Add backwards-compatibility spec
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/backwards_compatibility_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/backwards_compatibility_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1bc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/backwards_compatibility_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'thrift/server/httpserver'
+require 'thrift/transport/httpclient'
+context "Backwards compatibility" do
+ specify "old class names should map to new classes" do
+ # use an Array because a Hash will call #hash and trigger deprecation warnings
+ klasses = [
+ [:module, :ThriftClient, Thrift::Client],
+ [:class, :TException, Thrift::Exception],
+ [:class, :TApplicationException, Thrift::ApplicationException],
+ [:module, :TProcessor, Thrift::Processor],
+ [:class, :TProtocol, Thrift::Protocol],
+ [:class, :TProtocolFactory, Thrift::ProtocolFactory],
+ [:class, :TBinaryProtocol, Thrift::BinaryProtocol],
+ [:class, :TBinaryProtocolFactory, Thrift::BinaryProtocolFactory],
+ [:class, :TSimpleMongrelHTTPServer, Thrift::SimpleMongrelHTTPServer],
+ [:class, :TServer, Thrift::Server],
+ [:class, :TSimpleServer, Thrift::SimpleServer],
+ [:class, :TThreadedServer, Thrift::ThreadedServer],
+ [:class, :TThreadPoolServer, Thrift::ThreadPoolServer],
+ [:module, :ThriftStruct, Thrift::Struct],
+ [:class, :THttpClient, Thrift::HTTPClient],
+ [:class, :TSocket, Thrift::Socket],
+ [:class, :TServerSocket, Thrift::ServerSocket],
+ [:class, :TTransportException, Thrift::TransportException],
+ [:class, :TTransport, Thrift::Transport],
+ [:class, :TServerTransport, Thrift::ServerTransport],
+ [:class, :TTransportFactory, Thrift::TransportFactory],
+ [:class, :TBufferedTransport, Thrift::BufferedTransport],
+ [:class, :TBufferedTransportFactory, Thrift::BufferedTransportFactory],
+ [:class, :TFramedTransport, Thrift::FramedTransport],
+ [:class, :TFramedTransportFactory, Thrift::FramedTransportFactory],
+ [:class, :TMemoryBuffer, Thrift::MemoryBuffer],
+ [:class, :TIOStreamTransport, Thrift::IOStreamTransport],
+ [:module, :TType, Thrift::Types],
+ [:module, :TMessageType, Thrift::MessageTypes]
+ ]
+ klasses.each do |(type, oldname, newklass)|
+ oldklass = Object.const_get(oldname)
+ STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("Warning: #{type} #{oldname} is deprecated").ordered
+ STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with(" from #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__+1}").ordered
+ oldklass.should eql(newklass)
+ STDERR.rspec_verify
+ STDERR.rspec_reset
+ end
+ end
+ specify "old method names should map to new method names" do
+ mapping = {
+ Thrift::Protocol => {
+ :writeMessageBegin => :write_message_begin,
+ :writeMessageEnd => :write_message_end,
+ :writeStructBegin => :write_struct_begin,
+ :writeStructEnd => :write_struct_end,
+ :writeFieldBegin => :write_field_begin,
+ :writeFieldEnd => :write_field_end,
+ :writeFieldStop => :write_field_stop,
+ :writeMapBegin => :write_map_begin,
+ :writeMapEnd => :write_map_end,
+ :writeListBegin => :write_list_begin,
+ :writeListEnd => :write_list_end,
+ :writeSetBegin => :write_set_begin,
+ :writeSetEnd => :write_set_end,
+ :writeBool => :write_bool,
+ :writeByte => :write_byte,
+ :writeI16 => :write_i16,
+ :writeI32 => :write_i32,
+ :writeI64 => :write_i64,
+ :writeDouble => :write_double,
+ :writeString => :write_string,
+ :readMessageBegin => :read_message_begin,
+ :readMessageEnd => :read_message_end,
+ :readStructBegin => :read_struct_begin,
+ :readStructEnd => :read_struct_end,
+ :readFieldBegin => :read_field_begin,
+ :readFieldEnd => :read_field_end,
+ :readMapBegin => :read_map_begin,
+ :readMapEnd => :read_map_end,
+ :readListBegin => :read_list_begin,
+ :readListEnd => :read_list_end,
+ :readSetBegin => :read_set_begin,
+ :readSetEnd => :read_set_end,
+ :readBool => :read_bool,
+ :readByte => :read_byte,
+ :readI16 => :read_i16,
+ :readI32 => :read_i32,
+ :readI64 => :read_i64,
+ :readDouble => :read_double,
+ :readString => :read_string
+ },
+ Thrift::ProtocolFactory => {
+ :getProtocol => :get_protocol
+ },
+ Thrift::Transport => {
+ :isOpen => :open?,
+ :is_open? => :open?,
+ :readAll => :read_all
+ },
+ Thrift::TransportFactory => {
+ :getTransport => :get_transport
+ }
+ }
+ mapping.each_pair do |klass, methods|
+ methods.each_pair do |oldmeth, newmeth|
+ # at the moment there's no way to introspect the deprecated methods
+ # to make sure they point to the new ones
+ # so let's just make sure both old and new methods exist
+ klass.should be_method_defined(oldmeth)
+ klass.should be_method_defined(newmeth)
+ end
+ end
+ end