THRIFT-332. rb: Compact Protocol in Ruby

This patch includes both a pure Ruby and C-extension port of the Compact Protocol described in THRIFT-110. It also fixes a bug in struct.c that was interfering with native protocol method calls, and adds some utility classes to the Java library for serializing/deserializing to a file for the purpose of testing protocols cross-language.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75f1455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package org.apache.thrift.test;
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory;
+import org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport;
+import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
+import thrift.test.CompactProtoTestStruct;
+public class ReadStruct {
+  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+    if (args.length != 2) {
+      System.out.println("usage: java -cp build/classes org.apache.thrift.test.ReadStruct filename proto_factory_class");
+      System.out.println("Read in an instance of CompactProtocolTestStruct from 'file', making sure that it is equivalent to Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct. Use a protocol from 'proto_factory_class'.");
+    }
+    TTransport trans = new TIOStreamTransport(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
+    TProtocolFactory factory = (TProtocolFactory)Class.forName(args[1]).newInstance();
+    TProtocol proto = factory.getProtocol(trans);
+    CompactProtoTestStruct cpts = new CompactProtoTestStruct();
+    for (Integer fid : CompactProtoTestStruct.metaDataMap.keySet()) {
+      cpts.setFieldValue(fid, null);
+    }
+    if (cpts.equals(Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct)) {
+      System.out.println("Object verified successfully!");
+    } else {
+      System.out.println("Object failed verification!");
+      System.out.println("Expected: " + Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct + " but got " + cpts);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
index 88a55e2..4bc74a7 100755
--- a/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
+++ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
@@ -78,35 +78,17 @@
-    testNakedI64(1);
-    testNakedI64(0xff);
-    testNakedI64(0xffff);
-    testNakedI64(0xffffff);
-    testNakedI64(6000000000L);
-    testNakedI64(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-    testNakedI64(-1);
-    testNakedI64(-0xff);
-    testNakedI64(-0xffff);
-    testNakedI64(-0xffffff);
-    testNakedI64(-6000000000L);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
+      testNakedI64(1L << i);
+      testNakedI64(-(1L << i));
+    }
-    testI64Field(1);
-    testI64Field(0xff);
-    testI64Field(0xffff);
-    testI64Field(0xffffff);
-    testI64Field(6000000000L);
-    testI64Field(1L << 32);
-    testI64Field(1L << 48);
-    testI64Field(1L << 55);
-    testI64Field(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-    testI64Field(-1);
-    testI64Field(-0xff);
-    testI64Field(-0xffff);
-    testI64Field(-0xffffff);
-    testI64Field(-6000000000L);
-    testI64Field(-1*Long.MAX_VALUE);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
+      testI64Field(1L << i);
+      testI64Field(-(1L << i));
+    }
diff --git a/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a5831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/java/test/org/apache/thrift/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.apache.thrift.test;
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
+import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory;
+import org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport;
+import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
+public class WriteStruct {
+  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+    if (args.length != 2) {
+      System.out.println("usage: java -cp build/classes org.apache.thrift.test.WriteStruct filename proto_factory_class");
+      System.out.println("Write out an instance of Fixtures.compactProtocolTestStruct to 'file'. Use a protocol from 'proto_factory_class'.");
+    }
+    TTransport trans = new TIOStreamTransport(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[0])));
+    TProtocolFactory factory = (TProtocolFactory)Class.forName(args[1]).newInstance();
+    TProtocol proto = factory.getProtocol(trans);
+    Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct.write(proto);
+    trans.flush();
+  }
diff --git a/lib/rb/Manifest b/lib/rb/Manifest
index c291232..beddc3b 100644
--- a/lib/rb/Manifest
+++ b/lib/rb/Manifest
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
diff --git a/lib/rb/Rakefile b/lib/rb/Rakefile
index b5aa2ad..96d1448 100644
--- a/lib/rb/Rakefile
+++ b/lib/rb/Rakefile
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 desc 'Compile the .thrift files for the specs'
-task :'gen-rb' => [:'gen-rb:spec', :'gen-rb:benchmark']
+task :'gen-rb' => [:'gen-rb:spec', :'gen-rb:benchmark', :'gen-rb:debug_proto']
 namespace :'gen-rb' do
   task :'spec' do
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
     dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/benchmark'
     sh THRIFT, '--gen', 'rb', '-o', dir, "#{dir}/Benchmark.thrift"
+  task :'debug_proto' do
+    sh "mkdir", "-p", "debug_proto_test"
+    sh THRIFT, '--gen', 'rb', "-o", "debug_proto_test", "../../test/DebugProtoTest.thrift"
+  end
 desc 'Run benchmarking of NonblockingServer'
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/binary_protocol_accelerated.c b/lib/rb/ext/binary_protocol_accelerated.c
index fc4b675..bb4f4a3 100644
--- a/lib/rb/ext/binary_protocol_accelerated.c
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/binary_protocol_accelerated.c
@@ -3,12 +3,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <constants.h>
 #include <struct.h>
-#define GET_TRANSPORT(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, transport_ivar_id)
-#define GET_STRICT_READ(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, strict_read_ivar_id)
-#define GET_STRICT_WRITE(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, strict_write_ivar_id)
-#define WRITE(obj, data, length) rb_funcall(obj, write_method_id, 1, rb_str_new(data, length))
-#define CHECK_NIL(obj) if (NIL_P(obj)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "nil argument not allowed!");}
+#include "macros.h"
 VALUE rb_thrift_binary_proto_native_qmark(VALUE self) {
   return Qtrue;
@@ -205,8 +200,6 @@
 // interface reading methods
-#define READ(obj, length) rb_funcall(GET_TRANSPORT(obj), read_method_id, 1, INT2FIX(length)) 
 VALUE rb_thrift_binary_proto_read_string(VALUE self);
 VALUE rb_thrift_binary_proto_read_byte(VALUE self);
 VALUE rb_thrift_binary_proto_read_i32(VALUE self);
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.c b/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65b942c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.c
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+#include <ruby.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <constants.h>
+#include <struct.h>
+#include "macros.h"
+#define LAST_ID(obj) FIX2INT(rb_ary_pop(rb_ivar_get(obj, last_field_id)))
+#define SET_LAST_ID(obj, val) rb_ary_push(rb_ivar_get(obj, last_field_id), val)
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_native_qmark(VALUE self) {
+  return Qtrue;
+static ID last_field_id;
+static ID boolean_field_id;
+static ID bool_value_id;
+static int VERSION;
+static int VERSION_MASK;
+static int TYPE_MASK;
+static int TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT;
+static int PROTOCOL_ID;
+static VALUE thrift_compact_protocol_class;
+static int CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE   = 0x01;
+static int CTYPE_BOOLEAN_FALSE  = 0x02;
+static int CTYPE_BYTE           = 0x03;
+static int CTYPE_I16            = 0x04;
+static int CTYPE_I32            = 0x05;
+static int CTYPE_I64            = 0x06;
+static int CTYPE_DOUBLE         = 0x07;
+static int CTYPE_BINARY         = 0x08;
+static int CTYPE_LIST           = 0x09;
+static int CTYPE_SET            = 0x0A;
+static int CTYPE_MAP            = 0x0B;
+static int CTYPE_STRUCT         = 0x0C;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i16(VALUE self, VALUE i16);
+// TODO: implement this
+static int get_compact_type(VALUE type_value) {
+  int type = FIX2INT(type_value);
+  if (type == TTYPE_BOOL) {
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_BYTE) {
+    return CTYPE_BYTE;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_I16) {
+    return CTYPE_I16;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_I32) {
+    return CTYPE_I32;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_I64) {
+    return CTYPE_I64;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+    return CTYPE_DOUBLE;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_STRING) {
+    return CTYPE_BINARY;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_LIST) {
+    return CTYPE_LIST;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_SET) {
+    return CTYPE_SET;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_MAP) {
+    return CTYPE_MAP;
+  } else if (type == TTYPE_STRUCT) {
+    return CTYPE_STRUCT;
+  } else {
+    char str[50];
+    sprintf(str, "don't know what type: %d", type);
+    rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, str);
+    return 0;
+  }
+static void write_byte_direct(VALUE transport, int8_t b) {
+  WRITE(transport, (char*)&b, 1);
+static void write_field_begin_internal(VALUE self, VALUE type, VALUE id_value, VALUE type_override) {
+  int id = FIX2INT(id_value);
+  int last_id = LAST_ID(self);
+  VALUE transport = GET_TRANSPORT(self);
+  // if there's a type override, use that.
