Updating Thrift trunk version to 1.0.0-dev

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/thrift/trunk@1397293 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 4f9ee3e..1615649 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,286 @@
 Thrift Changelog
+Version 0.9.0
+THRIFT-164    Website              Build web tutorial on Incubator web  site
+THRIFT-304    Python               Building the Python library requires development  headers
+THRIFT-317    Java                 Issues with Java struct  validation
+THRIFT-330    Compiler (General)   Additional method to called when connection is  broken
+THRIFT-336    Csharp               Compact Protocol in  C#
+THRIFT-369    Ruby                 Sets and maps break  equality
+THRIFT-481    Ruby                 Indentation of ruby classes is off by a  few
+THRIFT-491    C++                  Ripping raw pthreads out of TFileTransport and associated test  issues
+THRIFT-541    Cocoa                Cocoa code generator doesn't put keywords before all  arguments.
+THRIFT-556    Ruby                 not correctly referred to top-level modules when a submodule masks the top-level  name
+THRIFT-681    Compiler (General)   The HTML generator does not handle JavaDoc style comments very  well
+THRIFT-956    Python               Python module's version meta-data should be  updated
+THRIFT-973    Cocoa                Cocoa library won't compile using  clang
+THRIFT-982    JavaME               add version Info to the  library
+THRIFT-1023   Ruby                 Thrift encoding (UTF-8) issue with Ruby 1.9.2
+THRIFT-1061   Java, PHP            Read an invalid frame size of 0. Are you using TFramedTransport on the client side?
+THRIFT-1072   Cocoa                Missing - (id) initWithSharedProcessor in TSharedProcessorFactory.h
+THRIFT-1082   Perl                 Thrift::FramedTransport sometimes calls close() on an undefined value
+THRIFT-1090   Website              Document the generation of a file called "Constants.java"
+THRIFT-111    Python               TBase class for dynamic (de)serialization, and __slots__ option for memory  savings
+THRIFT-1128   Build                OS X thrift.h incompatibility with Thrift.h
+THRIFT-1159   CSharp               THttpClient->Flush() issue (connection thru proxy)
+THRIFT-1204   Ruby                 Ruby autogenerated files should require 'thrift' gem
+THRIFT-1224   Ruby                 Cannot insert UTF-8 text
+THRIFT-1235   C++                  How could I use THttpServerTransportFactory withTNonBlockingServer
+THRIFT-1267   JavaScript           Node.js can't throw exceptions.
+THRIFT-1277   JavaScript           Node.js serializes false booleans as null
+THRIFT-1326   C++                  on some platforms, #include <stdint.h> is necessary to be included in Thrift.h
+THRIFT-1327   Ruby                 Fix Spec Suite under Ruby-1.8.7 (works for MRI Ruby-1.9.2)
+THRIFT-1338   Build Process        Do not use an unpatched autoconf 2.65 to generate release tarball
+THRIFT-1340   Cocoa                Add support of ARC to Objective-C
+THRIFT-1343   Erlang               no_auto_import min/2 to avoid compile warning
+THRIFT-1344   Erlang               Using the httpc module directly rather than the deprecated http layer
+THRIFT-1368   Java                 TNonblockingServer usage
+THRIFT-1394   C++                  Treatment of optional fields is not consistent between C++ and Java
+THRIFT-1421   Build Process        Debian Packages can not be built
+THRIFT-1427   PHP                  PHP library uses non-multibyte safe functions with mbstring function overloading
+THRIFT-1429   Java                 The nonblocking servers is supposed to use TransportFactory to read the  data
+THRIFT-1433   C++                  TServerSocket fix for MSVC
+THRIFT-1438   C++                  lib/cpp/src/windows/config.h should read version from configure.ac rather than a  #define
+THRIFT-1441   Delphi               Generate constructor with parameters for exception class for message property auto update
+THRIFT-1443   C++                  define a TProcessor helper class to implement process()
+THRIFT-1444   C++                  FunctionRunner - add syntactic sugar to create shared_ptrs
+THRIFT-1446   Delphi               Compile error with Delphi 2009 in constant  initializer
+THRIFT-1447   Java                 NullpointerException in ProcessFunction.class :in "oneway"  method
+THRIFT-1449   Ruby                 Ruby client does not work on solaris  (?)
