THRIFT-1899 Delphi: Support for Multiplexing Services on any Transport, Protocol and Server

Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/multiplexed/Multiplex.Server.Main.pas b/lib/delphi/test/multiplexed/Multiplex.Server.Main.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f5cd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/multiplexed/Multiplex.Server.Main.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit Multiplex.Server.Main;
+{.$DEFINE RunEndless}   // activate to interactively stress-test the server stop routines via Ctrl+C
+  Windows, SysUtils,
+  Generics.Collections,
+  Thrift.Console,
+  Thrift.Server,
+  Thrift.Transport,
+  Thrift.Transport.Pipes,
+  Thrift.Protocol,
+  Thrift.Protocol.Multiplex,
+  Thrift.Processor.Multiplex,
+  Thrift.Collections,
+  Thrift.Utils,
+  Thrift,
+  Benchmark,  // in gen-delphi folder
+  Aggr,       // in gen-delphi folder
+  Multiplex.Test.Common,
+  Contnrs;
+  TTestServer = class
+  public type
+    ITestHandler = interface
+      ['{CAE09AAB-80FB-48E9-B3A8-7F9B96F5419A}']
+      procedure SetServer( const AServer : IServer );
+    end;
+  protected type
+    TTestHandlerImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, ITestHandler)
+    private
+      FServer : IServer;
+    protected
+      // ITestHandler
+      procedure SetServer( const AServer : IServer );
+      property Server : IServer read FServer write SetServer;
+    end;
+    TBenchmarkServiceImpl = class( TTestHandlerImpl, TBenchmarkService.Iface)
+    protected
+      // TBenchmarkService.Iface
+      function fibonacci(n: ShortInt): Integer;
+    end;
+    TAggrImpl = class( TTestHandlerImpl, TAggr.Iface)
+    protected
+      FList : IThriftList<Integer>;
+      // TAggr.Iface
+      procedure addValue(value: Integer);
+      function getValues(): IThriftList<Integer>;

+    public

+      constructor Create;

+      destructor Destroy;  override;

+    end;

+  public
+    class procedure Execute( const args: array of string);
+  end;
+{ TTestServer.TTestHandlerImpl }
+procedure TTestServer.TTestHandlerImpl.SetServer( const AServer: IServer);
+  FServer := AServer;
+{ TTestServer.TBenchmarkServiceImpl }
+function TTestServer.TBenchmarkServiceImpl.fibonacci(n: ShortInt): Integer;
+var prev, next : Integer;
+  prev   := 0;
+  result := 1;
+  while n > 0 do begin
+    next   := result + prev;

+    prev   := result;

+    result := next;

+    Dec(n);

+  end;
+{ TTestServer.TAggrImpl }
+constructor TTestServer.TAggrImpl.Create;

+  inherited Create;
+  FList := TThriftListImpl<Integer>.Create;

+destructor TTestServer.TAggrImpl.Destroy;  

+  try
+    FreeAndNil( FList);

+  finally

+    inherited Destroy;

+  end;                  

+procedure TTestServer.TAggrImpl.addValue(value: Integer);
+  FList.Add( value);

+function TTestServer.TAggrImpl.getValues(): IThriftList<Integer>;
+  result := FList;

+{ TTestServer }    
+class procedure TTestServer.Execute( const args: array of string);
+  TransportFactory : ITransportFactory;
+  ProtocolFactory  : IProtocolFactory;
+  ServerTrans      : IServerTransport;
+  benchHandler     : TBenchmarkService.Iface;
+  aggrHandler      : TAggr.Iface;
+  benchProcessor   : IProcessor;
+  aggrProcessor    : IProcessor;
+  multiplex        : IMultiplexedProcessor;
+  ServerEngine     : IServer;
+  try
+    // create protocol factory, default to BinaryProtocol
+    ProtocolFactory  := TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create( TRUE, TRUE);
+    servertrans      := TServerSocketImpl.Create( 9090, 0, FALSE);
+    TransportFactory := TFramedTransportImpl.TFactory.Create;
+    benchHandler     := TBenchmarkServiceImpl.Create;
+    benchProcessor   := TBenchmarkService.TProcessorImpl.Create( benchHandler);
+    aggrHandler      := TAggrImpl.Create;
+    aggrProcessor    := TAggr.TProcessorImpl.Create( aggrHandler);
+    multiplex        := TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.Create;
+    multiplex.RegisterProcessor( NAME_BENCHMARKSERVICE, benchProcessor);
+    multiplex.RegisterProcessor( NAME_AGGR,  aggrProcessor);
+    ServerEngine := TSimpleServer.Create( multiplex,
+                                          ServerTrans,
+                                          TransportFactory,
+                                          ProtocolFactory);
+    (benchHandler as ITestHandler).SetServer( ServerEngine);
+    (aggrHandler as ITestHandler).SetServer( ServerEngine);
+    Console.WriteLine('Starting the server ...');
+    ServerEngine.serve();
+    (benchHandler as ITestHandler).SetServer( nil);
+    (aggrHandler as ITestHandler).SetServer( nil);
+  except
+    on E: Exception do
+    begin
+      Console.Write( E.Message);
+    end;
+  end;
+  Console.WriteLine( 'done.');