THRIFT-2641 Improvements to Haskell Compiler/Libraries
- test/ integration
- add json and compact protocol
This closes #175
Signed-off-by: Roger Meier <>
diff --git a/lib/hs/LICENSE b/lib/hs/LICENSE
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diff --git a/lib/hs/Thrift.cabal b/lib/hs/Thrift.cabal
index b659292..f847663 100755
--- a/lib/hs/Thrift.cabal
+++ b/lib/hs/Thrift.cabal
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
Name: thrift
Version: 1.0.0-dev
-Cabal-Version: >= 1.4
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.8
License: OtherLicense
Category: Foreign
Build-Type: Simple
@@ -36,16 +36,20 @@
- base >= 4, base < 5, network, ghc-prim, binary, bytestring, hashable, HTTP, text, unordered-containers, vector
+ base >= 4, base < 5, containers, network, ghc-prim, attoparsec, binary, bytestring >= 0.10, hashable, HTTP, text, unordered-containers, vector, QuickCheck
+ Thrift.Arbitraries
+ Thrift.Protocol.Compact,
+ Thrift.Protocol.JSON,
+ Thrift.Transport.IOBuffer,
@@ -54,5 +58,16 @@
+ RecordWildCards,
+Test-Suite tests
+ Type:
+ exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ Hs-Source-Dirs:
+ tests
+ Build-Depends:
+ base, QuickCheck, binary, bytestring, thrift
+ Main-Is:
+ JSONTests.hs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift.hs
index 65a2208..58a304b 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
@@ -31,15 +30,17 @@
, ThriftException(..)
) where
-import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Exception
-import Data.Text.Lazy ( pack, unpack )
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Text.Lazy ( Text, pack, unpack )
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
-import Thrift.Transport
import Thrift.Protocol
+import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Types
data ThriftException = ThriftException
deriving ( Show, Typeable )
@@ -90,44 +91,24 @@
instance Exception AppExn
writeAppExn :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> AppExn -> IO ()
-writeAppExn pt ae = do
- writeStructBegin pt "TApplicationException"
- when (ae_message ae /= "") $ do
- writeFieldBegin pt ("message", T_STRING , 1)
- writeString pt (pack $ ae_message ae)
- writeFieldEnd pt
- writeFieldBegin pt ("type", T_I32, 2);
- writeI32 pt (fromIntegral $ fromEnum (ae_type ae))
- writeFieldEnd pt
- writeFieldStop pt
- writeStructEnd pt
+writeAppExn pt ae = writeVal pt $ TStruct $ Map.fromList
+ [ (1, ("message", TString $ encodeUtf8 $ pack $ ae_message ae))
+ , (2, ("type", TI32 $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum (ae_type ae)))
+ ]
readAppExn :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> IO AppExn
readAppExn pt = do
- _ <- readStructBegin pt
- record <- readAppExnFields pt (AppExn {ae_type = undefined, ae_message = undefined})
- readStructEnd pt
- return record
+ let typemap = Map.fromList [(1,("message",T_STRING)),(2,("type",T_I32))]
+ TStruct fields <- readVal pt $ T_STRUCT typemap
+ return $ readAppExnFields fields
-readAppExnFields :: forall (a :: * -> *) t. (Protocol a, Transport t) => a t -> AppExn -> IO AppExn
-readAppExnFields pt record = do
- (_, ft, tag) <- readFieldBegin pt
- if ft == T_STOP
- then return record
- else case tag of
- 1 -> if ft == T_STRING then
- do s <- readString pt
- readAppExnFields pt record{ae_message = unpack s}
- else do skip pt ft
- readAppExnFields pt record
- 2 -> if ft == T_I32 then
- do i <- readI32 pt
- readAppExnFields pt record{ae_type = (toEnum $ fromIntegral i)}
- else do skip pt ft
- readAppExnFields pt record
- _ -> do skip pt ft
- readFieldEnd pt
- readAppExnFields pt record
+readAppExnFields :: Map.HashMap Int16 (Text, ThriftVal) -> AppExn
+readAppExnFields fields = AppExn{
+ ae_message = maybe undefined unwrapMessage $ Map.lookup 1 fields,
+ ae_type = maybe undefined unwrapType $ Map.lookup 2 fields
+ }
+ where
+ unwrapMessage (_, TString s) = unpack $ decodeUtf8 s
+ unwrapMessage _ = undefined
+ unwrapType (_, TI32 i) = toEnum $ fromIntegral i
+ unwrapType _ = undefined
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Arbitraries.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Arbitraries.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a60ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Arbitraries.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module Thrift.Arbitraries where
+import Data.Bits()
+import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
+import qualified Data.HashSet as HSet
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
+import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
+-- String has an Arbitrary instance already
+-- Bool has an Arbitrary instance already
+-- A Thrift 'list' is a Vector.
+instance Arbitrary ByteString where
+ arbitrary = BS.pack . filter (/= 0) <$> arbitrary
+instance (Ord k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Map k v) where
+ arbitrary = Map.fromList <$> arbitrary
+instance (Ord k, Arbitrary k) => Arbitrary (Set.Set k) where
+ arbitrary = Set.fromList <$> arbitrary
+instance (Arbitrary k) => Arbitrary (Vector.Vector k) where
+ arbitrary = Vector.fromList <$> arbitrary
+instance Arbitrary Text.Text where
+ arbitrary = Text.pack . filter (/= '\0') <$> arbitrary
+instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Arbitrary k) => Arbitrary (HSet.HashSet k) where
+ arbitrary = HSet.fromList <$> arbitrary
+instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) =>
+ Arbitrary (HMap.HashMap k v) where
+ arbitrary = HMap.fromList <$> arbitrary
+ To handle Thrift 'enum' we would ideally use something like:
+instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => Arbitrary a
+ where arbitrary = elements (enumFromTo minBound maxBound)
+Unfortunately this doesn't play nicely with the type system.
+Instead we'll generate an arbitrary instance along with the code.
+ There might be some way to introspect on the Haskell structure of a
+ Thrift 'struct' or 'exception' but generating the code directly is simpler.
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
index 6068d16..ea58642 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@@ -20,167 +22,58 @@
module Thrift.Protocol
( Protocol(..)
- , skip
- , MessageType(..)
- , ThriftType(..)
, ProtocolExn(..)
, ProtocolExnType(..)
+ , getTypeOf
+ , runParser
+ , versionMask
+ , version1
+ , bsToDouble
) where
-import Control.Monad ( replicateM_, unless )
import Control.Exception
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, toStrict)
+import Data.ByteString.Unsafe
+import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Int
-import Data.Text.Lazy ( Text )
-import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+import Data.Monoid (mempty)
+import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Data.Word
+import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek, poke)
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import Thrift.Types
import Thrift.Transport
+versionMask :: Int32
+versionMask = fromIntegral (0xffff0000 :: Word32)
-data ThriftType
- = T_STOP
- | T_VOID
- | T_BOOL
- | T_BYTE
- | T_I16
- | T_I32
- | T_I64
- | T_MAP
- | T_SET
- | T_LIST
- deriving ( Eq )
-instance Enum ThriftType where
- fromEnum T_STOP = 0
- fromEnum T_VOID = 1
- fromEnum T_BOOL = 2
- fromEnum T_BYTE = 3
- fromEnum T_DOUBLE = 4
- fromEnum T_I16 = 6
- fromEnum T_I32 = 8
- fromEnum T_I64 = 10
- fromEnum T_STRING = 11
- fromEnum T_STRUCT = 12
- fromEnum T_MAP = 13
- fromEnum T_SET = 14
- fromEnum T_LIST = 15
- toEnum 0 = T_STOP
- toEnum 1 = T_VOID
- toEnum 2 = T_BOOL
- toEnum 3 = T_BYTE
- toEnum 4 = T_DOUBLE
- toEnum 6 = T_I16
- toEnum 8 = T_I32
- toEnum 10 = T_I64
- toEnum 11 = T_STRING
- toEnum 12 = T_STRUCT
- toEnum 13 = T_MAP
- toEnum 14 = T_SET
- toEnum 15 = T_LIST
- toEnum t = error $ "Invalid ThriftType " ++ show t
-data MessageType
- = M_CALL
- deriving ( Eq )
-instance Enum MessageType where
- fromEnum M_CALL = 1
- fromEnum M_REPLY = 2
- fromEnum M_EXCEPTION = 3
- toEnum 1 = M_CALL
- toEnum 2 = M_REPLY
- toEnum 3 = M_EXCEPTION
- toEnum t = error $ "Invalid MessageType " ++ show t
+version1 :: Int32
+version1 = fromIntegral (0x80010000 :: Word32)
class Protocol a where
- getTransport :: Transport t => a t -> t
+ getTransport :: Transport t => a t -> t
- writeMessageBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (Text, MessageType, Int32) -> IO ()
- writeMessageEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
+ writeMessageBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (Text, MessageType, Int32) -> IO ()
+ writeMessageEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
+ writeMessageEnd _ = return ()
+ readMessageBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (Text, MessageType, Int32)
+ readMessageEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
+ readMessageEnd _ = return ()
- writeStructBegin :: Transport t => a t -> Text -> IO ()
- writeStructEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- writeFieldBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (Text, ThriftType, Int16) -> IO ()
- writeFieldEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- writeFieldStop :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- writeMapBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (ThriftType, ThriftType, Int32) -> IO ()
- writeMapEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- writeListBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (ThriftType, Int32) -> IO ()
- writeListEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- writeSetBegin :: Transport t => a t -> (ThriftType, Int32) -> IO ()
- writeSetEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
+ serializeVal :: Transport t => a t -> ThriftVal -> ByteString
+ deserializeVal :: Transport t => a t -> ThriftType -> ByteString -> ThriftVal
- writeBool :: Transport t => a t -> Bool -> IO ()
- writeByte :: Transport t => a t -> Int8 -> IO ()
- writeI16 :: Transport t => a t -> Int16 -> IO ()
- writeI32 :: Transport t => a t -> Int32 -> IO ()
- writeI64 :: Transport t => a t -> Int64 -> IO ()
- writeDouble :: Transport t => a t -> Double -> IO ()
- writeString :: Transport t => a t -> Text -> IO ()
- writeBinary :: Transport t => a t -> ByteString -> IO ()
- readMessageBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (Text, MessageType, Int32)
- readMessageEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readStructBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO Text
- readStructEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readFieldBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (Text, ThriftType, Int16)
- readFieldEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readMapBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (ThriftType, ThriftType, Int32)
- readMapEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readListBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (ThriftType, Int32)
- readListEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readSetBegin :: Transport t => a t -> IO (ThriftType, Int32)
- readSetEnd :: Transport t => a t -> IO ()
- readBool :: Transport t => a t -> IO Bool
- readByte :: Transport t => a t -> IO Int8
- readI16 :: Transport t => a t -> IO Int16
- readI32 :: Transport t => a t -> IO Int32
- readI64 :: Transport t => a t -> IO Int64
- readDouble :: Transport t => a t -> IO Double
- readString :: Transport t => a t -> IO Text
- readBinary :: Transport t => a t -> IO ByteString
-skip :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> ThriftType -> IO ()
-skip _ T_STOP = return ()
-skip _ T_VOID = return ()
-skip p T_BOOL = readBool p >> return ()
-skip p T_BYTE = readByte p >> return ()
-skip p T_I16 = readI16 p >> return ()
-skip p T_I32 = readI32 p >> return ()
-skip p T_I64 = readI64 p >> return ()
-skip p T_DOUBLE = readDouble p >> return ()
-skip p T_STRING = readString p >> return ()
-skip p T_STRUCT = do _ <- readStructBegin p
- skipFields p
- readStructEnd p
-skip p T_MAP = do (k, v, s) <- readMapBegin p
- replicateM_ (fromIntegral s) (skip p k >> skip p v)
- readMapEnd p
-skip p T_SET = do (t, n) <- readSetBegin p
- replicateM_ (fromIntegral n) (skip p t)
- readSetEnd p
-skip p T_LIST = do (t, n) <- readListBegin p
- replicateM_ (fromIntegral n) (skip p t)
- readListEnd p
-skipFields :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> IO ()
-skipFields p = do
- (_, t, _) <- readFieldBegin p
- unless (t == T_STOP) (skip p t >> readFieldEnd p >> skipFields p)
+ writeVal :: Transport t => a t -> ThriftVal -> IO ()
+ writeVal p = tWrite (getTransport p) . serializeVal p
+ readVal :: Transport t => a t -> ThriftType -> IO ThriftVal
data ProtocolExnType
@@ -189,9 +82,63 @@
deriving ( Eq, Show, Typeable )
data ProtocolExn = ProtocolExn ProtocolExnType String
deriving ( Show, Typeable )
instance Exception ProtocolExn
+getTypeOf :: ThriftVal -> ThriftType
+getTypeOf v = case v of
+ TStruct{} -> T_STRUCT Map.empty
+ TList{} -> T_LIST T_VOID
+ TSet{} -> T_SET T_VOID
+ TBool{} -> T_BOOL
+ TByte{} -> T_BYTE
+ TI16{} -> T_I16
+ TI32{} -> T_I32
+ TI64{} -> T_I64
+ TString{} -> T_STRING
+ TDouble{} -> T_DOUBLE
+runParser :: (Protocol p, Transport t, Show a) => p t -> Parser a -> IO a
+runParser prot p = refill >>= getResult . parse p
+ where
+ refill = handle handleEOF $ toStrict <$> tRead (getTransport prot) 1
+ getResult (Done _ a) = return a
+ getResult (Partial k) = refill >>= getResult . k
+ getResult f = throw $ ProtocolExn PE_INVALID_DATA (show f)
+handleEOF :: SomeException -> IO BS.ByteString
+handleEOF = const $ return mempty
+-- | Converts a ByteString to a Floating point number
+-- The ByteString is assumed to be encoded in network order (Big Endian)
+-- therefore the behavior of this function varies based on whether the local
+-- machine is big endian or little endian.
+bsToDouble :: BS.ByteString -> Double
+bsToDouble bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBs
+ where
+ castBs chrPtr = do
+ w <- peek (castPtr chrPtr)
+ poke (castPtr chrPtr) (byteSwap w)
+ peek (castPtr chrPtr)
+ castBs = peek . castPtr
+-- | Swap endianness of a 64-bit word
+byteSwap :: Word64 -> Word64
+byteSwap w = (w `shiftL` 56 .&. 0xFF00000000000000) .|.
+ (w `shiftL` 40 .&. 0x00FF000000000000) .|.
+ (w `shiftL` 24 .&. 0x0000FF0000000000) .|.
+ (w `shiftL` 8 .&. 0x000000FF00000000) .|.
+ (w `shiftR` 8 .&. 0x00000000FF000000) .|.
+ (w `shiftR` 24 .&. 0x0000000000FF0000) .|.
+ (w `shiftR` 40 .&. 0x000000000000FF00) .|.
+ (w `shiftR` 56 .&. 0x00000000000000FF)
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs
index 1bc9add..ac78483 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@@ -20,145 +17,169 @@
-- under the License.
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Thrift.Protocol.Binary
( module Thrift.Protocol
, BinaryProtocol(..)
