Thrift-1366: Delphi generator, lirbrary and unit test.
Client: delphi
Patch: Kenjiro Fukumitsu

Adding delphi XE generator, lib and unit tests.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.pas b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa6008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Protocol.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ *)




+unit Thrift.Protocol;





+  Classes,

+  SysUtils,

+  Contnrs,

+  Thrift.Stream,

+  Thrift.Collections,

+  Thrift.Transport;




+  TType = (

+    Stop = 0,

+    Void = 1,

+    Bool_ = 2,

+    Byte_ = 3,

+    Double_ = 4,

+    I16 = 6,

+    I32 = 8,

+    I64 = 10,

+    String_ = 11,

+    Struct = 12,

+    Map = 13,

+    Set_ = 14,

+    List = 15

+  );


+  TMessageType = (

+    Call = 1,

+    Reply = 2,

+    Exception = 3,

+    Oneway = 4

+  );


+  IProtocol = interface;

+  IStruct = interface;


+  IProtocolFactory = interface

+    ['{7CD64A10-4E9F-4E99-93BF-708A31F4A67B}']

+    function GetProtocol( trans: ITransport): IProtocol;

+  end;


+  TThriftStringBuilder = class( TStringBuilder)

+  public

+    function Append(const Value: TBytes): TStringBuilder; overload;

+    function Append(const Value: IThriftContainer): TStringBuilder; overload;

+  end;


+  TProtocolException = class( Exception )

+  public

+    const

+      UNKNOWN : Integer = 0;

+      INVALID_DATA : Integer = 1;

+      NEGATIVE_SIZE : Integer = 2;

+      SIZE_LIMIT : Integer = 3;

+      BAD_VERSION : Integer = 4;

+      NOT_IMPLEMENTED : Integer = 5;

+  protected

+    FType : Integer;

+  public

+    constructor Create; overload;

+    constructor Create( type_: Integer ); overload;

+    constructor Create( type_: Integer; const msg: string); overload;

+  end;


+  IMap = interface

+    ['{30531D97-7E06-4233-B800-C3F53CCD23E7}']

+    function GetKeyType: TType;

+    procedure SetKeyType( Value: TType);

+    function GetValueType: TType;

+    procedure SetValueType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+    property KeyType: TType read GetKeyType write SetKeyType;

+    property ValueType: TType read GetValueType write SetValueType;

+    property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;

+  end;


+  TMapImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IMap)

+  private

+    FValueType: TType;

+    FKeyType: TType;

+    FCount: Integer;

+  protected

+    function GetKeyType: TType;

+    procedure SetKeyType( Value: TType);

+    function GetValueType: TType;

+    procedure SetValueType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+  public

+    constructor Create( AValueType: TType; AKeyType: TType; ACount: Integer); overload;

+    constructor Create; overload;

+  end;


+  IList = interface

+    ['{6763E1EA-A934-4472-904F-0083980B9B87}']

+    function GetElementType: TType;

+    procedure SetElementType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+    property ElementType: TType read GetElementType write SetElementType;

+    property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;

+  end;


+  TListImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IList)

+  private

+    FElementType: TType;

+    FCount : Integer;

+  protected

+    function GetElementType: TType;

+    procedure SetElementType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+  public

+    constructor Create( AElementType: TType; ACount: Integer); overload;

+    constructor Create; overload;

+  end;


+  ISet = interface

+    ['{A8671700-7514-4C1E-8A05-62786872005F}']

+    function GetElementType: TType;

+    procedure SetElementType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+    property ElementType: TType read GetElementType write SetElementType;

+    property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount;

+  end;


+  TSetImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, ISet)

+  private

+    FCount: Integer;

+    FElementType: TType;

+  protected

+    function GetElementType: TType;

+    procedure SetElementType( Value: TType);

+    function GetCount: Integer;

+    procedure SetCount( Value: Integer);

+  public

+    constructor Create( AElementType: TType; ACount: Integer); overload;

+    constructor Create; overload;

+  end;


