rb: Spec out Thrift::BinaryProtocolAccelerated [THRIFT-90]

Convert most of the BinaryProtocol spec into shared examples and
add specific specs for encode_binary/decode_binary.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/thrift/trunk@679898 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec.rb
index 6e744d3..b85f096 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec.rb
@@ -1,294 +1,29 @@
 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
 require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/binaryprotocol_spec_shared'
 class ThriftBinaryProtocolSpec < Spec::ExampleGroup
   include Thrift
   describe BinaryProtocol do
-    before(:each) do
-      @trans = mock("MockTransport", :null_object => true)
-      @prot = BinaryProtocol.new(@trans)
-    end
+    it_should_behave_like 'a binary protocol'
-    it "should define the proper VERSION_1 and VERSION_MASK" do
-      BinaryProtocol::VERSION_MASK.should == 0xffff0000
-      BinaryProtocol::VERSION_1.should == 0x80010000
-    end
-    it "should write the message header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(BinaryProtocol::VERSION_1 | MessageTypes::CALL).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_string).with('testMessage').ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(17).ordered
-      @prot.write_message_begin('testMessage', MessageTypes::CALL, 17)
-    end
-    # message footer is a noop
-    it "should write the field header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::DOUBLE).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i16).with(3).ordered
-      @prot.write_field_begin('foo', Types::DOUBLE, 3)
-    end
-    # field footer is a noop
-    it "should write the STOP field" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::STOP)
-      @prot.write_field_stop
-    end
-    it "should write the map header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::STRING).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::LIST).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(17).ordered
-      @prot.write_map_begin(Types::STRING, Types::LIST, 17)
-    end
-    # map footer is a noop
-    it "should write the list header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::I16).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(42).ordered
-      @prot.write_list_begin(Types::I16, 42)
-    end
-    # list footer is a noop
-    it "should write the set header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Types::BOOL).ordered
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(2).ordered
-      @prot.write_set_begin(Types::BOOL, 2)
-    end
-    it "should write a bool" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(1).ordered
-      @prot.write_bool(true)
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(0).ordered
-      @prot.write_bool(false)
-    end
-    it "should write a byte" do
-      # byte is small enough, let's check -128..127
-      (-128..127).each do |i|
-        @trans.should_receive(:write).with([i].pack('c')).ordered
-        @prot.write_byte(i)
-      end
-      (-128..127).each do |i|
-      end
-      # handing it numbers out of signed range should clip
-      @trans.rspec_verify
-      (128..255).each do |i|
-        @trans.should_receive(:write).with([i].pack('c')).ordered
-        @prot.write_byte(i)
-      end
-      # and lastly, a Bignum is going to error out
-      lambda { @prot.write_byte(2**65) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
-    end
-    it "should write an i16" do
-      # try a random scattering of values
-      # include the signed i16 minimum/maximum
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\374\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\021").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\330\360").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\006\273").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377").ordered
-      [-2**15, -1024, 17, 0, -10000, 1723, 2**15-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.write_i16(i)
-      end
-      # and try something out of signed range, it should clip
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\005").ordered
-      @prot.write_i16(2**15 + 5)
-      # a Bignum should error
-      # lambda { @prot.write_i16(2**65) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
-    end
-    it "should write an i32" do
-      # try a random scattering of values
-      # include the signed i32 minimum/maximum
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\376\037\r").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\366\034").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\375").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000#\340\203").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\0000+").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377\377\377").ordered
-      [-2**31, -123123, -2532, -3, 0, 2351235, 12331, 2**31-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.write_i32(i)
-      end
-      # try something out of signed range, it should clip
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\005").ordered
-      @prot.write_i32(2 ** 31 + 5)
-      # lambda { @prot.write_i32(2 ** 65 + 5) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
-    end
-    it "should write an i64" do
-      # try a random scattering of values
-      # try the signed i64 minimum/maximum
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\364\303\035\244+]").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\377\376\231:\341").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\026").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\317").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000#\340\204").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\002\340\311~\365").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377").ordered
-      [-2**63, -12356123612323, -23512351, -234, 0, 1231, 2351236, 12361236213, 2**63-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.write_i64(i)
-      end
-      # try something out of signed range, it should clip
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\005").ordered
-      @prot.write_i64(2**63 + 5)
-      # lambda { @prot.write_i64(2 ** 65 + 5) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
-    end
-    it "should write a double" do
-      # try a random scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with([Float::MIN].pack('G')).ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\300\223<\234\355\221hs").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\300\376\0173\256\024z\341").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\3007<2\336\372v\324").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("@\310\037\220\365\302\217\\").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("@\200Y\327\n=p\244").ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with([Float::MAX].pack('G')).ordered
-      [Float::MIN, -1231.15325, -123123.23, -23.23515123, 0, 12351.1325, 523.23, Float::MAX].each do |f|
-        @prot.write_double(f)
-      end
-    end
-    it "should write a string" do
-      str = "hello world"
-      @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(str.length).ordered
-      @trans.should_receive(:write).with(str).ordered
-      @prot.write_string(str)
+    def protocol_class
+      BinaryProtocol
     it "should read a message header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(BinaryProtocol::VERSION_1 | MessageTypes::REPLY, 42)
+      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_1) | Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42)
-      @prot.read_message_begin.should == ['testMessage', MessageTypes::REPLY, 42]
+      @prot.read_message_begin.should == ['testMessage', Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42]
     it "should raise an exception if the message header has the wrong version" do
-      lambda { @prot.read_message_begin }.should raise_error(ProtocolException, 'Missing version identifier') { |e| e.type == ProtocolException::BAD_VERSION }
-    end
-    # message footer is a noop
-    it "should read a field header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Types::STRING)
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i16).ordered.and_return(3)
-      @prot.read_field_begin.should == [nil, Types::STRING, 3]
-    end
-    # field footer is a noop
-    it "should read a stop field" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(Types::STOP)
-      @prot.should_not_receive(:read_i16)
-      @prot.read_field_begin.should == [nil, Types::STOP, 0]
-    end
-    it "should read a map header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(Types::DOUBLE, Types::I64)
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(42)
-      @prot.read_map_begin.should == [Types::DOUBLE, Types::I64, 42]
-    end
-    # map footer is a noop
-    it "should read a list header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Types::STRING)
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(17)
-      @prot.read_list_begin.should == [Types::STRING, 17]
-    end
-    # list footer is a noop
-    it "should read a set header" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Types::MAP)
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).ordered.and_return(42)
-      @prot.read_set_begin.should == [Types::MAP, 42]
-    end
-    # set footer is a noop
-    it "should read a bool" do
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(1, 0)
-      @prot.read_bool.should == true
-      @prot.read_bool.should == false
-    end
-    it "should read a byte" do
-      # try a scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(1).and_return(
-        "\200", "\307", "\375",
-        "\000", "\021", "\030", "\177"
-      )
-      [-128, -57, -3, 0, 17, 24, 127].each do |i|
-        @prot.read_byte.should == i
+      lambda { @prot.read_message_begin }.should raise_error(Thrift::ProtocolException, 'Missing version identifier') do |e|
+        e.type == Thrift::ProtocolException::BAD_VERSION
-    it "should read an i16" do
-      # try a scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(2).and_return(
-        "\200\000", "\353\213", "\376\237",
-        "\000\000", "\005\367", "\b\272", "\177\377"
-      )
-      [-2**15, -5237, -353, 0, 1527, 2234, 2**15-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.read_i16.should == i
-      end
-    end
-    it "should read an i32" do
-      # try a scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(4).and_return(
-        "\200\000\000\000", "\377\374i\213", "\377\377\347\244",
-        "\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\t/", "\000\001\340\363", "\177\377\377\377"
-      )
-      [-2**31, -235125, -6236, 0, 2351, 123123, 2**31-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.read_i32.should == i
-      end
-    end
-    it "should read an i64" do
-      # try a scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(8).and_return(
-        "\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\377\377\377\377\370\243Z\b",
-        "\377\377\377\377\377\377\3476", "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
-        "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 ", "\000\000\000\000\213\332\t\223",
-        "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"
-      )
-      [-2**63, -123512312, -6346, 0, 32, 2346322323, 2**63-1].each do |i|
-        @prot.read_i64.should == i
-      end
-    end
-    it "should read a double" do
-      # try a random scattering of values, including min/max
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(8).and_return(
-        [Float::MIN].pack('G'), "\301\f9\370\374\362\317\226",
-        "\300t3\274x \243\016", "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", "@^\317\fCo\301Y",
-        "AA\360A\217\317@\260", [Float::MAX].pack('G')
-      )
-      [Float::MIN, -231231.12351, -323.233513, 0, 123.2351235, 2351235.12351235, Float::MAX].each do |f|
-        @prot.read_double.should == f
-      end
-    end
-    it "should read a string" do
-      str = "hello world"
-      @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(str.length)
-      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(str.length).and_return(str)
-      @prot.read_string.should == str
-    end
   describe BinaryProtocolFactory do
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec_shared.rb b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec_shared.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a4af6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocol_spec_shared.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+shared_examples_for 'a binary protocol' do
+  before(:each) do
+    @trans = mock("MockTransport")
+    @prot = protocol_class.new(@trans)
+  end
+  it "should define the proper VERSION_1 and VERSION_MASK" do
+    protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_MASK).should == 0xffff0000
+    protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_1).should == 0x80010000
+  end
+  it "should write the message header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_1) | Thrift::MessageTypes::CALL).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_string).with('testMessage').ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(17).ordered
+    @prot.write_message_begin('testMessage', Thrift::MessageTypes::CALL, 17)
+  end
+  # message footer is a noop
+  it "should write the field header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::DOUBLE).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i16).with(3).ordered
+    @prot.write_field_begin('foo', Thrift::Types::DOUBLE, 3)
+  end
+  # field footer is a noop
+  it "should write the STOP field" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::STOP)
+    @prot.write_field_stop
+  end
+  it "should write the map header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::STRING).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::LIST).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(17).ordered
+    @prot.write_map_begin(Thrift::Types::STRING, Thrift::Types::LIST, 17)
+  end
+  # map footer is a noop
+  it "should write the list header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::I16).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(42).ordered
+    @prot.write_list_begin(Thrift::Types::I16, 42)
+  end
+  # list footer is a noop
+  it "should write the set header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(Thrift::Types::BOOL).ordered
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(2).ordered
+    @prot.write_set_begin(Thrift::Types::BOOL, 2)
+  end
+  it "should write a bool" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(1).ordered
+    @prot.write_bool(true)
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_byte).with(0).ordered
+    @prot.write_bool(false)
+  end
+  it "should write a byte" do
+    # byte is small enough, let's check -128..127
+    (-128..127).each do |i|
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with([i].pack('c')).ordered
+      @prot.write_byte(i)
+    end
+    (-128..127).each do |i|
+    end
+    # handing it numbers out of signed range should clip
+    @trans.rspec_verify
+    (128..255).each do |i|
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with([i].pack('c')).ordered
+      @prot.write_byte(i)
+    end
+    # and lastly, a Bignum is going to error out
+    lambda { @prot.write_byte(2**65) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
+  end
+  it "should write an i16" do
+    # try a random scattering of values
+    # include the signed i16 minimum/maximum
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\374\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\021").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\330\360").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\006\273").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377").ordered
+    [-2**15, -1024, 17, 0, -10000, 1723, 2**15-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.write_i16(i)
+    end
+    # and try something out of signed range, it should clip
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\005").ordered
+    @prot.write_i16(2**15 + 5)
+    # a Bignum should error
+    # lambda { @prot.write_i16(2**65) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
+  end
+  it "should write an i32" do
+    # try a random scattering of values
+    # include the signed i32 minimum/maximum
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\376\037\r").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\366\034").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\375").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000#\340\203").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\0000+").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377\377\377").ordered
+    [-2**31, -123123, -2532, -3, 0, 2351235, 12331, 2**31-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.write_i32(i)
+    end
+    # try something out of signed range, it should clip
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\005").ordered
+    @prot.write_i32(2 ** 31 + 5)
+    # lambda { @prot.write_i32(2 ** 65 + 5) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
+  end
+  it "should write an i64" do
+    # try a random scattering of values
+    # try the signed i64 minimum/maximum
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\364\303\035\244+]").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\377\376\231:\341").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\026").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\317").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000#\340\204").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\002\340\311~\365").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377").ordered
+    [-2**63, -12356123612323, -23512351, -234, 0, 1231, 2351236, 12361236213, 2**63-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.write_i64(i)
+    end
+    # try something out of signed range, it should clip
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\005").ordered
+    @prot.write_i64(2**63 + 5)
+    # lambda { @prot.write_i64(2 ** 65 + 5) }.should raise_error(RangeError)
+  end
+  it "should write a double" do
+    # try a random scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with([Float::MIN].pack('G')).ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\300\223<\234\355\221hs").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\300\376\0173\256\024z\341").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\3007<2\336\372v\324").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("@\310\037\220\365\302\217\\").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with("@\200Y\327\n=p\244").ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with([Float::MAX].pack('G')).ordered
+    [Float::MIN, -1231.15325, -123123.23, -23.23515123, 0, 12351.1325, 523.23, Float::MAX].each do |f|
+      @prot.write_double(f)
+    end
+  end
+  it "should write a string" do
+    str = "hello world"
+    @prot.should_receive(:write_i32).with(str.length).ordered
+    @trans.should_receive(:write).with(str).ordered
+    @prot.write_string(str)
+  end
+  # message footer is a noop
+  it "should read a field header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Thrift::Types::STRING)
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_i16).ordered.and_return(3)
+    @prot.read_field_begin.should == [nil, Thrift::Types::STRING, 3]
+  end
+  # field footer is a noop
+  it "should read a stop field" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(Thrift::Types::STOP)
+    @prot.should_not_receive(:read_i16)
+    @prot.read_field_begin.should == [nil, Thrift::Types::STOP, 0]
+  end
+  it "should read a map header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(Thrift::Types::DOUBLE, Thrift::Types::I64)
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(42)
+    @prot.read_map_begin.should == [Thrift::Types::DOUBLE, Thrift::Types::I64, 42]
+  end
+  # map footer is a noop
+  it "should read a list header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Thrift::Types::STRING)
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(17)
+    @prot.read_list_begin.should == [Thrift::Types::STRING, 17]
+  end
+  # list footer is a noop
+  it "should read a set header" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).ordered.and_return(Thrift::Types::MAP)
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).ordered.and_return(42)
+    @prot.read_set_begin.should == [Thrift::Types::MAP, 42]
+  end
+  # set footer is a noop
+  it "should read a bool" do
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_byte).and_return(1, 0)
+    @prot.read_bool.should == true
+    @prot.read_bool.should == false
+  end
+  it "should read a byte" do
+    # try a scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(1).and_return(
+      "\200", "\307", "\375",
+      "\000", "\021", "\030", "\177"
+    )
+    [-128, -57, -3, 0, 17, 24, 127].each do |i|
+      @prot.read_byte.should == i
+    end
+  end
+  it "should read an i16" do
+    # try a scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(2).and_return(
+      "\200\000", "\353\213", "\376\237",
+      "\000\000", "\005\367", "\b\272", "\177\377"
+    )
+    [-2**15, -5237, -353, 0, 1527, 2234, 2**15-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.read_i16.should == i
+    end
+  end
+  it "should read an i32" do
+    # try a scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(4).and_return(
+      "\200\000\000\000", "\377\374i\213", "\377\377\347\244",
+      "\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\t/", "\000\001\340\363", "\177\377\377\377"
+    )
+    [-2**31, -235125, -6236, 0, 2351, 123123, 2**31-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.read_i32.should == i
+    end
+  end
+  it "should read an i64" do
+    # try a scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(8).and_return(
+      "\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\377\377\377\377\370\243Z\b",
+      "\377\377\377\377\377\377\3476", "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
+      "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 ", "\000\000\000\000\213\332\t\223",
+      "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"
+    )
+    [-2**63, -123512312, -6346, 0, 32, 2346322323, 2**63-1].each do |i|
+      @prot.read_i64.should == i
+    end
+  end
+  it "should read a double" do
+    # try a random scattering of values, including min/max
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(8).and_return(
+      [Float::MIN].pack('G'), "\301\f9\370\374\362\317\226",
+      "\300t3\274x \243\016", "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", "@^\317\fCo\301Y",
+      "AA\360A\217\317@\260", [Float::MAX].pack('G')
+    )
+    [Float::MIN, -231231.12351, -323.233513, 0, 123.2351235, 2351235.12351235, Float::MAX].each do |f|
+      @prot.read_double.should == f
+    end
+  end
+  it "should read a string" do
+    str = "hello world"
+    @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(str.length)
+    @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(str.length).and_return(str)
+    @prot.read_string.should == str
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocolaccelerated_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocolaccelerated_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c816369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/binaryprotocolaccelerated_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/binaryprotocol_spec_shared'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gen-rb/ThriftSpec_types'
+class ThriftBinaryProtocolAcceleratedSpec < Spec::ExampleGroup
+  include Thrift
+  describe BinaryProtocolAccelerated do
+    # given that BinaryProtocolAccelerated only actually overrides read_message_begin
+    # this shared spec isn't going to do much, but it's still worth including
+    # for future-proofing in case we start overriding individual methods
+    it_should_behave_like 'a binary protocol'
+    def protocol_class
+      BinaryProtocolAccelerated
+    end
+    before(:each) do
+      @buffer = ""
+      @trans.stub!(:borrow).and_return { @buffer }
+      @trans.stub!(:consume!).and_return do |*args|
+        n = args.first || 0
+        @buffer.slice!(0,n)
+      end
+    end
+    it "should read a message header" do
+      @buffer = "\200\001\000\002\000\000\000\vtestMessage\000\000\000*"
+      # @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_1) | Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42)
+      # @prot.should_receive(:read_string).and_return('testMessage')
+      @prot.read_message_begin.should == ['testMessage', Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42]
+    end
+    it "should raise an exception if the message header has the wrong version" do
+      @buffer = "\000\000\000\v"
+      # @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(42)
+      lambda { @prot.read_message_begin }.should raise_error(Thrift::ProtocolException, 'Missing version identifier') do |e|
+        e.type == Thrift::ProtocolException::BAD_VERSION
+      end
+    end
+    it "should encode a struct with all fields set identically to Thrift::BinaryProtocol" do
+      foo = SpecNamespace::Foo.new(:complex => {5 => {"foo" => 1.2}, 17 => {"bar" => 3.14159, "baz" => 5.8}})
+      @prot.encode_binary(foo).should == "\r\000\005\b\r\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\005\v\004\000\000\000\001\000\
+\000\005words\f\000\003\v\000\001\000\000\000\rhello, world!\000\017\000\004\b\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\001\000\
+    end
+    it "should encode a struct with missing fields identically to Thrift::BinaryProtocol" do
+      foo = SpecNamespace::Foo.new(:simple => nil, :ints => nil)
+      @prot.encode_binary(foo).should == "\016\000\006\006\000\000\000\003\000\005\000\021\000\357\v\000\002\000\000\
+\000\005words\f\000\003\v\000\001\000\000\000\rhello, world!\000\000"
+    end
+    it "should decode a struct with all fields set identically to Thrift::BinaryProtocol" do
+      foo = SpecNamespace::Foo.new(:complex => {5 => {"foo" => 1.2}, 17 => {"bar" => 3.14159, "baz" => 5.8}})
+      trans = Thrift::MemoryBuffer.new("\r\000\005\b\r\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\005\v\004\000\000\000\001\000\
+\000\005words\f\000\003\v\000\001\000\000\000\rhello, world!\000\017\000\004\b\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\001\000\
+      @prot.decode_binary(SpecNamespace::Foo.new, trans).should == foo
+    end
+    it "should decode a struct with missing fields identically to Thrift::BinaryProtocol" do
+      trans = Thrift::MemoryBuffer.new("\016\000\006\006\000\000\000\003\000\005\000\021\000\357\v\000\002\000\000\
+\000\005words\f\000\003\v\000\001\000\000\000\rhello, world!\000\000")
+      @prot.decode_binary(SpecNamespace::Foo.new, trans).should == SpecNamespace::Foo.new
+    end
+  end
+  describe BinaryProtocolAcceleratedFactory do
+    it "should create a BinaryProtocolAccelerated" do
+      BinaryProtocolAcceleratedFactory.new.get_protocol(mock("MockTransport")).should be_instance_of(BinaryProtocolAccelerated)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb b/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
index 874ed2d..9d2dd0f 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 # turn on deprecation so we can test it
 module Thrift
+  # squelch any warnings if we happen to get required twice
+  remove_const(:DEPRECATION) if const_defined? :DEPRECATION