THRIFT-2110 Erlang: Support for Multiplexing Services on any Transport, Protocol and Server
Client: Erlang
Patch: David Robakowski rebased by Nobuaki Sukegawa
Modification: Return value fix in thrift_client uncovered by added tests
diff --git a/lib/erl/test/multiplexing_test.erl b/lib/erl/test/multiplexing_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2d616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erl/test/multiplexing_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ handle_function/2
+ ,handle_error/2
+start_multiplexed_server_test() ->
+ Port = 9090,
+ Services = [
+ {"Multiplexing_Calculator", multiplexing__calculator_thrift},
+ {"Multiplexing_WeatherReport", multiplexing__weather_report_thrift}
+ ],
+ {ok, Pid} = thrift_socket_server:start([
+ {ip, ""},
+ {port, Port},
+ {name, ?MODULE},
+ {service, Services},
+ {handler, [
+ {"error_handler", ?MODULE},
+ {"Multiplexing_Calculator", ?MODULE},
+ {"Multiplexing_WeatherReport", ?MODULE}
+ ]}
+ ]),
+ {ok, [{"Multiplexing_Calculator", CalculatorClient0},
+ {"Multiplexing_WeatherReport", WeatherReportClient0}]} = thrift_client_util:new_multiplexed("", Port, Services, []),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {error, {bad_args, _, _}}}, thrift_client:call(WeatherReportClient0, getTemperature, [1])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {error, {bad_args, _, _}}}, thrift_client:call(CalculatorClient0, add, [1])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {error, {bad_args, _, _}}}, thrift_client:call(CalculatorClient0, add, [1,1,1])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {error, {no_function, _}}}, thrift_client:call(CalculatorClient0, getTemperature, [])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {error, {no_function, _}}}, thrift_client:call(WeatherReportClient0, add, [41, 1])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {ok, 42}}, thrift_client:call(CalculatorClient0, add, [41, 1])),
+ ?assertMatch({_, {ok, 42.0}}, thrift_client:call(WeatherReportClient0, getTemperature, [])),
+ thrift_socket_server:stop(Pid).
+%% Calculator handles
+handle_function(add, {X, Y}) ->
+ {reply, X + Y};
+%% WeatherReport handles
+handle_function(getTemperature, {}) ->
+ {reply, 42.0}.
+handle_error(_F, _Reason) ->
+%% ?debugHere, ?debugVal({_F, _Reason}),
+ ok.
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