+  IMessage = interface

+    ['{9E368B4A-B1FA-43E7-8CF5-56C66D256CA7}']

+    function GetName: string;

+    procedure SetName( const Value: string);

+    function GetType: TMessageType;

+    procedure SetType( Value: TMessageType);

+    function GetSeqID: Integer;

+    procedure SetSeqID( Value: Integer);

+    property Name: string read GetName write SetName;

+    property Type_: TMessageType read GetType write SetType;

+    property SeqID: Integer read GetSeqID write SetSeqID;

+  end;


+  TMessageImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IMessage )

+  private

+    FName: string;

+    FMessageType: TMessageType;

+    FSeqID: Integer;

+  protected

+    function GetName: string;

+    procedure SetName( const Value: string);

+    function GetType: TMessageType;

+    procedure SetType( Value: TMessageType);

+    function GetSeqID: Integer;

+    procedure SetSeqID( Value: Integer);

+  public

+    property Name: string read FName write FName;

+    property Type_: TMessageType read FMessageType write FMessageType;

+    property SeqID: Integer read FSeqID write FSeqID;

+    constructor Create( AName: string; AMessageType: TMessageType; ASeqID: Integer); overload;

+    constructor Create; overload;

+  end;


+  IField = interface

+    ['{F0D43BE5-7883-442E-83FF-0580CC632B72}']

+    function GetName: string;

+    procedure SetName( const Value: string);

+    function GetType: TType;

+    procedure SetType( Value: TType);

+    function GetId: SmallInt;

+    procedure SetId( Value: SmallInt);

+    property Name: string read GetName write SetName;

+    property Type_: TType read GetType write SetType;

+    property Id: SmallInt read GetId write SetId;

+  end;


+  TFieldImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IField)

+  private

+    FName : string;

+    FType : TType;

+    FId   : SmallInt;

+  protected

+    function GetName: string;

+    procedure SetName( const Value: string);

+    function GetType: TType;

+    procedure SetType( Value: TType);

+    function GetId: SmallInt;

+    procedure SetId( Value: SmallInt);

+  public

+    constructor Create( const AName: string; const AType: TType; AId: SmallInt); overload;

+    constructor Create; overload;

+  end;


+  TProtocolUtil = class

+  public

+    class procedure Skip( prot: IProtocol; type_: TType);

+  end;


+  IProtocol = interface

+    ['{FD95C151-1527-4C96-8134-B902BFC4B4FC}']

+    function GetTransport: ITransport;

+    procedure WriteMessageBegin( message: IMessage);

+    procedure WriteMessageEnd;

+    procedure WriteStructBegin(struc: IStruct);

+    procedure WriteStructEnd;

+    procedure WriteFieldBegin(field: IField);

+    procedure WriteFieldEnd;

+    procedure WriteFieldStop;

+    procedure WriteMapBegin(map: IMap);

+    procedure WriteMapEnd;

+    procedure WriteListBegin( list: IList);

+    procedure WriteListEnd();

+    procedure WriteSetBegin( set_: ISet );

+    procedure WriteSetEnd();

+    procedure WriteBool( b: Boolean);

+    procedure WriteByte( b: ShortInt);

+    procedure WriteI16( i16: SmallInt);

+    procedure WriteI32( i32: Integer);

+    procedure WriteI64( i64: Int64);

+    procedure WriteDouble( d: Double);

+    procedure WriteString( const s: string );

+    procedure WriteAnsiString( const s: AnsiString);

+    procedure WriteBinary( const b: TBytes);


+    function ReadMessageBegin: IMessage;

+    procedure ReadMessageEnd();

+    function ReadStructBegin: IStruct;

+    procedure ReadStructEnd;

+    function ReadFieldBegin: IField;

+    procedure ReadFieldEnd();

+    function ReadMapBegin: IMap;

+    procedure ReadMapEnd();

+    function ReadListBegin: IList;

+    procedure ReadListEnd();

+    function ReadSetBegin: ISet;

+    procedure ReadSetEnd();

+    function ReadBool: Boolean;

+    function ReadByte: ShortInt;