) where
import Control.Exception ( throw )
-import Control.Monad ( liftM )
-import qualified Data.Binary
+import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder
+import Data.Functor
import Data.Int
+import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding ( decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8 )
-import GHC.Exts
-import GHC.Word
import Thrift.Protocol
import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Types
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as LP
+import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
-version_mask :: Int32
-version_mask = 0xffff0000
+data BinaryProtocol a = BinaryProtocol a
-version_1 :: Int32
-version_1 = 0x80010000
-data BinaryProtocol a = Transport a => BinaryProtocol a
+-- NOTE: Reading and Writing functions rely on Builders and Data.Binary to
+-- encode and decode data. Data.Binary assumes that the binary values it is
+-- encoding to and decoding from are in BIG ENDIAN format, and converts the
+-- endianness as necessary to match the local machine.
instance Protocol BinaryProtocol where
getTransport (BinaryProtocol t) = t
- writeMessageBegin p (n, t, s) = do
- writeI32 p (version_1 .|. (fromIntegral $ fromEnum t))
- writeString p n
- writeI32 p s
- writeMessageEnd _ = return ()
+ writeMessageBegin p (n, t, s) = tWrite (getTransport p) $ toLazyByteString $
+ buildBinaryValue (TI32 (version1 .|. fromIntegral (fromEnum t))) <>
+ buildBinaryValue (TString $ encodeUtf8 n) <>
+ buildBinaryValue (TI32 s)
- writeStructBegin _ _ = return ()
- writeStructEnd _ = return ()
- writeFieldBegin p (_, t, i) = writeType p t >> writeI16 p i
- writeFieldEnd _ = return ()
- writeFieldStop p = writeType p T_STOP
- writeMapBegin p (k, v, n) = writeType p k >> writeType p v >> writeI32 p n
- writeMapEnd _ = return ()
- writeListBegin p (t, n) = writeType p t >> writeI32 p n
- writeListEnd _ = return ()
- writeSetBegin p (t, n) = writeType p t >> writeI32 p n
- writeSetEnd _ = return ()
+ readMessageBegin p = runParser p $ do
+ TI32 ver <- parseBinaryValue T_I32
+ if ver .&. versionMask /= version1
+ then throw $ ProtocolExn PE_BAD_VERSION "Missing version identifier"
+ else do
+ TString s <- parseBinaryValue T_STRING
+ TI32 sz <- parseBinaryValue T_I32
+ return (decodeUtf8 s, toEnum $ fromIntegral $ ver .&. 0xFF, sz)
- writeBool p b = tWrite (getTransport p) $ LBS.singleton $ toEnum $ if b then 1 else 0
- writeByte p b = tWrite (getTransport p) $ Data.Binary.encode b
- writeI16 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) $ Data.Binary.encode b
- writeI32 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) $ Data.Binary.encode b
- writeI64 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) $ Data.Binary.encode b
- writeDouble p d = writeI64 p (fromIntegral $ floatBits d)
- writeString p s = writeI32 p (fromIntegral $ LBS.length s') >> tWrite (getTransport p) s'
- where
- s' = encodeUtf8 s
- writeBinary p s = writeI32 p (fromIntegral $ LBS.length s) >> tWrite (getTransport p) s
+ serializeVal _ = toLazyByteString . buildBinaryValue
+ deserializeVal _ ty bs =
+ case LP.eitherResult $ LP.parse (parseBinaryValue ty) bs of
+ Left s -> error s
+ Right val -> val
- readMessageBegin p = do
- ver <- readI32 p
- if (ver .&. version_mask /= version_1)
- then throw $ ProtocolExn PE_BAD_VERSION "Missing version identifier"
- else do
- s <- readString p
- sz <- readI32 p
- return (s, toEnum $ fromIntegral $ ver .&. 0xFF, sz)
- readMessageEnd _ = return ()
- readStructBegin _ = return ""
- readStructEnd _ = return ()
- readFieldBegin p = do
- t <- readType p
- n <- if t /= T_STOP then readI16 p else return 0
- return ("", t, n)
- readFieldEnd _ = return ()
- readMapBegin p = do
- kt <- readType p
- vt <- readType p
- n <- readI32 p
- return (kt, vt, n)
- readMapEnd _ = return ()
- readListBegin p = do
- t <- readType p
- n <- readI32 p
- return (t, n)
- readListEnd _ = return ()
- readSetBegin p = do
- t <- readType p
- n <- readI32 p
- return (t, n)
- readSetEnd _ = return ()
+ readVal p = runParser p . parseBinaryValue
- readBool p = (== 1) `fmap` readByte p
+-- | Writing Functions
+buildBinaryValue :: ThriftVal -> Builder
+buildBinaryValue (TStruct fields) = buildBinaryStruct fields <> buildType T_STOP
+buildBinaryValue (TMap ky vt entries) =
+ buildType ky <>
+ buildType vt <>
+ int32BE (fromIntegral (length entries)) <>
+ buildBinaryMap entries
+buildBinaryValue (TList ty entries) =
+ buildType ty <>
+ int32BE (fromIntegral (length entries)) <>
+ buildBinaryList entries
+buildBinaryValue (TSet ty entries) =
+ buildType ty <>
+ int32BE (fromIntegral (length entries)) <>
+ buildBinaryList entries
+buildBinaryValue (TBool b) =
+ word8 $ toEnum $ if b then 1 else 0
+buildBinaryValue (TByte b) = int8 b
+buildBinaryValue (TI16 i) = int16BE i
+buildBinaryValue (TI32 i) = int32BE i
+buildBinaryValue (TI64 i) = int64BE i
+buildBinaryValue (TDouble d) = doubleBE d
+buildBinaryValue (TString s) = int32BE len <> lazyByteString s
+ where
+ len :: Int32 = fromIntegral (LBS.length s)
- readByte p = do
- bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 1
- return $ Data.Binary.decode bs
+buildBinaryStruct :: Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal) -> Builder
+buildBinaryStruct = Map.foldrWithKey combine mempty
+ where
+ combine fid (_,val) s =
+ buildTypeOf val <> int16BE fid <> buildBinaryValue val <> s
- readI16 p = do
- bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 2
- return $ Data.Binary.decode bs
+buildBinaryMap :: [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)] -> Builder
+buildBinaryMap = foldl combine mempty
+ where
+ combine s (key, val) = s <> buildBinaryValue key <> buildBinaryValue val
- readI32 p = do
- bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 4
- return $ Data.Binary.decode bs
+buildBinaryList :: [ThriftVal] -> Builder
+buildBinaryList = foldr (mappend . buildBinaryValue) mempty
- readI64 p = do
- bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 8
- return $ Data.Binary.decode bs
+-- | Reading Functions
+parseBinaryValue :: ThriftType -> P.Parser ThriftVal
+parseBinaryValue (T_STRUCT _) = TStruct <$> parseBinaryStruct
+parseBinaryValue (T_MAP _ _) = do
+ kt <- parseType
+ vt <- parseType
+ n <- Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 4
+ TMap kt vt <$> parseBinaryMap kt vt n
+parseBinaryValue (T_LIST _) = do
+ t <- parseType
+ n <- Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 4
+ TList t <$> parseBinaryList t n
+parseBinaryValue (T_SET _) = do
+ t <- parseType
+ n <- Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 4
+ TSet t <$> parseBinaryList t n
+parseBinaryValue T_BOOL = TBool . (/=0) <$> P.anyWord8
+parseBinaryValue T_BYTE = TByte . Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 1
+parseBinaryValue T_I16 = TI16 . Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 2
+parseBinaryValue T_I32 = TI32 . Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 4