+  int8_t type_to_write = RTEST(type_override) ? FIX2INT(type_override) : get_compact_type(type);
+  // check if we can use delta encoding for the field id
+  int diff = id - last_id;
+  if (diff > 0 && diff <= 15) {
+    // write them together
+    write_byte_direct(transport, diff << 4 | (type_to_write & 0x0f));
+  } else {
+    // write them separate
+    write_byte_direct(transport, type_to_write & 0x0f);
+    rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i16(self, id_value);
+  }
+  SET_LAST_ID(self, id_value);
+static int32_t int_to_zig_zag(int32_t n) {
+  return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31);
+static uint64_t ll_to_zig_zag(int64_t n) {
+  return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 63);
+static void write_varint32(VALUE transport, uint32_t n) {
+  while (true) {
+    if ((n & ~0x7F) == 0) {
+      write_byte_direct(transport, n & 0x7f);
+      break;
+    } else {
+      write_byte_direct(transport, (n & 0x7F) | 0x80);
+      n = n >> 7;
+    }
+  }
+static void write_varint64(VALUE transport, uint64_t n) {
+  while (true) {
+    if ((n & ~0x7F) == 0) {
+      write_byte_direct(transport, n & 0x7f);
+      break;
+    } else {
+      write_byte_direct(transport, (n & 0x7F) | 0x80);
+      n = n >> 7;
+    }
+  }
+static void write_collection_begin(VALUE transport, VALUE elem_type, VALUE size_value) {
+  int size = FIX2INT(size_value);
+  if (size <= 14) {
+    write_byte_direct(transport, size << 4 | get_compact_type(elem_type));
+  } else {
+    write_byte_direct(transport, 0xf0 | get_compact_type(elem_type));
+    write_varint32(transport, size);
+  }
+// interface writing methods
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i32(VALUE self, VALUE i32);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_string(VALUE self, VALUE str);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_message_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_begin(VALUE self, VALUE name) {
+  rb_ary_push(rb_ivar_get(self, last_field_id), INT2FIX(0));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_end(VALUE self) {
+  rb_ary_pop(rb_ivar_get(self, last_field_id));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_message_begin(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE type, VALUE seqid) {
+  VALUE transport = GET_TRANSPORT(self);
+  write_byte_direct(transport, PROTOCOL_ID);
+  write_byte_direct(transport, (VERSION & VERSION_MASK) | ((FIX2INT(type) << TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & TYPE_MASK));
+  write_varint32(transport, FIX2INT(seqid));
+  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_string(self, name);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_begin(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE type, VALUE id) {
+  if (FIX2INT(type) == TTYPE_BOOL) {
+    // we want to possibly include the value, so we'll wait.
+    rb_ivar_set(self, boolean_field_id, rb_ary_new3(2, type, id));
+  } else {
+    write_field_begin_internal(self, type, id, Qnil);
+  }
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_stop(VALUE self) {
+  write_byte_direct(GET_TRANSPORT(self), TTYPE_STOP);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_begin(VALUE self, VALUE ktype, VALUE vtype, VALUE size_value) {
+  int size = FIX2INT(size_value);
+  VALUE transport = GET_TRANSPORT(self);
+  if (size == 0) {
+    write_byte_direct(transport, 0);
+  } else {
+    write_varint32(transport, size);
+    write_byte_direct(transport, get_compact_type(ktype) << 4 | get_compact_type(vtype));
+  }
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_begin(VALUE self, VALUE etype, VALUE size) {
+  write_collection_begin(GET_TRANSPORT(self), etype, size);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_begin(VALUE self, VALUE etype, VALUE size) {
+  write_collection_begin(GET_TRANSPORT(self), etype, size);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_bool(VALUE self, VALUE b) {
+  int8_t type = b == Qtrue ? CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE : CTYPE_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+  VALUE boolean_field = rb_ivar_get(self, boolean_field_id);
+  if (NIL_P(boolean_field)) {
+    // we're not part of a field, so just write the value.
+    write_byte_direct(GET_TRANSPORT(self), type);
+  } else {
+    // we haven't written the field header yet
+    write_field_begin_internal(self, rb_ary_entry(boolean_field, 0), rb_ary_entry(boolean_field, 1), INT2FIX(type));
+    rb_ivar_set(self, boolean_field_id, Qnil);
+  }
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_byte(VALUE self, VALUE byte) {
+  CHECK_NIL(byte);
+  write_byte_direct(GET_TRANSPORT(self), FIX2INT(byte));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i16(VALUE self, VALUE i16) {
+  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i32(self, i16);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i32(VALUE self, VALUE i32) {
+  CHECK_NIL(i32);
+  write_varint32(GET_TRANSPORT(self), int_to_zig_zag(NUM2INT(i32)));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i64(VALUE self, VALUE i64) {
+  CHECK_NIL(i64);
+  write_varint64(GET_TRANSPORT(self), ll_to_zig_zag(NUM2LL(i64)));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_double(VALUE self, VALUE dub) {
+  CHECK_NIL(dub);
+  // Unfortunately, bitwise_cast doesn't work in C.  Bad C!
