Move thrift/protocol/tprotocol to thrift/protocol and thrift/protocol/tbinaryprotocol to thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol. Leave shim files behind for backwards compatibility
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47fe723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
+# Distributed under the Thrift Software License
+# See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
+# Author: Mark Slee <>
+module Thrift
+ class ProtocolException < Exception
+ attr_reader :type
+ def initialize(type=UNKNOWN, message=nil)
+ super(message)
+ @type = type
+ end
+ end
+ deprecate_class! :TProtocolException => ProtocolException
+ class Protocol
+ attr_reader :trans
+ def initialize(trans)
+ @trans = trans
+ end
+ def writeMessageBegin(name, type, seqid); nil; end
+ def writeMessageEnd; nil; end
+ def writeStructBegin(name); nil; end
+ def writeStructEnd(); nil; end
+ def writeFieldBegin(name, type, id); nil; end
+ def writeFieldEnd(); nil; end
+ def writeFieldStop(); nil; end
+ def writeMapBegin(ktype, vtype, size); nil; end
+ def writeMapEnd(); nil; end
+ def writeListBegin(etype, size); nil; end
+ def writeListEnd(); nil; end
+ def writeSetBegin(etype, size); nil; end
+ def writeSetEnd(); nil; end
+ def writeBool(bool); nil; end
+ def writeByte(byte); nil; end
+ def writeI16(i16); nil; end
+ def writeI32(i32); nil; end
+ def writeI64(i64); nil; end
+ def writeDouble(dub); nil; end
+ def writeString(str); nil; end
+ def readMessageBegin(); nil; end
+ def readMessageEnd(); nil; end
+ def readStructBegin(); nil; end
+ def readStructEnd(); nil; end
+ def readFieldBegin(); nil; end
+ def readFieldEnd(); nil; end
+ def readMapBegin(); nil; end
+ def readMapEnd(); nil; end
+ def readListBegin(); nil; end
+ def readListEnd(); nil; end
+ def readSetBegin(); nil; end
+ def readSetEnd(); nil; end
+ def readBool(); nil; end
+ def readByte(); nil; end
+ def readI16(); nil; end
+ def readI32(); nil; end
+ def readI64(); nil; end
+ def readDouble(); nil; end
+ def readString(); nil; end
+ def write_field(name, type, fid, value)
+ writeFieldBegin(name, type, fid)
+ write_type(type, value)
+ writeFieldEnd
+ end
+ def write_type(type, value)
+ case type
+ when Types::BOOL
+ writeBool(value)
+ when Types::BYTE
+ writeByte(value)
+ when Types::DOUBLE
+ writeDouble(value)
+ when Types::I16
+ writeI16(value)
+ when Types::I32
+ writeI32(value)
+ when Types::I64
+ writeI64(value)
+ when Types::STRING
+ writeString(value)
+ when Types::STRUCT
+ value.write(self)
+ else
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ end
+ def read_type(type)
+ case type
+ when Types::BOOL
+ readBool
+ when Types::BYTE
+ readByte
+ when Types::DOUBLE
+ readDouble
+ when Types::I16
+ readI16
+ when Types::I32
+ readI32
+ when Types::I64
+ readI64
+ when Types::STRING
+ readString
+ else
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ end
+ def skip(type)
+ if type === Types::STOP
+ nil
+ elsif type === Types::BOOL
+ readBool()
+ elsif type === Types::BYTE
+ readByte()
+ elsif type === Types::I16
+ readI16()
+ elsif type === Types::I32
+ readI32()
+ elsif type === Types::I64
+ readI64()
+ elsif type === Types::DOUBLE
+ readDouble()
+ elsif type === Types::STRING
+ readString()
+ elsif type === Types::STRUCT
+ readStructBegin()
+ while true
+ name, type, id = readFieldBegin()
+ if type === Types::STOP
+ break
+ else
+ skip(type)
+ readFieldEnd()
+ end
+ readStructEnd()
+ end
+ elsif type === Types::MAP
+ ktype, vtype, size = readMapBegin()
+ for i in 1..size
+ skip(ktype)
+ skip(vtype)
+ end
+ readMapEnd()
+ elsif type === Types::SET
+ etype, size = readSetBegin()
+ for i in 1..size
+ skip(etype)
+ end
+ readSetEnd()
+ elsif type === Types::LIST
+ etype, size = readListBegin()
+ for i in 1..size
+ skip(etype)
+ end
+ readListEnd()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ deprecate_class! :TProtocol => Protocol
+class TProtocolFactory
+ def getProtocol(trans); nil; end