+THRIFT-1450   Build                Process  Problems building thrift 0.8.0 for Python and  Ruby
+THRIFT-1451   C++                  FramedTransport: Prevent infinite loop when  writing
+THRIFT-1452   C++                  generate a swap() method for all generated  structs
+THRIFT-1453   C++                  Don't change types of arguments when serializing with thrift php  extension
+THRIFT-1456   C#                   System.Net.HttpWebRequest' does not contain a definition for  'Proxy'
+THRIFT-1460   Python               why not add unicode strings support to python  directly?
+THRIFT-1461   C++                  Recent TNonblockingServer changes broke --enable-boostthreads=yes,  Windows
+THRIFT-1463   Compiler             Decouple Thrift IDL from  generators
+THRIFT-1464   Java                 AbstractNonblockingServer.FrameBuffer TNonblockingTransport changed public to  private
+THRIFT-1465   Java                 Visibility of methods in generated java  code
+THRIFT-1466   C glib               Proper Documentation for Thrift C  Glib
+THRIFT-1467   Delphi               Possible AV with empty strings when using JSON  protocol
+THRIFT-1468   Java                 Memory leak in  TSaslServerTransport
+THRIFT-1469   Java                 Java isset space  optimization
+THRIFT-1473   Delphi               JSON context stack left in an incorrect state when exception thrown during  read/write
+THRIFT-1475   Erlang               Incomplete records generation for  Erlang
+THRIFT-1479   PHP                  Compiled PHP process functions missing  writeMessageEnd()
+THRIFT-1480   Python               remove tabs, adjust whitespace and address PEP8  warnings
+THRIFT-1483   Java                 java compiler does not generate type parameters for services in extended  clauses
+THRIFT-1484   PHP                  Introduce phpunit test  suite
+THRIFT-1485   Delphi               Performance: pass large and/or refcounted arguments as  "const"
+THRIFT-1486   Test Suite           Javascript manual testserver not returning content  types
+THRIFT-1488   Build Process        invalid conversion 'pthread_t {aka _opaque_pthread_t*}' to {aka long long unsigned  int}'
+THRIFT-1490   C++                  Windows-specific header files - fixes &  tweaks
+THRIFT-1491   C++                  Uninitialize processorFactory_ member in  TServer.h
+THRIFT-1492   C glib               enabling c_glib render thrift unusable (even for C++  code)
+THRIFT-1495   Test Suite           PHP TestClient fatals on missing  class
+THRIFT-1496   PHP                  PHP compiler not namespacing  enums
+THRIFT-1498   Java                 Allow TThreadedPoolServer.Args to pass a  ExecutorService
+THRIFT-1500   D                    D programming language  support
+THRIFT-1501   PHP                  PHP old namespaces not generated for  enums
+THRIFT-1502   C++                  TSimpleServer::serve(): Do not print out error message if server was  stopped.
+THRIFT-1504   Cocoa                Cocoa Generator should use local file imports for base Thrift  headers
+THRIFT-1508   C++                  TServerSocket does not allow for the user to specify the IP address to bind  to
+THRIFT-1510   Ruby                 There should be an implementation of the JsonProtocol for  ruby
+THRIFT-1511   Java                 Server with oneway support ( JAVA  )
+THRIFT-1512   C++                  Thrift socket support for Windows  XP
+THRIFT-1515   Python               NameError: global name 'TApplicationException' is not  defined
+THRIFT-1518   C++                  Generated C++ code sends the first optional field in the write() function for a  struct.