+  union {
+    double f;
+    int64_t l;
+  } transfer;
+  transfer.f = RFLOAT(rb_Float(dub))->value;
+  char buf[8];
+  buf[0] = transfer.l & 0xff;
+  buf[1] = (transfer.l >> 8) & 0xff;
+  buf[2] = (transfer.l >> 16) & 0xff;
+  buf[3] = (transfer.l >> 24) & 0xff;
+  buf[4] = (transfer.l >> 32) & 0xff;
+  buf[5] = (transfer.l >> 40) & 0xff;
+  buf[6] = (transfer.l >> 48) & 0xff;
+  buf[7] = (transfer.l >> 56) & 0xff;
+  WRITE(GET_TRANSPORT(self), buf, 8);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_string(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
+  VALUE transport = GET_TRANSPORT(self);
+  write_varint32(transport, RSTRING(str)->len);
+  WRITE(transport, RSTRING(str)->ptr, RSTRING(str)->len);
+  return Qnil;
+// interface reading methods
+#define is_bool_type(ctype) (((ctype) & 0x0F) == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE || ((ctype) & 0x0F) == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_string(VALUE self);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_byte(VALUE self);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i32(VALUE self);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i16(VALUE self);
+static int8_t get_ttype(int8_t ctype) {
+  if (ctype == TTYPE_STOP) {
+    return TTYPE_STOP;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE || ctype == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_FALSE) {
+    return TTYPE_BOOL;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_BYTE) {
+    return TTYPE_BYTE;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_I16) {
+    return TTYPE_I16;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_I32) {
+    return TTYPE_I32;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_I64) {
+    return TTYPE_I64;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+    return TTYPE_DOUBLE;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_BINARY) {
+    return TTYPE_STRING;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_LIST) {
+    return TTYPE_LIST;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_SET) {
+    return TTYPE_SET;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_MAP) {
+    return TTYPE_MAP;
+  } else if (ctype == CTYPE_STRUCT) {
+    return TTYPE_STRUCT;
+  } else {
+    char str[50];
+    sprintf(str, "don't know what type: %d", ctype);
+    rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, str);
+    return 0;
+  }
+static char read_byte_direct(VALUE self) {
+  return (RSTRING(READ(self, 1))->ptr)[0];
+static int64_t zig_zag_to_ll(int64_t n) {
+  return (((uint64_t)n) >> 1) ^ -(n & 1);
+static int32_t zig_zag_to_int(int32_t n) {
+  return (((uint32_t)n) >> 1) ^ -(n & 1);
+static int64_t read_varint64(VALUE self) {
+  int shift = 0;
+  int64_t result = 0;
+  while (true) {
+    int8_t b = read_byte_direct(self);
+    result = result | ((uint64_t)(b & 0x7f) << shift);
+    if ((b & 0x80) != 0x80) {
+      break;
+    }
+    shift += 7;
+  }
+  return result;
+static int16_t read_i16(VALUE self) {
+  return zig_zag_to_int((int32_t)read_varint64(self));
+static VALUE get_protocol_exception(VALUE code, VALUE message) {
+  VALUE args[2];
+  args[0] = code;
+  args[1] = message;
+  return rb_class_new_instance(2, (VALUE*)&args, protocol_exception_class);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_begin(VALUE self) {
+  rb_ary_push(rb_ivar_get(self, last_field_id), INT2FIX(0));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_end(VALUE self) {
+  rb_ary_pop(rb_ivar_get(self, last_field_id));
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_end(VALUE self) {
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_begin(VALUE self) {
+  int8_t protocol_id = read_byte_direct(self);
+  if (protocol_id != PROTOCOL_ID) {
+    char buf[100];
+    int len = sprintf(buf, "Expected protocol id %d but got %d", PROTOCOL_ID, protocol_id);
+    buf[len] = 0;
+    rb_exc_raise(get_protocol_exception(INT2FIX(-1), rb_str_new2(buf)));
+  }
+  int8_t version_and_type = read_byte_direct(self);
+  int8_t version = version_and_type & VERSION_MASK;
+  if (version != VERSION) {
+    char buf[100];
+    int len = sprintf(buf, "Expected version id %d but got %d", version, VERSION);
+    buf[len] = 0;
+    rb_exc_raise(get_protocol_exception(INT2FIX(-1), rb_str_new2(buf)));
+  }
+  int8_t type = (version_and_type >> TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & 0x03;
+  int32_t seqid = read_varint64(self);
+  VALUE messageName = rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_string(self);
+  return rb_ary_new3(3, messageName, INT2FIX(type), INT2NUM(seqid));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_begin(VALUE self) {
+  int8_t type = read_byte_direct(self);
+  // if it's a stop, then we can return immediately, as the struct is over.
+  if ((type & 0x0f) == TTYPE_STOP) {
+    return rb_ary_new3(3, Qnil, INT2FIX(0), INT2FIX(0));
+  } else {
+    int field_id = 0;
+    // mask off the 4 MSB of the type header. it could contain a field id delta.
+    uint8_t modifier = ((type & 0xf0) >> 4);
+    if (modifier == 0) {
+      // not a delta. look ahead for the zigzag varint field id.
+      field_id = read_i16(self);
+    } else {
+      // has a delta. add the delta to the last read field id.
+      field_id = LAST_ID(self) + modifier;
+    }
+    // if this happens to be a boolean field, the value is encoded in the type
+    if (is_bool_type(type)) {
+      // save the boolean value in a special instance variable.
+      rb_ivar_set(self, bool_value_id, (type & 0x0f) == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
+    }
+    // push the new field onto the field stack so we can keep the deltas going.
+    SET_LAST_ID(self, INT2FIX(field_id));
+    return rb_ary_new3(3, Qnil, INT2FIX(get_ttype(type & 0x0f)), INT2FIX(field_id));
+  }
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_begin(VALUE self) {
+  int32_t size = read_varint64(self);
+  uint8_t key_and_value_type = size == 0 ? 0 : read_byte_direct(self);
+  return rb_ary_new3(3, INT2FIX(get_ttype(key_and_value_type >> 4)), INT2FIX(get_ttype(key_and_value_type & 0xf)), INT2FIX(size));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_begin(VALUE self) {
+  uint8_t size_and_type = read_byte_direct(self);
+  int32_t size = (size_and_type >> 4) & 0x0f;
+  if (size == 15) {
+    size = read_varint64(self);
+  }
+  uint8_t type = get_ttype(size_and_type & 0x0f);
+  return rb_ary_new3(2, INT2FIX(type), INT2FIX(size));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_begin(VALUE self) {
+  return rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_begin(self);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_bool(VALUE self) {
+  VALUE bool_value = rb_ivar_get(self, bool_value_id);
+  if (NIL_P(bool_value)) {
+    return read_byte_direct(self) == CTYPE_BOOLEAN_TRUE ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
+  } else {
+    rb_ivar_set(self, bool_value_id, Qnil);
+    return bool_value;
+  }
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_byte(VALUE self) {
+  return INT2FIX(read_byte_direct(self));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i16(VALUE self) {
+  return INT2FIX(read_i16(self));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i32(VALUE self) {
+  return INT2NUM(zig_zag_to_int(read_varint64(self)));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i64(VALUE self) {
+  return LL2NUM(zig_zag_to_ll(read_varint64(self)));
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_double(VALUE self) {
+  union {
+    double f;
+    int64_t l;
+  } transfer;
+  VALUE bytes = READ(self, 8);
+  uint32_t lo = ((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[0]))
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[1])) << 8)
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[2])) << 16)
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[3])) << 24);
+  uint64_t hi = (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[4])))
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[5])) << 8)
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[6])) << 16)
+    | (((uint8_t)(RSTRING(bytes)->ptr[7])) << 24);
+  transfer.l = (hi << 32) | lo;
+  return rb_float_new(transfer.f);
+VALUE rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_string(VALUE self) {
+  int64_t size = read_varint64(self);
+  return READ(self, size);
+static void Init_constants() {
+  thrift_compact_protocol_class = rb_const_get(thrift_module, rb_intern("CompactProtocol"));
+  VERSION = rb_num2ll(rb_const_get(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("VERSION")));
+  VERSION_MASK = rb_num2ll(rb_const_get(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("VERSION_MASK")));
+  TYPE_MASK = rb_num2ll(rb_const_get(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("TYPE_MASK")));
+  TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT = FIX2INT(rb_const_get(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT")));
+  PROTOCOL_ID = FIX2INT(rb_const_get(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("PROTOCOL_ID")));
+  last_field_id = rb_intern("@last_field");
+  boolean_field_id = rb_intern("@boolean_field");
+  bool_value_id = rb_intern("@bool_value");
+static void Init_rb_methods() {