+    function ReadI16: SmallInt;

+    function ReadI32: Integer;

+    function ReadI64: Int64;

+    function ReadDouble:Double;

+    function ReadBinary: TBytes;

+    function ReadString: string;

+    function ReadAnsiString: AnsiString;

+    property Transport: ITransport read GetTransport;

+  end;


+  TProtocolImpl = class abstract( TInterfacedObject, IProtocol)

+  protected

+    FTrans : ITransport;

+    function GetTransport: ITransport;

+  public

+    procedure WriteMessageBegin( message: IMessage); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteMessageEnd; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteStructBegin(struc: IStruct); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteStructEnd; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteFieldBegin(field: IField); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteFieldEnd; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteFieldStop; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteMapBegin(map: IMap); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteMapEnd; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteListBegin( list: IList); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteListEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteSetBegin( set_: ISet ); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteSetEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteBool( b: Boolean); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteByte( b: ShortInt); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteI16( i16: SmallInt); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteI32( i32: Integer); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteI64( i64: Int64); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteDouble( d: Double); virtual; abstract;

+    procedure WriteString( const s: string ); virtual;

+    procedure WriteAnsiString( const s: AnsiString); virtual;

+    procedure WriteBinary( const b: TBytes); virtual; abstract;


+    function ReadMessageBegin: IMessage; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadMessageEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadStructBegin: IStruct; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadStructEnd; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadFieldBegin: IField; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadFieldEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadMapBegin: IMap; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadMapEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadListBegin: IList; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadListEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadSetBegin: ISet; virtual; abstract;

+    procedure ReadSetEnd(); virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadBool: Boolean; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadByte: ShortInt; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadI16: SmallInt; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadI32: Integer; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadI64: Int64; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadDouble:Double; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadBinary: TBytes; virtual; abstract;

+    function ReadString: string; virtual;

+    function ReadAnsiString: AnsiString; virtual;


+    property Transport: ITransport read GetTransport;


+    constructor Create( trans: ITransport );

+  end;


+  IBase = interface

+    ['{08D9BAA8-5EAA-410F-B50B-AC2E6E5E4155}']

+    function ToString: string;

+    procedure Read( iprot: IProtocol);

+    procedure Write( iprot: IProtocol);

+  end;


+  IStruct = interface

+    ['{5DCE39AA-C916-4BC7-A79B-96A0C36B2220}']

+    procedure SetName(const Value: string);

+    function GetName: string;

+    property Name: string read GetName write SetName;

+  end;


+  TStructImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IStruct )

+  private

+    FName: string;

+  protected

+    function GetName: string;

+    procedure SetName(const Value: string);

+  public

+    constructor Create( const AName: string);

+  end;


+  TBinaryProtocolImpl = class( TProtocolImpl )

+  protected

+    const

+      VERSION_MASK : Cardinal = $ffff0000;

+      VERSION_1 : Cardinal = $80010000;

+  protected

+    FStrictRead : Boolean;

+    FStrictWrite : Boolean;

+    FReadLength : Integer;

+    FCheckReadLength : Boolean;


+  private

+    function ReadAll( var buf: TBytes; off: Integer; len: Integer ): Integer;

+    function ReadStringBody( size: Integer): string;

+    procedure CheckReadLength( len: Integer );

+  public


+    type

+      TFactory = class( TInterfacedObject, IProtocolFactory)

+      protected

+        FStrictRead : Boolean;

+        FStrictWrite : Boolean;

+      public

+        function GetProtocol(trans: ITransport): IProtocol;

+        constructor Create( AStrictRead, AStrictWrite: Boolean ); overload;

+        constructor Create; overload;

+      end;


+    constructor Create( trans: ITransport); overload;

+    constructor Create( trans: ITransport; strictRead: Boolean; strictWrite: Boolean); overload;


+    procedure WriteMessageBegin( message: IMessage); override;

+    procedure WriteMessageEnd; override;

+    procedure WriteStructBegin(struc: IStruct); override;

+    procedure WriteStructEnd; override;

+    procedure WriteFieldBegin(field: IField); override;

+    procedure WriteFieldEnd; override;

+    procedure WriteFieldStop; override;

+    procedure WriteMapBegin(map: IMap); override;

+    procedure WriteMapEnd; override;

+    procedure WriteListBegin( list: IList); override;

+    procedure WriteListEnd(); override;

+    procedure WriteSetBegin( set_: ISet ); override;

+    procedure WriteSetEnd(); override;

+    procedure WriteBool( b: Boolean); override;

+    procedure WriteByte( b: ShortInt); override;

+    procedure WriteI16( i16: SmallInt); override;

+    procedure WriteI32( i32: Integer); override;

+    procedure WriteI64( i64: Int64); override;

+    procedure WriteDouble( d: Double); override;

+    procedure WriteBinary( const b: TBytes); override;


+    function ReadMessageBegin: IMessage; override;

+    procedure ReadMessageEnd(); override;

+    function ReadStructBegin: IStruct; override;

+    procedure ReadStructEnd; override;

+    function ReadFieldBegin: IField; override;

+    procedure ReadFieldEnd(); override;

+    function ReadMapBegin: IMap; override;

+    procedure ReadMapEnd(); override;

+    function ReadListBegin: IList; override;

+    procedure ReadListEnd(); override;

+    function ReadSetBegin: ISet; override;

+    procedure ReadSetEnd(); override;

+    function ReadBool: Boolean; override;

+    function ReadByte: ShortInt; override;

+    function ReadI16: SmallInt; override;

+    function ReadI32: Integer; override;

+    function ReadI64: Int64; override;

+    function ReadDouble:Double; override;

+    function ReadBinary: TBytes; override;


+    procedure SetReadLength( readLength: Integer );

+  end;




+function ConvertInt64ToDouble( n: Int64): Double;


+  ASSERT( SizeOf(n) = SizeOf(Result));

+  System.Move( n, Result, SizeOf(Result));



+function ConvertDoubleToInt64( d: Double): Int64;


+  ASSERT( SizeOf(d) = SizeOf(Result));

+  System.Move( d, Result, SizeOf(Result));



+{ TFieldImpl }


+constructor TFieldImpl.Create(const AName: string; const AType: TType;

+  AId: SmallInt);


+  FName := AName;

+  FType := AType;

+  FId := AId;



+constructor TFieldImpl.Create;


+  FName := '';

+  FType := Low(TType);

+  FId   := 0;



+function TFieldImpl.GetId: SmallInt;


+  Result := FId;



+function TFieldImpl.GetName: string;


+  Result := FName;



+function TFieldImpl.GetType: TType;


+  Result := FType;



+procedure TFieldImpl.SetId(Value: SmallInt);


+  FId := Value;



+procedure TFieldImpl.SetName(const Value: string);


+  FName := Value;



+procedure TFieldImpl.SetType(Value: TType);


+  FType := Value;



+{ TProtocolImpl }


+constructor TProtocolImpl.Create(trans: ITransport);


+  inherited Create;

+  FTrans := trans;



+function TProtocolImpl.GetTransport: ITransport;


+  Result := FTrans;



+function TProtocolImpl.ReadAnsiString: AnsiString;


+  b : TBytes;

+  len : Integer;


+  Result := '';

+  b := ReadBinary;

+  len := Length( b );

+  if len > 0 then

+  begin

+    SetLength( Result, len);

+    System.Move( b[0], Pointer(Result)^, len );

+  end;



+function TProtocolImpl.ReadString: string;


+  Result := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString( ReadBinary );



+procedure TProtocolImpl.WriteAnsiString(const s: AnsiString);


+  b : TBytes;

+  len : Integer;


+  len := Length(s);

+  SetLength( b, len);

+  if len > 0 then

+  begin

+    System.Move( Pointer(s)^, b[0], len );

+  end;

+  WriteBinary( b );



+procedure TProtocolImpl.WriteString(const s: string);


+  b : TBytes;


+  b := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

+  WriteBinary( b );



