python parser for thrift using ply lalr generator


git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/compiler/src/ b/compiler/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f340ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+import time
+import os
+import os.path
+from string import Template
+from parser import *
+from generator import *
+ * Autogenerated by Thrift
+ * ${date}
+ *
+ */
+ """
+#if !defined(${source}_types_h_)
+#define ${source}_types_h_ 1
+#include <thrift/Thrift.h>
+CPP_TYPES_FOOTER = Template("""
+#endif // !defined(${source}_types_h_)
+#if !defined(${source}_h_)
+#define ${source}_h_ 1
+#include <thrift/Thrift.h>
+#endif // !defined(${source}_h_)""")
+def cpp_debug(arg):
+    print(arg)
+class Indenter(object):
+    def __init__(self, level=0, step=4):
+	self.level = level
+	self.step = step
+	self.chunk = ""
+	for i in range(step):
+	    self.chunk+= " "
+	self.prefix=""
+    def inc(self):
+	self.level+= self.step
+	self.prefix += self.chunk
+    def dec(self):
+	self.level-= self.step
+	if(self.level < 0):
+	    raise Exception, "Illegal indent level"
+	self.prefix = self.prefix[:self.level]
+    def __call__(self):
+	return  self.prefix
+class CFile(file):
+    def __init__(self, name, flags):
+        file.__init__(self, name, flags)
+        self.indent = Indenter()
+        self.newline = True
+    def rwrite(self, value):
+        file.write(self, value)
+    def write(self, value=""):
+        if self.newline:
+            self.rwrite(self.indent())
+            self.newline = False
+        self.rwrite(value)
+    def writeln(self, value=""):
+        self.write(value+"\n")
+        self.newline = True
+    def beginBlock(self):
+        self.writeln("{")
+    def endBlock(self, suffix=""):
+        self.indent.dec();
+        self.writeln("}"+suffix)
+    "void" : "void",
+    "bool" : "bool",
+    "string": "std::string",
+    "utf7": "std::string",
+    "utf8": "std::wstring",
+    "utf16": "std::utf16",
+    "byte" : "uint8_t",
+    "i08": "int8_t",
+    "i16": "int16_t",
+    "i32": "int32_t",
+    "i64": "int64_t",
+    "u08": "uint8_t",
+    "u16": "uint16_t",
+    "u32": "uint32_t",
+    "u64": "uint64_t",
+    "float": "double"
+    Map : "std::map",
+    List: "std::list",
+    Set : "std::set",
+def typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype):
+    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
+        return CPP_PRIMITIVE_MAP[]
+    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
+        result = CPP_CONTAINER_MAP[type(ttype)]+"<"
+        if isinstance(ttype, Map):
+            result+= typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.keyType)+", "+ typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType)
+        elif isinstance(ttype, Set) or isinstance(ttype, List):
+            result+= typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType)
+        else:
+            raise Exception, "Unknown Collection Type "+str(ttype)
+        result+= "> "
+        return result
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Struct):
+        return "struct "
+    elif isinstance(ttype, TypeDef):
+        return;
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Enum):
+        return;
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Function):
+        return typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.resultType)+ " ""("+string.join([typeToCTypeDeclaration(arg) for arg in ttype.argFieldList], ", ")+")"
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Field):
+        return typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.type)+ " "
+    else:
+        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
+def writeTypeDefDefinition(cfile, typedef):
+    cfile.writeln("typedef "+typeToCTypeDeclaration(typedef.definitionType)+" "";")
+def writeEnumDefinition(cfile, enum):
+    cfile.write("enum "" ");
+    cfile.beginBlock();
+    first = True
+    for ed in enum.enumDefs:
+        if first:
+            first = False
+        else:
+            cfile.writeln(",")
+        cfile.write(" = "+str(
+    cfile.writeln()
+    cfile.endBlock(";");
+def writeStructDefinition(cfile, struct):
+    cfile.write("struct "" ");
+    cfile.beginBlock()
+    for field in struct.fieldList:
+        cfile.writeln(typeToCTypeDeclaration(field)+";")
+    cfile.endBlock(";")
+    TypeDef : writeTypeDefDefinition,
+    Enum : writeEnumDefinition,
+    Struct : writeStructDefinition,
+    Service : None
+    }
+def writeDefinitions(cfile, definitions):
+    for definition in definitions:
+        writer = CPP_DEFINITION_WRITER_MAP[type(definition)]
+        if writer:
+            writer(cfile, definition)
+        cfile.writeln()
+CPP_THRIFT_NS = "facebook::thrift"
+CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    virtual ${functionDeclaration} = 0;
+class ${service}If {
+    public:
+    ~${service}If() {}
+def writeServiceInterfaceDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp=None):
+    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclaration=typeToCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "")
+    cfile.write(CPP_INTERFACE_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations))
+CPP_SP = Template("boost::shared_ptr<${klass}> ")
+CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    void process_${function}("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans);
+class ${service}ServerIf : public ${service}If, public """+CPP_PROCESSOR+""" {
+    public:
+    ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol) {}
+    ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot) {}