+parseBinaryValue T_I64 = TI64 . Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 8
+parseBinaryValue T_DOUBLE = TDouble . bsToDouble <$> P.take 8
+parseBinaryValue T_STRING = do
+ i :: Int32 <- Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 4
+ TString . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take (fromIntegral i)
+parseBinaryValue ty = error $ "Cannot read value of type " ++ show ty
- readDouble p = do
- bs <- readI64 p
- return $ floatOfBits $ fromIntegral bs
+parseBinaryStruct :: P.Parser (Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal))
+parseBinaryStruct = Map.fromList <$> P.manyTill parseField (matchType T_STOP)
+ where
+ parseField = do
+ t <- parseType
+ n <- Binary.decode . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take 2
+ v <- parseBinaryValue t
+ return (n, ("", v))
- readString p = do
- i <- readI32 p
- decodeUtf8 `liftM` tReadAll (getTransport p) (fromIntegral i)
+parseBinaryMap :: ThriftType -> ThriftType -> Int32 -> P.Parser [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
+parseBinaryMap kt vt n | n <= 0 = return []
+ | otherwise = do
+ k <- parseBinaryValue kt
+ v <- parseBinaryValue vt
+ ((k,v) :) <$> parseBinaryMap kt vt (n-1)
- readBinary p = do
- i <- readI32 p
- tReadAll (getTransport p) (fromIntegral i)
+parseBinaryList :: ThriftType -> Int32 -> P.Parser [ThriftVal]
+parseBinaryList ty n | n <= 0 = return []
+ | otherwise = liftM2 (:) (parseBinaryValue ty)
+ (parseBinaryList ty (n-1))
-- | Write a type as a byte
-writeType :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> ThriftType -> IO ()
-writeType p t = writeByte p (fromIntegral $ fromEnum t)
+buildType :: ThriftType -> Builder
+buildType t = word8 $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum t
+-- | Write type of a ThriftVal as a byte
+buildTypeOf :: ThriftVal -> Builder
+buildTypeOf = buildType . getTypeOf
-- | Read a byte as though it were a ThriftType
-readType :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> IO ThriftType
-readType p = do
- b <- readByte p
- return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral b
+parseType :: P.Parser ThriftType
+parseType = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
-floatBits :: Double -> Word64
-floatBits (D# d#) = W64# (unsafeCoerce# d#)
-floatOfBits :: Word64 -> Double
-floatOfBits (W64# b#) = D# (unsafeCoerce# b#)
+matchType :: ThriftType -> P.Parser ThriftType
+matchType t = t <$ P.word8 (fromIntegral $ fromEnum t)
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Compact.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Compact.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bd22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Compact.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Thrift.Protocol.Compact
+ ( module Thrift.Protocol
+ , CompactProtocol(..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Exception ( throw )
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as LP
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as B
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List as List
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding ( decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8 )
+import Thrift.Protocol hiding (versionMask)
+import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Types
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
+-- | the Compact Protocol implements the standard Thrift 'TCompactProcotol'
+-- which is similar to the 'TBinaryProtocol', but takes less space on the wire.
+-- Integral types are encoded using as varints.
+data CompactProtocol a = CompactProtocol a
+ -- ^ Constuct a 'CompactProtocol' with a 'Transport'
+protocolID, version, typeMask :: Int8
+protocolID = 0x82 -- 1000 0010
+version = 0x01
+versionMask = 0x1f -- 0001 1111
+typeMask = 0xe0 -- 1110 0000
+typeShiftAmount :: Int
+typeShiftAmount = 5
+instance Protocol CompactProtocol where
+ getTransport (CompactProtocol t) = t
+ writeMessageBegin p (n, t, s) = tWrite (getTransport p) $ toLazyByteString $
+ B.int8 protocolID <>
+ B.int8 ((version .&. versionMask) .|.
+ (((fromIntegral $ fromEnum t) `shiftL`
+ typeShiftAmount) .&. typeMask)) <>
+ buildVarint (i32ToZigZag s) <>
+ buildCompactValue (TString $ encodeUtf8 n)
+ readMessageBegin p = runParser p $ do
+ pid <- fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
+ when (pid /= protocolID) $ error "Bad Protocol ID"
+ w <- fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
+ let ver = w .&. versionMask
+ when (ver /= version) $ error "Bad Protocol version"
+ let typ = (w `shiftR` typeShiftAmount) .&. 0x03
+ seqId <- parseVarint zigZagToI32
+ TString name <- parseCompactValue T_STRING
+ return (decodeUtf8 name, toEnum $ fromIntegral $ typ, seqId)
+ serializeVal _ = toLazyByteString . buildCompactValue
+ deserializeVal _ ty bs =
+ case LP.eitherResult $ LP.parse (parseCompactValue ty) bs of
+ Left s -> error s
+ Right val -> val
+ readVal p ty = runParser p $ parseCompactValue ty
+-- | Writing Functions
+buildCompactValue :: ThriftVal -> Builder
+buildCompactValue (TStruct fields) = buildCompactStruct fields
+buildCompactValue (TMap kt vt entries) =
+ let len = fromIntegral $ length entries :: Word32 in
+ if len == 0
+ then B.word8 0x00
+ else buildVarint len <>
+ B.word8 (fromTType kt `shiftL` 4 .|. fromTType vt) <>
+ buildCompactMap entries
+buildCompactValue (TList ty entries) =
+ let len = length entries in
+ (if len < 15
+ then B.word8 $ (fromIntegral len `shiftL` 4) .|. fromTType ty
+ else B.word8 (0xF0 .|. fromTType ty) <>
+ buildVarint (fromIntegral len :: Word32)) <>
+ buildCompactList entries
+buildCompactValue (TSet ty entries) = buildCompactValue (TList ty entries)
+buildCompactValue (TBool b) =
+ B.word8 $ toEnum $ if b then 1 else 0
+buildCompactValue (TByte b) = int8 b
+buildCompactValue (TI16 i) = buildVarint $ i16ToZigZag i
+buildCompactValue (TI32 i) = buildVarint $ i32ToZigZag i
+buildCompactValue (TI64 i) = buildVarint $ i64ToZigZag i
+buildCompactValue (TDouble d) = doubleBE d
+buildCompactValue (TString s) = buildVarint len <> lazyByteString s
+ where
+ len = fromIntegral (LBS.length s) :: Word32
+buildCompactStruct :: Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal) -> Builder
+buildCompactStruct = flip (loop 0) mempty . Map.toList
+ where
+ loop _ [] acc = acc <> B.word8 (fromTType T_STOP)
+ loop lastId ((fid, (_,val)) : fields) acc = loop fid fields $ acc <>
+ (if fid > lastId && fid - lastId <= 15
+ then B.word8 $ fromIntegral ((fid - lastId) `shiftL` 4) .|. typeOf val
+ else B.word8 (typeOf val) <> buildVarint (i16ToZigZag fid)) <>
+ (if typeOf val > 0x02 -- Not a T_BOOL
+ then buildCompactValue val
+ else mempty) -- T_BOOLs are encoded in the type
+buildCompactMap :: [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)] -> Builder
+buildCompactMap = foldl combine mempty
+ where
+ combine s (key, val) = buildCompactValue key <> buildCompactValue val <> s