+{ TProtocolUtil }


+class procedure TProtocolUtil.Skip( prot: IProtocol; type_: TType);





+{ TStructImpl }


+constructor TStructImpl.Create(const AName: string);


+  inherited Create;

+  FName := AName;



+function TStructImpl.GetName: string;


+  Result := FName;



+procedure TStructImpl.SetName(const Value: string);


+  FName := Value;



+{ TMapImpl }


+constructor TMapImpl.Create(AValueType, AKeyType: TType; ACount: Integer);


+  inherited Create;

+  FValueType := AValueType;

+  FKeyType := AKeyType;

+  FCount := ACount;



+constructor TMapImpl.Create;





+function TMapImpl.GetCount: Integer;


+  Result := FCount;



+function TMapImpl.GetKeyType: TType;


+  Result := FKeyType;



+function TMapImpl.GetValueType: TType;


+  Result := FValueType;



+procedure TMapImpl.SetCount(Value: Integer);


+  FCount := Value;



+procedure TMapImpl.SetKeyType(Value: TType);


+  FKeyType := Value;



+procedure TMapImpl.SetValueType(Value: TType);


+  FValueType := Value;



+{ IMessage }


+constructor TMessageImpl.Create(AName: string; AMessageType: TMessageType;

+  ASeqID: Integer);


+  inherited Create;

+  FName := AName;

+  FMessageType := AMessageType;

+  FSeqID := ASeqID;



+constructor TMessageImpl.Create;


+  inherited;



+function TMessageImpl.GetName: string;


+  Result := FName;



+function TMessageImpl.GetSeqID: Integer;


+  Result := FSeqID;



+function TMessageImpl.GetType: TMessageType;


+  Result := FMessageType;



+procedure TMessageImpl.SetName(const Value: string);


+  FName := Value;



+procedure TMessageImpl.SetSeqID(Value: Integer);


+  FSeqID := Value;



+procedure TMessageImpl.SetType(Value: TMessageType);


+  FMessageType := Value;



+{ ISet }


+constructor TSetImpl.Create( AElementType: TType; ACount: Integer);


+  inherited Create;

+  FCount := ACount;

+  FElementType := AElementType;



+constructor TSetImpl.Create;





+function TSetImpl.GetCount: Integer;


+  Result := FCount;



+function TSetImpl.GetElementType: TType;


+  Result := FElementType;



+procedure TSetImpl.SetCount(Value: Integer);


+  FCount := Value;



+procedure TSetImpl.SetElementType(Value: TType);


+  FElementType := Value;



+{ IList }


+constructor TListImpl.Create( AElementType: TType; ACount: Integer);


+  inherited Create;

+  FCount := ACount;

+  FElementType := AElementType;



+constructor TListImpl.Create;





+function TListImpl.GetCount: Integer;


+  Result := FCount;



+function TListImpl.GetElementType: TType;


+  Result := FElementType;



+procedure TListImpl.SetCount(Value: Integer);


+  FCount := Value;



+procedure TListImpl.SetElementType(Value: TType);


+  FElementType := Value;



+{ TBinaryProtocolImpl }


+constructor TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create( trans: ITransport);


+  Create( trans, False, True);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.CheckReadLength(len: Integer);


+  if FCheckReadLength then

+  begin

+    Dec( FReadLength, len);

+    if FReadLength < 0 then

+    begin

+      raise Exception.Create( 'Message length exceeded: ' + IntToStr( len ) );

+    end;

+  end;



+constructor TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create(trans: ITransport; strictRead,

+  strictWrite: Boolean);


+  inherited Create( trans );

+  FStrictRead := strictRead;

+  FStrictWrite := strictWrite;



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadAll( var buf: TBytes; off,

+  len: Integer): Integer;


+  CheckReadLength( len );

+  Result := FTrans.ReadAll( buf, off, len );



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadBinary: TBytes;


+  size : Integer;

+  buf : TBytes;


+  size := ReadI32;

+  CheckReadLength( size );

+  SetLength( buf, size );