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9832383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
+# Distributed under the Thrift Software License
+# See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
+# Author: Mark Slee <>
+require 'thrift/protocol'
+module Thrift
+ class BinaryProtocol < Protocol
+ VERSION_MASK = 0xffff0000
+ VERSION_1 = 0x80010000
+ def initialize(trans)
+ super(trans)
+ end
+ def writeMessageBegin(name, type, seqid)
+ writeI32(VERSION_1 | type)
+ writeString(name)
+ writeI32(seqid)
+ end
+ def writeFieldBegin(name, type, id)
+ writeByte(type)
+ writeI16(id)
+ end
+ def writeFieldStop()
+ writeByte(Thrift::Types::STOP)
+ end
+ def writeMapBegin(ktype, vtype, size)
+ writeByte(ktype)
+ writeByte(vtype)
+ writeI32(size)
+ end
+ def writeListBegin(etype, size)
+ writeByte(etype)
+ writeI32(size)
+ end
+ def writeSetBegin(etype, size)
+ writeByte(etype)
+ writeI32(size)
+ end
+ def writeBool(bool)
+ if (bool)
+ writeByte(1)
+ else
+ writeByte(0)
+ end
+ end
+ def writeByte(byte)
+ trans.write([byte].pack('n')[1..1])
+ end
+ def writeI16(i16)
+ trans.write([i16].pack('n'))
+ end
+ def writeI32(i32)
+ trans.write([i32].pack('N'))
+ end
+ def writeI64(i64)
+ hi = i64 >> 32
+ lo = i64 & 0xffffffff
+ trans.write([hi, lo].pack('N2'))
+ end
+ def writeDouble(dub)
+ trans.write([dub].pack('G'))
+ end
+ def writeString(str)
+ writeI32(str.length)
+ trans.write(str)
+ end
+ def readMessageBegin()
+ version = readI32()
+ if (version & VERSION_MASK != VERSION_1)
+ raise, 'Missing version identifier')
+ end
+ type = version & 0x000000ff
+ name = readString()
+ seqid = readI32()
+ return name, type, seqid
+ end
+ def readFieldBegin()
+ type = readByte()
+ if (type === Types::STOP)
+ return nil, type, 0
+ end
+ id = readI16()
+ return nil, type, id
+ end
+ def readMapBegin()
+ ktype = readByte()
+ vtype = readByte()
+ size = readI32()
+ return ktype, vtype, size
+ end
+ def readListBegin()
+ etype = readByte()
+ size = readI32()
+ return etype, size
+ end
+ def readSetBegin()
+ etype = readByte()
+ size = readI32()
+ return etype, size
+ end
+ def readBool()
+ byte = readByte()
+ return byte != 0
+ end
+ def readByte()
+ dat = trans.readAll(1)
+ val = dat[0]
+ if (val > 0x7f)
+ val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xff)
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ def readI16()
+ dat = trans.readAll(2)
+ val, = dat.unpack('n')
+ if (val > 0x7fff)
+ val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xffff)
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ def readI32()
+ dat = trans.readAll(4)
+ val, = dat.unpack('N')
+ if (val > 0x7fffffff)
+ val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xffffffff)
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ def readI64()
+ dat = trans.readAll(8)
+ hi, lo = dat.unpack('N2')
+ if (hi > 0x7fffffff)
+ hi = hi ^ 0xffffffff
+ lo = lo ^ 0xffffffff
+ return 0 - hi*4294967296 - lo - 1
+ else
+ return hi*4294967296 + lo
+ end
+ end
+ def readDouble()
+ dat = trans.readAll(8)
+ val, = dat.unpack('G')
+ return val
+ end
+ def readString()
+ sz = readI32()
+ dat = trans.readAll(sz)
+ return dat
+ end
+ end
+ deprecate_class! :TBinaryProtocol => BinaryProtocol
+class TBinaryProtocolFactory < TProtocolFactory
+ def getProtocol(trans)
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tbinaryprotocol.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tbinaryprotocol.rb
index adfeb81..038e190 100644
--- a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tbinaryprotocol.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tbinaryprotocol.rb
@@ -1,192 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
-# Distributed under the Thrift Software License
-# See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
-# Author: Mark Slee <>
-require 'thrift/protocol/tprotocol'
-module Thrift
- class BinaryProtocol < Protocol
- VERSION_MASK = 0xffff0000
- VERSION_1 = 0x80010000
