THRIFT-5789 Refactor test suite client implementation
Client: Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/client.dpr b/lib/delphi/test/client.dpr
index eaeeee0..db62995 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/client.dpr
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/client.dpr
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
- DataFactory in 'Performance\DataFactory.pas',
- PerfTests in 'Performance\PerfTests.pas',
- TestClient in 'TestClient.pas',
+ ConsoleHelper in 'ConsoleHelper.pas',
+ TestConstants in 'testsuite\TestConstants.pas',
+ TestClient in 'testsuite\client\TestClient.pas',
+ TestLogger in 'testsuite\client\TestLogger.pas',
+ UnitTests in 'testsuite\client\UnitTests.pas',
+ PerfTests in 'testsuite\client\Performance\PerfTests.pas',
+ DataFactory in 'testsuite\client\Performance\DataFactory.pas',
Thrift.Test in 'gen-delphi\Thrift.Test.pas',
Thrift in '..\src\Thrift.pas',
Thrift.Transport in '..\src\Thrift.Transport.pas',
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/client.dproj b/lib/delphi/test/client.dproj
index ae6683d..ae31ba0 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/client.dproj
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/client.dproj
@@ -50,9 +50,13 @@
<DelphiCompile Include="client.dpr">
- <DCCReference Include="Performance\DataFactory.pas"/>
- <DCCReference Include="Performance\PerfTests.pas"/>
- <DCCReference Include="TestClient.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="ConsoleHelper.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\TestConstants.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\client\TestClient.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\client\TestLogger.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\client\UnitTests.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\client\Performance\PerfTests.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\client\Performance\DataFactory.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="gen-delphi\Thrift.Test.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="..\src\Thrift.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="..\src\Thrift.Transport.pas"/>
@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@
<VersionInfoKeys Name="Comments"/>
- <Parameters Name="RunParams">--protocol=compact </Parameters>
+ <Parameters Name="RunParams">--protocol=compact</Parameters>
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/server.dpr b/lib/delphi/test/server.dpr
index 7994281..0cab02f 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/server.dpr
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/server.dpr
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
- TestServer in 'TestServer.pas',
- TestServerEvents in 'TestServerEvents.pas',
+ TestConstants in 'testsuite\TestConstants.pas',
+ TestServer in 'testsuite\server\TestServer.pas',
+ TestServerEvents in 'testsuite\server\TestServerEvents.pas',
Thrift.Test in 'gen-delphi\Thrift.Test.pas',
Thrift in '..\src\Thrift.pas',
Thrift.Exception in '..\src\Thrift.Exception.pas',
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/server.dproj b/lib/delphi/test/server.dproj
index 8e9b99d..37ef9c9 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/server.dproj
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/server.dproj
@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@
<DelphiCompile Include="server.dpr">
- <DCCReference Include="TestServer.pas"/>
- <DCCReference Include="TestServerEvents.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\TestConstants.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\server\TestServer.pas"/>
+ <DCCReference Include="testsuite\server\TestServerEvents.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="gen-delphi\Thrift.Test.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="..\src\Thrift.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="..\src\Thrift.Exception.pas"/>
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestConstants.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/TestConstants.pas
similarity index 85%
rename from lib/delphi/test/TestConstants.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/TestConstants.pas
index 9ac4808..e51b600 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestConstants.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/TestConstants.pas
@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@
TLayeredTransports = set of TLayeredTransport;
+ TTestSize = (
+ Empty, // Edge case: the zero-length empty binary
+ Normal, // Fairly small array of usual size (256 bytes)
+ ByteArrayTest, // THRIFT-4454 Large writes/reads may cause range check errors in debug mode
+ PipeWriteLimit, // THRIFT-4372 Pipe write operations across a network are limited to 65,535 bytes per write.
