Thrift-1391: Improved Delphi XE test cases
Client: delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer

Improved TestClient:
 - collects test results and reports errors
 - added or completed a number of tests, like listTest, mapmapTest, multiExceptionTest and others
 - exception content test also included

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
index e8edd82..9ca90d9 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@



+  Thrift,




@@ -51,8 +52,13 @@
     FNumIteration : Integer;

     FConsole : TThreadConsole;


-    FErrors, FSuccesses : Integer;

+    // test reporting, will be refactored out into separate class later

+    FTestGroup : string;

+    FSuccesses : Integer;

+    FErrors : TStringList;

+    procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string);

     procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);

+    procedure ReportResults;


     procedure ClientTest;

     procedure JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;

@@ -74,6 +80,14 @@



+function BoolToString( b : Boolean) : string;

+// overrides global BoolToString()


+  if b

+  then result := 'true'

+  else result := 'false';




 { TTestClient }


@@ -260,6 +274,8 @@
   ret : TNumberz;

   uid : Int64;

   mm : IThriftDictionary<Integer, IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>>;

+  pos : IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>;

+  neg : IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>;

   m2 : IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>;

   k2 : Integer;

   insane : IInsanity;

@@ -276,12 +292,17 @@
   arg0 : ShortInt;

   arg1 : Integer;

   arg2 : Int64;

-  multiDict : IThriftDictionary<SmallInt, string>;

+  arg3 : IThriftDictionary<SmallInt, string>;

   arg4 : TNumberz;

   arg5 : Int64;

   StartTick : Cardinal;

   k : Integer;

   proc : TThreadProcedure;

+  hello, goodbye : IXtruct;

+  crazy : IInsanity;

+  looney : IInsanity;

+  first_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;

+  second_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;



   client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( FProtocol);

@@ -298,70 +319,90 @@



-  Console.Write('testException()');

+  // in-depth exception test

+  // (1) do we get an exception at all?

+  // (2) do we get the right exception?

+  // (3) does the exception contain the expected data?

+  StartTestGroup( 'testException');



+    Expect( FALSE, 'testException(''Xception''): must trow an exception');


-    on E: TXception do

-    begin

-      Console.WriteLine( ' = ' + IntToStr(E.ErrorCode) + ', ' + E.Message_ );

+    on e:TXception do begin

+      Expect( e.ErrorCode = 1001,                  'error code');

+      Expect( e.Message_  = 'This is an Xception', 'error message');

+      Console.WriteLine( ' = ' + IntToStr(e.ErrorCode) + ', ' + e.Message_ );


+    on e:TTransportException do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected : "'+e.ToString+'"');

+    on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception type "'+e.ClassName+'"');



-  Console.Write('testVoid()');

+  // simple things

+  StartTestGroup( 'simple Thrift calls');


-  Console.WriteLine(' = void');

+  Expect( TRUE, 'testVoid()');  // success := no exception


-  Console.Write('testString(''Test'')');

   s := client.testString('Test');

-  Console.WriteLine(' := ''' + s + '''');

+  Expect( s = 'Test', 'testString(''Test'') = "'+s+'"');


-  Console.Write('testByte(1)');

   i8 := client.testByte(1);

-  Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i8 ));

+  Expect( i8 = 1, 'testByte(1) = ' + IntToStr( i8 ));


-  Console.Write('testI32(-1)');

   i32 := client.testI32(-1);

-  Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr(i32));

+  Expect( i32 = -1, 'testI32(-1) = ' + IntToStr(i32));


-  Console.Write('testI64(-34359738368)');

+  Console.WriteLine('testI64(-34359738368)');

   i64 := client.testI64(-34359738368);

-  Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i64));

+  Expect( i64 = -34359738368, 'testI64(-34359738368) = ' + IntToStr( i64));


-  Console.Write('testDouble(5.325098235)');

+  Console.WriteLine('testDouble(5.325098235)');

   dub := client.testDouble(5.325098235);

-  Console.WriteLine(' := ' + FloatToStr( dub));

+  Expect( abs(dub-5.325098235) < 1e-14, 'testDouble(5.325098235) = ' + FloatToStr( dub));


-  Console.Write('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})');

+  // structs

+  StartTestGroup( 'testStruct');

+  Console.WriteLine('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})');

   o := TXtructImpl.Create;

   o.String_thing := 'Zero';

   o.Byte_thing := 1;

   o.I32_thing := -3;

   o.I64_thing := -5;

   i := client.testStruct(o);

-  Console.WriteLine(' := {''' +

-    i.String_thing + ''', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}');