+buildCompactList :: [ThriftVal] -> Builder
+buildCompactList = foldr (mappend . buildCompactValue) mempty
+-- | Reading Functions
+parseCompactValue :: ThriftType -> Parser ThriftVal
+parseCompactValue (T_STRUCT _) = TStruct <$> parseCompactStruct
+parseCompactValue (T_MAP kt' vt') = do
+ n <- parseVarint id
+ if n == 0
+ then return $ TMap kt' vt' []
+ else do
+ w <- P.anyWord8
+ let kt = typeFrom $ w `shiftR` 4
+ vt = typeFrom $ w .&. 0x0F
+ TMap kt vt <$> parseCompactMap kt vt n
+parseCompactValue (T_LIST ty) = TList ty <$> parseCompactList
+parseCompactValue (T_SET ty) = TSet ty <$> parseCompactList
+parseCompactValue T_BOOL = TBool . (/=0) <$> P.anyWord8
+parseCompactValue T_BYTE = TByte . fromIntegral <$> P.anyWord8
+parseCompactValue T_I16 = TI16 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI16
+parseCompactValue T_I32 = TI32 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI32
+parseCompactValue T_I64 = TI64 <$> parseVarint zigZagToI64
+parseCompactValue T_DOUBLE = TDouble . bsToDouble <$> P.take 8
+parseCompactValue T_STRING = do
+ len :: Word32 <- parseVarint id
+ TString . LBS.fromStrict <$> P.take (fromIntegral len)
+parseCompactValue ty = error $ "Cannot read value of type " ++ show ty
+parseCompactStruct :: Parser (Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal))
+parseCompactStruct = Map.fromList <$> parseFields 0
+ where
+ parseFields :: Int16 -> Parser [(Int16, (LT.Text, ThriftVal))]
+ parseFields lastId = do
+ w <- P.anyWord8
+ if w == 0x00
+ then return []
+ else do
+ let ty = typeFrom (w .&. 0x0F)
+ modifier = (w .&. 0xF0) `shiftR` 4
+ fid <- if modifier /= 0
+ then return (lastId + fromIntegral modifier)
+ else parseVarint zigZagToI16
+ val <- if ty == T_BOOL
+ then return (TBool $ (w .&. 0x0F) == 0x01)
+ else parseCompactValue ty
+ ((fid, (LT.empty, val)) : ) <$> parseFields fid
+parseCompactMap :: ThriftType -> ThriftType -> Int32 ->
+ Parser [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
+parseCompactMap kt vt n | n <= 0 = return []
+ | otherwise = do
+ k <- parseCompactValue kt
+ v <- parseCompactValue vt
+ ((k,v) :) <$> parseCompactMap kt vt (n-1)
+parseCompactList :: Parser [ThriftVal]
+parseCompactList = do
+ w <- P.anyWord8
+ let ty = typeFrom $ w .&. 0x0F
+ lsize = w `shiftR` 4
+ size <- if lsize == 0xF
+ then parseVarint id
+ else return $ fromIntegral lsize
+ loop ty size
+ where
+ loop :: ThriftType -> Int32 -> Parser [ThriftVal]
+ loop ty n | n <= 0 = return []
+ | otherwise = liftM2 (:) (parseCompactValue ty)
+ (loop ty (n-1))
+-- Signed numbers must be converted to "Zig Zag" format before they can be
+-- serialized in the Varint format
+i16ToZigZag :: Int16 -> Word16
+i16ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 15)
+zigZagToI16 :: Word16 -> Int16
+zigZagToI16 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
+i32ToZigZag :: Int32 -> Word32
+i32ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 31)
+zigZagToI32 :: Word32 -> Int32
+zigZagToI32 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
+i64ToZigZag :: Int64 -> Word64
+i64ToZigZag n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 1) `xor` (n `shiftR` 63)
+zigZagToI64 :: Word64 -> Int64
+zigZagToI64 n = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftR` 1) `xor` negate (n .&. 0x1)
+buildVarint :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Builder
+buildVarint n | n .&. complement 0x7F == 0 = B.word8 $ fromIntegral n
+ | otherwise = B.word8 (0x80 .|. (fromIntegral n .&. 0x7F)) <>
+ buildVarint (n `shiftR` 7)
+parseVarint :: (Bits a, Integral a, Ord a) => (a -> b) -> Parser b
+parseVarint fromZigZag = do
+ bytestemp <- BS.unpack <$> P.takeTill (not . flip testBit 7)
+ lsb <- P.anyWord8
+ let bytes = lsb : List.reverse bytestemp
+ return $ fromZigZag $ List.foldl' combine 0x00 bytes
+ where combine a b = (a `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral b .&. 0x7f)
+-- | Compute the Compact Type
+fromTType :: ThriftType -> Word8
+fromTType ty = case ty of
+ T_STOP -> 0x00
+ T_BOOL -> 0x01
+ T_BYTE -> 0x03
+ T_I16 -> 0x04
+ T_I32 -> 0x05
+ T_I64 -> 0x06
+ T_DOUBLE -> 0x07
+ T_STRING -> 0x08
+ T_LIST{} -> 0x09
+ T_SET{} -> 0x0A
+ T_MAP{} -> 0x0B
+ T_STRUCT{} -> 0x0C
+ T_VOID -> error "No Compact type for T_VOID"
+typeOf :: ThriftVal -> Word8
+typeOf v = case v of
+ TBool True -> 0x01
+ TBool False -> 0x02
+ TByte _ -> 0x03
+ TI16 _ -> 0x04
+ TI32 _ -> 0x05
+ TI64 _ -> 0x06
+ TDouble _ -> 0x07
+ TString _ -> 0x08
+ TList{} -> 0x09
+ TSet{} -> 0x0A
+ TMap{} -> 0x0B
+ TStruct{} -> 0x0C
+typeFrom :: Word8 -> ThriftType
+typeFrom w = case w of
+ 0x01 -> T_BOOL
+ 0x02 -> T_BOOL
+ 0x03 -> T_BYTE
+ 0x04 -> T_I16
+ 0x05 -> T_I32
+ 0x06 -> T_I64
+ 0x07 -> T_DOUBLE
+ 0x08 -> T_STRING
+ 0x09 -> T_LIST T_VOID
+ 0x0A -> T_SET T_VOID
+ 0x0C -> T_STRUCT Map.empty
+ n -> error $ "typeFrom: " ++ show n ++ " is not a compact type"
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/JSON.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/JSON.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f378ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/JSON.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Thrift.Protocol.JSON
+ ( module Thrift.Protocol
+ , JSONProtocol(..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as PC
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as LP
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as B
+import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import Thrift.Protocol
+import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Types
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
+-- | The JSON Protocol data uses the standard 'TSimpleJSONProtocol'. Data is
+-- encoded as a JSON 'ByteString'
+data JSONProtocol t = JSONProtocol t
+ -- ^ Construct a 'JSONProtocol' with a 'Transport'
+instance Protocol JSONProtocol where
+ getTransport (JSONProtocol t) = t
+ writeMessageBegin (JSONProtocol t) (s, ty, sq) = tWrite t $ toLazyByteString $
+ B.char8 '[' <> buildShowable (1 :: Int32) <>
+ B.string8 ",\"" <> escape (encodeUtf8 s) <> B.char8 '\"' <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (fromEnum ty) <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable sq <>
+ B.char8 ','
+ writeMessageEnd (JSONProtocol t) = tWrite t "]"
+ readMessageBegin p = runParser p $ skipSpace *> do
+ _ver :: Int32 <- lexeme (PC.char8 '[') *> lexeme (signed decimal)
+ bs <- lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme escapedString
+ case decodeUtf8' bs of
+ Left _ -> fail "readMessage: invalid text encoding"
+ Right str -> do
+ ty <- toEnum <$> (lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme (signed decimal))
+ seqNum <- lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme (signed decimal)
+ _ <- PC.char8 ','
+ return (str, ty, seqNum)
+ readMessageEnd p = void $ runParser p (PC.char8 ']')
+ serializeVal _ = toLazyByteString . buildJSONValue
+ deserializeVal _ ty bs =
