THRIFT-2768: Whitespace Fixup
Client: C#, Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Stream.pas b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Stream.pas
index c08f5ea..d1f6384 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Stream.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Stream.pas
@@ -1,300 +1,300 @@

- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file

- * distributed with this work for additional information

- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the

- * specific language governing permissions and limitations

- * under the License.

- *)


-unit Thrift.Stream;





-  Classes,

-  SysUtils,

-  SysConst,

-  RTLConsts,

-  Thrift.Utils,

-  ActiveX;




-  IThriftStream = interface

-    ['{732621B3-F697-4D76-A1B0-B4DD5A8E4018}']

-    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);

-    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer;

-    procedure Open;

-    procedure Close;

-    procedure Flush;

-    function IsOpen: Boolean;

-    function ToArray: TBytes;

-  end;


-  TThriftStreamImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IThriftStream)

-  private

-    procedure CheckSizeAndOffset( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);

-  protected

-    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); virtual;

-    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; virtual;

-    procedure Open; virtual; abstract;

-    procedure Close; virtual; abstract;

-    procedure Flush; virtual; abstract;

-    function IsOpen: Boolean; virtual; abstract;

-    function ToArray: TBytes; virtual; abstract;

-  end;


-  TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi = class( TThriftStreamImpl )

-  private

-    FStream : TStream;

-    FOwnsStream : Boolean;

-  protected

-    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); override;

-    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; override;

-    procedure Open; override;

-    procedure Close; override;

-    procedure Flush; override;

-    function IsOpen: Boolean; override;

-    function ToArray: TBytes; override;

-  public

-    constructor Create( const AStream: TStream; AOwnsStream : Boolean);

-    destructor Destroy; override;

-  end;


-  TThriftStreamAdapterCOM = class( TThriftStreamImpl)

-  private

-    FStream : IStream;

-  protected

-    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); override;

-    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; override;

-    procedure Open; override;

-    procedure Close; override;

-    procedure Flush; override;

-    function IsOpen: Boolean; override;

-    function ToArray: TBytes; override;

-  public

-    constructor Create( const AStream: IStream);

-  end;




-{ TThriftStreamAdapterCOM }


-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Close;


-  FStream := nil;



-constructor TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Create( const AStream: IStream);


-  inherited Create;

-  FStream := AStream;



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Flush;


-  if IsOpen then

-  begin

-    if FStream <> nil then

-    begin

-      FStream.Commit( STGC_DEFAULT );

-    end;

-  end;



-function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.IsOpen: Boolean;


-  Result := FStream <> nil;



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Open;





-function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer;


-  inherited;

-  Result := 0;

-  if FStream <> nil then

-  begin

-    if count > 0 then

-    begin

-      FStream.Read( @buffer[offset], count, @Result);

-    end;

-  end;



-function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.ToArray: TBytes;


-  statstg: TStatStg;

-  len : Integer;

-  NewPos : Int64;

-  cbRead : Integer;


-  FillChar( statstg, SizeOf( statstg), 0);

-  len := 0;

-  if IsOpen then

-  begin

-    if Succeeded( FStream.Stat( statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME )) then

-    begin

-      len := statstg.cbSize;

-    end;

-  end;


-  SetLength( Result, len );


-  if len > 0 then

-  begin

-    if Succeeded( FStream.Seek( 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NewPos) ) then

-    begin

-      FStream.Read( @Result[0], len, @cbRead);

-    end;

-  end;



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);


-  nWritten : Integer;


-  inherited;

-  if IsOpen then

-  begin

-    if count > 0 then

-    begin

-      FStream.Write( @buffer[0], count, @nWritten);

-    end;

-  end;



-{ TThriftStreamImpl }


-procedure TThriftStreamImpl.CheckSizeAndOffset(const buffer: TBytes; offset,

-  count: Integer);


-  len : Integer;


-  if count > 0 then

-  begin

-    len := Length( buffer );