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "native?", rb_thrift_compact_proto_native_qmark, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_message_begin", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_message_begin, 3);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_field_begin",   rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_begin, 3);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_field_stop",    rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_stop, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_map_begin",     rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_begin, 3);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_list_begin",    rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_begin, 2);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_set_begin",     rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_begin, 2);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_byte",          rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_byte, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_bool",          rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_bool, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_i16",           rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i16, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_i32",           rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i32, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_i64",           rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i64, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_double",        rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_double, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_string",        rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_string, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_message_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_message_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_struct_begin", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_begin, 1);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_struct_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_field_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_map_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_list_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "write_set_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_message_begin",  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_field_begin",    rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_map_begin",      rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_list_begin",     rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_set_begin",      rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_byte",           rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_byte, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_bool",           rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_bool, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_i16",            rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i16, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_i32",            rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i32, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_i64",            rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i64, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_double",         rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_double, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_string",         rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_string, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_message_end", rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_struct_begin",  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_begin, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_struct_end",    rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_field_end",     rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_map_end",       rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_list_end",      rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_end, 0);
+  rb_define_method(thrift_compact_protocol_class, "read_set_end",       rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_end, 0);
+static void Init_npmt() {
+  native_proto_method_table *npmt;
+  npmt = ALLOC(native_proto_method_table);
+  npmt->write_field_begin   =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_begin;
+  npmt->write_field_stop    =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_stop;
+  npmt->write_map_begin     =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_begin;
+  npmt->write_list_begin    =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_begin;
+  npmt->write_set_begin     =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_begin;
+  npmt->write_byte          =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_byte;
+  npmt->write_bool          =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_bool;
+  npmt->write_i16           =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i16;
+  npmt->write_i32           =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i32;
+  npmt->write_i64           =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_i64;
+  npmt->write_double        =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_double;
+  npmt->write_string        =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_string;
+  npmt->write_message_end   =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_message_end;
+  npmt->write_struct_begin  =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_begin;
+  npmt->write_struct_end    =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_struct_end;
+  npmt->write_field_end     =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_field_end;
+  npmt->write_map_end       =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_map_end;
+  npmt->write_list_end      =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_list_end;
+  npmt->write_set_end       =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_write_set_end;
+  npmt->read_message_begin  =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_begin;
+  npmt->read_field_begin    =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_begin;
+  npmt->read_map_begin      =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_begin;
+  npmt->read_list_begin     =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_begin;
+  npmt->read_set_begin      =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_begin;
+  npmt->read_byte           =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_byte;
+  npmt->read_bool           =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_bool;
+  npmt->read_i16            =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i16;
+  npmt->read_i32            =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i32;
+  npmt->read_i64            =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_i64;
+  npmt->read_double         =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_double;
+  npmt->read_string         =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_string;
+  npmt->read_message_end    =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_message_end;
+  npmt->read_struct_begin   =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_begin;
+  npmt->read_struct_end     =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_struct_end;
+  npmt->read_field_end      =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_field_end;
+  npmt->read_map_end        =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_map_end;
+  npmt->read_list_end       =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_list_end;
+  npmt->read_set_end        =  rb_thrift_compact_proto_read_set_end;
+  VALUE method_table_object = Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, free, npmt);
+  rb_const_set(thrift_compact_protocol_class, rb_intern("@native_method_table"), method_table_object);
+void Init_compact_protocol() {
+  Init_constants();
+  Init_rb_methods();
+  Init_npmt();
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.h b/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4619528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/compact_protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+void Init_compact_protocol();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/macros.h b/lib/rb/ext/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2072cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#define GET_TRANSPORT(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, transport_ivar_id)
+#define GET_STRICT_READ(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, strict_read_ivar_id)
+#define GET_STRICT_WRITE(obj) rb_ivar_get(obj, strict_write_ivar_id)
+#define WRITE(obj, data, length) rb_funcall(obj, write_method_id, 1, rb_str_new(data, length))
+#define CHECK_NIL(obj) if (NIL_P(obj)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "nil argument not allowed!");}
+#define READ(obj, length) rb_funcall(GET_TRANSPORT(obj), read_method_id, 1, INT2FIX(length)) 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/struct.c b/lib/rb/ext/struct.c
index b882344..20b48b9 100644
--- a/lib/rb/ext/struct.c
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/struct.c
@@ -24,10 +24,30 @@
 static native_proto_method_table *mt;
+static native_proto_method_table *default_mt;
+static VALUE last_proto_class = Qnil;
 #define IS_CONTAINER(ttype) ((ttype) == TTYPE_MAP || (ttype) == TTYPE_LIST || (ttype) == TTYPE_SET)
 #define STRUCT_FIELDS(obj) rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(obj), fields_const_id)
+static void set_native_proto_function_pointers(VALUE protocol) {
+  VALUE method_table_object = rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(protocol), rb_intern("@native_method_table"));
+  // TODO: check nil?
