erlang: Refactor the write paths of the client and protocol
TODO: squash this
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_client.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_client.erl
index e5a9d71..c38bc91 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_client.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_client.erl
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
%%% Internal functions
-spec send_function_call(#tclient{}, atom(), list()) -> {#tclient{}, ok | {error, term()}}.
-send_function_call(Client = #tclient{protocol = Proto,
+send_function_call(Client = #tclient{protocol = Proto0,
service = Service,
seqid = SeqId},
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@
Begin = #protocol_message_begin{name = atom_to_list(Function),
type = ?tMessageType_CALL,
seqid = SeqId},
- ok = thrift_protocol:write(Proto, Begin),
- ok = thrift_protocol:write(Proto, {Params, list_to_tuple([Function | Args])}),
- ok = thrift_protocol:write(Proto, message_end),
- ok = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(Proto),
- {Client, ok}
+ {Proto1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto0, Begin),
+ {Proto2, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto1, {Params, list_to_tuple([Function | Args])}),
+ {Proto3, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto2, message_end),
+ {Proto4, ok} = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(Proto3),
+ {Client#tclient{protocol = Proto4}, ok}
-spec receive_function_result(#tclient{}, atom()) -> {#tclient{}, {ok, term()} | {error, term()}}.
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
index 3da526c..1caba1b 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@
{ok, #protocol{module = Module,
data = Data}}.
--spec flush_transport(#protocol{}) -> ok.
-flush_transport(#protocol{module = Module,
- data = Data}) ->
- Module:flush_transport(Data).
+-spec flush_transport(#protocol{}) -> {#protocol{}, ok}.
+flush_transport(Proto = #protocol{module = Module,
+ data = Data}) ->
+ {NewData, Result} = Module:flush_transport(Data),
+ {Proto#protocol{data = NewData}, Result}.
-spec close_transport(#protocol{}) -> ok.
close_transport(#protocol{module = Module,
@@ -292,16 +293,16 @@
%% Description:
--spec write(#protocol{}, term()) -> ok | {error, _Reason}.
+-spec write(#protocol{}, term()) -> {#protocol{}, ok | {error, _Reason}}.
-write(Proto, {{struct, StructDef}, Data})
+write(Proto0, {{struct, StructDef}, Data})
when is_list(StructDef), is_tuple(Data), length(StructDef) == size(Data) - 1 ->
[StructName | Elems] = tuple_to_list(Data),
- ok = write(Proto, #protocol_struct_begin{name = StructName}),
- ok = struct_write_loop(Proto, StructDef, Elems),
- ok = write(Proto, struct_end),
- ok;
+ {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0, #protocol_struct_begin{name = StructName}),
+ {Proto2, ok} = struct_write_loop(Proto1, StructDef, Elems),
+ {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, struct_end),
+ {Proto3, ok};
write(Proto, {{struct, {Module, StructureName}}, Data})
when is_atom(Module),
@@ -310,70 +311,74 @@
StructType = Module:struct_info(StructureName),
write(Proto, {Module:struct_info(StructureName), Data});
-write(Proto, {{list, Type}, Data})
+write(Proto0, {{list, Type}, Data})
when is_list(Data) ->
- ok = write(Proto,
+ {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
size = length(Data)
- lists:foreach(fun(Elem) ->
- ok = write(Proto, {Type, Elem})
- end,
- Data),
- ok = write(Proto, list_end),
- ok;
+ Proto2 = lists:foldl(fun(Elem, ProtoIn) ->
+ {ProtoOut, ok} = write(ProtoIn, {Type, Elem}),
+ ProtoOut
+ end,
+ Proto1,
+ Data),
+ {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, list_end),
+ {Proto3, ok};
-write(Proto, {{map, KeyType, ValType}, Data}) ->
- ok = write(Proto,
- #protocol_map_begin{
- ktype = term_to_typeid(KeyType),
- vtype = term_to_typeid(ValType),
- size = dict:size(Data)
- }),
- dict:fold(fun(KeyData, ValData, _Acc) ->
- ok = write(Proto, {KeyType, KeyData}),
- ok = write(Proto, {ValType, ValData})
- end,
- _AccO = ok,
- Data),
- ok = write(Proto, map_end),
- ok;
+write(Proto0, {{map, KeyType, ValType}, Data}) ->
+ {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
+ #protocol_map_begin{
+ ktype = term_to_typeid(KeyType),
+ vtype = term_to_typeid(ValType),
+ size = dict:size(Data)
+ }),
+ Proto2 = dict:fold(fun(KeyData, ValData, ProtoS0) ->
+ {ProtoS1, ok} = write(ProtoS0, {KeyType, KeyData}),
+ {ProtoS2, ok} = write(ProtoS1, {ValType, ValData}),
+ ProtoS2
+ end,
+ Proto1,
+ Data),
+ {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, map_end),
+ {Proto3, ok};
-write(Proto, {{set, Type}, Data}) ->
+write(Proto0, {{set, Type}, Data}) ->
true = sets:is_set(Data),
- ok = write(Proto,
- #protocol_set_begin{
- etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
- size = sets:size(Data)
- }),
- sets:fold(fun(Elem, _Acc) ->
- ok = write(Proto, {Type, Elem})
- end,
- _Acc0 = ok,
- Data),
- ok = write(Proto, set_end),
- ok;
+ {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
+ #protocol_set_begin{
+ etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
+ size = sets:size(Data)
+ }),
+ Proto2 = sets:fold(fun(Elem, ProtoIn) ->
+ {ProtoOut, ok} = write(ProtoIn, {Type, Elem}),
+ ProtoOut
+ end,
+ Proto1,
+ Data),
+ {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, set_end),
+ {Proto3, ok};
-write(#protocol{module = Module,
- data = ModuleData}, Data) ->
- Module:write(ModuleData, Data).
+write(Proto = #protocol{module = Module,
+ data = ModuleData}, Data) ->
+ {NewData, Result} = Module:write(ModuleData, Data),
+ {Proto#protocol{data = NewData}, Result}.
-struct_write_loop(Proto, [{Fid, Type} | RestStructDef], [Data | RestData]) ->
- case Data of
- undefined ->
- % null fields are skipped in response
- skip;
- _ ->
- ok = write(Proto,
- #protocol_field_begin{
- type = term_to_typeid(Type),
- id = Fid
- }),
- ok = write(Proto, {Type, Data}),
- ok = write(Proto, field_end)
- end,
- struct_write_loop(Proto, RestStructDef, RestData);
+struct_write_loop(Proto0, [{Fid, Type} | RestStructDef], [Data | RestData]) ->
+ NewProto = case Data of
+ undefined ->
+ Proto0; % null fields are skipped in response
+ _ ->
+ {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
+ #protocol_field_begin{
+ type = term_to_typeid(Type),
+ id = Fid
+ }),
+ {Proto2, ok} = write(Proto1, {Type, Data}),
+ {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, field_end),
+ Proto3
+ end,
+ struct_write_loop(NewProto, RestStructDef, RestData);
struct_write_loop(Proto, [], []) ->
- ok = write(Proto, field_stop),
- ok.
+ write(Proto, field_stop).