THRIFT-3433 Doubles aren't interpreted correctly
Client: Haskell
Patch: Nobuaki Sukegawa

This closes #736
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
index ea58642..31e48b5 100644
--- a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     , versionMask
     , version1
     , bsToDouble
+    , bsToDoubleLE
     ) where
 import Control.Exception
@@ -119,18 +120,22 @@
 -- therefore the behavior of this function varies based on whether the local
 -- machine is big endian or little endian.
 bsToDouble :: BS.ByteString -> Double
-bsToDouble bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBs
-  where
+bsToDoubleLE :: BS.ByteString -> Double
-    castBs chrPtr = do
-      w <- peek (castPtr chrPtr)
-      poke (castPtr chrPtr) (byteSwap w)
-      peek (castPtr chrPtr)
+bsToDouble bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBsSwapped
+bsToDoubleLE bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBs
-    castBs = peek . castPtr
+bsToDouble bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBs
+bsToDoubleLE bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeUseAsCString bs castBsSwapped
+castBsSwapped chrPtr = do
+  w <- peek (castPtr chrPtr)
+  poke (castPtr chrPtr) (byteSwap w)
+  peek (castPtr chrPtr)
+castBs = peek . castPtr
 -- | Swap endianness of a 64-bit word
 byteSwap :: Word64 -> Word64
 byteSwap w = (w `shiftL` 56 .&. 0xFF00000000000000) .|.
@@ -141,4 +146,3 @@
              (w `shiftR` 24 .&. 0x0000000000FF0000) .|.
              (w `shiftR` 40 .&. 0x000000000000FF00) .|.
              (w `shiftR` 56 .&. 0x00000000000000FF)