THRIFT-2205 Node.js Test Server to support test.js JavaScript Browser test and sundry fixes

Patch: Randy Abernethy, Pierre Lamot
diff --git a/test/nodejs/server.js b/test/nodejs/server.js
index 28eeeae..78a21c6 100644
--- a/test/nodejs/server.js
+++ b/test/nodejs/server.js
@@ -16,207 +16,18 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
+//Server test for the following I/O stack:
+//    TBinaryProtocol
+//    TFramedTransport
+//    TSocket
 var thrift = require('thrift');
-var Thrift = thrift.Thrift;
-var ttransport = require('transport');
+var TFramedTransport = require('thrift/transport').TFramedTransport;
+var ThriftTest = require('./gen-nodejs/ThriftTest');
+var ThriftTestHandler = require('./test_handler').ThriftTestHandler;
-var ThriftTest = require('./gen-nodejs/ThriftTest'),
-    ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/ThriftTest_types');
+                    ThriftTestHandler, 
+                    {'transport': TFramedTransport}).listen(9090);
-var server = thrift.createServer(ThriftTest, {
-  testVoid: function(result) {
-    console.log('testVoid()');
-    result(null);
-  },
-  testString: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testString(\'' + thing + '\')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testByte: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testByte(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testI32: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testI32(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testI64: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testI64(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testDouble: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testDouble(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testStruct: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testStruct(');
-    console.log(thing);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testNest: function(nest, result) {
-    console.log('testNest(');
-    console.log(nest);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, nest);
-  },
-  testMap: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testMap(');
-    console.log(thing);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testStringMap: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testStringMap(');
-    console.log(thing);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testSet: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testSet(');
-    console.log(thing);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testList: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testList(');
-    console.log(thing);
-    console.log(')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testEnum: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testEnum(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testTypedef: function(thing, result) {
-    console.log('testTypedef(' + thing + ')');
-    result(null, thing);
-  },
-  testMapMap: function(hello, result) {
-    console.log('testMapMap(' + hello + ')');
-    var mapmap = [];
-    var pos = [];
-    var neg = [];
-    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
-      pos[i] = i;
-      neg[-i] = -i;
-    }
-    mapmap[4] = pos;
-    mapmap[-4] = neg;
-    result(null, mapmap);
-  },
-  testInsanity: function(argument, result) {
-    console.log('testInsanity(');
-    console.log(argument);
-    console.log(')');
-    var hello = new ttypes.Xtruct();
-    hello.string_thing = 'Hello2';
-    hello.byte_thing = 2;
-    hello.i32_thing = 2;
-    hello.i64_thing = 2;
-    var goodbye = new ttypes.Xtruct();
-    goodbye.string_thing = 'Goodbye4';
-    goodbye.byte_thing = 4;
-    goodbye.i32_thing = 4;
-    goodbye.i64_thing = 4;
-    var crazy = new ttypes.Insanity();
-    crazy.userMap = [];
-    crazy.userMap[ttypes.Numberz.EIGHT] = 8;
-    crazy.userMap[ttypes.Numberz.FIVE] = 5;
-    crazy.xtructs = [goodbye, hello];
-    var first_map = [];
-    var second_map = [];
-    first_map[ttypes.Numberz.TWO] = crazy;
-    first_map[ttypes.Numberz.THREE] = crazy;
-    var looney = new ttypes.Insanity();
-    second_map[ttypes.Numberz.SIX] = looney;
-    var insane = [];
-    insane[1] = first_map;
-    insane[2] = second_map;
-    console.log('insane result:');
-    console.log(insane);
-    result(null, insane);
-  },
-  testMulti: function(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, result) {
-    console.log('testMulti()');
-    var hello = new ttypes.Xtruct();;
-    hello.string_thing = 'Hello2';
-    hello.byte_thing = arg0;
-    hello.i32_thing = arg1;
-    hello.i64_thing = arg2;
-    result(null, hello);
-  },
-  testException: function(arg, result) {
-    console.log('testException('+arg+')');
-    if (arg === 'Xception') {
-      var x = new ttypes.Xception();
-      x.errorCode = 1001;
-      x.message = arg;
-      result(x);
-    } else if (arg === 'TException') {
-      result(new Thrift.TException(arg));
-    } else {
-      result(null);
-    }
-  },
-  testMultiException: function(arg0, arg1, result) {
-    console.log('testMultiException(' + arg0 + ', ' + arg1 + ')');
-    if (arg0 === ('Xception')) {
-      var x = new ttypes.Xception();
-      x.errorCode = 1001;
-      x.message = 'This is an Xception';
-      result(x);
-    } else if (arg0 === ('Xception2')) {
-      var x = new ttypes.Xception2();
-      x.errorCode = 2002;
-      x.struct_thing = new ttypes.Xtruct();
-      x.struct_thing.string_thing = 'This is an Xception2';
-      result(x);
-    }
-    var res = new ttypes.Xtruct();
-    res.string_thing = arg1;
-    result(null, res);
-  },
-  testOneway: function(sleepFor, result) {
-    console.log('testOneway(' + sleepFor + ') => sleeping...');
-    setTimeout(function(){
-      console.log('Done sleeping for testOneway!');
-    }, sleepFor*1000); //seconds
-  }
-}, { //server options
-  'transport': ttransport.TFramedTransport