+    virtual ~${service}ServerIf() {}
+    bool process("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans,"""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans);
+    protected:
+    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot;
+    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _oprot;
+    private:
+def writeServerDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp=None):
+    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute( for function in service.functionList], "")
+    cfile.write(CPP_SERVER_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations))
+CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    ${functionDeclaration};
+class ${service}Client : public ${service}If {
+    public:
+    ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" transport, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _itrans(transport), _otrans(transport), _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol {}
+    ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _itrans(itrans), _otrans(otrans), _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot)x {}
+def writeClientDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp=None):
+    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(functionDeclaration=typeToCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "")
+    cfile.writeln(CPP_CLIENT_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations))
+def writeServiceDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp=None):
+    writeServiceInterfaceDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp)
+    writeServerDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp)
+    writeClientDeclaration(cfile, service, debugp)
+def toGenDir(filename, suffix="cpp-gen", debugp=None):
+    result = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], suffix)
+    if not os.path.exists(result):
+        os.mkdir(result)
+    return result
+def toBasename(filename, debugp=None):
+    """ Take the filename minus the path and\".thrift\" extension  if present """
+    basename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
+    tokens = os.path.splitext(basename)
+    if tokens[1].lower() == ".thrift":
+        basename = tokens[0]
+    if debugp:
+        debugp("toBasename("+str(filename)+") => "+str(basename))
+    return basename
+def toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
+    if not genDir:
+        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
+    basename = toBasename(filename)
+    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+"_types.h")
+    if debugp:
+        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
+    return result
+def writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
+    definitionHeader = toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir)
+    if debugp:
+        debugp("definitionHeader: "+str(definitionHeader))
+    cfile = CFile(definitionHeader, "w")
+    basename = toBasename(filename)
+    cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime()))
+    writeDefinitions(cfile, program.definitions)
+    cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename))
+    cfile.close()
+def toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
+    if not genDir:
+        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
+    basename = toBasename(filename)
+    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".h")
+    if debugp:
+        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
+    return result
+def writeServicesHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
+    servicesHeader = toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir)
+    if debugp:
+        debugp("servicesHeader: "+str(servicesHeader))
+    cfile = CFile(servicesHeader, "w")
+    basename = toBasename(filename)
+    cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime()))
+    services = []
+    # Build orderered list of service definitions by scanning definitions list for services
+    for definition in  program.definitions:
+        if isinstance(definition, Service) and in program.serviceMap:
+            services.append(definition)
+    for service in services:
+        writeServiceDeclaration(cfile, service)
+    cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename))
+    cfile.close()
+CPP_STRUCT_READ = Template("""void read${name}Struct("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
+    std::string name;
+    uint32_t id;
+    uint32_t type;
+    while(true) {
+        _iprot->readFieldBegin(_itrans, name, type, id);
+        if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch(id) {
+        }
+    }
+    "bool" : "Bool",
+    "string": "String",
+    "utf7": "String",
+    "utf8": "String", 
+    "utf16": "String",
+    "i08": "Byte",
+    "i16": "I16",
+    "i32": "I32", 
+    "i64": "I64", 
+    "u08": "Byte",
+    "u16": "U16",
+    "u32": "U32",
+    "u64": "U64",
+    "float": "Double"
+    Map : "stdmap",
+    List : "stdlist",
+    Set : "stdset"
+def typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype):
+    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
+    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
+        result = CPP_COLLECTION_TYPE_IO_METHOD_SUFFIX_MAP[type(ttype)]+"_"
+        if isinstance(ttype, Map):
+            result+= "k_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.keyType)+"_"
+        result += "v_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.valueType)
+        return result
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Struct):
+        return "struct_"
+    elif isinstance(ttype, TypeDef):