+  FTrans.ReadAll( buf, 0, size);

+  Result := buf;



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadBool: Boolean;


+  Result := ReadByte = 1;



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadByte: ShortInt;


+  bin : TBytes;


+  SetLength( bin, 1);

+  ReadAll( bin, 0, 1 );

+  Result := ShortInt( bin[0]);



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadDouble: Double;


+  Result := ConvertInt64ToDouble( ReadI64 )



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadFieldBegin: IField;


+  field : IField;


+  field := TFieldImpl.Create;

+  field.Type_ := TType( ReadByte);

+  if ( field.Type_ <> TType.Stop ) then

+  begin

+    field.Id := ReadI16;

+  end;

+  Result := field;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadFieldEnd;





+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadI16: SmallInt;


+  i16in : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i16in, 2 );

+  ReadAll( i16in, 0, 2);

+  Result := SmallInt(((i16in[0] and $FF) shl 8) or (i16in[1] and $FF));



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadI32: Integer;


+  i32in : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i32in, 4 );

+  ReadAll( i32in, 0, 4);


+  Result := Integer(

+    ((i32in[0] and $FF) shl 24) or

+    ((i32in[1] and $FF) shl 16) or

+    ((i32in[2] and $FF) shl 8) or

+     (i32in[3] and $FF));




+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadI64: Int64;


+  i64in : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i64in, 8);

+  ReadAll( i64in, 0, 8);

+  Result :=

+    (Int64( i64in[0] and $FF) shl 56) or

+    (Int64( i64in[1] and $FF) shl 48) or

+    (Int64( i64in[2] and $FF) shl 40) or

+    (Int64( i64in[3] and $FF) shl 32) or

+    (Int64( i64in[4] and $FF) shl 24) or

+    (Int64( i64in[5] and $FF) shl 16) or

+    (Int64( i64in[6] and $FF) shl 8) or

+    (Int64( i64in[7] and $FF));



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadListBegin: IList;


+  list : IList;


+  list := TListImpl.Create;

+  list.ElementType := TType( ReadByte );

+  list.Count := ReadI32;

+  Result := list;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadListEnd;





+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadMapBegin: IMap;


+  map : IMap;


+  map := TMapImpl.Create;

+  map.KeyType := TType( ReadByte );

+  map.ValueType := TType( ReadByte );

+  map.Count := ReadI32;

+  Result := map;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadMapEnd;





+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadMessageBegin: IMessage;


+  size : Integer;

+  version : Integer;

+  message : IMessage;


+  message := TMessageImpl.Create;

+  size := ReadI32;

+  if (size < 0) then

+  begin

+    version := size and Integer( VERSION_MASK);

+    if ( version <> Integer( VERSION_1)) then

+    begin

+      raise TProtocolException.Create(TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, 'Bad version in ReadMessageBegin: ' + IntToStr(version) );

+    end;

+    message.Type_ := TMessageType( size and $000000ff);

+    message.Name := ReadString;

+    message.SeqID := ReadI32;

+  end else

+  begin

+    if FStrictRead then

+    begin

+      raise TProtocolException.Create( TProtocolException.BAD_VERSION, 'Missing version in readMessageBegin, old client?' );

+    end;

+    message.Name := ReadStringBody( size );

+    message.Type_ := TMessageType( ReadByte );

+    message.SeqID := ReadI32;

+  end;

+  Result := message;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadMessageEnd;


+  inherited;




+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadSetBegin: ISet;


+  set_ : ISet;


+  set_ := TSetImpl.Create;

+  set_.ElementType := TType( ReadByte );

+  set_.Count := ReadI32;

+  Result := set_;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadSetEnd;





+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadStringBody( size: Integer): string;


+  buf : TBytes;


+  CheckReadLength( size );

+  SetLength( buf, size );

+  FTrans.ReadAll( buf, 0, size );

+  Result := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString( buf);



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadStructBegin: IStruct;


+  Result := TStructImpl.Create('');



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.ReadStructEnd;


+  inherited;




+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.SetReadLength(readLength: Integer);