+  Data_Get_Struct(method_table_object, native_proto_method_table, mt);
+static void check_native_proto_method_table(VALUE protocol) {
+  VALUE protoclass = CLASS_OF(protocol);
+  if (protoclass != last_proto_class) {
+    last_proto_class = protoclass;
+    if (rb_funcall(protocol, native_qmark_method_id, 0) == Qtrue) {
+      set_native_proto_function_pointers(protocol);
+    } else {
+      mt = default_mt;
+    }
+  }
 // Writing section
@@ -193,51 +213,44 @@
 static void set_default_proto_function_pointers() {
-  mt = ALLOC(native_proto_method_table);
-  mt->write_field_begin = default_write_field_begin;
-  mt->write_field_stop = default_write_field_stop;
-  mt->write_map_begin = default_write_map_begin;
-  mt->write_map_end = default_write_map_end;
-  mt->write_list_begin = default_write_list_begin;
-  mt->write_list_end = default_write_list_end;
-  mt->write_set_begin = default_write_set_begin;
-  mt->write_set_end = default_write_set_end;
-  mt->write_byte = default_write_byte;
-  mt->write_bool = default_write_bool;
-  mt->write_i16 = default_write_i16;
-  mt->write_i32 = default_write_i32;
-  mt->write_i64 = default_write_i64;
-  mt->write_double = default_write_double;
-  mt->write_string = default_write_string;
-  mt->write_struct_begin = default_write_struct_begin;
-  mt->write_struct_end = default_write_struct_end;
-  mt->write_field_end = default_write_field_end;
+  default_mt = ALLOC(native_proto_method_table);
-  mt->read_struct_begin = default_read_struct_begin;
-  mt->read_struct_end = default_read_struct_end;
-  mt->read_field_begin = default_read_field_begin;
-  mt->read_field_end = default_read_field_end;
-  mt->read_map_begin = default_read_map_begin;
-  mt->read_map_end = default_read_map_end;
-  mt->read_list_begin = default_read_list_begin;
-  mt->read_list_end = default_read_list_end;
-  mt->read_set_begin = default_read_set_begin;
-  mt->read_set_end = default_read_set_end;
-  mt->read_byte = default_read_byte;
-  mt->read_bool = default_read_bool;
-  mt->read_i16 = default_read_i16;
-  mt->read_i32 = default_read_i32;
-  mt->read_i64 = default_read_i64;
-  mt->read_double = default_read_double;
-  mt->read_string = default_read_string;
+  default_mt->write_field_begin = default_write_field_begin;
+  default_mt->write_field_stop = default_write_field_stop;
+  default_mt->write_map_begin = default_write_map_begin;
+  default_mt->write_map_end = default_write_map_end;
+  default_mt->write_list_begin = default_write_list_begin;
+  default_mt->write_list_end = default_write_list_end;
+  default_mt->write_set_begin = default_write_set_begin;
+  default_mt->write_set_end = default_write_set_end;
+  default_mt->write_byte = default_write_byte;
+  default_mt->write_bool = default_write_bool;
+  default_mt->write_i16 = default_write_i16;
+  default_mt->write_i32 = default_write_i32;
+  default_mt->write_i64 = default_write_i64;
+  default_mt->write_double = default_write_double;
+  default_mt->write_string = default_write_string;
+  default_mt->write_struct_begin = default_write_struct_begin;
+  default_mt->write_struct_end = default_write_struct_end;
+  default_mt->write_field_end = default_write_field_end;
-static void set_native_proto_function_pointers(VALUE protocol) {
-  VALUE method_table_object = rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(protocol), rb_intern("@native_method_table"));
-  // TODO: check nil?
-  Data_Get_Struct(method_table_object, native_proto_method_table, mt);
+  default_mt->read_struct_begin = default_read_struct_begin;
+  default_mt->read_struct_end = default_read_struct_end;
+  default_mt->read_field_begin = default_read_field_begin;
+  default_mt->read_field_end = default_read_field_end;
+  default_mt->read_map_begin = default_read_map_begin;
+  default_mt->read_map_end = default_read_map_end;
+  default_mt->read_list_begin = default_read_list_begin;
+  default_mt->read_list_end = default_read_list_end;
+  default_mt->read_set_begin = default_read_set_begin;
+  default_mt->read_set_end = default_read_set_end;
+  default_mt->read_byte = default_read_byte;
+  default_mt->read_bool = default_read_bool;
+  default_mt->read_i16 = default_read_i16;
+  default_mt->read_i32 = default_read_i32;
+  default_mt->read_i64 = default_read_i64;
+  default_mt->read_double = default_read_double;
+  default_mt->read_string = default_read_string;
 // end default protocol methods
@@ -383,11 +396,12 @@
   // call validate
   rb_funcall(self, validate_method_id, 0);
-  if (RTEST(rb_funcall(protocol, native_qmark_method_id, 0))) {
-    set_native_proto_function_pointers(protocol);
-  } else {
-    set_default_proto_function_pointers();
-  }
+  // if (rb_funcall(protocol, native_qmark_method_id, 0) == Qtrue) {
+  //   set_native_proto_function_pointers(protocol);
+  // } else {
+  //   set_default_proto_function_pointers();
+  // }
+  check_native_proto_method_table(protocol);
   // write struct begin
   mt->write_struct_begin(protocol, rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self)));
@@ -522,6 +536,8 @@
 static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_read(VALUE self, VALUE protocol) {
+  check_native_proto_method_table(protocol);
   // read struct begin
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/thrift_native.c b/lib/rb/ext/thrift_native.c
index 4d5623d..b9afdc3 100644
--- a/lib/rb/ext/thrift_native.c
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/thrift_native.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <ruby.h>
 #include <struct.h>
 #include <binary_protocol_accelerated.h>
+#include <compact_protocol.h>
 #include <protocol.h>
 #include <memory_buffer.h>
@@ -169,5 +170,6 @@
+  Init_compact_protocol();
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/compact_protocol.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/compact_protocol.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f0ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/compact_protocol.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+require 'thrift/protocol'
+module Thrift
+  class CompactProtocol < Protocol
+    PROTOCOL_ID = [0x82].pack('c').unpack('c').first
+    VERSION = 1
+    VERSION_MASK = 0x1f
+    TYPE_MASK = 0xE0
+    TSTOP = ["", Types::STOP, 0]
+    # 
+    # All of the on-wire type codes.
+    # 
+    class CompactTypes
+      BOOLEAN_TRUE   = 0x01
+      BOOLEAN_FALSE  = 0x02
+      BYTE           = 0x03
+      I16            = 0x04
+      I32            = 0x05
+      I64            = 0x06
+      DOUBLE         = 0x07
+      BINARY         = 0x08
+      LIST           = 0x09
+      SET            = 0x0A
+      MAP            = 0x0B
+      STRUCT         = 0x0C
+      def self.is_bool_type?(b)
+        (b & 0x0f) == BOOLEAN_TRUE || (b & 0x0f) == BOOLEAN_FALSE
+      end
+        Types::STOP   => Types::STOP,
+        BOOLEAN_FALSE => Types::BOOL,
+        BOOLEAN_TRUE  => Types::BOOL,
+        BYTE          => Types::BYTE,
+        I16           => Types::I16,
+        I32           => Types::I32,
+        I64           => Types::I64,
+        DOUBLE        => Types::DOUBLE,
+        BINARY        => Types::STRING,
+        LIST          => Types::LIST,
+        SET           => Types::SET,
+        MAP           => Types::MAP,
+        STRUCT        => Types::STRUCT
+      }
+        Types::STOP           => Types::STOP,
+        Types::BOOL           => BOOLEAN_TRUE,
+        Types::BYTE           => BYTE,
+        Types::I16            => I16,
+        Types::I32            => I32,
+        Types::I64            => I64,
+        Types::DOUBLE         => DOUBLE,
+        Types::STRING         => BINARY,
+        Types::LIST           => LIST,
+        Types::SET            => SET,
+        Types::MAP            => MAP,
+        Types::STRUCT         => STRUCT
+      }
+      def self.get_ttype(compact_type)
+        val = COMPACT_TO_TTYPE[compact_type & 0x0f]
+        raise "don't know what type: #{compact_type & 0x0f}" unless val
+        val
+      end
+      def self.get_compact_type(ttype)
+        val = TTYPE_TO_COMPACT[ttype]
+        raise "don't know what type: #{ttype & 0x0f}" unless val
+        val
+      end
+    end
+    def initialize(transport)
+      super(transport)
+      @last_field = [0]
+      @boolean_value = nil
+    end
+    def write_message_begin(name, type, seqid)
+      write_byte(PROTOCOL_ID)
+      write_byte((VERSION & VERSION_MASK) | ((type << TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & TYPE_MASK))
+      write_varint32(seqid)
+      write_string(name)
+      nil
+    end
+    def write_struct_begin(name)
+      @last_field.push(0)
+      nil
+    end
+    def write_struct_end
+      @last_field.pop
+      nil
+    end
+    def write_field_begin(name, type, id)
+      if type == Types::BOOL
+        # we want to possibly include the value, so we'll wait.