- def initialize(trans)
- super(trans)
- end
- def writeMessageBegin(name, type, seqid)
- writeI32(VERSION_1 | type)
- writeString(name)
- writeI32(seqid)
- end
- def writeFieldBegin(name, type, id)
- writeByte(type)
- writeI16(id)
- end
- def writeFieldStop()
- writeByte(Thrift::Types::STOP)
- end
- def writeMapBegin(ktype, vtype, size)
- writeByte(ktype)
- writeByte(vtype)
- writeI32(size)
- end
- def writeListBegin(etype, size)
- writeByte(etype)
- writeI32(size)
- end
- def writeSetBegin(etype, size)
- writeByte(etype)
- writeI32(size)
- end
- def writeBool(bool)
- if (bool)
- writeByte(1)
- else
- writeByte(0)
- end
- end
- def writeByte(byte)
- trans.write([byte].pack('n')[1..1])
- end
- def writeI16(i16)
- trans.write([i16].pack('n'))
- end
- def writeI32(i32)
- trans.write([i32].pack('N'))
- end
- def writeI64(i64)
- hi = i64 >> 32
- lo = i64 & 0xffffffff
- trans.write([hi, lo].pack('N2'))
- end
- def writeDouble(dub)
- trans.write([dub].pack('G'))
- end
- def writeString(str)
- writeI32(str.length)
- trans.write(str)
- end
- def readMessageBegin()
- version = readI32()
- if (version & VERSION_MASK != VERSION_1)
- raise, 'Missing version identifier')
- end
- type = version & 0x000000ff
- name = readString()
- seqid = readI32()
- return name, type, seqid
- end
- def readFieldBegin()
- type = readByte()
- if (type === Types::STOP)
- return nil, type, 0
- end
- id = readI16()
- return nil, type, id
- end
- def readMapBegin()
- ktype = readByte()
- vtype = readByte()
- size = readI32()
- return ktype, vtype, size
- end
- def readListBegin()
- etype = readByte()
- size = readI32()
- return etype, size
- end
- def readSetBegin()
- etype = readByte()
- size = readI32()
- return etype, size
- end
- def readBool()
- byte = readByte()
- return byte != 0
- end
- def readByte()
- dat = trans.readAll(1)
- val = dat[0]
- if (val > 0x7f)
- val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xff)
- end
- return val
- end
- def readI16()
- dat = trans.readAll(2)
- val, = dat.unpack('n')
- if (val > 0x7fff)
- val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xffff)
- end
- return val
- end
- def readI32()
- dat = trans.readAll(4)
- val, = dat.unpack('N')
- if (val > 0x7fffffff)
- val = 0 - ((val - 1) ^ 0xffffffff)
- end
- return val
- end
- def readI64()
- dat = trans.readAll(8)
- hi, lo = dat.unpack('N2')
- if (hi > 0x7fffffff)
- hi = hi ^ 0xffffffff
- lo = lo ^ 0xffffffff
- return 0 - hi*4294967296 - lo - 1
- else
- return hi*4294967296 + lo
- end
- end
- def readDouble()
- dat = trans.readAll(8)
- val, = dat.unpack('G')
- return val
- end
- def readString()
- sz = readI32()
- dat = trans.readAll(sz)
- return dat
- end
- end
- deprecate_class! :TBinaryProtocol => BinaryProtocol
-class TBinaryProtocolFactory < TProtocolFactory
- def getProtocol(trans)
- return
- end
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tprotocol.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tprotocol.rb
index 905b754..48bf261 100644
--- a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tprotocol.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/protocol/tprotocol.rb
@@ -1,224 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
-# Distributed under the Thrift Software License
-# See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
-# Author: Mark Slee <>
-module Thrift
- class ProtocolException < Exception
- attr_reader :type
- def initialize(type=UNKNOWN, message=nil)
- super(message)
- @type = type
- end
- end
- deprecate_class! :TProtocolException => ProtocolException
- class Protocol
- attr_reader :trans
- def initialize(trans)
- @trans = trans
- end
- def writeMessageBegin(name, type, seqid); nil; end
- def writeMessageEnd; nil; end
- def writeStructBegin(name); nil; end
- def writeStructEnd(); nil; end
- def writeFieldBegin(name, type, id); nil; end
- def writeFieldEnd(); nil; end
- def writeFieldStop(); nil; end
- def writeMapBegin(ktype, vtype, size); nil; end