+  FReadLength := readLength;

+  FCheckReadLength := True;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteBinary( const b: TBytes);


+  WriteI32( Length(b));

+  FTrans.Write(b, 0, Length( b));



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteBool(b: Boolean);


+  if b then

+  begin

+    WriteByte( 1 );

+  end else

+  begin

+    WriteByte( 0 );

+  end;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteByte(b: ShortInt);


+  a : TBytes;


+  SetLength( a, 1);

+  a[0] := Byte( b );

+  FTrans.Write( a, 0, 1 );



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteDouble(d: Double);


+  WriteI64(ConvertDoubleToInt64(d));



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteFieldBegin(field: IField);


+  WriteByte(ShortInt(field.Type_));

+  WriteI16(field.ID);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteFieldEnd;





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteFieldStop;


+  WriteByte(ShortInt(TType.Stop));



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteI16(i16: SmallInt);


+  i16out : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i16out, 2);

+  i16out[0] := Byte($FF and (i16 shr 8));

+  i16out[1] := Byte($FF and i16);

+  FTrans.Write( i16out );



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteI32(i32: Integer);


+  i32out : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i32out, 4);

+  i32out[0] := Byte($FF and (i32 shr 24));

+  i32out[1] := Byte($FF and (i32 shr 16));

+  i32out[2] := Byte($FF and (i32 shr 8));

+  i32out[3] := Byte($FF and i32);

+  FTrans.Write( i32out, 0, 4);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteI64(i64: Int64);


+  i64out : TBytes;


+  SetLength( i64out, 8);

+  i64out[0] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 56));

+  i64out[1] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 48));

+  i64out[2] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 40));

+  i64out[3] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 32));

+  i64out[4] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 24));

+  i64out[5] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 16));

+  i64out[6] := Byte($FF and (i64 shr 8));

+  i64out[7] := Byte($FF and i64);

+  FTrans.Write( i64out, 0, 8);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteListBegin(list: IList);


+  WriteByte(ShortInt(list.ElementType));

+  WriteI32(list.Count);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteListEnd;





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteMapBegin(map: IMap);


+  WriteByte(ShortInt(map.KeyType));

+  WriteByte(ShortInt(map.ValueType));

+  WriteI32(map.Count);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteMapEnd;





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteMessageBegin( message: IMessage);


+  version : Cardinal;


+  if FStrictWrite then

+  begin

+    version := VERSION_1 or Cardinal( message.Type_);

+    WriteI32( Integer( version) );

+    WriteString( message.Name);

+  	WriteI32(message.SeqID);

+  end else

+  begin

+    WriteString(message.Name);

+    WriteByte(ShortInt(message.Type_));

+    WriteI32(message.SeqID);

+  end;



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteMessageEnd;





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteSetBegin(set_: ISet);


+  WriteByte(ShortInt(set_.ElementType));

+  WriteI32(set_.Count);



+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteSetEnd;





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteStructBegin(struc: IStruct);





+procedure TBinaryProtocolImpl.WriteStructEnd;





+{ TProtocolException }


+constructor TProtocolException.Create;


+  inherited Create('');

+  FType := UNKNOWN;



+constructor TProtocolException.Create(type_: Integer);


+  inherited Create('');

+  FType := type_;



+constructor TProtocolException.Create(type_: Integer; const msg: string);


+  inherited Create( msg );

+  FType := type_;



+{ TThriftStringBuilder }


+function TThriftStringBuilder.Append(const Value: TBytes): TStringBuilder;


+  Result := Append( string( RawByteString(Value)) );



+function TThriftStringBuilder.Append(

+  const Value: IThriftContainer): TStringBuilder;


+  Result := Append( Value.ToString );



+{ TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory }


+constructor TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create(AStrictRead, AStrictWrite: Boolean);


+  FStrictRead := AStrictRead;

+  FStrictWrite := AStrictWrite;



+constructor TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create;


+  Create( False, True )



+function TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.GetProtocol(trans: ITransport): IProtocol;


+  Result := TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create( trans );