+        @boolean_field = [type, id]
+      else
+        write_field_begin_internal(type, id)
+      end
+      nil
+    end
+    # 
+    # The workhorse of writeFieldBegin. It has the option of doing a 
+    # 'type override' of the type header. This is used specifically in the 
+    # boolean field case.
+    # 
+    def write_field_begin_internal(type, id, type_override=nil)
+      last_id = @last_field.pop
+      # if there's a type override, use that.
+      typeToWrite = type_override || CompactTypes.get_compact_type(type)
+      # check if we can use delta encoding for the field id
+      if id > last_id && id - last_id <= 15
+        # write them together
+        write_byte((id - last_id) << 4 | typeToWrite)
+      else
+        # write them separate
+        write_byte(typeToWrite)
+        write_i16(id)
+      end
+      @last_field.push(id)
+      nil
+    end
+    def write_field_stop
+      write_byte(Types::STOP)
+    end
+    def write_map_begin(ktype, vtype, size)
+      if (size == 0)
+        write_byte(0)
+      else
+        write_varint32(size)
+        write_byte(CompactTypes.get_compact_type(ktype) << 4 | CompactTypes.get_compact_type(vtype))
+      end
+    end
+    def write_list_begin(etype, size)
+      write_collection_begin(etype, size)
+    end
+    def write_set_begin(etype, size)
+      write_collection_begin(etype, size);
+    end
+    def write_bool(bool)
+      type = bool ? CompactTypes::BOOLEAN_TRUE : CompactTypes::BOOLEAN_FALSE
+      unless @boolean_field.nil?
+        # we haven't written the field header yet
+        write_field_begin_internal(@boolean_field.first, @boolean_field.last, type)
+        @boolean_field = nil
+      else
+        # we're not part of a field, so just write the value.
+        write_byte(type)
+      end
+    end
+    def write_byte(byte)
+      @trans.write([byte].pack('c'))
+    end
+    def write_i16(i16)
+      write_varint32(int_to_zig_zag(i16))
+    end
+    def write_i32(i32)
+      write_varint32(int_to_zig_zag(i32))
+    end
+    def write_i64(i64)
+      write_varint64(long_to_zig_zag(i64))
+    end
+    def write_double(dub)
+      @trans.write([dub].pack("G").reverse)
+    end
+    def write_string(str)
+      write_varint32(str.length)
+      @trans.write(str)
+    end
+    def read_message_begin
+      protocol_id = read_byte()
+      if protocol_id != PROTOCOL_ID
+        raise"Expected protocol id #{PROTOCOL_ID} but got #{protocol_id}")
+      end
+      version_and_type = read_byte()
+      version = version_and_type & VERSION_MASK
+      if (version != VERSION)
+        raise"Expected version #{VERSION} but got #{version}");
+      end
+      type = (version_and_type >> TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & 0x03
+      seqid = read_varint32()
+      messageName = read_string()
+      [messageName, type, seqid]
+    end
+    def read_struct_begin
+      @last_field.push(0)
+      ""
+    end
+    def read_struct_end
+      @last_field.pop()
+      nil
+    end
+    def read_field_begin
+      type = read_byte()
+      # if it's a stop, then we can return immediately, as the struct is over.
+      if (type & 0x0f) == Types::STOP
+        TSTOP
+      else
+        field_id = nil
+        # mask off the 4 MSB of the type header. it could contain a field id delta.
+        modifier = (type & 0xf0) >> 4
+        if modifier == 0
+          # not a delta. look ahead for the zigzag varint field id.
+          field_id = read_i16()
+        else
+          # has a delta. add the delta to the last read field id.
+          field_id = @last_field.pop + modifier
+        end
+        # if this happens to be a boolean field, the value is encoded in the type
+        if CompactTypes.is_bool_type?(type)
+          # save the boolean value in a special instance variable.
+          @bool_value = (type & 0x0f) == CompactTypes::BOOLEAN_TRUE
+        end
+        # push the new field onto the field stack so we can keep the deltas going.
+        @last_field.push(field_id)
+        ["", CompactTypes.get_ttype(type & 0x0f), field_id]
+      end
+    end
+    def read_map_begin
+      size = read_varint32()
+      key_and_value_type = size == 0 ? 0 : read_byte()
+      [CompactTypes.get_ttype(key_and_value_type >> 4), CompactTypes.get_ttype(key_and_value_type & 0xf), size]
+    end
+    def read_list_begin
+      size_and_type = read_byte()
+      size = (size_and_type >> 4) & 0x0f
+      if size == 15
+        size = read_varint32()
+      end
+      type = CompactTypes.get_ttype(size_and_type)
+      [type, size]
+    end
+    def read_set_begin
+      read_list_begin
+    end
+    def read_bool
+      unless @bool_value.nil?
+        bv = @bool_value
+        @bool_value = nil
+        bv
+      else
+        read_byte() == CompactTypes::BOOLEAN_TRUE
+      end
+    end
+    def read_byte
+      dat = trans.read_all(1)
+      val = dat[0]
+      if (val > 0x7f)
+        val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xff)
+      end
+      val
+    end
+    def read_i16
+      zig_zag_to_int(read_varint32())
+    end
+    def read_i32
+      zig_zag_to_int(read_varint32())
+    end
+    def read_i64
+      zig_zag_to_long(read_varint64())
+    end
+    def read_double
+      dat = trans.read_all(8)
+      val = dat.reverse.unpack('G').first
+      val
+    end
+    def read_string
+      size = read_varint32()
+      trans.read_all(size)
+    end
+    private
+    # 
+    # Abstract method for writing the start of lists and sets. List and sets on 
+    # the wire differ only by the type indicator.
+    # 
+    def write_collection_begin(elem_type, size)
+      if size <= 14
+        write_byte(size << 4 | CompactTypes.get_compact_type(elem_type))
+      else
+        write_byte(0xf0 | CompactTypes.get_compact_type(elem_type))
+        write_varint32(size)
+      end
+    end
+    def write_varint32(n)
+      # int idx = 0;
+      while true
+        if (n & ~0x7F) == 0
+          # i32buf[idx++] = (byte)n;
+          write_byte(n)
+          break
+          # return;
+        else
+          # i32buf[idx++] = (byte)((n & 0x7F) | 0x80);
+          write_byte((n & 0x7F) | 0x80)
+          n = n >> 7
+        end
+      end
+      # trans_.write(i32buf, 0, idx);
+    end
+    SEVEN_BIT_MASK = 0x7F
+    def write_varint64(n)
+      while true
+        if (n & EVERYTHING_ELSE_MASK) == 0 #TODO need to find a way to make this into a long...