+        return typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.definitionType)
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Enum):
+        return typeToIOMethodSuffix(U32_TYPE)
+    else:
+        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
+def toReadCall(value, ttype):
+    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype)
+    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
+        return "iprot->read"+suffix+"(itrans, "+value+")"
+    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
+        return "read_"+suffix+"(iprot, itrans, "+value+")"
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Struct):
+        return "read_"+suffix+"(iprot, itrans, "+value+")"
+    elif isinstance(ttype, TypeDef):
+        return toReadCall(value, ttype.definitionType)
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Enum):
+        return toReadCall(value, U32_TYPE)
+    else:
+        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
+void read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
+   uint32_t count;
+   ${keyType} key;
+   ${valueType} elem;
+   _iprot->readU32(itrans, count);
+   for(int ix = 0; ix <  count; ix++) {
+       ${keyReadCall};
+       ${valueReadCall};
+       value.insert(std::make_pair(key, elem));
+   }
+void write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, ${declaration}& value) {
+   uint32_t count;
+   ${keyType} key;
+   ${valueType} elem;
+   _oprot->writeU32(otrans, count);
+   for(int ix = 0; ix <  count; ix++) {
+       ${keyReadCall};
+       ${valueReadCall};
+       value.insert(std::make_pair(key, elem));
+   }
+void read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
+   uint32_t count;
+   ${valueType} elem;
+   _iprot->readU32(itrans,  count);
+   for(int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) {
+       ${valueReadCall};
+       value.insert(elem);
+   }
+def toCollectionReadDefinition(ttype):
+    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype)
+    if isinstance(ttype, Map):
+        keyReadCall = toReadCall("key", ttype.keyType)
+    valueReadCall= toReadCall("elem", ttype.valueType)
+    if isinstance(ttype, Map):
+        return CPP_READ_MAP_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype),
+                                                  keyType=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.keyType),
+                                                  keyReadCall=keyReadCall,
+                                                  valueType=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType),
+                                                  valueReadCall=valueReadCall)
+    else:
+        return CPP_READ_LIST_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype),
+                                                   valueReadCall=valueReadCall,
+                                                   valueType=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType))
+void read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
+    std::string name;
+    """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" type;
+    uint16_t id;
+    while(true) {
+        _iprot->readFieldBegin(itrans, name, type, id);
+        if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") {break;}
+        switch(id) {
+            default:
+            iprot->skip(itrans, type);
+            break;
+        }
+        _iprot->readFieldEnd(itrans);
+    }
+def toStructReadDefinition(ttype):
+    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype)
+    # Sort field list in order of increasing ids
+    fieldList = []
+    fieldList+= ttype.fieldList
+    fieldList.sort(lambda a,b: -
+    fieldSwitch=""
+    for field in fieldList:
+        fieldSwitch+= "            case "+str(": "
+        fieldSwitch+= toReadCall("value.", field.type)+"; break;\n"
+    return CPP_READ_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=typeToCTypeDeclaration(ttype), fieldSwitch=fieldSwitch)
+def toReadDefinition(ttype):
+    if isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
+        return toCollectionReadDefinition(ttype)
+    elif isinstance(ttype, Struct):
+        return toStructReadDefinition(ttype)
+class CPPGenerator(Generator):
+    def __call__(self, program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
+        writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, gendir, debugp)
+        writeServicesHeader(program, filename, gendir, debugp)
+        writeClientHeader(program, filename, gendir, debugp)
diff --git a/compiler/src/ b/compiler/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac2cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class Generator(object):
+    def __call__(self,  program, filename, gendir):
+        raise Exception, "Not implemented"
diff --git a/compiler/src/ b/compiler/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1e507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+""" Thrift IDL parser/compiler
+    This parser uses the Python PLY LALR parser generator to build a parser for the Thrift IDL grammar.
+    If a compiles \"thyc\" file exists for a given source \"thrift\" file it computes a hash of the file and determines
+    if if it is the source of the \"thyc\" file.  If  so, it simply returns the parse tree previously computed, otherwise it
+    parses the source and generates a new \"thyc\" file  (assuming of course the source file contains no errors.)
+    When the parser encounters import statements it searches for corresponding \"thrift\" or \"thyc\" files in paths corresponding to
+    the specified namespace.
