THRIFT-248. ruby: Factor BinaryProtocolAccelerated into separate protocol and struct components

This patch replaces the "binaryprotocolaccelerated" c extension with the "thrift_native" c extension. This new extension creates native implementations for the struct.rb #write and #read methods, Thrift::BinaryProtocol, and Thrift::MemoryBuffer, but keeps ruby-level interfaces, allowing all protocols to benefit from the struct code and the memory buffer. There is however an additional cost associated with going through this ruby layer, but the increased interoperability seems to be well worth it.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/ext/struct.c b/lib/rb/ext/struct.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7aa1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/ext/struct.c
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+#include <struct.h>
+#include <constants.h>
+static native_proto_method_table *mt;
+#define IS_CONTAINER(ttype) ((ttype) == TTYPE_MAP || (ttype) == TTYPE_LIST || (ttype) == TTYPE_SET)
+#define STRUCT_FIELDS(obj) rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(obj), fields_const_id)
+// Writing section
+// default fn pointers for protocol stuff here
+VALUE default_write_bool(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_boolean_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_byte(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_byte_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_i16(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_i16_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_i32(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_i32_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_i64(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_i64_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_double(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_double_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_string(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_string_method_id, 1, value);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_list_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE etype, VALUE length) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_list_begin_method_id, 2, etype, length);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_list_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_list_end_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_set_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE etype, VALUE length) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_set_begin_method_id, 2, etype, length);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_set_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_set_end_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_map_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE ktype, VALUE vtype, VALUE length) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_map_begin_method_id, 3, ktype, vtype, length);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_map_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_map_end_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_struct_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE struct_name) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_struct_begin_method_id, 1, struct_name);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_struct_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_struct_end_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_field_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE name, VALUE type, VALUE id) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_begin_method_id, 3, name, type, id);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_field_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_end_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_write_field_stop(VALUE protocol) {
+  rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_stop_method_id, 0);
+  return Qnil;
+VALUE default_read_field_begin(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_begin_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_field_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_end_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_map_begin(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_map_begin_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_map_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_map_end_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_list_begin(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_list_begin_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_list_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_list_end_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_set_begin(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_set_begin_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_set_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_set_end_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_byte(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_byte_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_bool(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_bool_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_i16(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i16_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_i32(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i32_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_i64(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i64_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_double(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_double_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_string(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_string_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_struct_begin(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_struct_begin_method_id, 0);
+VALUE default_read_struct_end(VALUE protocol) {
+  return rb_funcall(protocol, read_struct_end_method_id, 0);
+static void set_default_proto_function_pointers() {
+  mt = ALLOC(native_proto_method_table);
+  mt->write_field_begin = default_write_field_begin;
+  mt->write_field_stop = default_write_field_stop;
+  mt->write_map_begin = default_write_map_begin;
+  mt->write_map_end = default_write_map_end;
+  mt->write_list_begin = default_write_list_begin;
+  mt->write_list_end = default_write_list_end;
+  mt->write_set_begin = default_write_set_begin;
+  mt->write_set_end = default_write_set_end;
+  mt->write_byte = default_write_byte;
+  mt->write_bool = default_write_bool;
+  mt->write_i16 = default_write_i16;
+  mt->write_i32 = default_write_i32;
+  mt->write_i64 = default_write_i64;
+  mt->write_double = default_write_double;
+  mt->write_string = default_write_string;
+  mt->write_struct_begin = default_write_struct_begin;
+  mt->write_struct_end = default_write_struct_end;
+  mt->write_field_end = default_write_field_end;
+  mt->read_struct_begin = default_read_struct_begin;
+  mt->read_struct_end = default_read_struct_end;
+  mt->read_field_begin = default_read_field_begin;
+  mt->read_field_end = default_read_field_end;
+  mt->read_map_begin = default_read_map_begin;
+  mt->read_map_end = default_read_map_end;
+  mt->read_list_begin = default_read_list_begin;
+  mt->read_list_end = default_read_list_end;
+  mt->read_set_begin = default_read_set_begin;
+  mt->read_set_end = default_read_set_end;
+  mt->read_byte = default_read_byte;
+  mt->read_bool = default_read_bool;
+  mt->read_i16 = default_read_i16;
+  mt->read_i32 = default_read_i32;
+  mt->read_i64 = default_read_i64;
+  mt->read_double = default_read_double;
+  mt->read_string = default_read_string;
+static void set_native_proto_function_pointers(VALUE protocol) {
+  VALUE method_table_object = rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(protocol), rb_intern("@native_method_table"));
+  // TODO: check nil?