+          write_byte(n)
+          break
+        else
+          write_byte((n & SEVEN_BIT_MASK) | 0x80)
+          n >>= 7
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def read_varint32()
+      read_varint64()
+    end
+    def read_varint64()
+      shift = 0
+      result = 0
+      while true
+        b = read_byte()
+        result |= (b & 0x7f) << shift
+        break if (b & 0x80) != 0x80
+        shift += 7
+      end
+      result
+    end
+    def int_to_zig_zag(n)
+      (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31)
+    end
+    def long_to_zig_zag(l)
+      # puts "zz encoded #{l} to #{(l << 1) ^ (l >> 63)}"
+      (l << 1) ^ (l >> 63)
+    end
+    def zig_zag_to_int(n)
+      (n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1)
+    end
+    def zig_zag_to_long(n)
+      (n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1)
+    end
+  end
+  class CompactProtocolFactory < ProtocolFactory
+    def get_protocol(trans)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/struct.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/struct.rb
index abed860..57c8805 100644
--- a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/struct.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/struct.rb
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
       unless fields_with_default_values
         fields_with_default_values = {}
         struct_fields.each do |fid, field_def|
-          if field_def[:default]
+          unless field_def[:default].nil?
             fields_with_default_values[field_def[:name]] = field_def[:default]
@@ -60,23 +60,19 @@
-    # Obsoleted by THRIFT-246, which generates this method inline
-    # TODO: Should be removed at some point. -- Kevin Clark
-    def struct_fields
-      self.class.const_get(:FIELDS)
-    end
     def each_field
-      struct_fields.each do |fid, data|
-        yield fid, data[:type], data[:name], data[:default], data[:optional]
+      struct_fields.keys.sort.each do |fid|
+        data = struct_fields[fid]
+        yield fid, data
     def inspect(skip_optional_nulls = true)
       fields = []
-      each_field do |fid, type, name, default, optional|
+      each_field do |fid, field_info|
+        name = field_info[:name]
         value = instance_variable_get("@#{name}")
-        unless skip_optional_nulls && optional && value.nil?
+        unless skip_optional_nulls && field_info[:optional] && value.nil?
           fields << "#{name}:#{value.inspect}"
@@ -84,48 +80,40 @@
     def read(iprot)
-      # TODO(kevinclark): Make sure transport is C readable
-      if iprot.respond_to?(:decode_binary)
-        iprot.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans)
-      else
-        iprot.read_struct_begin
-        loop do
-          fname, ftype, fid = iprot.read_field_begin
-          break if (ftype == Types::STOP)
-          handle_message(iprot, fid, ftype)
-          iprot.read_field_end
-        end
-        iprot.read_struct_end
+      iprot.read_struct_begin
+      loop do
+        fname, ftype, fid = iprot.read_field_begin
+        break if (ftype == Types::STOP)
+        handle_message(iprot, fid, ftype)
+        iprot.read_field_end
+      iprot.read_struct_end
     def write(oprot)
-      # if oprot.respond_to?(:encode_binary)
-      #   # TODO(kevinclark): Clean this so I don't have to access the transport.
-      #   oprot.trans.write oprot.encode_binary(self)
-      # else
-        oprot.write_struct_begin(
-        each_field do |fid, type, name|
-          unless (value = instance_variable_get("@#{name}")).nil?
-            if is_container? type
-              oprot.write_field_begin(name, type, fid)
-              write_container(oprot, value, struct_fields[fid])
-              oprot.write_field_end
-            else
-              oprot.write_field(name, type, fid, value)
-            end
+      oprot.write_struct_begin(
+      each_field do |fid, field_info|
+        name = field_info[:name]
+        type = field_info[:type]
+        if (value = instance_variable_get("@#{name}"))
+          if is_container? type
+            oprot.write_field_begin(name, type, fid)
+            write_container(oprot, value, field_info)
+            oprot.write_field_end
+          else
+            oprot.write_field(name, type, fid, value)
-        oprot.write_field_stop
-        oprot.write_struct_end
-      # end
+      end
+      oprot.write_field_stop
+      oprot.write_struct_end
     def ==(other)
-      return false unless other.is_a?(self.class)
-      each_field do |fid, type, name, default|
+      each_field do |fid, field_info|
+        name = field_info[:name]
         return false unless self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}") == other.instance_variable_get("@#{name}")
@@ -140,6 +128,19 @@
+    def differences(other)
+      diffs = []
+      unless other.is_a?(self.class)
+        diffs << "Different class!"
+      else
+        each_field do |fid, field_info|
+          name = field_info[:name]
+          diffs << "#{name} differs!" unless self.instance_variable_get("@#{name}") == other.instance_variable_get("@#{name}")
+        end
+      end
+      diffs
+    end
     def self.field_accessor(klass, *fields)
       fields.each do |field|
         klass.send :attr_reader, field
@@ -256,8 +257,12 @@
+    CONTAINER_TYPES[Types::LIST] = true
+    CONTAINER_TYPES[Types::MAP] = true
+    CONTAINER_TYPES[Types::SET] = true
     def is_container?(type)
-      [Types::LIST, Types::MAP, Types::SET].include? type
+      CONTAINER_TYPES[type]
     def field_info(field)
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/transport.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/transport.rb
index e3a6511..5780e5b 100644
--- a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/transport.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/transport.rb
@@ -297,6 +297,22 @@
+    def inspect_buffer
+      out = []
+      for idx in 0...(@buf.size)
+        # if idx != 0
+        #   out << " "
+        # end
+        if idx == @index
+          out << ">"
+        end
+        out << @buf[idx].to_s(16)
+      end
+      out.join(" ")
+    end
     alias_method :consume!, :read
   deprecate_class! :TMemoryBuffer => MemoryBuffer
diff --git a/lib/rb/script/proto_benchmark.rb b/lib/rb/script/proto_benchmark.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1f08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/script/proto_benchmark.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec/spec_helper.rb"
+require "lib/thrift/serializer"
+require "lib/thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated"
+require "benchmark"
+# require "ruby-prof"
+HOW_MANY = 1_000
+binser =
+bin_data = binser.serialize(obj)
+bindeser =
+accel_bin_ser =
+accel_bin_deser =
+compact_ser =
+compact_data = compact_ser.serialize(obj)
+compact_deser =
+ do |reporter|
+"binary protocol, write") do
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      binser.serialize(obj)
+    end
+  end
+"accelerated binary protocol, write") do
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      accel_bin_ser.serialize(obj)
+    end
+  end
+"compact protocol, write") do
+    # RubyProf.start
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      compact_ser.serialize(obj)
+    end
+    # result = RubyProf.stop
+    # printer =
+    # file ="profile.html", "w+")
+    # printer.print(file, 0)
+    # file.close
+  end
+"binary protocol, read") do
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      bindeser.deserialize(obj, bin_data)
+    end
+  end
+"accelerated binary protocol, read") do
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      accel_bin_deser.deserialize(obj, bin_data)
+    end
+  end
+"compact protocol, read") do
+    HOW_MANY.times do
+      compact_deser.deserialize(obj, compact_data)
+    end
+  end
+  # f ="/tmp/testfile", "w")
+  # proto =, f))
+  #"accelerated binary protocol, write (to disk)") do
+  #   HOW_MANY.times do
+  #     obj.write(proto)
+  #   end
+  #   f.flush
+  # end
+  # f.close
+  #   
+  # f ="/tmp/testfile", "r")
+  # proto =,
+  #"accelerated binary protocol, read (from disk)") do
+  #   HOW_MANY.times do
+  #
+  #   end
+  # end
+  # f.close
+  # 
+  # f ="/tmp/testfile", "w")
+  #"compact protocol, write (to disk)") do
+  #   proto =, f))
+  #   HOW_MANY.times do
+  #     obj.write(proto)
+  #   end
+  #   f.flush
+  # end
+  # f.close
+  # 
+  # f ="/tmp/testfile", "r")
+  #"compact protocol, read (from disk)") do
+  #   proto =,
+  #   HOW_MANY.times do
+  #
+  #   end
+  # end
+  # f.close
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/script/read_struct.rb b/lib/rb/script/read_struct.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c43ba58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/script/read_struct.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require "spec/spec_helper"
+require "lib/thrift/serializer"
+path, factory_class = ARGV
+factory = eval(factory_class).new
+deser =
+cpts =
+CompactProtoTestStruct.constants.each do |const|
+  cpts.instance_variable_set("@#{const}", nil)
+data =
+deser.deserialize(cpts, data)
+  puts "Object verified successfully!"