+    Author(s): Mark Slee(, Marc Kwiatkowski (
+    $Id:
+import lex
+import os
+import pickle
+import string
+import sys
+import yacc
+class Error(object):
+    def __init__(self, start=0, end=0, message=""):
+	if len(message) == 0:
+	    raise Exception, "NO MESSAGE"
+	self.message = message
+	self.start = start
+	self.end = end
+    def __str__(self):
+	return str(self.start)+": error: "+self.message
+class SyntaxError(Error):
+    def __init__(self, lexToken):
+	Error.__init__(self, lexToken.lineno, lexToken.lineno, "syntax error "+str(lexToken.value))
+class SymanticsError(Error):
+    def __init__(self, definition, message):
+	Error.__init__(self, definition.start, definition.end, message)
+	self.definition = definition
+    def __str__(self):
+	return str(self.start)+": error: "+self.message
+class ErrorException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, errors=None):
+	self.errors = errors
+class Definition(object):
+    """ Abstract thrift IDL definition unit """
+    def __init__(self, symbols=None, name="", id=None):
+	if symbols:
+	    self.lines(symbols)
+ = name
+ = id
+    def validate(self):
+	pass
+    def lines(self, symbols):
+	self.start = symbols.lineno(1)
+	self.end = symbols.lineno(len(symbols) - 1)
+class Identifier(Definition):
+    """ An Identifier - name and optional integer id """
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, id=None):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name, id)
+    def __str__(self):
+	result =
+	if != 0:
+	    result+="="+str(
+	return result
+class Type(Definition):
+    """ Abstract Type definition """
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+ = name
+    def __str__(self):
+	return
+class TypeDef(Type):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, definitionType):
+	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+	self.definitionType = definitionType
+    def __str__(self):
+	return"<"+str(", "+str(self.definitionType)+">"
+""" Primitive Types """
+class PrimitiveType(Type):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+	Type.__init__(self, None, name)
+VOID_TYPE =  PrimitiveType("void")
+BOOL_TYPE = PrimitiveType("bool")
+STRING_TYPE =PrimitiveType("utf7")
+UTF7_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf7")
+UTF8_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf8")
+UTF16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf16")
+BYTE_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u08")
+I08_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i08")
+I16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i16")
+I32_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i32")
+I64_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i64")
+U08_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u08")
+U16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u16")
+U32_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u32")
+U64_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u64")
+FLOAT_TYPE = PrimitiveType("float")
+    "void" : VOID_TYPE,
+    "bool" : BOOL_TYPE,
+    "string": UTF7_TYPE,
+    "utf7": UTF7_TYPE,
+    "utf8": UTF8_TYPE,
+    "utf16": UTF16_TYPE,
+    "byte" : U08_TYPE,
+    "i08": I08_TYPE,
+    "i16": I16_TYPE,
+    "i32": I32_TYPE,
+    "i64": I64_TYPE,
+    "u08": U08_TYPE,
+    "u16": U16_TYPE,
+    "u32": U32_TYPE,
+    "u64": U64_TYPE,
+    "float": FLOAT_TYPE
+""" Collection Types """
+class CollectionType(Type):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name):
+	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+class Map(CollectionType):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, keyType, valueType):
+	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "map<""," +">")
+	self.keyType = keyType
+	self.valueType = valueType
+class Set(CollectionType):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, valueType):
+	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "set<"">")
+	self.valueType = valueType
+class List(CollectionType):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, valueType):
+	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "list<"">")
+	self.valueType = valueType
+class Enum(Definition):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, enumDefs):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+	self.enumDefs = enumDefs
+    def validate(self):
+	ids = {}
+	names = {}
+	errors = []
+	for enumDef in self.enumDefs:
+	    if in names:
+ 		errors.append(SymanticsError(enumDef,"."+str(" already defined at line "+str(names[].start)))
+	    else:
+		names[] = enumDef
+	    if != None:
+		oldEnumDef = ids.get(
+		if oldEnumDef:
+		    errors.append(SymanticsError(enumDef, "enum "" \""+str("\" uses constant already assigned to \"""\""))
+		else:
+		    ids[] = enumDef
+	if len(errors):
+	    raise ErrorException(errors)
+	def assignId(enumDef, currentId, ids):
+	    'Finds the next available id number for an enum definition'
+	    id= currentId + 1
+	    while id in ids:
+		id += 1
+ = id
+	    ids[] = enumDef
+	# assign ids for all enum defs with unspecified ids