- def writeMapEnd(); nil; end
- def writeListBegin(etype, size); nil; end
- def writeListEnd(); nil; end
- def writeSetBegin(etype, size); nil; end
- def writeSetEnd(); nil; end
- def writeBool(bool); nil; end
- def writeByte(byte); nil; end
- def writeI16(i16); nil; end
- def writeI32(i32); nil; end
- def writeI64(i64); nil; end
- def writeDouble(dub); nil; end
- def writeString(str); nil; end
- def readMessageBegin(); nil; end
- def readMessageEnd(); nil; end
- def readStructBegin(); nil; end
- def readStructEnd(); nil; end
- def readFieldBegin(); nil; end
- def readFieldEnd(); nil; end
- def readMapBegin(); nil; end
- def readMapEnd(); nil; end
- def readListBegin(); nil; end
- def readListEnd(); nil; end
- def readSetBegin(); nil; end
- def readSetEnd(); nil; end
- def readBool(); nil; end
- def readByte(); nil; end
- def readI16(); nil; end
- def readI32(); nil; end
- def readI64(); nil; end
- def readDouble(); nil; end
- def readString(); nil; end
- def write_field(name, type, fid, value)
- writeFieldBegin(name, type, fid)
- write_type(type, value)
- writeFieldEnd
- end
- def write_type(type, value)
- case type
- when Types::BOOL
- writeBool(value)
- when Types::BYTE
- writeByte(value)
- when Types::DOUBLE
- writeDouble(value)
- when Types::I16
- writeI16(value)
- when Types::I32
- writeI32(value)
- when Types::I64
- writeI64(value)
- when Types::STRING
- writeString(value)
- when Types::STRUCT
- value.write(self)
- else
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- end
- def read_type(type)
- case type
- when Types::BOOL
- readBool
- when Types::BYTE
- readByte
- when Types::DOUBLE
- readDouble
- when Types::I16
- readI16
- when Types::I32
- readI32
- when Types::I64
- readI64
- when Types::STRING
- readString
- else
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- end
- def skip(type)
- if type === Types::STOP
- nil
- elsif type === Types::BOOL
- readBool()
- elsif type === Types::BYTE
- readByte()
- elsif type === Types::I16
- readI16()
- elsif type === Types::I32
- readI32()
- elsif type === Types::I64
- readI64()
- elsif type === Types::DOUBLE
- readDouble()
- elsif type === Types::STRING
- readString()
- elsif type === Types::STRUCT
- readStructBegin()
- while true
- name, type, id = readFieldBegin()
- if type === Types::STOP
- break
- else
- skip(type)
- readFieldEnd()
- end
- readStructEnd()
- end
- elsif type === Types::MAP
- ktype, vtype, size = readMapBegin()
- for i in 1..size
- skip(ktype)
- skip(vtype)
- end
- readMapEnd()
- elsif type === Types::SET
- etype, size = readSetBegin()
- for i in 1..size
- skip(etype)
- end
- readSetEnd()
- elsif type === Types::LIST
- etype, size = readListBegin()
- for i in 1..size
- skip(etype)
- end
- readListEnd()
- end
- end
- end
- deprecate_class! :TProtocol => Protocol
-class TProtocolFactory
- def getProtocol(trans); nil; end
+require 'thrift/protocol'
diff --git a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/thrift.rb b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/thrift.rb
index dfad650..a676160 100644
--- a/lib/rb/lib/thrift/thrift.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/lib/thrift/thrift.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# This file kept for backwards compatability
# require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../thrift')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'deprecation')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'types')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'processor')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'exceptions')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'client')
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'struct')
+$:.unshift File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+require 'thrift/deprecation'
+require 'thrift/types'
+require 'thrift/processor'
+require 'thrift/exceptions'
+require 'thrift/client'
+require 'thrift/struct'