Generator for alternative erl bindings, as well as a few more changes to lib code.
- Exceptions don't work yet, but it looks like everything else does.
- Seems to work fine on our pricing service
- Code could need some cleanup
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/ b/compiler/cpp/
index d7c7085..33d61a7 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
src/generate/ \
src/generate/ \
src/generate/ \
+ src/generate/ \
src/globals.h \
src/main.h \
src/platform.h \
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
src/generate/t_oop_generator.h \
src/generate/t_php_generator.h \
src/generate/t_xsd_generator.h \
- src/generate/t_erl_generator.h
+ src/generate/t_erl_generator.h \
+ src/generate/t_alterl_generator.h
thrift_SOURCES += src/generate/
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/generate/ b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25a45f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
+// Distributed under the Thrift Software License
+// See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "t_alterl_generator.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * UI for file generation by opening up the necessary file output
+ * streams.
+ *
+ * @param tprogram The program to generate
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::init_generator() {
+ // Make output directory
+ mkdir(get_out_dir().c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+ // setup export lines
+ export_lines_first_ = true;
+ export_types_lines_first_ = true;
+ // types files
+ string f_types_name = get_out_dir()+program_name_+"_types.erl";
+ string f_types_hrl_name = get_out_dir()+program_name_+"_types.hrl";
+ hrl_header(f_types_hrl_file_, program_name_ + "_types");
+ f_types_file_ <<
+ erl_autogen_comment() << endl <<
+ "-module(" << program_name_ << "_types)." << endl <<
+ erl_imports() << endl;
+ f_types_file_ <<
+ "-include(\"" << program_name_ << "_types.hrl\")." << endl <<
+ endl;
+ f_types_hrl_file_ << render_includes() << endl;
+ // consts file
+ string f_consts_name = get_out_dir()+program_name_+"_constants.hrl";
+ f_consts_ <<
+ erl_autogen_comment() << endl <<
+ erl_imports() << endl <<
+ "-include(\"" << program_name_ << "_types.hrl\")." << endl <<
+ endl;
+ * Boilerplate at beginning and end of header files
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::hrl_header(ostream& out, string name) {
+ out << "-ifndef(_" << name << "_included)." << endl <<
+ "-define(_" << name << "_included, yeah)." << endl;
+void t_alterl_generator::hrl_footer(ostream& out, string name) {
+ out << "-endif." << endl;
+ * Renders all the imports necessary for including another Thrift program
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::render_includes() {
+ const vector<t_program*>& includes = program_->get_includes();
+ string result = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < includes.size(); ++i) {
+ result += "-include(\"" + includes[i]->get_name() + "_types.hrl\").\n";
+ }
+ if (includes.size() > 0) {
+ result += "\n";
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Autogen'd comment
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::erl_autogen_comment() {
+ return
+ std::string("%%\n") +
+ "%% Autogenerated by Thrift\n" +
+ "%%\n" +
+ "%%\n";
+ * Prints standard thrift imports
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::erl_imports() {
+ return "";
+ * Closes the type files
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::close_generator() {
+ // Close types file
+ export_types_string("struct_info", 1);
+ f_types_file_ << "-export([" << export_types_lines_.str() << "])." << endl;
+ f_types_file_ << f_types_.str();
+ f_types_file_ << "struct_info('i am a dummy struct') -> undefined." << endl;
+ hrl_footer(f_types_hrl_file_, string("BOGUS"));
+ f_types_file_.close();
+ f_types_hrl_file_.close();
+ f_consts_.close();
+ * Generates a typedef. no op
+ *
+ * @param ttypedef The type definition
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_typedef(t_typedef* ttypedef) {
+ * Generates code for an enumerated type. Done using a class to scope
+ * the values.
