerializer.Destroy;
-  try
-    FreeAndNil( FProtocols);
-  finally
-    inherited Destroy;
-  end;
-procedure TTestSerializer.Test_OneOfEach( const method : TMethod; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const stream : TFileStream);
-var tested, correct : IOneOfEach;
-    bytes   : TBytes;
-    i : Integer;
-  // write
-  tested := Fixtures.CreateOneOfEach;
-  case method of
-    mt_Bytes:  bytes := Serialize( tested, factory);
-    mt_Stream: begin
-      stream.Size := 0;
-      Serialize( tested, factory, stream);
-    end
-  else
-  end;
-  // init + read
-  tested := TOneOfEachImpl.Create;
-  case method of
-    mt_Bytes:  Deserialize( bytes, tested, factory);
-    mt_Stream: begin
-      stream.Position := 0;
-      Deserialize( stream, tested, factory);
-    end
-  else
-  end;
-  // check
-  correct := Fixtures.CreateOneOfEach;
-  ASSERT( tested.Im_true = correct.Im_true);
-  ASSERT( tested.Im_false = correct.Im_false);
-  ASSERT( tested.A_bite = correct.A_bite);
-  ASSERT( tested.Integer16 = correct.Integer16);
-  ASSERT( tested.Integer32 = correct.Integer32);
-  ASSERT( tested.Integer64 = correct.Integer64);
-  ASSERT( Abs( tested.Double_precision - correct.Double_precision) < 1E-12);
-  ASSERT( tested.Some_characters = correct.Some_characters);
-  ASSERT( tested.Zomg_unicode = correct.Zomg_unicode);
-  ASSERT( tested.What_who = correct.What_who);
-  ASSERT( Length(tested.Base64) = Length(correct.Base64));
-  ASSERT( CompareMem( @tested.Base64[0], @correct.Base64[0], Length(correct.Base64)));
-  ASSERT( tested.Byte_list.Count = correct.Byte_list.Count);
-  for i := 0 to tested.Byte_list.Count-1
-  do ASSERT( tested.Byte_list[i] = correct.Byte_list[i]);
-  ASSERT( tested.I16_list.Count = correct.I16_list.Count);
-  for i := 0 to tested.I16_list.Count-1
-  do ASSERT( tested.I16_list[i] = correct.I16_list[i]);
-  ASSERT( tested.I64_list.Count = correct.I64_list.Count);
-  for i := 0 to tested.I64_list.Count-1
-  do ASSERT( tested.I64_list[i] = correct.I64_list[i]);
-procedure TTestSerializer.Test_CompactStruct( const method : TMethod; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const stream : TFileStream);
-var tested, correct : ICompactProtoTestStruct;
-    bytes   : TBytes;
-  // write
-  tested := Fixtures.CreateCompactProtoTestStruct;
-  case method of
-    mt_Bytes:  bytes := Serialize( tested, factory);
-    mt_Stream: begin
-      stream.Size := 0;
-      Serialize( tested, factory, stream);
-    end
-  else
-  end;
-  // init + read
-  correct := TCompactProtoTestStructImpl.Create;
-  case method of
-    mt_Bytes:  Deserialize( bytes, tested, factory);
-    mt_Stream: begin
-      stream.Position := 0;
-      Deserialize( stream, tested, factory);
-    end
-  else
-  end;
-  // check
-  correct := Fixtures.CreateCompactProtoTestStruct;
-  ASSERT( correct.Field500  = tested.Field500);
-  ASSERT( correct.Field5000  = tested.Field5000);
-  ASSERT( correct.Field20000 = tested.Field20000);
-procedure TTestSerializer.Test_Serializer_Deserializer;
-var factory : IProtocolFactory;
-    stream  : TFileStream;
-    method  : TMethod;
-  stream  := TFileStream.Create( 'TestSerializer.dat', fmCreate);
-  try
-    for method in [Low(TMethod)..High(TMethod)] do begin
-      for factory in FProtocols do begin
-        Test_OneOfEach(     method, factory, stream);
-        Test_CompactStruct( method, factory, stream);
-      end;
-    end;
-  finally
-    stream.Free;
-  end;
-procedure TTestSerializer.RunTests;
-  try
-    Test_Serializer_Deserializer;
-  except
-    on e:Exception do begin
-      Writeln( e.Message);
-      Write('Hit ENTER to close ... '); Readln;
-    end;
-  end;
-class function TTestSerializer.Serialize(const input : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory) : TBytes;
-var serial : TSerializer;
-  serial := TSerializer.Create( factory);
-  try
-    result := serial.Serialize( input);
-  finally
-    serial.Free;
-  end;
-class procedure TTestSerializer.Serialize(const input : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory; const aStream : TStream);
-var serial : TSerializer;
-  serial := TSerializer.Create( factory);
-  try
-    serial.Serialize( input, aStream);
-  finally
-    serial.Free;
-  end;
-class procedure TTestSerializer.Deserialize( const input : TBytes; const target : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory);
-var serial : TDeserializer;
-  serial := TDeserializer.Create( factory);
-  try
-    serial.Deserialize( input, target);
-  finally
-    serial.Free;
-  end;
-class procedure TTestSerializer.Deserialize( const input : TStream; const target : IBase; const factory : IProtocolFactory);
-var serial : TDeserializer;
-  serial := TDeserializer.Create( factory);
-  try
-    serial.Deserialize( input, target);
-  finally
-    serial.Free;
-  end;
 var test : TTestSerializer;