+THRIFT-1519   Ruby                 Thirft Build Failure referencing rb_intern2  symbol
+THRIFT-1520   Erlang               Embed version number in erlang .app  file
+THRIFT-1521   PHP                  Two patches for more  Performance
+THRIFT-1523   Java                 clientTimeout not worked as expected in TServerSocket created by  TSSLTransportFactory
+THRIFT-1524   C++                  TNonBlockingServer does not compile in Visual Studio  2010
+THRIFT-1526   Java                 Union TupleSchemeFactory returns  StandardSchemes
+THRIFT-1527   Java                 Gen tupleReadStruct in unions return null when the setfield is  unrecognized
+THRIFT-1529   Java                 TupleProtocol unintentionally includes extra byte in bit vectors with ptional fields is  8
+THRIFT-1532   Erlang               The type specifications in the gen Erlang code should include "undefined" for default  val
+THRIFT-1534   Delphi               Required fields in the Delphi code  generator.
+THRIFT-1535   Java                 Why thrift don't use wrapped class for optional fields  ?
+THRIFT-1537   Delphi               TFramedTransport  issues
+THRIFT-1539   Python               Build and distribute the fb303 python libraries along with  thrift
+THRIFT-1553   Node.js              thrift nodejs service side can't read map structure, key as enum, value as  Object
+THRIFT-1554   Delphi               Inherited service methods are not resolved in derived service  implementations
+THRIFT-1555   Delphi               Delphi version of the tutorial  code
+THRIFT-1567   C++                  Thrift/cpp: Allow alternate classes to be used  for
+THRIFT-1571   Ruby                 Update Ruby HTTP transport for recent Ruby  versions
+THRIFT-1575   C++                  Typo in  server/TThreadPoolServer.h
+THRIFT-1578   C glib               C_GLib generated code does not  compile
+THRIFT-1582   C glib               Bad includes of nested thrift files in  c_glib
+THRIFT-1583   C glib               c_glib leaks  memory
+THRIFT-1591   Ruby                 Enable TCP_NODELAY for ruby  gem
+THRIFT-1593   Erlang               Pass on errors like "connection closed" to the handler  module
+THRIFT-1596   Delphi               Test clients should have a return codes that reflect whether they succeeded or  not
+THRIFT-1597   PHP                  TJSONProtocol.php is missing from  Makefile.am
+THRIFT-1602   PHP                  PHP C Extension is not Compatible with PHP  5.4
+THRIFT-1604   Python               Python exception handeling for changes from PEP  3110
+THRIFT-1606   C++                  Race condition in  BoostThreadFactory.cpp
+THRIFT-1607   Build Process        Incorrect file modes for several source  files
+THRIFT-1610   C#                   IWebProxy not available on WP7  platform
+THRIFT-1611   Delphi               Improved code generation for  typedefs
+THRIFT-1612   C#                   Base64 encoding is  broken
+THRIFT-1613   Java                 Add code back into empty source file  ToStringTest.java
+THRIFT-1615   PHP                  PHP  Namespace
+THRIFT-1621   Delphi               Memory  leaks
+THRIFT-1622   C++                  Incorrect size returned on  read
+THRIFT-1624   Java                 Isset Generated differently on different  platforms
+THRIFT-1627   Build Process        compiler built using compilers.vcxproj cannot be used to build some test .thrift  files
+THRIFT-1631   C++                  Fix C++ server constructor  typos
+THRIFT-1632   Ruby                 data corruption in thrift_native implementation of  MemoryBufferTransport
+THRIFT-1644   Ruby                 Upgrade RSpec to 2.10.x and refactor specs as  needed
+THRIFT-1645   Ruby                 Replace Object#tee with more conventional Object#tap in  specs
+THRIFT-1650   Ruby                 Update clean items and svn:ignore entries for OS X  artifacts
+THRIFT-1652   Java                 TSaslTransport does not log the error when kerberos auth  fails
+THRIFT-1653   Java                 TThreadedSelectorServer leaks CLOSE_WAIT  sockets
+THRIFT-1654   C glib               c_glib thrift_socket_read() returns corrupted  data
+THRIFT-1655   Build Process        Configure still trying to use thrift_generators in  output
+THRIFT-1656   C++                  Set proper headers in THttpServer.cpp so "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" to fix js client 
+THRIFT-1658   Java                 Java thrift server is not throwing  TApplicationException
+THRIFT-1661   Build Process        Add --with-qt4 configure  option
+THRIFT-1662   Cocoa                "removeObject:" should be "removeObserver:" in [-TSocketServer  dealloc]?