+ FifteenMB // quite a bit of data, but still below the default max frame size
+ );
PROTOCOL_CLASSES : array[TKnownProtocol] of TProtocolImplClass = (
@@ -151,6 +163,8 @@
function BytesToHex( const bytes : TBytes) : string;
+function PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes;
@@ -165,4 +179,38 @@
+function PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes;
+var i : Integer;
+ case aSize of
+ TTestSize.Empty : SetLength( result, 0);
+ TTestSize.Normal : SetLength( result, $100);
+ TTestSize.ByteArrayTest : SetLength( result, SizeOf(TByteArray) + 128);
+ TTestSize.PipeWriteLimit : SetLength( result, 65535 + 128);
+ TTestSize.FifteenMB : SetLength( result, 15 * 1024 * 1024);
+ else
+ raise EArgumentException.Create('aSize');
+ end;
+ ASSERT( Low(result) = 0);
+ if Length(result) = 0 then Exit;
+ // linear distribution, unless random is requested
+ if not aRandomDist then begin
+ for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin
+ result[i] := i mod $100;
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // random distribution of all 256 values
+ FillChar( result[0], Length(result) * SizeOf(result[0]), $0);
+ for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin
+ result[i] := Byte( Random($100));
+ end;
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/Performance/DataFactory.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/Performance/DataFactory.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/delphi/test/Performance/DataFactory.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/Performance/DataFactory.pas
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/Performance/PerfTests.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/Performance/PerfTests.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/delphi/test/Performance/PerfTests.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/Performance/PerfTests.pas
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestClient.pas
similarity index 80%
rename from lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestClient.pas
index 1b09d3c..aca6441 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestClient.pas
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@
+ TestLogger,
+ UnitTests,
@@ -82,25 +84,6 @@
TClientThread = class( TThread )
- private type
- TTestGroup = (
- test_Unknown,
- test_BaseTypes,
- test_Structs,
- test_Containers,
- test_Exceptions
- // new values here
- );
- TTestGroups = set of TTestGroup;
- TTestSize = (
- Empty, // Edge case: the zero-length empty binary
- Normal, // Fairly small array of usual size (256 bytes)
- ByteArrayTest, // THRIFT-4454 Large writes/reads may cause range check errors in debug mode
- PipeWriteLimit, // THRIFT-4372 Pipe write operations across a network are limited to 65,535 bytes per write.
- FifteenMB // quite a bit of data, but still below the default max frame size
- );
strict private
FSetup : TTestSetup;
FTransport : ITransport;
@@ -109,18 +92,7 @@
FThreadNo : Integer;
FConsole : TThreadConsole;
- // test reporting, will be refactored out into separate class later
- FTestGroup : string;
- FCurrentTest : TTestGroup;
- FSuccesses : Integer;
- FErrors : TStringList;
- FFailed : TTestGroups;
- FExecuted : TTestGroups;
- procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TTestGroup);
- procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
- procedure ReportResults;
- function CalculateExitCode : Byte;
+ FLogger : ITestLogger;
procedure ClientTest;
{$IFDEF SupportsAsync}
@@ -131,14 +103,13 @@
procedure ShutdownProtocolTransportStack;
function InitializeHttpTransport( const aTimeoutSetting : Integer; const aConfig : IThriftConfiguration = nil) : IHTTPClient;
- procedure JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
- function PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes;
{$IFDEF StressTest}
procedure StressTest(const client : TThriftTest.Iface);
- {$IFDEF Win64}
- procedure UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
- {$ENDIF}
+ procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup); inline;
+ procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); inline;
+ function CalculateExitCode : Byte;
strict protected
procedure Execute; override;
@@ -174,7 +145,7 @@
- MAP_FAILURES_TO_EXITCODE_BITS : array[TClientThread.TTestGroup] of Byte = (
+ MAP_FAILURES_TO_EXITCODE_BITS : array[TClientTestGroup] of Byte = (