+	currentId = 0
+	for enumDef in self.enumDefs:
+	    if not
+		assignId(enumDef, currentId, ids)
+		currentId =
+    def __repr__(self):
+	return str(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+	return"<"+string.join(map(lambda enumDef: str(enumDef), self.enumDefs), ", ")
+class EnumDef(Definition):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, id=None):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name, id)
+    def __repr__(self):
+	return str(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+	result =
+	if
+	    result+= ":"+str(
+	return result
+class Field(Definition):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, type, identifier):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols,,
+	self.type = type
+	self.identifier = identifier
+    def __str__(self):
+	return "<"+str(self.type)+", "+str(self.identifier)+">"
+def validateFieldList(fieldList):
+    errors = []
+    names = {}
+    ids = {}
+    for field in fieldList:
+	if in names:
+	    oldField = names[]
+	    errors.append(SymanticsError(field, "field \"""\" already defined at "+str(oldField.start)))
+	else:
+	    names[] = field
+	if != None:
+	    oldField = ids.get(
+	    if oldField:
+		errors.append(SymanticsError(field, "field \"""\" uses constant already assigned to \"""\""))
+	    else:
+		ids[] = field
+    if len(errors):
+	raise ErrorException(errors)
+class Struct(Type):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, fieldList):
+	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+	self.fieldList = fieldList
+    def validate(self):
+	validateFieldList(self.fieldList)
+    def __str__(self):
+	return"<"+string.join(map(lambda a: str(a), self.fieldList), ", ")+">"
+class Function(Definition):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, resultType, argFieldList):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+	self.resultType = resultType
+	self.argFieldList = argFieldList
+    def validate(self):
+	validateFieldList(self.argFieldList)
+    def __str__(self):
+	return"("+string.join(map(lambda a: str(a), self.argFieldList), ", ")+") => "+str(self.resultType)
+class Service(Definition):
+    def __init__(self, symbols, name, functionList):
+	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
+	self.functionList = functionList
+    def validate(self):
+	errors = []
+	functionNames = {}
+	for function in self.functionList:
+	    if in functionNames:
+		oldFunction = functionName[]
+		errors.append(SymanticsError(function, "function "" already defined at "+str(oldFunction.start)))
+	if len(errors):
+	    raise ErrorException(errors)
+    def __str__(self):
+	return"("+string.join(map(lambda a: str(a), self.functionList), ", ")+")"
+class Program(object):
+    def __init__(self, symbols=None, name="", definitions=None, serviceMap=None, typedefMap=None, enumMap=None, structMap=None, collectionMap=None,
+                 primitiveMap=None):
+ = name
+        if not definitions:
+            definitions = []
+        self.definitions = definitions
+	if not serviceMap:
+	    serviceMap = {}
+	self.serviceMap = serviceMap
+	if not typedefMap:
+	    typedefMap = {}
+	self.typedefMap = typedefMap
+	if not enumMap:
+	    enumMap = {}
+	self.enumMap = enumMap
+	if not structMap:
+	    structMap = {}
+	self.structMap = structMap
+	if not collectionMap:
+	    collectionMap = {}
+	self.collectionMap = collectionMap
+	if not primitiveMap:
+	    primitiveMap = PRIMITIVE_MAP
+	self.primitiveMap = primitiveMap
+    def addDefinition(self, definition, definitionMap, definitionTypeName):
+	oldDefinition = definitionMap.get(
+	if oldDefinition:
+	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(definition, definitionTypeName+" "" is already defined at "+str(oldDefinition.start))])
+	else:
+	    definitionMap[] = definition
+        # keep an ordered list of definitions so that stub/skel generators can determine the original order
+        self.definitions.append(definition)
+    def addStruct(self, struct):
+	self.addDefinition(struct, self.structMap, "struct")
+    def addTypedef(self, typedef):
+	self.addDefinition(typedef, self.typedefMap, "typedef")
+    def addEnum(self, enum):
+	self.addDefinition(enum, self.enumMap, "enum")
+    def addService(self, service):
+	self.addDefinition(service, self.serviceMap, "service")
+    def addCollection(self, collection):
+	if in self.collectionMap:
+	    return
+	else:
+	    self.collectionMap[] = collection
+    def getType(self, parent, symbol):
+	""" Get the type definition for a symbol"""
+	typeName = None
+	if isinstance(symbol, Type):
+	    return symbol
+	elif isinstance(symbol, Field):
+	    typeName =
+	elif isinstance(symbol, Identifier):
+	    typeName =
+	else:
+	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(parent, "unknown symbol \""+str(symbol)+"\"")])
+	for map in (self.primitiveMap, self.collectionMap, self.typedefMap, self.enumMap, self.structMap):
+	    if typeName in map:
+		return map[typeName]
+	raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(parent, "\""+typeName+"\"  is not defined.")])