-    if (offset < 0) or ( offset >= len) then

-    begin

-      raise ERangeError.Create( SBitsIndexError );

-    end;

-    if count > len then

-    begin

-      raise ERangeError.Create( SBitsIndexError );

-    end;

-  end;



-function TThriftStreamImpl.Read(var buffer: TBytes; offset,

-  count: Integer): Integer;


-  Result := 0;

-  CheckSizeAndOffset( buffer, offset, count );



-procedure TThriftStreamImpl.Write(const buffer: TBytes; offset, count: Integer);


-  CheckSizeAndOffset( buffer, offset, count );



-{ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi }


-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Close;


-  FStream.Free;

-  FStream := nil;

-  FOwnsStream := False;



-constructor TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( const AStream: TStream; AOwnsStream: Boolean);


-  inherited Create;

-  FStream := AStream;

-  FOwnsStream := AOwnsStream;



-destructor TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Destroy;


-  if FOwnsStream then

-  begin

-    FStream.Free;

-  end;

-  inherited;



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Flush;





-function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.IsOpen: Boolean;


-  Result := FStream <> nil;



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Open;





-function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Read(var buffer: TBytes; offset,

-  count: Integer): Integer;


-  inherited;

-  Result := 0;

-  if count > 0 then

-  begin

-    Result := FStream.Read( Pointer(@buffer[offset])^, count)

-  end;



-function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.ToArray: TBytes;


-  OrgPos : Integer;

-  len : Integer;


-  len := 0;

-  if FStream <> nil then

-  begin

-    len := FStream.Size;

-  end;


-  SetLength( Result, len );


-  if len > 0 then

-  begin

-    OrgPos := FStream.Position;

-    try

-      FStream.Position := 0;

-      FStream.ReadBuffer( Pointer(@Result[0])^, len );

-    finally

-      FStream.Position := OrgPos;

-    end;

-  end



-procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Write(const buffer: TBytes; offset,

-  count: Integer);


-  inherited;

-  if count > 0 then

-  begin

-    FStream.Write( Pointer(@buffer[offset])^, count)

-  end;




+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit Thrift.Stream;
+  Classes,
+  SysUtils,
+  SysConst,
+  RTLConsts,
+  Thrift.Utils,
+  ActiveX;
+  IThriftStream = interface
+    ['{732621B3-F697-4D76-A1B0-B4DD5A8E4018}']
+    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);
+    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer;
+    procedure Open;
+    procedure Close;
+    procedure Flush;
+    function IsOpen: Boolean;
+    function ToArray: TBytes;
+  end;
+  TThriftStreamImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IThriftStream)
+  private
+    procedure CheckSizeAndOffset( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);
+  protected
+    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); virtual;
+    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; virtual;
+    procedure Open; virtual; abstract;
+    procedure Close; virtual; abstract;
+    procedure Flush; virtual; abstract;
+    function IsOpen: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
+    function ToArray: TBytes; virtual; abstract;
+  end;
+  TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi = class( TThriftStreamImpl )
+  private
+    FStream : TStream;
+    FOwnsStream : Boolean;
+  protected
+    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); override;
+    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; override;
+    procedure Open; override;
+    procedure Close; override;
+    procedure Flush; override;
+    function IsOpen: Boolean; override;
+    function ToArray: TBytes; override;
+  public
+    constructor Create( const AStream: TStream; AOwnsStream : Boolean);
+    destructor Destroy; override;
+  end;
+  TThriftStreamAdapterCOM = class( TThriftStreamImpl)
+  private
+    FStream : IStream;
+  protected
+    procedure Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer); override;
+    function Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer; override;
+    procedure Open; override;
+    procedure Close; override;
+    procedure Flush; override;
+    function IsOpen: Boolean; override;
+    function ToArray: TBytes; override;
+  public
+    constructor Create( const AStream: IStream);
+  end;
+{ TThriftStreamAdapterCOM }
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Close;
+  FStream := nil;
+constructor TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Create( const AStream: IStream);
+  inherited Create;
+  FStream := AStream;
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Flush;
+  if IsOpen then
+  begin
+    if FStream <> nil then
+    begin
+      FStream.Commit( STGC_DEFAULT );
+    end;
+  end;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.IsOpen: Boolean;
+  Result := FStream <> nil;
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Open;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Read( var buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer): Integer;
+  inherited;
+  Result := 0;
+  if FStream <> nil then
+  begin
+    if count > 0 then
+    begin
+      FStream.Read( @buffer[offset], count, @Result);
+    end;
+  end;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.ToArray: TBytes;
+  statstg: TStatStg;
+  len : Integer;
+  NewPos : Int64;
+  cbRead : Integer;
+  FillChar( statstg, SizeOf( statstg), 0);
+  len := 0;
+  if IsOpen then
+  begin
+    if Succeeded( FStream.Stat( statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME )) then
+    begin
+      len := statstg.cbSize;
+    end;
+  end;
+  SetLength( Result, len );
+  if len > 0 then
+  begin
+    if Succeeded( FStream.Seek( 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NewPos) ) then
+    begin
+      FStream.Read( @Result[0], len, @cbRead);
+    end;
+  end;
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterCOM.Write( const buffer: TBytes; offset: Integer; count: Integer);
+  nWritten : Integer;
+  inherited;
+  if IsOpen then
+  begin
+    if count > 0 then
+    begin
+      FStream.Write( @buffer[0], count, @nWritten);
+    end;
+  end;
+{ TThriftStreamImpl }
+procedure TThriftStreamImpl.CheckSizeAndOffset(const buffer: TBytes; offset,
+  count: Integer);
+  len : Integer;
+  if count > 0 then
+  begin
+    len := Length( buffer );
+    if (offset < 0) or ( offset >= len) then
+    begin
+      raise ERangeError.Create( SBitsIndexError );
+    end;
+    if count > len then
+    begin
+      raise ERangeError.Create( SBitsIndexError );
+    end;
+  end;
+function TThriftStreamImpl.Read(var buffer: TBytes; offset,
+  count: Integer): Integer;
+  Result := 0;
+  CheckSizeAndOffset( buffer, offset, count );
+procedure TThriftStreamImpl.Write(const buffer: TBytes; offset, count: Integer);
+  CheckSizeAndOffset( buffer, offset, count );
+{ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi }
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Close;
+  FStream.Free;
+  FStream := nil;
+  FOwnsStream := False;
+constructor TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( const AStream: TStream; AOwnsStream: Boolean);
+  inherited Create;
+  FStream := AStream;
+  FOwnsStream := AOwnsStream;
+destructor TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Destroy;
+  if FOwnsStream then
+  begin
+    FStream.Free;
+  end;
+  inherited;
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Flush;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.IsOpen: Boolean;
+  Result := FStream <> nil;
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Open;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Read(var buffer: TBytes; offset,
+  count: Integer): Integer;
+  inherited;
+  Result := 0;
+  if count > 0 then
+  begin
+    Result := FStream.Read( Pointer(@buffer[offset])^, count)
+  end;
+function TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.ToArray: TBytes;
+  OrgPos : Integer;
+  len : Integer;
+  len := 0;
+  if FStream <> nil then
+  begin
+    len := FStream.Size;
+  end;
+  SetLength( Result, len );
+  if len > 0 then
+  begin
+    OrgPos := FStream.Position;
+    try
+      FStream.Position := 0;
+      FStream.ReadBuffer( Pointer(@Result[0])^, len );
+    finally
+      FStream.Position := OrgPos;
+    end;
+  end
+procedure TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Write(const buffer: TBytes; offset,
+  count: Integer);
+  inherited;
+  if count > 0 then
+  begin
+    FStream.Write( Pointer(@buffer[offset])^, count)
+  end;