+THRIFT-1663   Java                 Java Thrift server is not throwing  exceptions
+THRIFT-1664   Build Process        Reference to non-existing variable in build  script
+THRIFT-1665   Java                 TBinaryProtocol: exceeded message length raises generic  TException
+THRIFT-1668   Build Process        Compile error in contrib/fb303, thrift/TDispatchProcessor.h: No such file or  directory
+THRIFT-1669   Python               NameError: global name 'TApplicationException' is not  defined
+THRIFT-1670   Delphi               Incompatibilities between different versions of a Thrift  interface
+THRIFT-1671   Cocoa                Cocoa code generator does not put keywords into generated method  calls
+THRIFT-1672   C#                   MonoTouch (and Mono for Android)  compatibility
+THRIFT-1673   Ruby                 Ruby compile flags for extension for multi arch builds (os  x)
+THRIFT-1674   D                    Update Thrift D library to be compatible with  2.060
+THRIFT-1675   Java                 Do we have any plan to support  scala?
+THRIFT-1676   C++                  Allow specifying IP/hostname in  TServer::serve
+THRIFT-1685   Website              Please add "aereo.com" to "Powered by Apache Thrift" list in about  page
+THRIFT-1686   PHP                  php generator uses "and" instead of "&&", and causes compiler errors with Visual  Studio
+THRIFT-1688   Website              Update IDL page  markup
+THRIFT-1689   C++                  don't exit(-1) in  TNonblockingServer
+THRIFT-1691   Delphi               Serializer/deserializer support for  Delphi
+THRIFT-1693   Java                 libthrift has dependency on two different versions of  httpcore
+THRIFT-1694   C#                   Re-Enable serialization for WP7  Silverlight
+THRIFT-1702   Documentation        a thrift  manual
+THRIFT-1707   Ruby                 Adjust server_spec.rb for RSpec 2.11.x and Ruby  1.9.3
+THRIFT-1709   C#                   Warning "Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand;" cast  error
+THRIFT-1710   Delphi               Minor issues in test case  code
+THRIFT-1714   Ruby                 Explicitly add CWD to Ruby  test_suites.rb
+THRIFT-1718   C++                  Incorrect check in  TFileTransportTest
+THRIFT-1721   Build                Dist broken due to 0.8.0 to 0.9.0  changes
+THRIFT-1722   Csharp               C# WP7 Assembly addition beaks mono  build
+THRIFT-1725   Website              Tutorial web pages for Delphi and  C#
+Version 0.8.0
+THRIFT-1330   PHP                  PHP Namespaces no longer generated
+THRIFT-1392   PHP                  Enabling both namespaces and autoloading in generated PHP code won't work.
