THRIFT-2718 Align cmdline help and return codes for Thrift test server/client
Client: Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
index 9001411..cbd825e 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
@@ -212,38 +212,38 @@
result := $FF; // all tests failed
- else if s = '-host' then begin
- // -host arg (=localhost) Host to connect
+ else if s = '--host' then begin
+ // --host arg (=localhost) Host to connect
host := args[i];
Inc( i);
- else if s = '-port' then begin
- // -port arg (=9090) Port number to connect
+ else if s = '--port' then begin
+ // --port arg (=9090) Port number to connect
s := args[i];
Inc( i);
port := StrToIntDef(s,0);
if port <= 0 then InvalidArgs;
- else if s = '-domain-socket' then begin
- // -domain-socket arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift), instead of host and port
+ else if s = '--domain-socket' then begin
+ // --domain-socket arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift), instead of host and port
raise Exception.Create('domain-socket not supported');
- else if s = '-named-pipe' then begin
- // -named-pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
+ else if s = '--named-pipe' then begin
+ // --named-pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
endpoint := trns_NamedPipes;
sPipeName := args[i];
Inc( i);
- else if s = '-anon-pipes' then begin
- // -anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)
+ else if s = '--anon-pipes' then begin
+ // --anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)
endpoint := trns_AnonPipes;
hAnonRead := THandle( StrToIntDef( args[i], Integer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)));
Inc( i);
hAnonWrite := THandle( StrToIntDef( args[i], Integer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)));
Inc( i);
- else if s = '-transport' then begin
- // -transport arg (=sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, evhttp
+ else if s = '--transport' then begin
+ // --transport arg (=sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, evhttp
s := args[i];
Inc( i);
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@
else if s = 'evhttp' then endpoint := trns_AnonPipes
else InvalidArgs;
- else if s = '-protocol' then begin
- // -protocol arg (=binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json
+ else if s = '--protocol' then begin
+ // --protocol arg (=binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json
s := args[i];
Inc( i);
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
else if s = 'json' then protType := prot_JSON
else InvalidArgs;
- else if s = '-ssl' then begin
- // -ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL
+ else if s = '--ssl' then begin
+ // --ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL