blob: 61b933a759349b36bf1ebb8f87212d0a4aa72867 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a standalone deserialize/parse example if you just want to deserialize
thrift decoupled from cassandra server
1. acquire thrift template specification files from who ever built it (eg: EXAMPLE.thrift)
2. Install thrift on local machine (ie, via "brew install thrift")
3. generate thrift clients for nodejs using template specification files (#1)
thrift --gen js:node schema/EXAMPLE.thrift
This creates creates gen-node.js directory containing a new file, GENERATED.js
4. Inside GENERATED.js is a class you will want to instanciate. Find this class name and plug
it into the example code below (ie, "YOUR_CLASS_NAME")
function parseThrift(thriftEncodedData, callback) {
var thrift = require('thrift');
var transport = new thrift.TFramedTransport(thriftEncodedData);
var protocol = new thrift.TBinaryProtocol(transport);
var clientClass = require('../gen-nodejs/GENERATED').YOUR_CLASS_NAME;
var client = new clientClass();;
callback(null, client);