+    def hasType(self, parent, symbol):
+	""" Determine if a type definition exists for the symbol"""
+        return self.getType(parent, symbol) == True
+    def validate(self):
+	errors = []
+        # Verify that struct fields types, collection key and element types, and typedef defined types exists and replaces
+        # type names with references to the type objects
+	for struct in self.structMap.values():
+	    for field in struct.fieldList:
+		try:
+		    field.type = self.getType(struct, field)
+		except ErrorException, e:
+		    errors+= e.errors
+	for collection in self.collectionMap.values():
+            try:
+                if isinstance(collection, Map):
+                    collection.keyType = self.getType(collection, collection.keyType)
+                collection.valueType = self.getType(collection, collection.valueType)
+            except ErrorException, e:
+                errors+= e.errors
+	for typedef in self.typedefMap.values():
+            try:
+                typedef.definitionType = self.getType(self, typedef.definitionType)
+            except ErrorException, e:
+                errors+= e.errors
+        # Verify that service fuunction result and arg list types exist and replace type name with reference to definition
+	for service in self.serviceMap.values():
+	    for function in service.functionList:
+		try:
+		    function.resultType  = self.getType(service, function.resultType)
+		except ErrorException, e:
+		    errors+= e.errors
+		for field in function.argFieldList:
+		    try:
+			field.type = self.getType(function, field)
+		    except ErrorException, e:
+			errors+= e.errors
+	if len(errors):
+	    raise ErrorException(errors)
+class Parser(object):
+    reserved = ("BYTE",
+                # "CONST",
+		"DOUBLE",
+		"ENUM", 
+                # "EXCEPTION",
+                # "EXTENDS",
+		"I08",
+		"I16",
+		"I32", 
+		"I64",
+		"LIST", 
+		"MAP",
+		"SERVICE", 
+		"SET",
+                # "STATIC",
+		"STRING",
+		"STRUCT", 
+                # "SYNCHRONIZED",
+		"U08", 
+		"U16",
+		"U32", 
+		"U64", 
+		"UTF16",
+		"UTF8",
+		"VOID"
+                )
+    tokens = reserved + (
+	# Literals (identifier, integer constant, float constant, string constant, char const)
+	# Operators default=, optional*, variable...
+	# Delimeters ( ) { } < > , . ; :
+	)
+    precendence = ()
+    reserved_map = {}
+    for r in reserved:
+	reserved_map[r.lower()] = r
+    def t_ID(self, t):
+	r'[A-Za-z_][\w_]*'
+	t.type = self.reserved_map.get(t.value,"ID")
+	return t
+    # Completely ignored characters
+    t_ignore           = ' \t\x0c'
+#    t_OPTIONAL         = r'\*'
+    t_ASSIGN           = r'='
+    # Delimeters
+    t_LPAREN           = r'\('
+    t_RPAREN           = r'\)'
+    t_LANGLE           = r'\<'
+    t_RANGLE           = r'\>'
+    t_LBRACE           = r'\{'
+    t_RBRACE           = r'\}'
+    t_COMMA            = r','
+#    t_PERIOD           = r'\.'
+#    t_SEMI             = r';'
+#    t_COLON            = r':'
+#    t_ELLIPSIS         = r'\.\.\.'
+    # Integer literal
+    t_ICONST = r'\d+([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?'
+    # Floating literal
+    t_FCONST = r'((\d+)(\.\d+)(e(\+|-)?(\d+))? | (\d+)e(\+|-)?(\d+))([lL]|[fF])?'
+    # String literal
+    t_SCONST = r'\"([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\"'
+    # Comments
+    def t_comment(self, t):
+	r'(?:/\*(.|\n)*?\*/)|(?://[^\n]*\n)'
+	t.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
+    def t_error(self, t):
+	print "Illegal character %s" % repr(t.value[0])
+	t.skip(1)
+    # Newlines
+    def t_newline(self, t):
+	r'\n+'
+	t.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
+    def p_program(self, p):
+	'program : definitionlist'
+	pass
+    def p_definitionlist_1(self, p):
+	'definitionlist : definitionlist definition'
+	pass
+    def p_definitionlist_2(self, p):
+	'definitionlist :'
+	pass
+    def p_definition_1(self, p):
+	'definition : typedef'
+	self.pdebug("p_definition_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	try:
+	    self.program.addTypedef(p[0])
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_definition_2(self, p):
+	'definition : enum'
+	self.pdebug("p_definition_2", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	try:
+	    self.program.addEnum(p[0])
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_definition_3(self, p):
+	'definition : struct'
+	self.pdebug("p_definition_3", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	try:
+	    self.program.addStruct(p[0])
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_definition_4(self, p):
+	'definition : service'
+	self.pdebug("p_definition_4", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	try:
+	    self.program.addService(p[0])
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_typedef(self, p):
+	'typedef : TYPEDEF definitiontype ID'
+	self.pdebug("p_typedef", p)
+	p[0] = TypeDef(p, p[3], p[2])
+	try:
+	    p[0].validate()
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+#    def p_definition_or_referencye_type_1(self, p):
+#       XXX need to all typedef struct foo foo_t by allowing references
+#	pass
+    def p_enum(self, p):
+	'enum : ENUM ID LBRACE enumdeflist RBRACE'
+	self.pdebug("p_enum", p)
+	p[0] = Enum(p, p[2], p[4])
+	try:
+	    p[0].validate()
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_enumdeflist_1(self, p):
+	'enumdeflist : enumdeflist COMMA enumdef'
+	self.pdebug("p_enumdeflist_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1] + (p[3],)
+    def p_enumdeflist_2(self, p):
+	'enumdeflist : enumdef' 
+	self.pdebug("p_enumdeflist_2", p)
+	p[0] = (p[1],)
+    def p_enumdef_0(self, p):
+	'enumdef : ID ASSIGN ICONST'
+	self.pdebug("p_enumdef_0", p)
+	p[0] = EnumDef(p, p[1], int(p[3]))
+    def p_enumdef_1(self, p):
+	'enumdef : ID'
+	self.pdebug("p_enumdef_1", p)
+	p[0] = EnumDef(p, p[1])
+    def p_struct(self, p):
+	'struct :  STRUCT ID LBRACE fieldlist RBRACE'
+	self.pdebug("p_struct", p)
+	p[0] = Struct(p, p[2], p[4])
+	try:
+	    p[0].validate()
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_service(self, p):
+	'service : SERVICE ID LBRACE functionlist RBRACE'
+	self.pdebug("p_service", p)
+	p[0] =  Service(p, p[2], p[4])
+	try:
+	    p[0].validate()
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_functionlist_1(self, p):
+        'functionlist : functionlist function'
+	self.pdebug("p_functionlist_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1] + (p[2],)
+    def p_functionlist_2(self, p):
+        'functionlist :'
+	self.pdebug("p_functionlist_2", p)
+	p[0] = ()
+    def p_function(self, p):
+	'function : functiontype functionmodifiers ID LPAREN fieldlist RPAREN'
+	self.pdebug("p_function", p)
+	p[0] = Function(p, p[3], p[1], p[5])
+	try:
+	    p[0].validate()
+	except ErrorException, e:
+	    self.errors+= e.errors
+    def p_functionmodifiers(self, p):
+	'functionmodifiers :'
+	self.pdebug("p_functionmodifiers", p)
+	p[0] = ()
+    def p_fieldlist_1(self, p):
+	'fieldlist : fieldlist COMMA field'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1] + (p[3],)
+    def p_fieldlist_2(self, p):
+	'fieldlist : field'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_2", p)
+	p[0] = (p[1],)
+    def p_fieldlist_3(self, p):
+	'fieldlist :'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_3", p)
+	p[0] = ()
+    def p_field_1(self, p):
+        'field : fieldtype ID ASSIGN ICONST'
+	self.pdebug("p_field_1", p)
+	p[0] = Field(p, p[1], Identifier(None, p[2], int(p[4])))
+    def p_field_2(self, p):
+        'field : fieldtype ID'
+	self.pdebug("p_field_2", p)
+	p[0] = Field(p, p[1], Identifier(None, p[2]))
+    def p_definitiontype_1(self, p):
+        'definitiontype : basetype'
+	self.pdebug("p_definitiontype_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    def p_definitiontype_2(self, p):
+        'definitiontype : collectiontype'
+	self.pdebug("p_definitiontype_2", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    def p_functiontype_1(self, p):
+        'functiontype : fieldtype'
+	self.pdebug("p_functiontype_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    def p_functiontype_2(self, p):
+        'functiontype : VOID'
+	self.pdebug("p_functiontype_2", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_fieldtype_1(self, p):