+  Data_Get_Struct(method_table_object, native_proto_method_table, mt);
+// end default protocol methods
+static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_write(VALUE self, VALUE protocol);
+static void write_anything(int ttype, VALUE value, VALUE protocol, VALUE field_info);
+VALUE get_field_value(VALUE obj, VALUE field_name) {
+  char name_buf[RSTRING(field_name)->len + 1];
+  name_buf[0] = '@';
+  strlcpy(&name_buf[1], RSTRING(field_name)->ptr, sizeof(name_buf));
+  VALUE value = rb_ivar_get(obj, rb_intern(name_buf));
+  return value;
+static void write_container(int ttype, VALUE field_info, VALUE value, VALUE protocol) {
+  int sz, i;
+  if (ttype == TTYPE_MAP) {
+    VALUE keys;
+    VALUE key;
+    VALUE val;
+    Check_Type(value, T_HASH);
+    VALUE key_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, key_sym);
+    VALUE keytype_value = rb_hash_aref(key_info, type_sym);
+    int keytype = FIX2INT(keytype_value);
+    VALUE value_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, value_sym);
+    VALUE valuetype_value = rb_hash_aref(value_info, type_sym);
+    int valuetype = FIX2INT(valuetype_value);
+    keys = rb_funcall(value, keys_method_id, 0);
+    sz = RARRAY(keys)->len;
+    mt->write_map_begin(protocol, keytype_value, valuetype_value, INT2FIX(sz));
+    for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+      key = rb_ary_entry(keys, i);
+      val = rb_hash_aref(value, key);
+      if (IS_CONTAINER(keytype)) {
+        write_container(keytype, key_info, key, protocol);
+      } else {
+        write_anything(keytype, key, protocol, key_info);
+      }
+      if (IS_CONTAINER(valuetype)) {
+        write_container(valuetype, value_info, val, protocol);
+      } else {
+        write_anything(valuetype, val, protocol, value_info);
+      }
+    }
+    mt->write_map_end(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_LIST) {
+    Check_Type(value, T_ARRAY);
+    sz = RARRAY(value)->len;
+    VALUE element_type_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym);
+    VALUE element_type_value = rb_hash_aref(element_type_info, type_sym);
+    int element_type = FIX2INT(element_type_value);
+    mt->write_list_begin(protocol, element_type_value, INT2FIX(sz));
+    for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
+      VALUE val = rb_ary_entry(value, i);
+      if (IS_CONTAINER(element_type)) {
+        write_container(element_type, element_type_info, val, protocol);
+      } else {
+        write_anything(element_type, val, protocol, element_type_info);
+      }
+    }
+    mt->write_list_end(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_SET) {
+    VALUE items;
+    if (TYPE(value) == T_ARRAY) {
+      items = value;
+    } else {        
+      if (rb_cSet == CLASS_OF(value)) {
+        items = rb_funcall(value, entries_method_id, 0);
+      } else {
+        Check_Type(value, T_HASH);
+        items = rb_funcall(value, keys_method_id, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    sz = RARRAY(items)->len;
+    VALUE element_type_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym);
+    VALUE element_type_value = rb_hash_aref(element_type_info, type_sym);
+    int element_type = FIX2INT(element_type_value);
+    mt->write_set_begin(protocol, element_type_value, INT2FIX(sz));
+    for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+      VALUE val = rb_ary_entry(items, i);
+      if (IS_CONTAINER(element_type)) {
+        write_container(element_type, element_type_info, val, protocol);
+      } else {
+        write_anything(element_type, val, protocol, element_type_info);
+      }
+    }
+    mt->write_set_end(protocol);
+  } else {
+    rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "can't write container of type: %d", ttype);
+  }
+static void write_anything(int ttype, VALUE value, VALUE protocol, VALUE field_info) {
+  if (ttype == TTYPE_BOOL) {
+    mt->write_bool(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_BYTE) {
+    mt->write_byte(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I16) {
+    mt->write_i16(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I32) {
+    mt->write_i32(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I64) {
+    mt->write_i64(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+    mt->write_double(protocol, value);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRING) {
+    mt->write_string(protocol, value);
+  } else if (IS_CONTAINER(ttype)) {
+    write_container(ttype, field_info, value, protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRUCT) {
+    rb_thrift_struct_write(value, protocol);
+  } else {
+    rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Unknown type for binary_encoding: %d", ttype);
+  }
+static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_write(VALUE self, VALUE protocol) {
+  // call validate
+  rb_funcall(self, validate_method_id, 0);
+  if (RTEST(rb_funcall(protocol, native_qmark_method_id, 0))) {
+    set_native_proto_function_pointers(protocol);
+  } else {
+    set_default_proto_function_pointers();
+  }
+  // write struct begin
+  mt->write_struct_begin(protocol, rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self)));
+  // iterate through all the fields here
+  VALUE struct_fields = STRUCT_FIELDS(self);
+  VALUE struct_field_ids_unordered = rb_funcall(struct_fields, keys_method_id, 0);
+  VALUE struct_field_ids_ordered = rb_funcall(struct_field_ids_unordered, sort_method_id, 0);
+  int i = 0;
+  for (i=0; i < RARRAY(struct_field_ids_ordered)->len; i++) {
+    VALUE field_id = rb_ary_entry(struct_field_ids_ordered, i);
