Initial commit of alternative erlang lib
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/alterl/src/thrift_binary_protocol.erl b/lib/alterl/src/thrift_binary_protocol.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1593f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/alterl/src/thrift_binary_protocol.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+%%% Copyright (c) 2007- Facebook
+%%% Distributed under the Thrift Software License
+%%% See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
+ read/2,
+ write/2
+-record(binary_protocol, {transport}).
+-define(VERSION_MASK, 16#FFFF0000).
+-define(VERSION_1, 16#80010000).
+new(Transport) ->
+ thrift_protocol:new(?MODULE, #binary_protocol{transport = Transport}).
+%%% instance methods
+write(This, #protocol_message_begin{
+ name = Name,
+ type = Type,
+ seqid = Seqid}) ->
+ write(This, {i32, ?VERSION_1 bor Type}),
+ write(This, {string, Name}),
+ write(This, {i32, Seqid}),
+ ok;
+write(This, message_end) -> ok;
+write(This, #protocol_field_begin{
+ name = _Name,
+ type = Type,
+ id = Id}) ->
+ write(This, {byte, Type}),
+ write(This, {i16, Id}),
+ ok;
+write(This, field_stop) ->
+ write(This, {byte, ?tType_STOP}),
+ ok;
+write(This, field_end) -> ok;
+write(This, #protocol_map_begin{
+ ktype = Ktype,
+ vtype = Vtype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ write(This, {byte, Ktype}),
+ write(This, {byte, Vtype}),
+ write(This, {i32, Size}),
+ ok;
+write(This, map_end) -> ok;
+write(This, #protocol_list_begin{
+ etype = Etype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ write(This, {byte, Etype}),
+ write(This, {i32, Size}),
+ ok;
+write(This, list_end) -> ok;
+write(This, #protocol_set_begin{
+ etype = Etype,
+ size = Size}) ->
+ write(This, {byte, Etype}),
+ write(This, {i32, Size}),
+ ok;
+write(This, set_end) -> ok;
+write(This, struct_begin) -> ok;
+write(This, struct_end) -> ok;
+write(This, {bool, true}) -> write(This, {byte, 1});
+write(This, {bool, false}) -> write(This, {byte, 0});
+write(This, {byte, Byte}) ->
+ write(This, <<Byte:8/big>>);
+write(This, {i16, I16}) ->
+ write(This, <<I16:16/big>>);
+write(This, {i32, I32}) ->
+ write(This, <<I32:32/big>>);
+write(This, {i63, I64}) ->
+ write(This, <<I64:64/big>>);
+write(This, {double, Double}) ->
+ write(This, <<Double:64/big>>);
+write(This, {string, Str}) when is_list(Str) ->
+ write(This, {i32, length(Str)}),
+ write(This, list_to_binary(Str));
+write(This, Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
+ thrift_transport:write(This#binary_protocol.transport, Binary).
+read(This, message_begin) ->
+ case read(This, i32) of
+ {ok, Version} when Version band ?VERSION_MASK == ?VERSION_1 ->
+ Type = Version band 16#000000ff,
+ {ok, Name} = read(This, string),
+ {ok, SeqId} = read(This, i32),
+ #protocol_message_begin{name = Name,
+ type = Type,
+ seqid = SeqId};
+ Err = {error, closed} -> Err
+ end;
+read(This, message_end) -> ok;
+read(This, struct_begin) -> ok;
+read(This, struct_end) -> ok;
+read(This, field_begin) ->
+ case read(This, byte) of
+ {ok, Type = ?tType_STOP} ->
+ #protocol_field_begin{type = Type,
+ id = 0}; % TODO(todd) 0 or undefined?
+ {ok, Type} ->
+ Id = read(This, i16),
+ #protocol_field_begin{type = Type,
+ id = Id}
+ end;
+read(This, field_end) -> ok;
+read(This, map_begin) ->
+ {ok, Ktype} = read(This, byte),
+ {ok, Vtype} = read(This, byte),
+ {ok, Size} = read(This, i32),
+ #protocol_map_begin{ktype = Ktype,
+ vtype = Vtype,
+ size = Size};
+read(This, map_end) -> ok;
+read(This, list_begin) ->
+ {ok, Etype} = read(This, byte),
+ {ok, Size} = read(This, i32),
+ #protocol_list_begin{etype = Etype,
+ size = Size};
+read(This, list_end) -> ok;
+read(This, set_begin) ->
+ {ok, Etype} = read(This, byte),
+ {ok, Size} = read(This, i32),
+ #protocol_set_begin{etype = Etype,
+ size = Size};
+read(This, set_end) -> ok;
+read(This, field_stop) ->
+ {ok, ?tType_STOP} = read(This, byte),
+ ok;
+read(This, bool) ->
+ Byte = read(This, byte),
+ {ok, (Byte /= 0)};
+read(This, byte) ->
+ case read(This, 1) of
+ {ok, <<Val:8/integer-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {ok, Val};
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+read(This, i16) ->
+ case read(This, 2) of
+ {ok, <<Val:16/integer-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {ok, Val};
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+read(This, i32) ->
+ case read(This, 4) of
+ {ok, <<Val:32/integer-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {ok, Val};
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+read(This, i64) ->
+ case read(This, 8) of
+ {ok, <<Val:64/integer-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {ok, Val};
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+read(This, double) ->
+ case read(This, 8) of
+ {ok, <<Val:64/float-signed-big, _/binary>>} -> {ok, Val};
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+read(This, string) ->
+ {ok, Sz} = read(This, i32),
+ read(This, Sz);
+read(This, Len) when is_integer(Len), Len >= 0 ->
+ thrift_transport:read(This#binary_protocol.transport, Len).