+ case LP.eitherResult $ LP.parse (parseJSONValue ty) bs of
+ Left s -> error s
+ Right val -> val
+ readVal p ty = runParser p $ skipSpace *> parseJSONValue ty
+-- Writing Functions
+buildJSONValue :: ThriftVal -> Builder
+buildJSONValue (TStruct fields) = B.char8 '{' <> buildJSONStruct fields <> B.char8 '}'
+buildJSONValue (TMap kt vt entries) =
+ B.char8 '[' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName kt <> B.char8 '"' <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName vt <> B.char8 '"' <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (length entries) <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> B.char8 '{' <> buildJSONMap entries <> B.char8 '}' <>
+ B.char8 ']'
+buildJSONValue (TList ty entries) =
+ B.char8 '[' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName ty <> B.char8 '"' <>
+ B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (length entries) <>
+ (if length entries > 0
+ then B.char8 ',' <> buildJSONList entries
+ else mempty) <>
+ B.char8 ']'
+buildJSONValue (TSet ty entries) = buildJSONValue (TList ty entries)
+buildJSONValue (TBool b) = if b then B.string8 "true" else B.string8 "false"
+buildJSONValue (TByte b) = buildShowable b
+buildJSONValue (TI16 i) = buildShowable i
+buildJSONValue (TI32 i) = buildShowable i
+buildJSONValue (TI64 i) = buildShowable i
+buildJSONValue (TDouble d) = buildShowable d
+buildJSONValue (TString s) = B.char8 '\"' <> escape s <> B.char8 '\"'
+buildJSONStruct :: Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal) -> Builder
+buildJSONStruct = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . Map.foldrWithKey buildField []
+ where
+ buildField fid (_,val) = (:) $
+ B.char8 '"' <> buildShowable fid <> B.string8 "\":" <>
+ B.char8 '{' <>
+ B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName (getTypeOf val) <> B.string8 "\":" <>
+ buildJSONValue val <>
+ B.char8 '}'
+buildJSONMap :: [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)] -> Builder
+buildJSONMap = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . map buildKV
+ where
+ buildKV (key@(TString _), val) =
+ buildJSONValue key <> B.char8 ':' <> buildJSONValue val
+ buildKV (key, val) =
+ B.char8 '\"' <> buildJSONValue key <> B.string8 "\":" <> buildJSONValue val
+buildJSONList :: [ThriftVal] -> Builder
+buildJSONList = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . map buildJSONValue
+buildShowable :: Show a => a -> Builder
+buildShowable = B.string8 . show
+-- Reading Functions
+parseJSONValue :: ThriftType -> Parser ThriftVal
+parseJSONValue (T_STRUCT tmap) =
+ TStruct <$> (lexeme (PC.char8 '{') *> parseJSONStruct tmap <* PC.char8 '}')
+parseJSONValue (T_MAP kt vt) = fmap (TMap kt vt) $
+ between '[' ']' $
+ lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
+ lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
+ lexeme decimal *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
+ between '{' '}' (parseJSONMap kt vt)
+parseJSONValue (T_LIST ty) = fmap (TList ty) $
+ between '[' ']' $ do
+ len <- lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
+ lexeme decimal <* lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
+ if len > 0 then parseJSONList ty else return []
+parseJSONValue (T_SET ty) = fmap (TSet ty) $
+ between '[' ']' $ do
+ len <- lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
+ lexeme decimal <* lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
+ if len > 0 then parseJSONList ty else return []
+parseJSONValue T_BOOL =
+ (TBool True <$ string "true") <|> (TBool False <$ string "false")
+parseJSONValue T_BYTE = TByte <$> signed decimal
+parseJSONValue T_I16 = TI16 <$> signed decimal
+parseJSONValue T_I32 = TI32 <$> signed decimal
+parseJSONValue T_I64 = TI64 <$> signed decimal
+parseJSONValue T_DOUBLE = TDouble <$> double
+parseJSONValue T_STRING = TString <$> escapedString
+parseJSONValue T_STOP = fail "parseJSONValue: cannot parse type T_STOP"
+parseJSONValue T_VOID = fail "parseJSONValue: cannot parse type T_VOID"
+parseAnyValue :: Parser ()
+parseAnyValue = choice $
+ skipBetween '{' '}' :
+ skipBetween '[' ']' :
+ map (void . parseJSONValue)
+ [ T_BOOL
+ , T_I16
+ , T_I32
+ , T_I64
+ ]
+ where
+ skipBetween :: Char -> Char -> Parser ()
+ skipBetween a b = between a b $ void (PC.satisfy (\c -> c /= a && c /= b))
+ <|> skipBetween a b
+parseJSONStruct :: TypeMap -> Parser (Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal))
+parseJSONStruct tmap = Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> parseField
+ `sepBy` lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
+ where
+ parseField = do
+ fid <- lexeme (between '"' '"' decimal) <* lexeme (PC.char8 ':')
+ case Map.lookup fid tmap of
+ Just (str, ftype) -> between '{' '}' $ do
+ _ <- lexeme (escapedString) *> lexeme (PC.char8 ':')
+ val <- lexeme (parseJSONValue ftype)
+ return $ Just (fid, (str, val))
+ Nothing -> lexeme parseAnyValue *> return Nothing
+parseJSONMap :: ThriftType -> ThriftType -> Parser [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
+parseJSONMap kt vt =
+ ((,) <$> lexeme (PC.char8 '"' *> parseJSONValue kt <* PC.char8 '"') <*>
+ (lexeme (PC.char8 ':') *> lexeme (parseJSONValue vt))) `sepBy`
+ lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
+parseJSONList :: ThriftType -> Parser [ThriftVal]
+parseJSONList ty = lexeme (parseJSONValue ty) `sepBy` lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
+escapedString :: Parser LBS.ByteString
+escapedString = PC.char8 '"' *>
+ (LBS.pack <$> P.many' (escapedChar <|> notChar8 '"')) <*
+ PC.char8 '"'
+escapedChar :: Parser Word8
+escapedChar = PC.char8 '\\' *> (c2w <$> choice
+ [ '\SOH' <$ P.string "u0001"
+ , '\STX' <$ P.string "u0002"
+ , '\ETX' <$ P.string "u0003"
+ , '\EOT' <$ P.string "u0004"
+ , '\ENQ' <$ P.string "u0005"
+ , '\ACK' <$ P.string "u0006"
+ , '\BEL' <$ P.string "u0007"
+ , '\BS' <$ P.string "u0008"
+ , '\VT' <$ P.string "u000b"
+ , '\FF' <$ P.string "u000c"
+ , '\CR' <$ P.string "u000d"
+ , '\SO' <$ P.string "u000e"
+ , '\SI' <$ P.string "u000f"
+ , '\DLE' <$ P.string "u0010"
+ , '\DC1' <$ P.string "u0011"
+ , '\DC2' <$ P.string "u0012"
+ , '\DC3' <$ P.string "u0013"
+ , '\DC4' <$ P.string "u0014"
+ , '\NAK' <$ P.string "u0015"
+ , '\SYN' <$ P.string "u0016"
+ , '\ETB' <$ P.string "u0017"
+ , '\CAN' <$ P.string "u0018"
+ , '\EM' <$ P.string "u0019"
+ , '\SUB' <$ P.string "u001a"
+ , '\ESC' <$ P.string "u001b"
+ , '\FS' <$ P.string "u001c"
+ , '\GS' <$ P.string "u001d"
+ , '\RS' <$ P.string "u001e"
+ , '\US' <$ P.string "u001f"
+ , '\DEL' <$ P.string "u007f"
+ , '\0' <$ PC.char '0'
+ , '\a' <$ PC.char 'a'
+ , '\b' <$ PC.char 'b'
+ , '\f' <$ PC.char 'f'
+ , '\n' <$ PC.char 'n'
+ , '\r' <$ PC.char 'r'
+ , '\t' <$ PC.char 't'
+ , '\v' <$ PC.char 'v'
+ , '\"' <$ PC.char '"'
+ , '\'' <$ PC.char '\''
+ , '\\' <$ PC.char '\\'
+ , '/' <$ PC.char '/'
+ ])
+escape :: LBS.ByteString -> Builder
+escape = LBS.foldl' escapeChar mempty
+ where
+ escapeChar b w = b <> (B.lazyByteString $ case w2c w of