+    VALUE field_info = rb_hash_aref(struct_fields, field_id);
+    VALUE ttype_value = rb_hash_aref(field_info, type_sym);
+    int ttype = FIX2INT(ttype_value);
+    VALUE field_name = rb_hash_aref(field_info, name_sym);
+    VALUE field_value = get_field_value(self, field_name);
+    if (!NIL_P(field_value)) {
+      mt->write_field_begin(protocol, field_name, ttype_value, field_id);
+      write_anything(ttype, field_value, protocol, field_info);
+      mt->write_field_end(protocol);
+    }
+  }
+  mt->write_field_stop(protocol);
+  // write struct end
+  mt->write_struct_end(protocol);
+  return Qnil;
+// Reading section
+static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_read(VALUE self, VALUE protocol);
+static void set_field_value(VALUE obj, VALUE field_name, VALUE value) {
+  char name_buf[RSTRING(field_name)->len + 1];
+  name_buf[0] = '@';
+  strlcpy(&name_buf[1], RSTRING(field_name)->ptr, sizeof(name_buf));
+  rb_ivar_set(obj, rb_intern(name_buf), value);
+static VALUE read_anything(VALUE protocol, int ttype, VALUE field_info) {
+  VALUE result = Qnil;
+  if (ttype == TTYPE_BOOL) {
+    result = mt->read_bool(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_BYTE) {
+    result = mt->read_byte(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I16) {
+    result = mt->read_i16(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I32) {
+    result = mt->read_i32(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_I64) {
+    result = mt->read_i64(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRING) {
+    result = mt->read_string(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_DOUBLE) {
+    result = mt->read_double(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRUCT) {
+    VALUE klass = rb_hash_aref(field_info, class_sym);
+    result = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, klass);
+    rb_thrift_struct_read(result, protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_MAP) {
+    int i;
+    VALUE map_header = mt->read_map_begin(protocol);
+    int key_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 0));
+    int value_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 1));
+    int num_entries = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 2));
+    VALUE key_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, key_sym);
+    VALUE value_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, value_sym);
+    result = rb_hash_new();
+    for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
+      VALUE key, val;
+      key = read_anything(protocol, key_ttype, key_info);
+      val = read_anything(protocol, value_ttype, value_info);
+      rb_hash_aset(result, key, val);
+    }
+    mt->read_map_end(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_LIST) {
+    int i;
+    VALUE list_header = mt->read_list_begin(protocol);
+    int element_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(list_header, 0));
+    int num_elements = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(list_header, 1));
+    result = rb_ary_new2(num_elements);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
+      rb_ary_push(result, read_anything(protocol, element_ttype, rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym)));
+    }
+    mt->read_list_end(protocol);
+  } else if (ttype == TTYPE_SET) {
+    VALUE items;
+    int i;
+    VALUE set_header = mt->read_set_begin(protocol);
+    int element_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(set_header, 0));
+    int num_elements = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(set_header, 1));
+    items = rb_ary_new2(num_elements);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
+      rb_ary_push(items, read_anything(protocol, element_ttype, rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym)));
+    }
+    mt->read_set_end(protocol);
+    result = rb_class_new_instance(1, &items, rb_cSet);
+  } else {
+    rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "read_anything not implemented for type %d!", ttype);
+  }
+  return result;
+static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_read(VALUE self, VALUE protocol) {
+  // read struct begin
+  mt->read_struct_begin(protocol);
+  VALUE struct_fields = STRUCT_FIELDS(self);
+  // read each field
+  while (true) {
+    VALUE field_header = rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_begin_method_id, 0);
+    VALUE field_type_value = rb_ary_entry(field_header, 1);
+    int field_type = FIX2INT(field_type_value);
+    if (field_type == TTYPE_STOP) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // make sure we got a type we expected
+    VALUE field_info = rb_hash_aref(struct_fields, rb_ary_entry(field_header, 2));
+    if (!NIL_P(field_info)) {
+      int specified_type = FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(field_info, type_sym));
+      if (field_type == specified_type) {
+        // read the value
+        VALUE name = rb_hash_aref(field_info, name_sym);
+        set_field_value(self, name, read_anything(protocol, field_type, field_info));
+      } else {
+        rb_funcall(protocol, skip_method_id, 1, field_type_value);
+      }
+    } else {
+      rb_funcall(protocol, skip_method_id, 1, field_type_value);
+    }
+    // read field end
+    mt->read_field_end(protocol);
+  }
+  // read struct end
+  mt->read_struct_end(protocol);
+  return Qnil;
+void Init_struct() {
+  VALUE struct_module = rb_const_get(thrift_module, rb_intern("Struct"));
+  rb_define_method(struct_module, "write", rb_thrift_struct_write, 1);
+  rb_define_method(struct_module, "read", rb_thrift_struct_read, 1);
+  set_default_proto_function_pointers();