+        'fieldtype : ID'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_1", p)
+	p[0] = Identifier(p, p[1])
+    def p_fieldtype_2(self, p):
+        'fieldtype : basetype'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_2", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    def p_fieldtype_3(self, p):
+        'fieldtype : collectiontype'
+	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_3", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    def p_basetype_1(self, p):
+        'basetype : STRING'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_1", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_2(self, p):
+        'basetype : BYTE'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_2", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_3(self, p):
+        'basetype : I08'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_3", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_4(self, p):
+        'basetype : U08'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_4", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_5(self, p):
+        'basetype : I16'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_5", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_6(self, p):
+        'basetype : U16'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_6", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_7(self, p):
+        'basetype : I32'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_7", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_8(self, p):
+        'basetype : U32'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_8", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_9(self, p):
+        'basetype : I64'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_9", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_10(self, p):
+        'basetype : U64'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_10", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_11(self, p):
+        'basetype : UTF8'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_11", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_12(self, p):
+        'basetype : UTF16'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_12", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_basetype_13(self, p):
+        'basetype : DOUBLE'
+	self.pdebug("p_basetype_13", p)
+	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
+    def p_collectiontype_1(self, p):
+        'collectiontype : maptype'
+	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_1", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	self.program.addCollection(p[0])
+    def p_collectiontype_2(self, p):
+        'collectiontype : settype'
+	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_2", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	self.program.addCollection(p[0])
+    def p_collectiontype_3(self, p):
+        'collectiontype : listtype'
+	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_3", p)
+	p[0] = p[1]
+	self.program.addCollection(p[0])
+    def p_maptype(self, p):
+        'maptype : MAP LANGLE fieldtype COMMA fieldtype RANGLE'
+	self.pdebug("p_maptype", p)
+	p[0] = Map(p, p[3], p[5])
+    def p_settype(self, p):
+        'settype : SET LANGLE fieldtype RANGLE'
+	self.pdebug("p_settype", p)
+	p[0] = Set(p, p[3])
+    def p_listtype(self, p):
+        'listtype : LIST LANGLE fieldtype RANGLE'
+	self.pdebug("p_listtype", p)
+	p[0] = Set(p, p[3])
+    def p_error(self, p):
+        self.errors.append(SyntaxError(p))
+    def pdebug(self, name, p):
+	if self.debug:
+	    print(name+"("+string.join(map(lambda t: "<<"+str(t)+">>", p), ", ")+")")
+    def __init__(self, **kw):
+        self.debug = kw.get('debug', 0)
+        self.names = { }
+	self.program = Program()
+	self.errors = []
+        try:
+            modname = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0])[1] + "_" + self.__class__.__name__
+        except:
+            modname = "parser"+"_"+self.__class__.__name__
+        self.debugfile = modname + ".dbg"
+        self.tabmodule = modname + "_" + "parsetab"
+        #print self.debugfile, self.tabmodule
+        # Build the lexer and parser
+        lex.lex(module=self, debug=self.debug)
+        yacc.yacc(module=self,
+                  debug=self.debug,
+                  debugfile=self.debugfile,
+                  tabmodule=self.tabmodule)
+    def parsestring(self, s, filename=""):
+	yacc.parse(s)
+	if len(self.errors) == 0:
+	    try:
+		self.program.validate()
+	    except ErrorException, e:
+		self.errors+= e.errors
+	if len(self.errors):
+	    for error in self.errors:
+		print(filename+":"+str(error))
+    def parse(self, filename, doPickle=True):
+	f = file(filename, "r")
+	self.parsestring(, filename)
+        if len(self.errors) == 0 and doPickle:
+	    outf = file(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+".thyc", "w")
+	    pickle.dump(self.program, outf)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = Parser(debug=True);
+    parser.parse(sys.argv[1])