+  Expect( i.String_thing = 'Zero', 'i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"');

+  Expect( i.Byte_thing = 1, 'i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.I32_thing = -3, 'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.I64_thing = -5, 'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing, 'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing, 'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing));


-  Console.Write('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})');

+  // nested structs

+  StartTestGroup( 'testNest');

+  Console.WriteLine('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})');

   o2 := TXtruct2Impl.Create;

   o2.Byte_thing := 1;

   o2.Struct_thing := o;

   o2.I32_thing := 5;

   i2 := client.testNest(o2);

   i := i2.Struct_thing;

-  Console.WriteLine(' := {' + IntToStr( i2.Byte_thing) + ', {''' +

-    i.String_thing + ''', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' +

-    IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}, ' +

-    IntToStr( i2.I32_thing) + '}');

+  Expect( i.String_thing = 'Zero', 'i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"');

+  Expect( i.Byte_thing = 1,  'i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.I32_thing = -3,  'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.I64_thing = -5,  'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing));

+  Expect( i2.Byte_thing = 1, 'i2.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i2.Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i2.I32_thing = 5,  'i2.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i2.I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing,  'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing,  'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing,  'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing));

+  Expect( i2.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i2.__isset_Byte_thing');

+  Expect( i2.__isset_I32_thing,  'i2.__isset_I32_thing');



+  // map<type1,type2>: A map of strictly unique keys to values.

+  // Translates to an STL map, Java HashMap, PHP associative array, Python/Ruby dictionary, etc.

+  StartTestGroup( 'testMap');

   mapout := TThriftDictionaryImpl<Integer,Integer>.Create;


   for j := 0 to 4 do


     mapout.AddOrSetValue( j, j - 10);

@@ -370,33 +411,30 @@
   first := True;

   for key in mapout.Keys do


-    if first then

-    begin

-      first := False;

-    end else

-    begin

-      Console.Write( ', ' );

-    end;

+    if first

+    then first := False

+    else Console.Write( ', ' );

     Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapout[key]));


-  Console.Write('})');

+  Console.WriteLine('})');


   mapin := client.testMap( mapout );

-  Console.Write(' = {');

-  first := True;

+  Expect( mapin.Count = mapout.Count, 'testMap: mapin.Count = mapout.Count');

+  for j := 0 to 4 do

+  begin

+    Expect( mapout.ContainsKey(j), 'testMap: mapout.ContainsKey('+IntToStr(j)+') = '+BoolToString(mapout.ContainsKey(j)));

+  end;

   for key in mapin.Keys do


-    if first then

-    begin

-      first := False;

-    end else

-    begin

-      Console.Write( ', ' );

-    end;

-    Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapin[key]));

+    Expect( mapin[key] = mapout[key], 'testMap: '+IntToStr(key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapin[key]));

+    Expect( mapin[key] = key - 10, 'testMap: mapin['+IntToStr(key)+'] = '+IntToStr( mapin[key]));


-  Console.WriteLine('}');



+  // set<type>: An unordered set of unique elements.

+  // Translates to an STL set, Java HashSet, set in Python, etc.

+  // Note: PHP does not support sets, so it is treated similar to a List

+  StartTestGroup( 'testSet');

   setout := THashSetImpl<Integer>.Create;

   for j := -2 to 2 do


@@ -406,59 +444,74 @@
   first := True;

   for j in setout do


-    if first then

-    begin

-      first := False;

-    end else

-    begin

-      Console.Write(', ');

-    end;

+    if first

+    then first := False

+    else Console.Write(', ');

     Console.Write(IntToStr( j));


-  Console.Write('})');

+  Console.WriteLine('})');


-  Console.Write(' = {');


-  first := True;

   setin := client.testSet(setout);

-  for j in setin do

+  Expect( setin.Count = setout.Count, 'testSet: setin.Count = setout.Count');

+  Expect( setin.Count = 5, 'testSet: setin.Count = '+IntToStr(setin.Count));

+  for j := -2 to 2 do // unordered, we can't rely on the order => test for known elements only


-    if first then

+    Expect( setin.Contains(j), 'testSet: setin.Contains('+IntToStr(j)+') => '+BoolToString(setin.Contains(j)));

+  end;


+  // list<type>: An ordered list of elements.

+  // Translates to an STL vector, Java ArrayList, native arrays in scripting languages, etc.