+THRIFT-386    Python               Make it possible to build the Python library without the extension
+THRIFT-1431   Node.js              Rename 'sys' module to 'util'
+THRIFT-1435   Delphi               make TException.Message property conformant to the usual expectations
+THRIFT-1432   JavaScript           Javascript struct constants declared in the same file as their struct cause an error
+THRIFT-1391   Delphi               Improved Delphi XE test cases
+THRIFT-1387   C++                  Build MSVC libraries with Boost Threads instead of Pthreads
+THRIFT-1426   Build Process        Dist package missing files for release 0.8
+THRIFT-1428   Tutorial             shared.thrft does not include namespace for php, compiler generate incorrect name
+THRIFT-1411   Java                 java generator does not provide type parameter for TBaseProcessor
+THRIFT-1425   Node.js              The Node package is incompatible with latest node (0.6) & npm (1.0.27)
+THRIFT-1401   Delphi               JSON-protocol for Delphi XE Libraries
+THRIFT-1424   Ruby                 Ruby specs fail when run with rake
+THRIFT-1382   Ruby                 Bundle install doesnot work because thrift crashes
+THRIFT-1251   Java                 Generated java code should indicate which fields are required and which are optional
+THRIFT-1361   C++                  Optional replacement of pthread by boost::thread
+THRIFT-1415   Delphi               delphi: add version Info to the library
+THRIFT-1031   C++                  Patch to compile Thrift for vc++ 9.0 and 10.0
+THRIFT-1420   Java                 Nonblocking and HsHa server should close all socket connections when the selector exits
+THRIFT-1419   Java                 AbstractNonBlockingServer does not catch errors when invoking the processor
+THRIFT-1416   Python               Python Unit test is broken on ci
+THRIFT-1409   Delphi               Name conflict check does not work properly for exception object(Delphi).
+THRIFT-1413   Delphi               Generated code does not read MapEnd / ListEnd / SetEnd
+THRIFT-1408   Delphi               Delphi Test Server: Exception test case fails due to naming conflict with e.message
+THRIFT-1407   Python               Typo in Python socket server causes Thrift to fail when we enable a global socket timout
+THRIFT-1405   Delphi               Delphi compiler does not generates container serializer properly.
+THRIFT-1399   Delphi               One of the TServerImpl.Create CTORs lacks implementation
+THRIFT-1406   Delphi               Build error after applying THRIFT-1395
+THRIFT-1404   Delphi               Delphi compiler generates struct reader code with problem.
+THRIFT-1395   Delphi               Patch to prevent warnings for integer types in some cases
+THRIFT-1400   Ruby                 Ruby native extension aborts with __stack_chk_fail in OSX
+THRIFT-1397   Test Suite           CI server fails during build due to unused parameters in delphi generator
+THRIFT-1396   Delphi               Dephi generator has dependacy on boost 1.42 later.
+THRIFT-1390   Build Process        Debian packages build fix for Squeeze (build from the official  0.7.0 tarball)
+THRIFT-1393   PHP                  TTransportException's thrown from THttpClient has extra slashes in the Exception message
+THRIFT-1366   Delphi               Delphi generator, lirbrary and unit test.
+THRIFT-1130   Compiler (General)   Add the ability to specify symbolic default value for optional boolean
+THRIFT-1381   C++                  Thrift C++ libs have incorrectly versioned names
+THRIFT-1384   Javame               Java help menu missing newline near javame flag
+THRIFT-1373   C++                  Fix user-defined exception generation in thrift (python)
+THRIFT-1379   C++                  fix uninitialized enum values in thrift C++ objects
+THRIFT-1377   C++                  abort PHP deserialization on unknown field type
+THRIFT-1376   C++                  Make port specification option in thrift remote
+THRIFT-1375   C++                  fixed a hex char conversion bug in TJSONProtocol
+THRIFT-1370   C glib               Debian packaging should Build-Depend on libglib2.0-dev
+THRIFT-1121   Java                 Java server performance regression in 0.6
+THRIFT-1365   Java                 TupleProtocol#writeBitSet unintentionally writes a variable length byte array