EXITCODE_SUCCESS, // no bits here
@@ -1052,260 +1023,26 @@
-function TClientThread.PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes;
-var i : Integer;
+procedure TClientThread.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup);
- case aSize of
- Empty : SetLength( result, 0);
- Normal : SetLength( result, $100);
- ByteArrayTest : SetLength( result, SizeOf(TByteArray) + 128);
- PipeWriteLimit : SetLength( result, 65535 + 128);
- FifteenMB : SetLength( result, 15 * 1024 * 1024);
- else
- raise EArgumentException.Create('aSize');
- end;
- ASSERT( Low(result) = 0);
- if Length(result) = 0 then Exit;
- // linear distribution, unless random is requested
- if not aRandomDist then begin
- for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin
- result[i] := i mod $100;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- // random distribution of all 256 values
- FillChar( result[0], Length(result) * SizeOf(result[0]), $0);
- for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin
- result[i] := Byte( Random($100));
- end;
-{$IFDEF Win64}
-procedure TClientThread.UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
-var a,b : Int64;
- a := 1;
- b := 2;
- Thrift.Utils.InterlockedExchangeAdd64( a,b);
- Expect( a = 3, 'InterlockedExchangeAdd64');
-procedure TClientThread.JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
-// Tests only then read/write procedures of the JSON protocol
-// All tests succeed, if we can read what we wrote before
-// Note that passing this test does not imply, that our JSON is really compatible to what
-// other clients or servers expect as the real JSON. This is beyond the scope of this test.
-var prot : IProtocol;
- stm : TStringStream;
- list : TThriftList;
- config : IThriftConfiguration;
- binary, binRead, emptyBinary : TBytes;
- i,iErr : Integer;
- TEST_SHORT = ShortInt( $FE);
- TEST_SMALL = SmallInt( $FEDC);
- TEST_LONG = LongInt( $FEDCBA98);
- TEST_I64 = Int64( $FEDCBA9876543210);
- TEST_DOUBLE = -1.234e-56;
- TEST_STRING = 'abc-'#$00E4#$00f6#$00fc; // german umlauts (en-us: "funny chars")
- // Test THRIFT-2336 and THRIFT-3404 with U+1D11E (G Clef symbol) and 'Русское Название';
- G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT = #$1d11e' '#$0420#$0443#$0441#$0441#$043a#$043e#$0435' '#$041d#$0430#$0437#$0432#$0430#$043d#$0438#$0435;
- G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON = '"\ud834\udd1e \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u041d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"';
- // test both possible solidus encodings
- SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA = '"one/two\/three"';
- SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED = 'one/two/three';
- stm := TStringStream.Create;
- try
- StartTestGroup( 'JsonProtocolTest', test_Unknown);
- config := TThriftConfigurationImpl.Create;
- // prepare binary data
- binary := PrepareBinaryData( FALSE, Normal);
- SetLength( emptyBinary, 0); // empty binary data block
- // output setup
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config));
- // write
- Init( list, TType.String_, 9);
- prot.WriteListBegin( list);
- prot.WriteBool( TRUE);
- prot.WriteBool( FALSE);
- prot.WriteByte( TEST_SHORT);
- prot.WriteI16( TEST_SMALL);
- prot.WriteI32( TEST_LONG);
- prot.WriteI64( TEST_I64);
- prot.WriteDouble( TEST_DOUBLE);
- prot.WriteString( TEST_STRING);
- prot.WriteBinary( binary);
- prot.WriteString( ''); // empty string
- prot.WriteBinary( emptyBinary); // empty binary data block
- prot.WriteListEnd;
- // input setup
- Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position/length after write');
- stm.Position := 0;
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
- // read and compare
- list := prot.ReadListBegin;
- Expect( list.ElementType = TType.String_, 'list element type');
- Expect( list.Count = 9, 'list element count');
- Expect( prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: TRUE');
- Expect( not prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: FALSE');
- Expect( prot.ReadByte = TEST_SHORT, 'WriteByte/ReadByte');
- Expect( prot.ReadI16 = TEST_SMALL, 'WriteI16/ReadI16');
- Expect( prot.ReadI32 = TEST_LONG, 'WriteI32/ReadI32');
- Expect( prot.ReadI64 = TEST_I64, 'WriteI64/ReadI64');
- Expect( abs(prot.ReadDouble-TEST_DOUBLE) < abs(DELTA_DOUBLE), 'WriteDouble/ReadDouble');