+  puts "Object failed verification! Expected #{Fixtures::COMPACT_PROTOCOL_TEST_STRUCT.inspect} but got #{cpts.inspect}"
+  puts cpts.differences(Fixtures::COMPACT_PROTOCOL_TEST_STRUCT)
diff --git a/lib/rb/script/write_struct.rb b/lib/rb/script/write_struct.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28010ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/script/write_struct.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+require "spec/spec_helper"
+require "lib/thrift/serializer"
+path, factory_class = ARGV
+factory = eval(factory_class).new
+ser =
+, "w") do |file|
+  file.write(ser.serialize(Fixtures::COMPACT_PROTOCOL_TEST_STRUCT))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/compact_protocol_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/compact_protocol_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516f19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/compact_protocol_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+require "thrift/protocol/compact_protocol"
+describe Thrift::CompactProtocol do
+  TESTS = {
+    :byte => (-127..127).to_a,
+    :i16 => (0..14).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort,
+    :i32 => (0..30).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort,
+    :i64 => (0..62).map {|shift| [1 << shift, -(1 << shift)]}.flatten.sort,
+    :string => ["", "1", "short", "fourteen123456", "fifteen12345678", "1" * 127, "1" * 3000],
+    :binary => ["", "\001", "\001" * 5, "\001" * 14, "\001" * 15, "\001" * 127, "\001" * 3000],
+    :double => [0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.1, -1.1, 10000000.1, 1.0/0.0, -1.0/0.0],
+    :bool => [true, false]
+  }
+  it "should encode and decode naked primitives correctly" do
+    TESTS.each_pair do |primitive_type, test_values|
+      test_values.each do |value|
+        # puts "testing #{value}" if primitive_type == :i64
+        trans =
+        proto =
+        proto.send(writer(primitive_type), value)
+        # puts "buf: #{trans.inspect_buffer}" if primitive_type == :i64
+        read_back = proto.send(reader(primitive_type))
+        read_back.should == value
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  it "should encode and decode primitives in fields correctly" do
+    TESTS.each_pair do |primitive_type, test_values|
+      final_primitive_type = primitive_type == :binary ? :string : primitive_type
+      thrift_type = Thrift::Types.const_get(final_primitive_type.to_s.upcase)
+      # puts primitive_type
+      test_values.each do |value|
+        trans =
+        proto =
+        proto.write_field_begin(nil, thrift_type, 15)
+        proto.send(writer(primitive_type), value)
+        proto.write_field_end
+        proto =
+        name, type, id = proto.read_field_begin
+        type.should == thrift_type
+        id.should == 15
+        read_back = proto.send(reader(primitive_type))
+        read_back.should == value
+        proto.read_field_end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  it "should encode and decode a monster struct correctly" do
+    trans =
+    proto =
+    struct =
+    # sets and maps don't hash well... not sure what to do here.
+    struct.set_byte_map = nil
+    struct.map_byte_map = nil
+    struct.write(proto)
+    # puts trans.inspect
+    struct2 =
+    struct2.instance_variables.each do |ivar|
+      struct2.instance_variable_set(ivar, nil)
+    end
+    struct2.should_not == struct
+    struct2.should == struct
+  end
+  it "should make method calls correctly" do
+    client_out_trans =
+    client_out_proto =
+    client_in_trans =
+    client_in_proto =
+    processor =
+    client =, client_out_proto)
+    client.send_Janky(1)
+    # puts client_out_trans.inspect_buffer
+    processor.process(client_out_proto, client_in_proto)
+    client.recv_Janky.should == 2
+  end
+  class JankyHandler
+    def Janky(i32arg)
+      i32arg * 2
+    end
+  end
+  def writer(sym)
+    sym = sym == :binary ? :string : sym
+    "write_#{sym.to_s}"
+  end
+  def reader(sym)
+    sym = sym == :binary ? :string : sym
+    "read_#{sym.to_s}"
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/deprecation_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/deprecation_spec.rb
index 77786d8..0074528 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/deprecation_spec.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/deprecation_spec.rb
@@ -436,6 +436,9 @@
       FIELDS = {
         1 => {:name => "foo", :type => Thrift::Types::STRING}
+      def struct_fields
+        FIELDS
+      end
     stub_stderr('ThriftStruct') => "foo")
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb b/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
index a9e1374..30b9da7 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -32,4 +32,11 @@
-require "thrift_native"
\ No newline at end of file
+require "thrift/protocol/compact_protocol"
+require "thrift_native"
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../debug_proto_test/gen-rb/Srv"
+module Fixtures
+  COMPACT_PROTOCOL_TEST_STRUCT = => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].pack('c*'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/struct_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/struct_spec.rb
index 1a22f57..1eda3c3 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/struct_spec.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/struct_spec.rb
@@ -10,16 +10,8 @@
   describe Struct do
     it "should iterate over all fields properly" do
       fields = {}
- { |fid,type,name,default,optional| fields[fid] = [type,name,default,optional] }
-      fields.should == {
-        1 => [Types::I32, 'simple', 53, nil],
-        2 => [Types::STRING, 'words', "words", nil],
-        3 => [Types::STRUCT, 'hello', => 'hello, world!'), nil],
-        4 => [Types::LIST, 'ints', [1, 2, 2, 3], nil],
-        5 => [Types::MAP, 'complex', nil, nil],
-        6 => [Types::SET, 'shorts',[5, 17, 239]), nil],
-        7 => [Types::STRING, 'opt_string', nil, true]
-      }
+ { |fid,field_info| fields[fid] = field_info }
+      fields.should == Foo::FIELDS
     it "should initialize all fields to defaults" do