+ '\0' -> "\\0"
+ '\b' -> "\\b"
+ '\f' -> "\\f"
+ '\n' -> "\\n"
+ '\r' -> "\\r"
+ '\t' -> "\\t"
+ '\"' -> "\\\""
+ '\\' -> "\\\\"
+ '\SOH' -> "\\u0001"
+ '\STX' -> "\\u0002"
+ '\ETX' -> "\\u0003"
+ '\EOT' -> "\\u0004"
+ '\ENQ' -> "\\u0005"
+ '\ACK' -> "\\u0006"
+ '\BEL' -> "\\u0007"
+ '\VT' -> "\\u000b"
+ '\SO' -> "\\u000e"
+ '\SI' -> "\\u000f"
+ '\DLE' -> "\\u0010"
+ '\DC1' -> "\\u0011"
+ '\DC2' -> "\\u0012"
+ '\DC3' -> "\\u0013"
+ '\DC4' -> "\\u0014"
+ '\NAK' -> "\\u0015"
+ '\SYN' -> "\\u0016"
+ '\ETB' -> "\\u0017"
+ '\CAN' -> "\\u0018"
+ '\EM' -> "\\u0019"
+ '\SUB' -> "\\u001a"
+ '\ESC' -> "\\u001b"
+ '\FS' -> "\\u001c"
+ '\GS' -> "\\u001d"
+ '\RS' -> "\\u001e"
+ '\US' -> "\\u001f"
+ '\DEL' -> "\\u007f"
+ _ -> LBS.singleton w)
+lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
+lexeme = (<* skipSpace)
+notChar8 :: Char -> Parser Word8
+notChar8 c = P.satisfy (/= c2w c)
+between :: Char -> Char -> Parser a -> Parser a
+between a b p = lexeme (PC.char8 a) *> lexeme p <* lexeme (PC.char8 b)
+getTypeName :: ThriftType -> Builder
+getTypeName ty = B.string8 $ case ty of
+ T_STRUCT _ -> "rec"
+ T_MAP _ _ -> "map"
+ T_LIST _ -> "lst"
+ T_SET _ -> "set"
+ T_BOOL -> "tf"
+ T_BYTE -> "i8"
+ T_I16 -> "i16"
+ T_I32 -> "i32"
+ T_I64 -> "i64"
+ T_DOUBLE -> "dbl"
+ T_STRING -> "str"
+ _ -> error "Unrecognized Type"
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport.hs
index 3e5f18b..306edc2 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@@ -26,8 +27,9 @@
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Exception ( Exception, throw )
+import Data.Functor ( (<$>) )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
+import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Monoid
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
tIsOpen :: a -> IO Bool
tClose :: a -> IO ()
tRead :: a -> Int -> IO LBS.ByteString
+ tPeek :: a -> IO (Maybe Word8)
tWrite :: a -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
tFlush :: a -> IO ()
tReadAll :: a -> Int -> IO LBS.ByteString
@@ -46,8 +49,8 @@
let rlen = fromIntegral $ LBS.length result
when (rlen == 0) (throw $ TransportExn "Cannot read. Remote side has closed." TE_UNKNOWN)
if len <= rlen
- then return result
- else (result `mappend`) `fmap` (tReadAll a (len - rlen))
+ then return result
+ else (result `mappend`) <$> tReadAll a (len - rlen)
data TransportExn = TransportExn String TransportExnType
deriving ( Show, Typeable )
@@ -60,4 +63,3 @@
deriving ( Eq, Show, Typeable )
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Empty.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Empty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47af5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Empty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+module Thrift.Transport.Empty
+ ( EmptyTransport(..)
+ ) where
+import Thrift.Transport
+data EmptyTransport = EmptyTransport
+instance Transport EmptyTransport where
+ tIsOpen = const $ return False
+ tClose = const $ return ()
+ tRead _ _ = return ""
+ tPeek = const $ return Nothing
+ tWrite _ _ = return ()
+ tFlush = const$ return ()
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Framed.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Framed.hs
index d4feac0..42fc43f 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Framed.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Framed.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@@ -25,13 +26,10 @@
) where
import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Transport.IOBuffer
-import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Int (Int32)
-import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import qualified Data.Binary as B
-import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
@@ -65,8 +63,17 @@
then tRead trans n
else return bs
else return bs
+ tPeek trans = do
+ mw <- peekBuf (readBuffer trans)
+ case mw of
+ Just _ -> return mw
+ Nothing -> do
+ len <- readFrame trans
+ if len > 0
+ then tPeek trans
+ else return Nothing
- tWrite trans = writeBuf (writeBuffer trans)
+ tWrite = writeBuf . writeBuffer
tFlush trans = do
bs <- flushBuf (writeBuffer trans)
@@ -84,37 +91,9 @@
let sz = fromIntegral (B.decode szBs :: Int32)
-- Read the frame and stuff it into the read buffer.
- bs <- tRead (wrappedTrans trans) sz
+ bs <- tRead (wrappedTrans trans) sz
fillBuf (readBuffer trans) bs
-- Return the frame size so that the caller knows whether to expect
-- something in the read buffer or not.
return sz
--- Mini IO buffers (stolen from HttpClient.hs)
-type WriteBuffer = MVar (BB.Builder)
-newWriteBuffer :: IO WriteBuffer
-newWriteBuffer = newMVar mempty
-writeBuf :: WriteBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
-writeBuf w s = modifyMVar_ w $ return . (\builder ->
- builder `mappend` (BB.fromLazyByteString s))
-flushBuf :: WriteBuffer -> IO (LBS.ByteString)
-flushBuf w = BB.toLazyByteString `liftM` swapMVar w mempty
-type ReadBuffer = MVar (LBS.ByteString)
-newReadBuffer :: IO ReadBuffer
-newReadBuffer = newMVar mempty
-fillBuf :: ReadBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
-fillBuf r s = swapMVar r s >> return ()
-readBuf :: ReadBuffer -> Int -> IO (LBS.ByteString)
-readBuf r n = modifyMVar r $ return . flipPair . LBS.splitAt (fromIntegral n)
- where flipPair (a, b) = (b, a)
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Handle.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Handle.hs
index cf4822b..d6cfe31 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Handle.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/Handle.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
@@ -27,10 +27,9 @@
, HandleSource(..)
) where
-import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Exception ( catch, throw )
-import Control.Monad ()
+import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
+import Data.Functor
import Network
@@ -44,9 +43,10 @@
instance Transport Handle where
tIsOpen = hIsOpen
- tClose h = hClose h
- tRead h n = LBS.hGet h n `catch` handleEOF
- tWrite h s = LBS.hPut h s
+ tClose = hClose
+ tRead h n = LBS.hGet h n `catch` handleEOF mempty
+ tPeek h = (Just . c2w <$> hLookAhead h) `catch` handleEOF Nothing
+ tWrite = LBS.hPut
tFlush = hFlush
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
hOpen = uncurry connectTo
-handleEOF :: forall a (m :: * -> *).(Monoid a, Monad m) => IOError -> m a
-handleEOF e = if isEOFError e
- then return mempty
+handleEOF :: a -> IOError -> IO a
+handleEOF a e = if isEOFError e
+ then return a
else throw $ TransportExn "TChannelTransport: Could not read" TE_UNKNOWN
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/HttpClient.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/HttpClient.hs
index b1b0982..edeb320 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/HttpClient.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/HttpClient.hs
@@ -22,18 +22,16 @@
( module Thrift.Transport
, HttpClient (..)
