THRIFT-4295: rework the docker build images, updating them and tuning the travis builds

This closes #1340
diff --git a/test/cpp/ b/test/cpp/
index 82dc518..e2c21f5 100755
--- a/test/cpp/
+++ b/test/cpp/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 	$(THRIFT) --gen cpp $<
 AM_CPPFLAGS = $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) $(LIBEVENT_CPPFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cpp/src -Igen-cpp
-AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
diff --git a/test/go/src/common/mock_handler.go b/test/go/src/common/mock_handler.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3960e1a..0000000
--- a/test/go/src/common/mock_handler.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-// Automatically generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT!
-// Source: gen/thrifttest (interfaces: ThriftTest)
-package common
-import (
-	thrifttest "gen/thrifttest"
-	gomock ""
-	context ""
-// MockThriftTest is a mock of ThriftTest interface
-type MockThriftTest struct {
-	ctrl     *gomock.Controller
-	recorder *MockThriftTestMockRecorder
-// MockThriftTestMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockThriftTest
-type MockThriftTestMockRecorder struct {
-	mock *MockThriftTest
-// NewMockThriftTest creates a new mock instance
-func NewMockThriftTest(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockThriftTest {
-	mock := &MockThriftTest{ctrl: ctrl}
-	mock.recorder = &MockThriftTestMockRecorder{mock}
-	return mock
-// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) EXPECT() *MockThriftTestMockRecorder {
-	return _m.recorder
-// TestBinary mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestBinary(_param0 context.Context, _param1 []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestBinary", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]byte)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestBinary indicates an expected call of TestBinary
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestBinary(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestBinary", arg0, arg1)
-// TestBool mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestBool(_param0 context.Context, _param1 bool) (bool, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestBool", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestBool indicates an expected call of TestBool
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestBool(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestBool", arg0, arg1)
-// TestByte mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestByte(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int8) (int8, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestByte", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(int8)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestByte indicates an expected call of TestByte
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestByte(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestByte", arg0, arg1)
-// TestDouble mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestDouble(_param0 context.Context, _param1 float64) (float64, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestDouble", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(float64)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestDouble indicates an expected call of TestDouble
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestDouble(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestDouble", arg0, arg1)
-// TestEnum mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestEnum(_param0 context.Context, _param1 thrifttest.Numberz) (thrifttest.Numberz, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestEnum", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(thrifttest.Numberz)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestEnum indicates an expected call of TestEnum
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestEnum(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestEnum", arg0, arg1)
-// TestException mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestException(_param0 context.Context, _param1 string) error {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestException", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
-	return ret0
-// TestException indicates an expected call of TestException
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestException(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestException", arg0, arg1)
-// TestI32 mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestI32(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int32) (int32, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestI32", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(int32)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestI32 indicates an expected call of TestI32
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestI32(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestI32", arg0, arg1)
-// TestI64 mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestI64(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int64) (int64, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestI64", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(int64)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestI64 indicates an expected call of TestI64
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestI64(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestI64", arg0, arg1)
-// TestInsanity mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestInsanity(_param0 context.Context, _param1 *thrifttest.Insanity) (map[thrifttest.UserId]map[thrifttest.Numberz]*thrifttest.Insanity, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestInsanity", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[thrifttest.UserId]map[thrifttest.Numberz]*thrifttest.Insanity)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestInsanity indicates an expected call of TestInsanity
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestInsanity(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestInsanity", arg0, arg1)
-// TestList mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestList(_param0 context.Context, _param1 []int32) ([]int32, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestList", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]int32)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestList indicates an expected call of TestList
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestList(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestList", arg0, arg1)
-// TestMap mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestMap(_param0 context.Context, _param1 map[int32]int32) (map[int32]int32, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestMap", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[int32]int32)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestMap indicates an expected call of TestMap
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestMap(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestMap", arg0, arg1)
-// TestMapMap mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestMapMap(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int32) (map[int32]map[int32]int32, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestMapMap", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[int32]map[int32]int32)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestMapMap indicates an expected call of TestMapMap
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestMapMap(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestMapMap", arg0, arg1)
-// TestMulti mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestMulti(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int8, _param2 int32, _param3 int64, _param4 map[int16]string, _param5 thrifttest.Numberz, _param6 thrifttest.UserId) (*thrifttest.Xtruct, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestMulti", _param0, _param1, _param2, _param3, _param4, _param5, _param6)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(*thrifttest.Xtruct)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestMulti indicates an expected call of TestMulti
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestMulti(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestMulti", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
-// TestMultiException mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestMultiException(_param0 context.Context, _param1 string, _param2 string) (*thrifttest.Xtruct, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestMultiException", _param0, _param1, _param2)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(*thrifttest.Xtruct)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestMultiException indicates an expected call of TestMultiException
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestMultiException(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestMultiException", arg0, arg1, arg2)
-// TestNest mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestNest(_param0 context.Context, _param1 *thrifttest.Xtruct2) (*thrifttest.Xtruct2, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestNest", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(*thrifttest.Xtruct2)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestNest indicates an expected call of TestNest
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestNest(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestNest", arg0, arg1)
-// TestOneway mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestOneway(_param0 context.Context, _param1 int32) error {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestOneway", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
-	return ret0
-// TestOneway indicates an expected call of TestOneway
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestOneway(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestOneway", arg0, arg1)
-// TestSet mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestSet(_param0 context.Context, _param1 []int32) ([]int32, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestSet", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]int32)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestSet indicates an expected call of TestSet
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestSet(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestSet", arg0, arg1)
-// TestString mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestString(_param0 context.Context, _param1 string) (string, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestString", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestString indicates an expected call of TestString
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestString(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestString", arg0, arg1)
-// TestStringMap mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestStringMap(_param0 context.Context, _param1 map[string]string) (map[string]string, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestStringMap", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]string)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestStringMap indicates an expected call of TestStringMap
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestStringMap(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestStringMap", arg0, arg1)
-// TestStruct mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestStruct(_param0 context.Context, _param1 *thrifttest.Xtruct) (*thrifttest.Xtruct, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestStruct", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(*thrifttest.Xtruct)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestStruct indicates an expected call of TestStruct
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestStruct(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestStruct", arg0, arg1)
-// TestTypedef mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestTypedef(_param0 context.Context, _param1 thrifttest.UserId) (thrifttest.UserId, error) {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestTypedef", _param0, _param1)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(thrifttest.UserId)
-	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
-	return ret0, ret1
-// TestTypedef indicates an expected call of TestTypedef
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestTypedef(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestTypedef", arg0, arg1)
-// TestVoid mocks base method
-func (_m *MockThriftTest) TestVoid(_param0 context.Context) error {
-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "TestVoid", _param0)
-	ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
-	return ret0
-// TestVoid indicates an expected call of TestVoid
-func (_mr *MockThriftTestMockRecorder) TestVoid(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "TestVoid", arg0)
diff --git a/test/py.twisted/ b/test/py.twisted/
index 43149a4..886de44 100755
--- a/test/py.twisted/
+++ b/test/py.twisted/
@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@
 from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
 from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientCreator
-from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.interface import implementer
 class TestHandler:
-    implements(ThriftTest.Iface)
     def __init__(self):
         self.onewaysQueue = defer.DeferredQueue()
diff --git a/test/tests.json b/test/tests.json
index 818982e..2b84601 100644
--- a/test/tests.json
+++ b/test/tests.json
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
     "client": {
-      "timeout": 2.9,
+      "timeout": 6,
       "command": [