- Expect( prot.ReadString = TEST_STRING, 'WriteString/ReadString');
- binRead := prot.ReadBinary;
- Expect( Length(prot.ReadString) = 0, 'WriteString/ReadString (empty string)');
- Expect( Length(prot.ReadBinary) = 0, 'empty WriteBinary/ReadBinary (empty data block)');
- prot.ReadListEnd;
- // test binary data
- Expect( Length(binary) = Length(binRead), 'Binary data length check');
- iErr := -1;
- for i := Low(binary) to High(binary) do begin
- if binary[i] <> binRead[i] then begin
- iErr := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if iErr < 0
- then Expect( TRUE, 'Binary data check ('+IntToStr(Length(binary))+' Bytes)')
- else Expect( FALSE, 'Binary data check at offset '+IntToStr(iErr));
- Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position after read');
- // Solidus can be encoded in two ways. Make sure we can read both
- stm.Position := 0;
- stm.Size := 0;
- stm.WriteString(SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA);
- stm.Position := 0;
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
- Expect( prot.ReadString = SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED, 'Solidus encoding');
- // Widechars should work too. Do they?
- // After writing, we ensure that we are able to read it back
- // We can't assume hex-encoding, since (nearly) any Unicode char is valid JSON
- stm.Position := 0;
- stm.Size := 0;
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config));
- prot.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT);
- stm.Position := 0;
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
- Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Writing JSON with chars > 8 bit');
- // Widechars should work with hex-encoding too. Do they?
- stm.Position := 0;
- stm.Size := 0;
- stm.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON);
- stm.Position := 0;
- prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
- TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
- TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
- Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Reading JSON with chars > 8 bit');
- finally
- stm.Free;
- prot := nil; //-> Release
- StartTestGroup( '', test_Unknown); // no more tests here
- end;
-procedure TClientThread.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TTestGroup);
- FTestGroup := aGroup;
- FCurrentTest := aTest;
- Include( FExecuted, aTest);
- if FTestGroup <> '' then begin
- Console.WriteLine('');
- Console.WriteLine( aGroup+' tests');
- Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('-',60));
- end;
+ FLogger.StartTestGroup( aGroup, aTest);
procedure TClientThread.Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
- if aTestResult then begin
- Inc(FSuccesses);
- Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': passed');
- end
- else begin
- FErrors.Add( FTestGroup+': '+aTestInfo);
- Include( FFailed, FCurrentTest);
- Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': *** FAILED ***');
- // We have a failed test!
- // -> issue DebugBreak ONLY if a debugger is attached,
- // -> unhandled DebugBreaks would cause Windows to terminate the app otherwise
- if IsDebuggerPresent
- then {$IFDEF CPUX64} DebugBreak {$ELSE} asm int 3 end {$ENDIF};
- end;
-procedure TClientThread.ReportResults;
-var nTotal : Integer;
- sLine : string;
- // prevent us from stupid DIV/0 errors
- nTotal := FSuccesses + FErrors.Count;
- if nTotal = 0 then begin
- Console.WriteLine('No results logged');
- Exit;
- end;
- Console.WriteLine('');
- Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
- Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(nTotal)+' tests performed');
- Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FSuccesses)+' tests succeeded ('+IntToStr(round(100*FSuccesses/nTotal))+'%)');
- Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FErrors.Count)+' tests failed ('+IntToStr(round(100*FErrors.Count/nTotal))+'%)');
- Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
- if FErrors.Count > 0 then begin
- Console.WriteLine('FAILED TESTS:');
- for sLine in FErrors do Console.WriteLine('- '+sLine);
- Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
- InterlockedIncrement( ExitCode); // return <> 0 on errors
- end;
- Console.WriteLine('');
+ FLogger.Expect( aTestResult, aTestInfo);
function TClientThread.CalculateExitCode : Byte;
-var test : TTestGroup;
+var test : TClientTestGroup;