+  StartTestGroup( 'testList');

+  listout := TThriftListImpl<Integer>.Create;

+  listout.Add( +1);

+  listout.Add( -2);

+  listout.Add( +3);

+  listout.Add( -4);

+  listout.Add( 0);

+  Console.Write('testList({');

+  first := True;

+  for j in listout do


-      first := False;

-    end else

-    begin

-      Console.Write(', ');

-    end;

+    if first

+    then first := False

+    else Console.Write(', ');

     Console.Write(IntToStr( j));


-  Console.WriteLine('}');

+  Console.WriteLine('})');


-  Console.Write('testEnum(ONE)');

+  listin := client.testList(listout);

+  Expect( listin.Count = listout.Count, 'testList: listin.Count = listout.Count');

+  Expect( listin.Count = 5, 'testList: listin.Count = '+IntToStr(listin.Count));

+  Expect( listin[0] = +1, 'listin[0] = '+IntToStr( listin[0]));

+  Expect( listin[1] = -2, 'listin[1] = '+IntToStr( listin[1]));

+  Expect( listin[2] = +3, 'listin[2] = '+IntToStr( listin[2]));

+  Expect( listin[3] = -4, 'listin[3] = '+IntToStr( listin[3]));

+  Expect( listin[4] = 0,  'listin[4] = '+IntToStr( listin[4]));


+  // enums

   ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.ONE);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));

+  Expect( ret = TNumberz.ONE, 'testEnum(ONE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret)));


-  Console.Write('testEnum(TWO)');

   ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.TWO);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));

+  Expect( ret = TNumberz.TWO, 'testEnum(TWO) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret)));


-  Console.Write('testEnum(THREE)');

   ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.THREE);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));

+  Expect( ret = TNumberz.THREE, 'testEnum(THREE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret)));


-  Console.Write('testEnum(FIVE)');

   ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.FIVE);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));

+  Expect( ret = TNumberz.FIVE, 'testEnum(FIVE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret)));


-  Console.Write('testEnum(EIGHT)');

   ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.EIGHT);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret)));

+  Expect( ret = TNumberz.EIGHT, 'testEnum(EIGHT) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret)));


-  Console.Write('testTypedef(309858235082523)');


+  // typedef

   uid := client.testTypedef(309858235082523);

-  Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( uid));

+  Expect( uid = 309858235082523, 'testTypedef(309858235082523) = '+IntToStr(uid));


-  Console.Write('testMapMap(1)');


+  // maps of maps

+  StartTestGroup( 'testMapMap(1)');

   mm := client.testMapMap(1);

   Console.Write(' = {');

   for key in mm.Keys do

@@ -473,6 +526,20 @@



+  // verify result data

+  Expect( mm.Count = 2, 'mm.Count = '+IntToStr(mm.Count));

+  pos := mm[4];

+  neg := mm[-4];

+  for j := 1 to 4 do

+  begin

+    Expect( pos[j]  = j,  'pos[j]  = '+IntToStr(pos[j]));

+    Expect( neg[-j] = -j, 'neg[-j] = '+IntToStr(neg[-j]));

+  end;




+  // insanity

+  StartTestGroup( 'testInsanity');

   insane := TInsanityImpl.Create;

   insane.UserMap := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, Int64>.Create;

   insane.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5000);

@@ -483,7 +550,6 @@
   truck.I64_thing := 8;

   insane.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl<IXtruct>.Create;

   insane.Xtructs.Add( truck );

-  Console.Write('testInsanity()');

   whoa := client.testInsanity( insane );

   Console.Write(' = {');

   for key64 in whoa.Keys do

@@ -530,32 +596,140 @@



+  // verify result data

+  Expect( whoa.Count = 2, 'whoa.Count = '+IntToStr(whoa.Count));

+  //

+  first_map  := whoa[1];

+  second_map := whoa[2];

+  Expect( first_map.Count = 2, 'first_map.Count = '+IntToStr(first_map.Count));

+  Expect( second_map.Count = 1, 'second_map.Count = '+IntToStr(second_map.Count));

+  //

+  looney := second_map[TNumberz.SIX];

+  Expect( Assigned(looney), 'Assigned(looney) = '+BoolToString(Assigned(looney)));

+  Expect( not looney.__isset_UserMap, 'looney.__isset_UserMap = '+BoolToString(looney.__isset_UserMap));

+  Expect( not looney.__isset_Xtructs, 'looney.__isset_Xtructs = '+BoolToString(looney.__isset_Xtructs));

+  //

+  for ret in [TNumberz.SIX, TNumberz.THREE] do begin

+    crazy := first_map[ret];

+    Console.WriteLine('first_map['+intToStr(Ord(ret))+']');


+    Expect( crazy.__isset_UserMap, 'crazy.__isset_UserMap = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_UserMap));

+    Expect( crazy.__isset_Xtructs, 'crazy.__isset_Xtructs = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_Xtructs));


+    Expect( crazy.UserMap.Count = 2, 'crazy.UserMap.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap.Count));

+    Expect( crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE] = 5, 'crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE]));

+    Expect( crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT] = 8, 'crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT]));


+    Expect( crazy.Xtructs.Count = 2, 'crazy.Xtructs.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.Xtructs.Count));

+    goodbye := crazy.Xtructs[0];  // lists are ordered, so we are allowed to assume this order

+	  hello   := crazy.Xtructs[1];


+    Expect( goodbye.String_thing = 'Goodbye4', 'goodbye.String_thing = "'+goodbye.String_thing+'"');

+    Expect( goodbye.Byte_thing = 4, 'goodbye.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.Byte_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.I32_thing = 4, 'goodbye.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I32_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.I64_thing = 4, 'goodbye.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I64_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.__isset_String_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_String_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.__isset_I32_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_I32_thing));

+    Expect( goodbye.__isset_I64_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_I64_thing));


+    Expect( hello.String_thing = 'hello', 'hello.String_thing = "'+hello.String_thing+'"');

+    Expect( hello.Byte_thing = 2, 'hello.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.Byte_thing));

+    Expect( hello.I32_thing = 2, 'hello.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.I32_thing));

+    Expect( hello.I64_thing = 2, 'hello.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.I64_thing));

+    Expect( hello.__isset_String_thing, 'hello.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_String_thing));

+    Expect( hello.__isset_Byte_thing, 'hello.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_Byte_thing));

+    Expect( hello.__isset_I32_thing, 'hello.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_I32_thing));

+    Expect( hello.__isset_I64_thing, 'hello.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_I64_thing));

+  end;



+  // multi args

+  StartTestGroup( 'testMulti');

   arg0 := 1;

   arg1 := 2;

   arg2 := High(Int64);


-  multiDict := TThriftDictionaryImpl<SmallInt, string>.Create;

-  multiDict.AddOrSetValue( 1, 'one');


+  arg3 := TThriftDictionaryImpl<SmallInt, string>.Create;

+  arg3.AddOrSetValue( 1, 'one');

   arg4 := TNumberz.FIVE;

   arg5 := 5000000;

   Console.WriteLine('Test Multi(' + IntToStr( arg0) + ',' +

     IntToStr( arg1) + ',' + IntToStr( arg2) + ',' +

-    multiDict.ToString + ',' + IntToStr( Integer( arg4)) + ',' +

+    arg3.ToString + ',' + IntToStr( Integer( arg4)) + ',' +

       IntToStr( arg5) + ')');


-  Console.WriteLine('Test Oneway(1)');

+  i := client.testMulti( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

+  Expect( i.String_thing = 'Hello2', 'testMulti: i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"');

+  Expect( i.Byte_thing = arg0, 'testMulti: i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.I32_thing = arg1, 'testMulti: i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.I64_thing = arg2, 'testMulti: i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing));

+  Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing));


+  // multi exception

+  StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(1)');

+  try

+    i := client.testMultiException( 'need more pizza', 'run out of beer');

+    Expect( i.String_thing = 'run out of beer', 'i.String_thing = "' +i.String_thing+ '"');

+    Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing));

+    Expect( not i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing));

+    Expect( not i.__isset_I32_thing, 'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing));

+    Expect( not i.__isset_I64_thing, 'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing));

+  except

+    on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'"');

+  end;


+  StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(Xception)');

+  try

+    i := client.testMultiException( 'Xception', 'second test');

+    Expect( FALSE, 'testMultiException(''Xception''): must trow an exception');

+  except

+    on x:TXception do begin

+      Expect( x.__isset_ErrorCode, 'x.__isset_ErrorCode = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_ErrorCode));

+      Expect( x.__isset_Message_,  'x.__isset_Message_ = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_Message_));

+      Expect( x.ErrorCode = 1001, 'x.ErrorCode = '+IntToStr(x.ErrorCode));

+      Expect( x.Message_ = 'This is an Xception', 'x.Message = "'+x.Message_+'"');

+    end;

+    on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'"');

+  end;


+  StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(Xception2)');

+  try

+    i := client.testMultiException( 'Xception2', 'third test');

+    Expect( FALSE, 'testMultiException(''Xception2''): must trow an exception');

