THRIFT-2909 Improve travis build
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c978c9b..e29f555 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -26,165 +26,91 @@
  - npm
  - maven
+  - clang
+  - gcc
+  - sh contrib/
+  - if [ "$ALL_DEPS" != "no" ] ; then sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null ; fi
+  - if [ "$ALL_DEPS" != "no" ] ; then export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/1.20/bin:$PATH ; fi
+  - if [ "$ALL_DEPS" != "no" ] ; then cabal update ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CMAKE_CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then mkdir build && cd build && cmake -GNinja -DQT_MOC_EXECUTABLE="moq-qt5" $CMAKE_CONFIG $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CMAKE_CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then ninja ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CMAKE_CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then cpack ; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then sh ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then sh configure $CONFIG ; fi
+  - if [ "x$CONFIG" != "xnone" ] ; then make $MAKE_TARGET -j2 ; fi
     - TEST_NAME=""
-    - CONFIG=""
+    - CMAKE_CONFIG="none"
+    - CONFIG="none"
+    - MAKE_TARGET="check"
+    - ALL_DEPS="no"
     - GHCVER=7.8.3
+  matrix:
+    # Put it here because it's most time consuming
+    - TEST_NAME="make cross (gcc, automake)"
+      CONFIG="--without-python"
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+      MAKE_TARGET="cross"
+    # CMake builds
+    - TEST_NAME="compiler (CMake + CPack)"
+    - TEST_NAME="all (CMake + CPack)"
+      CMAKE_CONFIG=""
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+    - TEST_NAME="C++/boost-threads (CMake + CPack)"
+    - TEST_NAME="C++/std-threads (CMake + CPack)"
+    - TEST_NAME="compiler (mingw32-gcc, CMake + CPack)"
+    # Autotool builds
+    # TODO: Remove them as migration is made
+    - TEST_NAME="compiler (automake)"
+      CONFIG="--disable-libs"
+    - TEST_NAME="all (automake)"
+      CONFIG="--without-erlang --without-python --without-go --without-lua"
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+    - TEST_NAME="C & C++ & Haskell (automake)"
+      CONFIG="--without-csharp --without-java --without-erlang --without-nodejs --without-lua --without-python --without-perl --without-php --without-php-extension --without-ruby --without-go --without-d"
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+    - TEST_NAME="Small Set (automake)"
+      CONFIG="--without-erlang --without-haskell --without-python --without-go --without-lua --without-d --without-ruby --without-nodejs --without-java"
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+    - TEST_NAME="dist (gcc, automake)"
+      CONFIG=""
+      ALL_DEPS="yes"
+      MAKE_TARGET="dist"
+  allow_failures:
+    # gcc fails on travis seemingly due to out of memory
+    - compiler: gcc
+  exclude:
+    # This one takes very long
+    - compiler: gcc
+      env: TEST_NAME="make cross (gcc, automake)" CONFIG="--without-python" ALL_DEPS="yes" MAKE_TARGET="cross"
+    # Does not use native compiler, no need to do it twice
+    - compiler: gcc
+    - compiler: gcc
+      env: TEST_NAME="dist (gcc, automake)" CONFIG="" ALL_DEPS="yes" MAKE_TARGET="dist"
     - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="compiler (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--disable-libs"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make check -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="compiler (gcc, CMake + CPack)"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_native && cd build_native && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cpack && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="compiler (clang, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--disable-libs"
-      compiler: clang
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make check -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="compiler (clang, CMake + CPack)"
-      compiler: clang
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_native && cd build_native && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cpack && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="compiler (mingw32-gcc, CMake + CPack)"
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sudo apt-get install nsis
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_mingw32 && cd build_mingw32 && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cpack && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="all (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--without-erlang --without-python --without-go --without-lua"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-       - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/1.20/bin:$PATH
-       - cabal update
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make check -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="C & C++ & Haskell (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--without-csharp --without-java --without-erlang --without-nodejs --without-lua --without-python --without-perl --without-php --without-php-extension --without-ruby --without-go --without-d"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-       - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/1.20/bin:$PATH
-       - cabal update
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make check -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="C++/boost-threads (gcc, CMake)"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_cmake && cd build_cmake && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="C++/std-threads (gcc, CMake)"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_cmake && cd build_cmake && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="all (gcc, CMake + CPack)"
-          CONFIG=""
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-      script:
-       - mkdir build_cmake && cd build_cmake && cmake $CONFIG .. && make -j4 && cpack && cd ..;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="Small Set (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--without-erlang --without-haskell --without-python --without-go --without-lua --without-d --without-ruby --without-nodejs --without-java"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-       - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/1.20/bin:$PATH
-       - cabal update
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make check -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="dist (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG=""
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make dist -j2;
-    - env:
-        - TEST_NAME="make cross (gcc, automake)"
-          CONFIG="--without-python"
-      compiler: gcc
-      before_install:
-       - sh contrib/;
-       - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
-       - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/1.20/bin:$PATH
-       - cabal update
-      script:
-       - sh;
-       - sh configure $CONFIG;
-       - make cross -j2;
-    - env:
         - TEST_NAME="Debian Packages"
-      compiler: gcc
+      compiler: clang
        - sh contrib/;
        - sh contrib/ 1> /dev/null;
@@ -194,7 +120,6 @@
        - ls -al ..
     # QA jobs for code analytics and metrics
     # static code analysis with cppcheck (we can add --enable=all later)
@@ -225,21 +150,27 @@
     # search for TODO within source tree
     - env:    TEST_NAME="TODO"
+      before_install:
       script: grep -r TODO *
     # search for FIXME within source tree
     - env:    TEST_NAME="FIXME"
+      before_install:
       script: grep -r FIXME *
     # search for HACK within source tree
     - env:    TEST_NAME="HACK"
+      before_install:
       script: grep -r HACK *
     # some statistics about the code base
     - env:    TEST_NAME="sloccount"
+      before_install:
       script: sloccount .
       before_install: sudo apt-get install sloccount
     # some info about the build machine
     - env:    TEST_NAME="info"
+      before_install:
        - dpkg -l
        - uname -a
 # TODO make it perfect ;-r
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 2128da4..ac3edf3 100644
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
 sudo apt-add-repository "deb trusty main restricted" -y
 sudo apt-get update -qq
-sudo apt-get install -qq libpango-1.0-0 libqt4-dev qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools qt5-default libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libevent-dev automake libtool flex bison pkg-config g++ libssl-dev make cmake git debhelper bc
+sudo apt-get install -qq libpango-1.0-0 libqt4-dev qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools qt5-default libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libevent-dev automake libtool flex bison pkg-config g++ libssl-dev make cmake git debhelper bc nsis ninja-build
 dpkg -S /usr/include/boost/version.hpp