, openHttpClient
- ) where
+) where
import Thrift.Transport
+import Thrift.Transport.IOBuffer
import Network.URI
import Network.HTTP hiding (port, host)
-import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
+import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Control.Exception (throw)
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
@@ -73,11 +71,13 @@
instance Transport HttpClient where
- tClose = close . hstream
+ tClose = close . hstream
- tRead hclient n = readBuf (readBuffer hclient) n
+ tPeek = peekBuf . readBuffer
- tWrite hclient = writeBuf (writeBuffer hclient)
+ tRead = readBuf . readBuffer
+ tWrite = writeBuf . writeBuffer
tFlush hclient = do
body <- flushBuf $ writeBuffer hclient
@@ -92,36 +92,10 @@
res <- sendHTTP (hstream hclient) request
case res of
- Right response -> do
- fillBuf (readBuffer hclient) (rspBody response)
- Left _ -> do
+ Right response ->
+ fillBuf (readBuffer hclient) (rspBody response)
+ Left _ ->
throw $ TransportExn "THttpConnection: HTTP failure from server" TE_UNKNOWN
return ()
tIsOpen _ = return True
--- Mini IO buffers
-type WriteBuffer = MVar (B.Builder)
-newWriteBuffer :: IO WriteBuffer
-newWriteBuffer = newMVar mempty
-writeBuf :: WriteBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
-writeBuf w s = modifyMVar_ w $ return . (\builder ->
- builder `mappend` (B.fromLazyByteString s))
-flushBuf :: WriteBuffer -> IO (LBS.ByteString)
-flushBuf w = B.toLazyByteString `liftM` swapMVar w mempty
-type ReadBuffer = MVar (LBS.ByteString)
-newReadBuffer :: IO ReadBuffer
-newReadBuffer = newMVar mempty
-fillBuf :: ReadBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
-fillBuf r s = swapMVar r s >> return ()
-readBuf :: ReadBuffer -> Int -> IO (LBS.ByteString)
-readBuf r n = modifyMVar r $ return . flipPair . LBS.splitAt (fromIntegral n)
- where flipPair (a, b) = (b, a)
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/IOBuffer.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/IOBuffer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ebd7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Transport/IOBuffer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+module Thrift.Transport.IOBuffer
+ ( WriteBuffer
+ , newWriteBuffer
+ , writeBuf
+ , flushBuf
+ , ReadBuffer
+ , newReadBuffer
+ , fillBuf
+ , readBuf
+ , peekBuf
+ ) where
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+type WriteBuffer = IORef Builder
+type ReadBuffer = IORef LBS.ByteString
+newWriteBuffer :: IO WriteBuffer
+newWriteBuffer = newIORef mempty
+writeBuf :: WriteBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
+writeBuf w s = modifyIORef w ( <> lazyByteString s)
+flushBuf :: WriteBuffer -> IO LBS.ByteString
+flushBuf w = do
+ buf <- readIORef w
+ writeIORef w mempty
+ return $ toLazyByteString buf
+newReadBuffer :: IO ReadBuffer
+newReadBuffer = newIORef mempty
+fillBuf :: ReadBuffer -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ()
+fillBuf = writeIORef
+readBuf :: ReadBuffer -> Int -> IO LBS.ByteString
+readBuf r n = do
+ bs <- readIORef r
+ let (hd, tl) = LBS.splitAt (fromIntegral n) bs
+ writeIORef r tl
+ return hd
+peekBuf :: ReadBuffer -> IO (Maybe Word8)
+peekBuf r = (fmap fst . LBS.uncons) <$> readIORef r
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Types.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Types.hs
index e917e39..b014ac6 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Types.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Types.hs
@@ -16,10 +16,17 @@
-- under the License.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Thrift.Types where
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Hashable ( Hashable, hashWithSalt )
+import Data.Int
+import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
+import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (elements)
+import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
@@ -28,7 +35,95 @@
hashWithSalt salt = foldl' hashWithSalt salt . Map.toList
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (Set.HashSet a) where
- hashWithSalt salt = foldl' hashWithSalt salt
+ hashWithSalt = foldl' hashWithSalt
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (Vector.Vector a) where
- hashWithSalt salt = Vector.foldl' hashWithSalt salt
+ hashWithSalt = Vector.foldl' hashWithSalt
+type TypeMap = Map.HashMap Int16 (Text, ThriftType)
+data ThriftVal = TStruct (Map.HashMap Int16 (Text, ThriftVal))
+ | TMap ThriftType ThriftType [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
+ | TList ThriftType [ThriftVal]
+ | TSet ThriftType [ThriftVal]
+ | TBool Bool
+ | TByte Int8
+ | TI16 Int16
+ | TI32 Int32
+ | TI64 Int64
+ | TString LBS.ByteString
+ | TDouble Double
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- Information is needed here for collection types (ie T_STRUCT, T_MAP,
+-- T_LIST, and T_SET) so that we know what types those collections are
+-- parameterized by. In most protocols, this cannot be discerned directly
+-- from the data being read.
+data ThriftType
+ = T_STOP
+ | T_VOID
+ | T_BOOL
+ | T_BYTE
+ | T_I16
+ | T_I32
+ | T_I64
+ | T_STRUCT TypeMap
+ | T_MAP ThriftType ThriftType
+ | T_SET ThriftType
+ | T_LIST ThriftType
+ deriving ( Eq, Show )
+-- NOTE: when using toEnum information about parametized types is NOT preserved.
+-- This design choice is consistent woth the Thrift implementation in other
+-- languages
+instance Enum ThriftType where
+ fromEnum T_STOP = 0
+ fromEnum T_VOID = 1
+ fromEnum T_BOOL = 2
+ fromEnum T_BYTE = 3
+ fromEnum T_DOUBLE = 4
+ fromEnum T_I16 = 6
+ fromEnum T_I32 = 8
+ fromEnum T_I64 = 10
+ fromEnum T_STRING = 11
+ fromEnum (T_STRUCT _) = 12
+ fromEnum (T_MAP _ _) = 13
+ fromEnum (T_SET _) = 14
+ fromEnum (T_LIST _) = 15
+ toEnum 0 = T_STOP
+ toEnum 1 = T_VOID
+ toEnum 2 = T_BOOL
+ toEnum 3 = T_BYTE
+ toEnum 4 = T_DOUBLE
+ toEnum 6 = T_I16
+ toEnum 8 = T_I32
+ toEnum 10 = T_I64
+ toEnum 11 = T_STRING
+ toEnum 12 = T_STRUCT Map.empty
+ toEnum 13 = T_MAP T_VOID T_VOID
+ toEnum 14 = T_SET T_VOID
+ toEnum 15 = T_LIST T_VOID
+ toEnum t = error $ "Invalid ThriftType " ++ show t
+data MessageType
+ = M_CALL
+ deriving ( Eq, Show )
+instance Enum MessageType where
+ fromEnum M_CALL = 1
+ fromEnum M_REPLY = 2
+ fromEnum M_EXCEPTION = 3
+ toEnum 1 = M_CALL
+ toEnum 2 = M_REPLY
+ toEnum 3 = M_EXCEPTION
+ toEnum t = error $ "Invalid MessageType " ++ show t
+instance Arbitrary MessageType where
+ arbitrary = elements [M_CALL, M_REPLY, M_EXCEPTION]