+ failed, executed : TClientTestGroups;
- for test := Low(TTestGroup) to High(TTestGroup) do begin
- if (test in FFailed) or not (test in FExecuted)
+ FLogger.QueryTestStats( failed, executed);
+ for test := Low(TClientTestGroup) to High(TClientTestGroup) do begin
+ if (test in failed) or not (test in executed)
then result := result or MAP_FAILURES_TO_EXITCODE_BITS[test];
@@ -1318,12 +1055,7 @@
FNumIterations := aNumIteration;
FConsole := TThreadConsole.Create( Self, aLogThreadID);
- FCurrentTest := test_Unknown;
- // error list: keep correct order, allow for duplicates
- FErrors := TStringList.Create;
- FErrors.Sorted := FALSE;
- FErrors.Duplicates := dupAccept;
+ FLogger := TTestLoggerImpl.Create;
inherited Create( TRUE);
@@ -1331,7 +1063,7 @@
destructor TClientThread.Destroy;
FreeAndNil( FConsole);
- FreeAndNil( FErrors);
+ FLogger := nil; //-> Release
@@ -1341,10 +1073,9 @@
// perform all tests
- {$IFDEF Win64}
- UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
- {$ENDIF}
- JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
+ // builtin (quick) unit tests on one thread only
+ if ThreadNo = 0
+ then TQuickUnitTests.Execute(FLogger);
// must be run in the context of the thread
@@ -1357,7 +1088,7 @@
// report the outcome
- ReportResults;
+ FLogger.ReportResults;
SetReturnValue( CalculateExitCode);
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestLogger.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestLogger.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ddfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/TestLogger.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit TestLogger;
+{$I ../src/}
+ Classes, Windows, SysUtils, Math, ActiveX, ComObj,
+ {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} System.Threading, {$ENDIF}
+ DateUtils,
+ Generics.Collections,
+ TestConstants,
+ ConsoleHelper,
+ Thrift,
+ Thrift.Protocol.Compact,
+ Thrift.Protocol.JSON,
+ Thrift.Protocol,
+ Thrift.Transport.Pipes,
+ Thrift.Transport.WinHTTP,
+ Thrift.Transport.MsxmlHTTP,
+ Thrift.Transport,
+ Thrift.Stream,
+ Thrift.Test,
+ Thrift.WinHTTP,
+ Thrift.Utils,
+ Thrift.Configuration,
+ Thrift.Collections;
+ TClientTestGroup = (
+ test_Unknown,
+ test_BaseTypes,
+ test_Structs,
+ test_Containers,
+ test_Exceptions
+ // new values here
+ );
+ TClientTestGroups = set of TClientTestGroup;
+ ITestLogger = interface
+ ['{26693ED5-1469-48AD-B1F3-04281B053DD4}']
+ procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup);
+ procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
+ procedure QueryTestStats( out failed, executed : TClientTestGroups);
+ procedure ReportResults;
+ end;
+ // test reporting helper
+ TTestLoggerImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, ITestLogger)
+ strict private
+ FTestGroup : string;
+ FCurrentTest : TClientTestGroup;
+ FSuccesses : Integer;
+ FErrors : TStringList;
+ FFailed : TClientTestGroups;
+ FExecuted : TClientTestGroups;
+ strict protected
+ // ITestLogger = interface
+ procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup);
+ procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
+ procedure QueryTestStats( out failed, executed : TClientTestGroups);
+ procedure ReportResults;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+constructor TTestLoggerImpl.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FCurrentTest := test_Unknown;
+ // error list: keep correct order, allow for duplicates
+ FErrors := TStringList.Create;
+ FErrors.Sorted := FALSE;
+ FErrors.Duplicates := dupAccept;
+destructor TTestLoggerImpl.Destroy;
+ try
+ FreeAndNil( FErrors);
+ finally
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+procedure TTestLoggerImpl.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup);
+ FTestGroup := aGroup;
+ FCurrentTest := aTest;
+ Include( FExecuted, aTest);
+ if FTestGroup <> '' then begin
+ Console.WriteLine('');
+ Console.WriteLine( aGroup+' tests');
+ Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('-',60));
+ end;
+procedure TTestLoggerImpl.Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
+ if aTestResult then begin
+ Inc(FSuccesses);
+ Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': passed');
+ end
+ else begin
+ FErrors.Add( FTestGroup+': '+aTestInfo);
+ Include( FFailed, FCurrentTest);
+ Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': *** FAILED ***');
+ // We have a failed test!
+ // -> issue DebugBreak ONLY if a debugger is attached,
+ // -> unhandled DebugBreaks would cause Windows to terminate the app otherwise
+ if IsDebuggerPresent
+ then {$IFDEF CPUX64} DebugBreak {$ELSE} asm int 3 end {$ENDIF};
+ end;
+procedure TTestLoggerImpl.QueryTestStats( out failed, executed : TClientTestGroups);
+ failed := FFailed;
+ executed := FExecuted;
+procedure TTestLoggerImpl.ReportResults;
+var nTotal : Integer;
+ sLine : string;
+ // prevent us from stupid DIV/0 errors
+ nTotal := FSuccesses + FErrors.Count;
+ if nTotal = 0 then begin
+ Console.WriteLine('No results logged');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Console.WriteLine('');
+ Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
+ Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(nTotal)+' tests performed');
+ Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FSuccesses)+' tests succeeded ('+IntToStr(round(100*FSuccesses/nTotal))+'%)');
+ Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FErrors.Count)+' tests failed ('+IntToStr(round(100*FErrors.Count/nTotal))+'%)');
+ Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
+ if FErrors.Count > 0 then begin
+ Console.WriteLine('FAILED TESTS:');
+ for sLine in FErrors do Console.WriteLine('- '+sLine);
+ Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60));
+ InterlockedIncrement( ExitCode); // return <> 0 on errors
+ end;
+ Console.WriteLine('');
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/UnitTests.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/UnitTests.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3726c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/client/UnitTests.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit UnitTests;
+{$I ../src/}
+ Classes, Windows, SysUtils, Math, ActiveX, ComObj,
+ {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} System.Threading, {$ENDIF}
+ DateUtils,
+ Generics.Collections,
+ TestConstants,
+ TestLogger,
+ ConsoleHelper,
+ Thrift,
+ Thrift.Protocol.Compact,
+ Thrift.Protocol.JSON,
+ Thrift.Protocol,
+ Thrift.Transport.Pipes,
+ Thrift.Transport.WinHTTP,
+ Thrift.Transport.MsxmlHTTP,
+ Thrift.Transport,
+ Thrift.Stream,
+ Thrift.Test,
+ Thrift.WinHTTP,
+ Thrift.Utils,
+ Thrift.Configuration,
+ Thrift.Collections;
+ TQuickUnitTests = class sealed
+ strict private
+ FLogger : ITestLogger;
+ strict protected
+ // Helper
+ procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup); inline;
+ procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); inline;
+ // Test impl
+ procedure JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
+ procedure HashSetTest;
+ {$IFDEF Win64}
+ procedure UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // main execution part
+ constructor Create( const logger : ITestLogger); reintroduce;
+ procedure Execute; overload;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class procedure Execute( const logger : ITestLogger); overload; static;
+ end;
+constructor TQuickUnitTests.Create( const logger : ITestLogger);
+ inherited Create;
+ FLogger := logger;
+destructor TQuickUnitTests.Destroy;
+ try
+ FLogger := nil; //-> Release
+ finally
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+class procedure TQuickUnitTests.Execute( const logger : ITestLogger);
+var instance : TQuickUnitTests;
+ instance := TQuickUnitTests.Create(logger);
+ try
+ instance.Execute;
+ finally
+ instance.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.Execute;
+ {$IFDEF Win64}
+ UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
+ HashSetTest;
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup);
+ FLogger.StartTestGroup( aGroup, aTest);
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string);
+ FLogger.Expect( aTestResult, aTestInfo);
+{$IFDEF Win64}
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64;
+var a,b : Int64;
+ a := 1;
+ b := 2;
+ Thrift.Utils.InterlockedExchangeAdd64( a,b);
+ Expect( a = 3, 'InterlockedExchangeAdd64');
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.JSONProtocolReadWriteTest;
+// Tests only then read/write procedures of the JSON protocol
+// All tests succeed, if we can read what we wrote before
+// Note that passing this test does not imply, that our JSON is really compatible to what
+// other clients or servers expect as the real JSON. This is beyond the scope of this test.
