Fixed a few typos - test client and server samples now working with new code generation


git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/test/cpp/Makefile b/test/cpp/Makefile
index 693dbad..daaa15e 100644
--- a/test/cpp/Makefile
+++ b/test/cpp/Makefile
@@ -8,15 +8,24 @@
 ifndef thrift_home
 endif #thrift_home
 target: all
+ifndef boost_home
+endif #thrift_home
+target: all
+include_paths = $(thrift_home)/include/thrift \
+		$(boost_home)
+include_flags = $(patsubst %,-I%, $(include_paths))
 # Tools
-THRIFT = thrift
+THRIFT = python ../../compiler/src/ ~/ws/thrift/dev/test/ThriftTest.thrift  --cpp
 CC     = g++
 LD     = g++
-include_flags = $(patsubst %,-I$(thrift_home)/include/%, thrift boost-1_33_1)
 # Compiler flags
 LIBS  = ../../lib/cpp/src/server/ \
 	../../lib/cpp/src/protocol/ \
@@ -24,8 +33,8 @@
 	../../lib/cpp/src/transport/ \
 	../../lib/cpp/src/transport/ \
-DCFL  = -Wall -O3 -g -Igen-cpp $(include_flags) $(LIBS)
-CFL   = -Wall -O3 -Igen-cpp $(include_flags) -L$(thrift_home)/lib -lthrift
+DCFL  = -Wall -O3 -g -I../cpp-gen $(include_flags) $(LIBS)
+CFL   = -Wall -O3 -I../cpp-gen $(include_flags) -L$(thrift_home)/lib -lthrift
 all: server client
@@ -35,16 +44,16 @@
 	$(THRIFT) -cpp ../ThriftTest.thrift
 server-debug: stubs
-	g++ -o TestServer $(DCFL) src/ gen-cpp/
+	g++ -o TestServer $(DCFL) src/ ../cpp-gen/
 client-debug: stubs
-	g++ -o TestClient $(DCFL) src/ gen-cpp/
+	g++ -o TestClient $(DCFL) src/ ../cpp-gen/
 server: stubs
-	g++ -o TestServer $(CFL) src/ gen-cpp/
+	g++ -o TestServer $(CFL) src/ ../cpp-gen/
 client: stubs
-	g++ -o TestClient $(CFL) src/ gen-cpp/
+	g++ -o TestClient $(CFL) src/ ../cpp-gen/
-	rm -fr TestServer TestClient gen-cpp
+	rm -fr TestServer TestClient ../cpp-gen