+  except

+    on x:TXception2 do begin

+      Expect( x.__isset_ErrorCode, 'x.__isset_ErrorCode = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_ErrorCode));

+      Expect( x.__isset_Struct_thing,  'x.__isset_Struct_thing = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_Struct_thing));

+      Expect( x.ErrorCode = 2002, 'x.ErrorCode = '+IntToStr(x.ErrorCode));

+      Expect( x.Struct_thing.String_thing = 'This is an Xception2', 'x.Struct_thing.String_thing = "'+x.Struct_thing.String_thing+'"');

+      Expect( x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing));

+      Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing));

+      Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing));

+      Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing));

+    end;

+    on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'"');

+  end;



+  // oneway functions

+  StartTestGroup( 'Test Oneway(1)');


+  Expect( TRUE, 'Test Oneway(1)');  // success := no exception


-  Console.Write('Test Calltime()');

+  // call time

+  StartTestGroup( 'Test Calltime()');

   StartTick := GetTIckCount;


   for k := 0 to 1000 - 1 do




   Console.WriteLine(' = ' + FloatToStr( (GetTickCount - StartTick) / 1000 ) + ' ms a testVoid() call' );


+  // no more tests here

+  StartTestGroup( '');




@@ -580,6 +754,8 @@

   stm  := TStringStream.Create;


+    StartTestGroup( 'JsonProtocolTest');  // no more tests here


     // prepare binary data

     SetLength( binary, $100);

     for i := Low(binary) to High(binary) do binary[i] := i;

@@ -642,6 +818,18 @@


     prot := nil;  //-> Release

+    StartTestGroup( '');  // no more tests here

+  end;




+procedure TClientThread.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string);


+  FTestGroup := aGroup;

+  if FTestGroup <> '' then begin

+    Console.WriteLine('');

+    Console.WriteLine( aGroup+' tests');

+    Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('-',60));




@@ -650,16 +838,46 @@

   if aTestResult  then begin


-    Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+' = OK');

+    Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': passed');


   else begin

-    Inc(FErrors);

-    Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+' = FAILED');

-    ASSERT( FALSE);  // we have a failed test!

+    FErrors.Add( FTestGroup+': '+aTestInfo);

+    Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': *** FAILED ***');


+    // We have a failed test!

+    // -> issue DebugBreak ONLY if a debugger is attached,

+    // -> unhandled DebugBreaks would cause Windows to terminate the app otherwise

+    if IsDebuggerPresent then asm int 3 end;





+procedure TClientThread.ReportResults;

+var nTotal : Integer;

+    sLine : string;


+  // prevent us from stupid DIV/0 errors

+  nTotal := FSuccesses + FErrors.Count;

+  if nTotal = 0 then begin

+    Console.WriteLine('No results logged');

+    Exit;

+  end;


+  Console.WriteLine('');

+  Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));

+  Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(nTotal)+' tests performed');

+  Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FSuccesses)+' tests succeeded ('+IntToStr(round(100*FSuccesses/nTotal))+'%)');

+  Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FErrors.Count)+' tests failed ('+IntToStr(round(100*FErrors.Count/nTotal))+'%)');

+  Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));

+  if FErrors.Count > 0 then begin

+    Console.WriteLine('FAILED TESTS:');

+    for sLine in FErrors do Console.WriteLine('- '+sLine);

+    Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));

+  end;

+  Console.WriteLine('');




 constructor TClientThread.Create(ATransport: ITransport; AProtocol : IProtocol; ANumIteration: Integer);


   inherited Create( True );

@@ -667,11 +885,17 @@
   FTransport := ATransport;

   FProtocol := AProtocol;

   FConsole := TThreadConsole.Create( Self );


+  // error list: keep correct order, allow for duplicates

+  FErrors := TStringList.Create;

+  FErrors.Sorted := FALSE;

+  FErrors.Duplicates := dupAccept;



 destructor TClientThread.Destroy;


-  FConsole.Free;

+  FreeAndNil( FConsole);

+  FreeAndNil( FErrors);




@@ -680,12 +904,21 @@
   i : Integer;

   proc : TThreadProcedure;


-  for i := 0 to FNumIteration - 1 do

-  begin

-    ClientTest;

-    JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;

+  // perform all tests

+  try

+    for i := 0 to FNumIteration - 1 do

+    begin

+      ClientTest;

+      JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;

+    end;

+  except

+    on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'unexpected exception: "'+e.message+'"');



+  // report the outcome

+  ReportResults;


+  // shutdown

   proc := procedure


     if FTransport <> nil then