+var prot : IProtocol;
+ stm : TStringStream;
+ list : TThriftList;
+ config : IThriftConfiguration;
+ binary, binRead, emptyBinary : TBytes;
+ i,iErr : Integer;
+ TEST_SHORT = ShortInt( $FE);
+ TEST_SMALL = SmallInt( $FEDC);
+ TEST_LONG = LongInt( $FEDCBA98);
+ TEST_I64 = Int64( $FEDCBA9876543210);
+ TEST_DOUBLE = -1.234e-56;
+ TEST_STRING = 'abc-'#$00E4#$00f6#$00fc; // german umlauts (en-us: "funny chars")
+ // Test THRIFT-2336 and THRIFT-3404 with U+1D11E (G Clef symbol) and 'Русское Название';
+ G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT = #$1d11e' '#$0420#$0443#$0441#$0441#$043a#$043e#$0435' '#$041d#$0430#$0437#$0432#$0430#$043d#$0438#$0435;
+ G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON = '"\ud834\udd1e \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u041d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"';
+ // test both possible solidus encodings
+ SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA = '"one/two\/three"';
+ SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED = 'one/two/three';
+ stm := TStringStream.Create;
+ try
+ FLogger.StartTestGroup( 'JsonProtocolTest', test_Unknown);
+ config := TThriftConfigurationImpl.Create;
+ // prepare binary data
+ binary := PrepareBinaryData( FALSE, TTestSize.Normal);
+ SetLength( emptyBinary, 0); // empty binary data block
+ // output setup
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config));
+ // write
+ Init( list, TType.String_, 9);
+ prot.WriteListBegin( list);
+ prot.WriteBool( TRUE);
+ prot.WriteBool( FALSE);
+ prot.WriteByte( TEST_SHORT);
+ prot.WriteI16( TEST_SMALL);
+ prot.WriteI32( TEST_LONG);
+ prot.WriteI64( TEST_I64);
+ prot.WriteDouble( TEST_DOUBLE);
+ prot.WriteString( TEST_STRING);
+ prot.WriteBinary( binary);
+ prot.WriteString( ''); // empty string
+ prot.WriteBinary( emptyBinary); // empty binary data block
+ prot.WriteListEnd;
+ // input setup
+ Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position/length after write');
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
+ // read and compare
+ list := prot.ReadListBegin;
+ Expect( list.ElementType = TType.String_, 'list element type');
+ Expect( list.Count = 9, 'list element count');
+ Expect( prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: TRUE');
+ Expect( not prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: FALSE');
+ Expect( prot.ReadByte = TEST_SHORT, 'WriteByte/ReadByte');
+ Expect( prot.ReadI16 = TEST_SMALL, 'WriteI16/ReadI16');
+ Expect( prot.ReadI32 = TEST_LONG, 'WriteI32/ReadI32');
+ Expect( prot.ReadI64 = TEST_I64, 'WriteI64/ReadI64');
+ Expect( abs(prot.ReadDouble-TEST_DOUBLE) < abs(DELTA_DOUBLE), 'WriteDouble/ReadDouble');
+ Expect( prot.ReadString = TEST_STRING, 'WriteString/ReadString');
+ binRead := prot.ReadBinary;
+ Expect( Length(prot.ReadString) = 0, 'WriteString/ReadString (empty string)');
+ Expect( Length(prot.ReadBinary) = 0, 'empty WriteBinary/ReadBinary (empty data block)');
+ prot.ReadListEnd;
+ // test binary data
+ Expect( Length(binary) = Length(binRead), 'Binary data length check');
+ iErr := -1;
+ for i := Low(binary) to High(binary) do begin
+ if binary[i] <> binRead[i] then begin
+ iErr := i;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if iErr < 0
+ then Expect( TRUE, 'Binary data check ('+IntToStr(Length(binary))+' Bytes)')
+ else Expect( FALSE, 'Binary data check at offset '+IntToStr(iErr));
+ Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position after read');
+ // Solidus can be encoded in two ways. Make sure we can read both
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ stm.Size := 0;
+ stm.WriteString(SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA);
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
+ Expect( prot.ReadString = SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED, 'Solidus encoding');
+ // Widechars should work too. Do they?
