How to contribute

  1. Make sure your issue is not all ready in the Jira issue tracker
  2. If not, create a ticket describing the change you're proposing in the [Jira issue tracker]({% block content %} {{ conf.jira_url }} {% endblock %})
  3. Contribute your patch using one of the two methods below

Contributing via a patch

  1. Check out the latest version of the source code

  2. Modify the source to include the improvement/bugfix

    • Verify that you follow the same CodingStyle you see within the language you are working on
    • Verify that your change works by adding a unit test.
  3. Create a patch from project root directory (e.g. you@dev:~/thrift $ ):

    • git diff > ../thrift-XXX-my-new-feature.patch
  4. Attach the newly generated patch to the issue

  5. Wait for other contributors or committers to review your new addition

  6. Wait for a committer to commit your patch

Contributing via GitHub pull requests

  1. Create a fork for

  2. Create a branch with the jira ticket number you are working on

  3. Modify the source to include the improvement/bugfix

    • Verify that you follow the same CodingStyle you see within the language you are working on
    • Verify that your change works by adding a unit test.
  4. Issue a pull request for your new feature

  5. Wait for other contributors or committers to review your new addition

  6. Wait for a committer to commit your patch

More info

Plenty of information on why and how to contribute is available on the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) web site. In particular, we recommend the following: