blob: f31e3b2d4909d4b22d288bede7e9fb5a7ba979a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var log = require('./log');
var Int64 = require('node-int64');
var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./transport').InputBufferUnderrunError;
var Thrift = require('./thrift');
var Type = Thrift.Type;
var util = require("util");
var Int64Util = require('./int64_util');
var json_parse = require('./json_parse');
var InputBufferUnderrunError = require('./input_buffer_underrun_error');
module.exports = TJSONProtocol;
* Initializes a Thrift JSON protocol instance.
* @constructor
* @param {Thrift.Transport} trans - The transport to serialize to/from.
* @classdesc Apache Thrift Protocols perform serialization which enables cross
* language RPC. The Protocol type is the JavaScript browser implementation
* of the Apache Thrift TJSONProtocol.
* @example
* var protocol = new Thrift.Protocol(transport);
function TJSONProtocol(trans) {
this.tstack = [];
this.tpos = [];
this.trans = trans;
* Thrift IDL type Id to string mapping.
* @readonly
* @see {@link Thrift.Type}
TJSONProtocol.Type = {};
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.BOOL] = '"tf"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.BYTE] = '"i8"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I16] = '"i16"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I32] = '"i32"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.I64] = '"i64"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.DOUBLE] = '"dbl"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.STRUCT] = '"rec"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.STRING] = '"str"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.MAP] = '"map"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.LIST] = '"lst"';
TJSONProtocol.Type[Type.SET] = '"set"';
* Thrift IDL type string to Id mapping.
* @readonly
* @see {@link Thrift.Type}
TJSONProtocol.RType = {}; = Type.BOOL;
TJSONProtocol.RType.i8 = Type.BYTE;
TJSONProtocol.RType.i16 = Type.I16;
TJSONProtocol.RType.i32 = Type.I32;
TJSONProtocol.RType.i64 = Type.I64;
TJSONProtocol.RType.dbl = Type.DOUBLE;
TJSONProtocol.RType.rec = Type.STRUCT;
TJSONProtocol.RType.str = Type.STRING; = Type.MAP;
TJSONProtocol.RType.lst = Type.LIST;
TJSONProtocol.RType.set = Type.SET;
* The TJSONProtocol version number.
* @readonly
* @const {number} Version
* @memberof Thrift.Protocol
TJSONProtocol.Version = 1;
TJSONProtocol.prototype.flush = function() {
return this.trans.flush();
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeToTransportIfStackIsFlushable = function() {
if (this.tstack.length === 1) {
* Serializes the beginning of a Thrift RPC message.
* @param {string} name - The service method to call.
* @param {Thrift.MessageType} messageType - The type of method call.
* @param {number} seqid - The sequence number of this call (always 0 in Apache Thrift).
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageBegin = function(name, messageType, seqid) {
this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Version, '"' + name + '"', messageType, seqid]);
* Serializes the end of a Thrift RPC message.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMessageEnd = function() {
var obj = this.tstack.pop();
this.wobj = this.tstack.pop();
this.wbuf = '[' + this.wobj.join(',') + ']';
// we assume there is nothing more to come so we write
* Serializes the beginning of a struct.
* @param {string} name - The name of the struct.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructBegin = function(name) {
* Serializes the end of a struct.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeStructEnd = function() {
var p = this.tpos.pop();
var struct = this.tstack[p];
var str = '{';
var first = true;
for (var key in struct) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
str += ',';
str += key + ':' + struct[key];
str += '}';
this.tstack[p] = str;
* Serializes the beginning of a struct field.
* @param {string} name - The name of the field.
* @param {Thrift.Protocol.Type} fieldType - The data type of the field.
* @param {number} fieldId - The field's unique identifier.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldBegin = function(name, fieldType, fieldId) {
this.tstack.push({ 'fieldId': '"' +
fieldId + '"', 'fieldType': TJSONProtocol.Type[fieldType]
* Serializes the end of a field.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldEnd = function() {
var value = this.tstack.pop();
var fieldInfo = this.tstack.pop();
if (':' + value === ":[object Object]") {
this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + JSON.stringify(value) + '}';
} else {
this.tstack[this.tstack.length - 1][fieldInfo.fieldId] = '{' +
fieldInfo.fieldType + ':' + value + '}';
* Serializes the end of the set of fields for a struct.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeFieldStop = function() {
* Serializes the beginning of a map collection.
* @param {Thrift.Type} keyType - The data type of the key.
* @param {Thrift.Type} valType - The data type of the value.
* @param {number} [size] - The number of elements in the map (ignored).
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapBegin = function(keyType, valType, size) {
//size is invalid, we'll set it on end.
this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[keyType], TJSONProtocol.Type[valType], 0]);
* Serializes the end of a map.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeMapEnd = function() {
var p = this.tpos.pop();
if (p == this.tstack.length) {
if ((this.tstack.length - p - 1) % 2 !== 0) {
var size = (this.tstack.length - p - 1) / 2;
this.tstack[p][this.tstack[p].length - 1] = size;
var map = '}';
var first = true;
while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
var v = this.tstack.pop();
var k = this.tstack.pop();
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
map = ',' + map;
if (! isNaN(k)) { k = '"' + k + '"'; } //json "keys" need to be strings
map = k + ':' + v + map;
map = '{' + map;
this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
* Serializes the beginning of a list collection.
* @param {Thrift.Type} elemType - The data type of the elements.
* @param {number} size - The number of elements in the list.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListBegin = function(elemType, size) {
this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[elemType], size]);
* Serializes the end of a list.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeListEnd = function() {
var p = this.tpos.pop();
while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
* Serializes the beginning of a set collection.
* @param {Thrift.Type} elemType - The data type of the elements.
* @param {number} size - The number of elements in the list.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetBegin = function(elemType, size) {
this.tstack.push([TJSONProtocol.Type[elemType], size]);
* Serializes the end of a set.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeSetEnd = function() {
var p = this.tpos.pop();
while (this.tstack.length > p + 1) {
var tmpVal = this.tstack[p + 1];
this.tstack.splice(p + 1, 1);
this.tstack[p] = '[' + this.tstack[p].join(',') + ']';
/** Serializes a boolean */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBool = function(bool) {
this.tstack.push(bool ? 1 : 0);
/** Serializes a number */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeByte = function(byte) {
/** Serializes a number */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI16 = function(i16) {
/** Serializes a number */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI32 = function(i32) {
/** Serializes a number */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeI64 = function(i64) {
if (i64 instanceof Int64) {
} else {
/** Serializes a number */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeDouble = function(dub) {
/** Serializes a string */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeString = function(arg) {
// We do not encode uri components for wire transfer:
if (arg === null) {
} else {
if (typeof arg === 'string') {
var str = arg;
} else if (arg instanceof Buffer) {
var str = arg.toString('utf8');
} else {
throw new Error('writeString called without a string/Buffer argument: ' + arg);
// concat may be slower than building a byte buffer
var escapedString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str.charAt(i); // a single double quote: "
if (ch === '\"') {
escapedString += '\\\"'; // write out as: \"
} else if (ch === '\\') { // a single backslash: \
escapedString += '\\\\'; // write out as: \\
/* Currently escaped forward slashes break TJSONProtocol.
* As it stands, we can simply pass forward slashes into
* our strings across the wire without being escaped.
* I think this is the protocol's bug, not thrift.js
* } else if(ch === '/') { // a single forward slash: /
* escapedString += '\\/'; // write out as \/
* }
} else if (ch === '\b') { // a single backspace: invisible
escapedString += '\\b'; // write out as: \b"
} else if (ch === '\f') { // a single formfeed: invisible
escapedString += '\\f'; // write out as: \f"
} else if (ch === '\n') { // a single newline: invisible
escapedString += '\\n'; // write out as: \n"
} else if (ch === '\r') { // a single return: invisible
escapedString += '\\r'; // write out as: \r"
} else if (ch === '\t') { // a single tab: invisible
escapedString += '\\t'; // write out as: \t"
} else {
escapedString += ch; // Else it need not be escaped
this.tstack.push('"' + escapedString + '"');
/** Serializes a string */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.writeBinary = function(arg) {
if (typeof arg === 'string') {
var buf = new Buffer(arg, 'binary');
} else if (arg instanceof Buffer || == '[object Uint8Array]') {
var buf = arg;
} else {
throw new Error('writeBinary called without a string/Buffer argument: ' + arg);
this.tstack.push('"' + buf.toString('base64') + '"');
* @class
* @name AnonReadMessageBeginReturn
* @property {string} fname - The name of the service method.
* @property {Thrift.MessageType} mtype - The type of message call.
* @property {number} rseqid - The sequence number of the message (0 in Thrift RPC).
* Deserializes the beginning of a message.
* @returns {AnonReadMessageBeginReturn}
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageBegin = function() {
this.rstack = [];
this.rpos = [];
//Borrow the inbound transport buffer and ensure data is present/consistent
var transBuf = this.trans.borrow();
if (transBuf.readIndex >= transBuf.writeIndex) {
throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
var cursor = transBuf.readIndex;
if (transBuf.buf[cursor] !== 0x5B) { //[
throw new Error("Malformed JSON input, no opening bracket");
//Parse a single message (there may be several in the buffer)
// TODO: Handle characters using multiple code units
var openBracketCount = 1;
var inString = false;
for (; cursor < transBuf.writeIndex; cursor++) {
var chr = transBuf.buf[cursor];
//we use hexa charcode here because data[i] returns an int and not a char
if (inString) {
if (chr === 0x22) { //"
inString = false;
} else if (chr === 0x5C) { //\
//escaped character, skip
cursor += 1;
} else {
if (chr === 0x5B) { //[
openBracketCount += 1;
} else if (chr === 0x5D) { //]
openBracketCount -= 1;
if (openBracketCount === 0) {
//end of json message detected
} else if (chr === 0x22) { //"
inString = true;
if (openBracketCount !== 0) {
// Missing closing bracket. Can be buffer underrun.
throw new InputBufferUnderrunError();
//Reconstitute the JSON object and conume the necessary bytes
this.robj = json_parse(transBuf.buf.slice(transBuf.readIndex, cursor+1).toString());
this.trans.consume(cursor + 1 - transBuf.readIndex);
//Verify the protocol version
var version = this.robj.shift();
if (version != TJSONProtocol.Version) {
throw new Error('Wrong thrift protocol version: ' + version);
//Objectify the thrift message {name/type/sequence-number} for return
// and then save the JSON object in rstack
var r = {};
r.fname = this.robj.shift();
r.mtype = this.robj.shift();
r.rseqid = this.robj.shift();
return r;
/** Deserializes the end of a message. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMessageEnd = function() {
* Deserializes the beginning of a struct.
* @param {string} [name] - The name of the struct (ignored)
* @returns {object} - An object with an empty string fname property
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructBegin = function() {
var r = {};
r.fname = '';
//incase this is an array of structs
if (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] instanceof Array) {
this.rstack.push(this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1].shift());
return r;
/** Deserializes the end of a struct. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readStructEnd = function() {
* @class
* @name AnonReadFieldBeginReturn
* @property {string} fname - The name of the field (always '').
* @property {Thrift.Type} ftype - The data type of the field.
* @property {number} fid - The unique identifier of the field.
* Deserializes the beginning of a field.
* @returns {AnonReadFieldBeginReturn}
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldBegin = function() {
var r = {};
var fid = -1;
var ftype = Type.STOP;
//get a fieldId
for (var f in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
if (f === null) {
fid = parseInt(f, 10);
var field = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
//remove so we don't see it again
delete this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][fid];
if (fid != -1) {
//should only be 1 of these but this is the only
//way to match a key
for (var i in (this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1])) {
if (TJSONProtocol.RType[i] === null) {
ftype = TJSONProtocol.RType[i];
this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1] = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1][i];
r.fname = '';
r.ftype = ftype;
r.fid = fid;
return r;
/** Deserializes the end of a field. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readFieldEnd = function() {
var pos = this.rpos.pop();
//get back to the right place in the stack
while (this.rstack.length > pos) {
* @class
* @name AnonReadMapBeginReturn
* @property {Thrift.Type} ktype - The data type of the key.
* @property {Thrift.Type} vtype - The data type of the value.
* @property {number} size - The number of elements in the map.
* Deserializes the beginning of a map.
* @returns {AnonReadMapBeginReturn}
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapBegin = function() {
var map = this.rstack.pop();
var first = map.shift();
if (first instanceof Array) {
map = first;
first = map.shift();
var r = {};
r.ktype = TJSONProtocol.RType[first];
r.vtype = TJSONProtocol.RType[map.shift()];
r.size = map.shift();
return r;
/** Deserializes the end of a map. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readMapEnd = function() {
* @class
* @name AnonReadColBeginReturn
* @property {Thrift.Type} etype - The data type of the element.
* @property {number} size - The number of elements in the collection.
* Deserializes the beginning of a list.
* @returns {AnonReadColBeginReturn}
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListBegin = function() {
var list = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
var r = {};
r.etype = TJSONProtocol.RType[list.shift()];
r.size = list.shift();
return r;
/** Deserializes the end of a list. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readListEnd = function() {
var pos = this.rpos.pop() - 2;
var st = this.rstack;
if (st instanceof Array && st.length > pos && st[pos].length > 0) {
* Deserializes the beginning of a set.
* @returns {AnonReadColBeginReturn}
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetBegin = function() {
return this.readListBegin();
/** Deserializes the end of a set. */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readSetEnd = function() {
return this.readListEnd();
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBool = function() {
return this.readValue() == '1';
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readByte = function() {
return this.readI32();
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI16 = function() {
return this.readI32();
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI32 = function(f) {
return +this.readValue();
/** Returns the next value found in the protocol buffer */
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readValue = function(f) {
if (f === undefined) {
f = this.rstack[this.rstack.length - 1];
var r = {};
if (f instanceof Array) {
if (f.length === 0) {
r.value = undefined;
} else {
r.value = f.shift();
} else if (!(f instanceof Int64) && f instanceof Object) {
for (var i in f) {
if (i === null) {
delete f[i];
r.value = i;
} else {
r.value = f;
return r.value;
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readI64 = function() {
var n = this.readValue()
if (typeof n === 'string') {
// Assuming no one is sending in 1.11111e+33 format
return Int64Util.fromDecimalString(n);
} else {
return new Int64(n);
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readDouble = function() {
return this.readI32();
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readBinary = function() {
return new Buffer(this.readValue(), 'base64');
TJSONProtocol.prototype.readString = function() {
return this.readValue();
* Returns the underlying transport.
* @readonly
* @returns {Thrift.Transport} The underlying transport.
TJSONProtocol.prototype.getTransport = function() {
return this.trans;
* Method to arbitrarily skip over data
TJSONProtocol.prototype.skip = function(type) {
throw new Error('skip not supported yet');