+ // After writing, we ensure that we are able to read it back
+ // We can't assume hex-encoding, since (nearly) any Unicode char is valid JSON
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ stm.Size := 0;
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config));
+ prot.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT);
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
+ FLogger.Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Writing JSON with chars > 8 bit');
+ // Widechars should work with hex-encoding too. Do they?
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ stm.Size := 0;
+ stm.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON);
+ stm.Position := 0;
+ prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create(
+ TStreamTransportImpl.Create(
+ TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config));
+ FLogger.Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Reading JSON with chars > 8 bit');
+ finally
+ stm.Free;
+ prot := nil; //-> Release
+ FLogger.StartTestGroup( '', test_Unknown); // no more tests here
+ end;
+procedure TQuickUnitTests.HashSetTest;
+var container : IThriftHashSet<Integer>;
+ testdata : array of Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ TEST_COUNT = 4096;
+ StartTestGroup( 'IThriftHashSet<T> implementation', test_Containers);
+ // prepare test data
+ SetLength( testdata, 5);
+ testdata[0] := -2;
+ testdata[1] := 0;
+ testdata[2] := 42;
+ testdata[3] := MaxInt;
+ testdata[4] := Low(Integer);
+ // first insert
+ container := TThriftHashSetImpl<Integer>.Create;
+ for i in testdata do begin
+ Expect( container.Add( i), 'add first '+IntToStr(i));
+ Expect( container.Contains( i), 'contains '+IntToStr(i));
+ end;
+ Expect( container.Count = Length(testdata), 'container size');
+ // insert again
+ for i in testdata do begin
+ Expect( not container.Add( i), 'add second '+IntToStr(i));
+ Expect( container.Contains( i), 'contains '+IntToStr(i));
+ end;
+ Expect( container.Count = Length(testdata), 'container size');
+ // remove
+ for i in testdata do begin
+ Expect( container.Remove( i), 'first remove '+IntToStr(i));
+ Expect( not container.Contains( i), 'not contains '+IntToStr(i));
+ end;
+ Expect( container.Count = 0, 'container size');
+ // remove again
+ for i in testdata do begin
+ Expect( not container.Remove( i), 'second remove '+IntToStr(i));
+ Expect( not container.Contains( i), 'not contains '+IntToStr(i));
+ end;
+ Expect( container.Count = 0, 'container size');
+ // append and clear
+ for i := 0 to TEST_COUNT-1 do begin
+ container.Add(-i);
+ container.Add(+i);
+ end;
+ Expect( container.Count = 2*TEST_COUNT-1, 'container size check');
+ Expect( not container.Contains( -TEST_COUNT), 'element not contained');
+ Expect( not container.Contains( TEST_COUNT), 'element not contained');
+ container.Clear;
+ Expect( container.Count = 0, 'count=0 after clear');
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/server/TestServer.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/server/TestServer.pas
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestServerEvents.pas b/lib/delphi/test/testsuite/server/TestServerEvents.pas
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/delphi/test/TestServerEvents.pas
rename to lib/delphi/test/testsuite/server/TestServerEvents.pas