+ *
+ * @param tenum The enumeration
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_enum(t_enum* tenum) {
+ vector<t_enum_value*> constants = tenum->get_constants();
+ vector<t_enum_value*>::iterator c_iter;
+ int value = -1;
+ for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) {
+ if ((*c_iter)->has_value()) {
+ value = (*c_iter)->get_value();
+ } else {
+ ++value;
+ }
+ string name = capitalize((*c_iter)->get_name());
+ f_types_hrl_file_ <<
+ indent() << "-define(" << program_name_ << "_" << name << ", " << value << ")."<< endl;
+ }
+ f_types_hrl_file_ << endl;
+ * Generate a constant value
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_const(t_const* tconst) {
+ t_type* type = tconst->get_type();
+ string name = capitalize(tconst->get_name());
+ t_const_value* value = tconst->get_value();
+ f_consts_ << "-define(" << program_name_ << "_" << name << ", " << render_const_value(type, value) << ")." << endl << endl;
+ * Prints the value of a constant with the given type. Note that type checking
+ * is NOT performed in this function as it is always run beforehand using the
+ * validate_types method in
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::render_const_value(t_type* type, t_const_value* value) {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ out << "\"" << value->get_string() << "\"";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL:
+ out << (value->get_integer() > 0 ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I16:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ out << value->get_integer();
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ if (value->get_type() == t_const_value::CV_INTEGER) {
+ out << value->get_integer();
+ } else {
+ out << value->get_double();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "compiler error: no const of base type " + t_base_type::t_base_name(tbase);
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ indent(out) << value->get_integer();
+ } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_xception()) {
+ out << "#" << type->get_name() << "{";
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = ((t_struct*)type)->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ const map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>& val = value->get_map();
+ map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
+ t_type* field_type = NULL;
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ if ((*f_iter)->get_name() == v_iter->first->get_string()) {
+ field_type = (*f_iter)->get_type();
+ }
+ }
+ if (field_type == NULL) {
+ throw "type error: " + type->get_name() + " has no field " + v_iter->first->get_string();
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ out << ",";
+ }
+ out << v_iter->first->get_string();
+ out << " = ";
+ out << render_const_value(field_type, v_iter->second);
+ }
+ indent_down();
+ indent(out) << "}";
+ } else if (type->is_map()) {
+ t_type* ktype = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type();
+ t_type* vtype = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type();
+ const map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>& val = value->get_map();
+ map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
+ bool first = true;
+ out << "dict:from_list([";
+ for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first=false;
+ } else {
+ out << ",";
+ }
+ out << "("
+ << render_const_value(ktype, v_iter->first) << ","
+ << render_const_value(vtype, v_iter->second) << ")";
+ }
+ out << "])";
+ } else if (type->is_set()) {
+ t_type* etype;
+ etype = ((t_set*)type)->get_elem_type();
+ bool first = true;
+ const vector<t_const_value*>& val = value->get_list();
+ vector<t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
+ out << "sets:from_list([";
+ for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first=false;
+ } else {
+ out << ",";
+ }
+ out << "(" << render_const_value(etype, *v_iter) << ",true)";
+ }
+ out << "])";
+ } else if (type->is_list()) {
+ t_type* etype;
+ etype = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
+ out << "[";
+ bool first = true;
+ const vector<t_const_value*>& val = value->get_list();
+ vector<t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
+ for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first=false;
+ } else {
+ out << ",";
+ }
+ out << render_const_value(etype, *v_iter);
+ }
+ out << "]";
+ }
+ return out.str();
+ * Generates a struct
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_struct(t_struct* tstruct) {
+ generate_erl_struct(tstruct, false);
+ * Generates a struct definition for a thrift exception. Basically the same
+ * as a struct but extends the Exception class.
+ *
+ * @param txception The struct definition
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_xception(t_struct* txception) {
+ generate_erl_struct(txception, true);
+ * Generates a struct
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_erl_struct(t_struct* tstruct,
+ bool is_exception) {
+ generate_erl_struct_definition(f_types_, f_types_hrl_file_, tstruct, is_exception);
+ * Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type.
+ *
+ * @param tstruct The struct definition
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_erl_struct_definition(ostream& out,
+ ostream& hrl_out,
+ t_struct* tstruct,
+ bool is_exception,
+ bool is_result)
+ const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
+ indent(out) << "%% struct " << type_name(tstruct) << endl;
+ if (is_exception) {
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ if (members.size() > 0) {
+ indent(out) << "% -record(" << type_name(tstruct) << ", {";
+ indent(hrl_out) << "-record(" << type_name(tstruct) << ", {";
+ bool first = true;
+ for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ out << ", ";
+ hrl_out << ", ";
+ }
+ out << (*m_iter)->get_name();
+ hrl_out << (*m_iter)->get_name();
+ }
+ out << "})." << endl;
+ hrl_out << "})." << endl;
+ } else { // no members; explicit comment
+ indent(out) << "% -record(" << type_name(tstruct) << ", {})." << endl;
+ indent(hrl_out) << "-record(" << type_name(tstruct) << ", {})." << endl;
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ hrl_out << endl;
+ generate_erl_struct_info(out, tstruct);
+ * Generates the read method for a struct
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_erl_struct_info(ostream& out,
+ t_struct* tstruct) {
+ string name = type_name(tstruct);
+ indent(out) << "struct_info('" << name << "') ->" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ out << indent() << generate_type_term(tstruct, true) << ";" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ out << endl;
+ * Generates a thrift service.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service definition
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_service(t_service* tservice) {
+ // somehow this point is reached before the constructor and it's not downcased yet
+ // ...awesome
+ service_name_[0] = tolower(service_name_[0]);
+ string f_service_hrl_name = get_out_dir()+service_name_+"_thrift.hrl";
+ string f_service_name = get_out_dir()+service_name_+"_thrift.erl";
+ hrl_header(f_service_hrl_, service_name_);
+ if (tservice->get_extends() != NULL) {
+ f_service_hrl_ << "-include(\"" <<
+ uncapitalize(tservice->get_extends()->get_name()) << "_thrift.hrl\"). % inherit " << endl;
+ }
+ f_service_hrl_ <<
+ "-include(\"" << program_name_ << "_types.hrl\")." << endl <<
+ endl;
+ // Generate the three main parts of the service (well, two for now in PHP)
+ generate_service_helpers(tservice); // cpiro: New Erlang Order
+ generate_service_interface(tservice);
+ // indent_down();
+ f_service_file_ <<
+ erl_autogen_comment() << endl <<
+ "-module(" << service_name_ << "_thrift)." << endl <<
+ "-behaviour(thrift_service)." << endl << endl <<
+ erl_imports() << endl;
+ f_service_file_ << "-include(\"" << uncapitalize(tservice->get_name()) << "_thrift.hrl\")." << endl << endl;
+ f_service_file_ << "-export([" << export_lines_.str() << "])." << endl << endl;
+ f_service_file_ << f_service_.str();
+ hrl_footer(f_service_hrl_, f_service_name);
+ // Close service file
+ f_service_file_.close();
+ f_service_hrl_.close();
+ * Generates helper functions for a service.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_service_helpers(t_service* tservice) {
+ vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
+ vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
+ // indent(f_service_) <<
+ // "% HELPER FUNCTIONS AND STRUCTURES" << endl << endl;
+ export_string("struct_info", 1);
+ for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ generate_erl_function_helpers(*f_iter);
+ }
+ f_service_ << "struct_info('i am a dummy struct') -> undefined." << endl;
+ * Generates a struct and helpers for a function.
+ *
+ * @param tfunction The function
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_erl_function_helpers(t_function* tfunction) {
+ * Generates a service interface definition.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_service_interface(t_service* tservice) {
+ export_string("function_info", 2);
+ vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
+ vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
+ f_service_ << "%%% interface" << endl;
+ for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "% " << function_signature(*f_iter) << endl;
+ generate_function_info(tservice, *f_iter);
+ }
+ // Dummy function_info so we don't worry about the ;s
+ indent(f_service_) << "function_info(xxx, dummy) -> dummy." << endl;
+ indent(f_service_) << endl;
+ * Generates a function_info(FunctionName, params_type) and
+ * function_info(FunctionName, reply_type)
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::generate_function_info(t_service* tservice,
+ t_function* tfunction) {
+ string name_atom = "'" + tfunction->get_name() + "'";
+ t_struct* xs = tfunction->get_xceptions();
+ t_struct* arg_struct = tfunction->get_arglist();
+ // function_info(Function, params_type):
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "function_info(" << name_atom << ", params_type) ->" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ indent(f_service_) << generate_type_term(arg_struct, true) << ";" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ // function_info(Function, reply_type):
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "function_info(" << name_atom << ", reply_type) ->" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ if (!tfunction->get_returntype()->is_void())
+ indent(f_service_) << generate_type_term(tfunction->get_returntype(), true) << ";" << endl;
+ else
+ indent(f_service_) << "{struct, []}" << ";" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ // function_info(Function, exceptions):
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "function_info(" << name_atom << ", exceptions) ->" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ // TODO(todd) exceptions here are probably broken
+ indent(f_service_) << generate_type_term(xs, false) << ";" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ // function_info(Function, is_async):
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "function_info(" << name_atom << ", is_async) -> ";
+ f_service_ << ((tfunction->is_async()) ? "true" : "false");
+ f_service_ << ";" << endl;
+ * Declares a field, which may include initialization as necessary.
+ *
+ * @param ttype The type
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::declare_field(t_field* tfield) { // TODO
+ string result = "@" + tfield->get_name();
+ t_type* type = get_true_type(tfield->get_type());
+ if (tfield->get_value() != NULL) {
+ result += " = " + render_const_value(type, tfield->get_value());
+ } else {
+ result += " = nil";
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Renders a function signature of the form 'type name(args)'
+ *
+ * @param tfunction Function definition
+ * @return String of rendered function definition
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::function_signature(t_function* tfunction,
+ string prefix) {
+ return
+ prefix + tfunction->get_name() +
+ "(This" + capitalize(argument_list(tfunction->get_arglist())) + ")";
+ * Add a function to the exports list
+ */
+void t_alterl_generator::export_string(string name, int num) {
+ if (export_lines_first_) {
+ export_lines_first_ = false;
+ } else {
+ export_lines_ << ", ";
+ }
+ export_lines_ << name << "/" << num;
+void t_alterl_generator::export_types_function(t_function* tfunction,
+ string prefix) {
+ export_types_string(prefix + tfunction->get_name(),
+ 1 // This
+ + ((tfunction->get_arglist())->get_members()).size()
+ );
+void t_alterl_generator::export_types_string(string name, int num) {
+ if (export_types_lines_first_) {
+ export_types_lines_first_ = false;
+ } else {
+ export_types_lines_ << ", ";
+ }
+ export_types_lines_ << name << "/" << num;
+void t_alterl_generator::export_function(t_function* tfunction,
+ string prefix) {
+ export_string(prefix + tfunction->get_name(),
+ 1 // This
+ + ((tfunction->get_arglist())->get_members()).size()
+ );
+ * Renders a field list
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::argument_list(t_struct* tstruct) {
+ string result = "";
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ result += ", "; // initial comma to compensate for initial This
+ } else {
+ result += ", ";
+ }
+ result += capitalize((*f_iter)->get_name());
+ }
+ return result;
+string t_alterl_generator::type_name(t_type* ttype) {
+ string prefix = "";
+ string name = ttype->get_name();
+ if (ttype->is_struct() || ttype->is_xception() || ttype->is_service()) {
+ name = uncapitalize(ttype->get_name());
+ }
+ return prefix + name;
+ * Converts the parse type to a Erlang "type" (macro for int constants)
+ */
+string t_alterl_generator::type_to_enum(t_type* type) {
+ type = get_true_type(type);
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ return "?tType_STRING";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL:
+ return "?tType_BOOL";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ return "?tType_BYTE";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I16:
+ return "?tType_I16";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ return "?tType_I32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ return "?tType_I64";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ return "?tType_DOUBLE";
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ return "?tType_I32";
+ } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_xception()) {
+ return "?tType_STRUCT";
+ } else if (type->is_map()) {
+ return "?tType_MAP";
+ } else if (type->is_set()) {
+ return "?tType_SET";
+ } else if (type->is_list()) {
+ return "?tType_LIST";
+ }
+ throw "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_enum: " + type->get_name();
+ * Generate an Erlang term which represents a thrift type
+ */
+std::string t_alterl_generator::generate_type_term(t_type* type,
+ bool expand_structs) {
+ type = get_true_type(type);
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ return "string";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL:
+ return "bool";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ return "byte";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I16:
+ return "i16";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ return "i32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ return "i64";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ return "double";
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ return "i32";
+ } else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_xception()) {
+ if (expand_structs) {
+ // Convert to format: {struct, [{Fid, TypeTerm}, {Fid, TypeTerm}...]}
+ std::stringstream ret;
+ ret << "{struct, [";
+ int first = true;
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = ((t_struct*)type)->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ // Comma separate the tuples
+ if (!first) ret << "," << endl << indent();
+ first = false;
+ ret << "{" << (*f_iter)->get_key() << ", " <<
+ generate_type_term((*f_iter)->get_type(), false) << "}";
+ }
+ ret << "]}" << endl;
+ return ret.str();
+ } else {
+ return "{struct, {'" + type_module(type) + "', '" + type_name(type) + "'}}";
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_map()) {
+ // {map, KeyType, ValType}
+ t_type *key_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type();
+ t_type *val_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type();
+ return "{map, " + generate_type_term(key_type, false) + ", " +
+ generate_type_term(val_type, false) + "}";
+ } else if (type->is_set()) {
+ t_type *elem_type = ((t_set*)type)->get_elem_type();
+ return "{set, " + generate_type_term(elem_type, false) + "}";
+ } else if (type->is_list()) {
+ t_type *elem_type = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
+ return "{list, " + generate_type_term(elem_type, false) + "}";
+ }
+ throw "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_enum: " + type->get_name();
+std::string t_alterl_generator::type_module(t_type* ttype) {
+ return ttype->get_program()->get_name() + "_types";
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/generate/t_alterl_generator.h b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/t_alterl_generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ab255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/t_alterl_generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "t_oop_generator.h"
+ * Erlang code generator.
+ *
+ * @author
+ */
+class t_alterl_generator : public t_generator {
+ public:
+ t_alterl_generator(t_program* program) :
+ t_generator(program)
+ {
+ program_name_[0] = tolower(program_name_[0]);
+ service_name_[0] = tolower(service_name_[0]);
+ out_dir_base_ = "gen-erl";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Init and close methods
+ */
+ void init_generator();
+ void close_generator();
+ /**
+ * Program-level generation functions
+ */
+ void generate_typedef (t_typedef* ttypedef);
+ void generate_enum (t_enum* tenum);
+ void generate_const (t_const* tconst);
+ void generate_struct (t_struct* tstruct);
+ void generate_xception (t_struct* txception);
+ void generate_service (t_service* tservice);
+ std::string render_const_value(t_type* type, t_const_value* value);
+ /**
+ * Struct generation code
+ */
+ void generate_erl_struct(t_struct* tstruct, bool is_exception);
+ void generate_erl_struct_definition(std::ostream& out, std::ostream& hrl_out, t_struct* tstruct, bool is_xception=false, bool is_result=false);
+ void generate_erl_struct_info(std::ostream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
+ void generate_erl_function_helpers(t_function* tfunction);
+ /**
+ * Service-level generation functions
+ */
+ void generate_service_helpers (t_service* tservice);
+ void generate_service_interface (t_service* tservice);
+ void generate_function_info (t_service* tservice, t_function* tfunction);
+ /**
+ * Helper rendering functions
+ */
+ std::string erl_autogen_comment();
+ std::string erl_imports();
+ std::string render_includes();
+ std::string declare_field(t_field* tfield);
+ std::string type_name(t_type* ttype);
+ std::string function_signature(t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix="");
+ std::string argument_list(t_struct* tstruct);
+ std::string type_to_enum(t_type* ttype);
+ std::string generate_type_term(t_type* ttype, bool expand_structs);
+ std::string type_module(t_type* ttype);
+ std::string capitalize(std::string in) {
+ in[0] = toupper(in[0]);
+ return in;
+ }
+ std::string uncapitalize(std::string in) {
+ in[0] = tolower(in[0]);
+ return in;
+ }
+ private:
+ /**
+ * add function to export list
+ */
+ void export_function(t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix="");
+ void export_string(std::string name, int num);
+ void export_types_function(t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix="");
+ void export_types_string(std::string name, int num);
+ /**
+ * write out headers and footers for hrl files
+ */
+ void hrl_header(std::ostream& out, std::string name);
+ void hrl_footer(std::ostream& out, std::string name);
+ /**
+ * stuff to spit out at the top of generated files
+ */
+ bool export_lines_first_;
+ std::ostringstream export_lines_;
+ bool export_types_lines_first_;
+ std::ostringstream export_types_lines_;
+ /**
+ * File streams
+ */
+ std::ostringstream f_types_;
+ std::ofstream f_types_file_;
+ std::ofstream f_types_hrl_file_;
+ std::ofstream f_consts_;
+ std::ostringstream f_service_;
+ std::ofstream f_service_file_;
+ std::ofstream f_service_hrl_;
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/ b/compiler/cpp/src/
index f2f3a9b..80d3960 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/src/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "generate/t_php_generator.h"
#include "generate/t_xsd_generator.h"
#include "generate/t_erl_generator.h"
+#include "generate/t_alterl_generator.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@
bool gen_rest = false;
bool gen_perl = false;
bool gen_erl = false;
+bool gen_alterl = false;
bool gen_ocaml = false;
bool gen_hs = false;
bool gen_cocoa = false;
@@ -602,6 +604,7 @@
fprintf(stderr, " -phpo Generate PHP with object oriented subclasses (with -php)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -xsd Generate XSD output files\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -erl Generate Erlang output files\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -alterl Generate Alternative Erlang output files\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -o dir Set the output directory for gen-* packages\n");
fprintf(stderr, " (default: current directory)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -I dir Add a directory to the list of directories\n");
@@ -878,6 +881,13 @@
delete erl;
+ if (gen_alterl) {
+ pverbose("Generating Alternative Erlang\n");
+ t_alterl_generator* alterl = new t_alterl_generator(program);
+ alterl->generate_program();
+ delete alterl;
+ }
if (dump_docs) {
@@ -994,6 +1004,8 @@
gen_perl = true;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-erl") == 0) {
gen_erl = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(arg, "-alterl") == 0) {
+ gen_alterl = true;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-ocaml") == 0) {
gen_ocaml = true;
} else if (strcmp(arg, "-hs") == 0) {
@@ -1105,7 +1117,7 @@
// You gotta generate something!
- if (!gen_php && !gen_phpi && !gen_xsd && !gen_erl && generator_strings.empty()) {
+ if (!gen_php && !gen_phpi && !gen_xsd && !gen_erl && !gen_alterl && generator_strings.empty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "!!! No output language(s) specified\n\n");