+THRIFT-1359   C++                  --gen-cob cpp:cob_style does not compile anymore
+THRIFT-1355   Ruby                 Running make in lib/rb doesn't build the native extensions
+THRIFT-1354   Ruby                 Add rake task to build just the gem file
+THRIFT-857    Test Suite           tests run by "make install" fail if generators are disabled
+THRIFT-1339   Java                 Extend Tuple Protocol to TUnions
+THRIFT-1331   Ruby                 Ruby library deserializes an empty map to nil
+THRIFT-1350   Go                   Go library code does not build as of r60 (most recent release)
+THRIFT-1227   Erlang               Erlang implementation of thrift JSON protocol
+THRIFT-1335   C++                  Add accept timeout to TServerSocket
+THRIFT-1345   Build Process        Allow building without tests
+THRIFT-1342   Python               Compilation problem on Windows of fastbinary.c
+THRIFT-1341   C++                  TProtocol.h endian detection wrong with boost
+THRIFT-1243   C++                  TAsyncChannel callbacks
+THRIFT-1238   JavaScript           Thrift JS client cannot read map of structures
+THRIFT-1333   C++                  Make RWGuard not copyable
+THRIFT-1334   C++                  Add more info to IllegalStateException
+THRIFT-1332   Java                 TSSLTransportParameters class uses hard coded value keyManagerType: SunX509
+THRIFT-1328   Java                 TBaseHelper.toString(...) appends ByteBuffer data outside of valid buffer range
+THRIFT-1322   OCaml                OCaml lib fail to compile: Thrift.ml line 305, int vs int32 mismatch
+THRIFT-1279   PHP                  type set is handled incorrectly when writing object
+THRIFT-1320   C++                  Consistency of configure generated config.h
+THRIFT-1319   Java                 Mismatch between how a union reads and writes a container
+THRIFT-1316   C++                  thrift: update server classes to accept
+THRIFT-1314   C++                  thrift: add TProcessorFactory
+THRIFT-1315   C++                  thrift: generate server interface factory classes
+THRIFT-1317   C++                  Remove copy constructibility from
+THRIFT-1305   C++                  thrift: make TConnection a private inner class of
+THRIFT-1286   Ruby                 Modernize the Thrift Ruby Library Dev Environment
+THRIFT-1304   C++                  TNonblockingServer: pass in the connection context to
+THRIFT-1302   C++                  thrift: raise an exception if send() times out in
+THRIFT-1301   C++                  thrift: consolidate common code in TNonblockingServer
+THRIFT-1298   Java                 Standard scheme doesn't read or write metadata along with field values
+THRIFT-1257   Java                 thrift's dependency scope on javax.servlet:servlet-api should be 'provided'
+THRIFT-1240   PHP                  TBinarySerializer invalid serialization due to TBufferTransport not flushing 
+THRIFT-1295   C++                  Duplicate include in TSocket.cpp
+THRIFT-1294   C++                  thrift: fix log message typos in TSimpleServer
+THRIFT-1293   C++                  thrift: improve handling of exceptions thrown by
+THRIFT-1292   C++                  thrift: silence log spew from TThreadedServer
+THRIFT-1290   C++                  thrift: TNonblockingServer: clean up state in the
+THRIFT-1289   C++                  thrift: implement TNonblockingServer::stop()
+THRIFT-1288   C++                  Allow typedefed exceptions in throws clauses
+THRIFT-1287   C++                  thrift: start refactoring some of the C++ processor
+THRIFT-1280   C++                  Thrift: Improve Monitor exception-free interfaces
+THRIFT-1281   Compiler (General)   add @generated to the docblock
+THRIFT-1282   Java                 Upgrade httpclient to 4.1.2 (from 4.0.1)
+THRIFT-1284   C++                  thrift: fix processor inheritance
+THRIFT-1283   C++                  thrift: wrap t_cpp_generator::generate_process_function() to 80
+THRIFT-1278   Java                 javadoc warnings - compilation
+THRIFT-1254   JavaME               Code compiled against a regular JRE: Object.clone() override has a different return type
+THRIFT-1271   C++                  thrift: fix missing namespace in generated local
+THRIFT-1274   C++                  thrift: fail compilation if an unexpected token is
+THRIFT-1275   C++                  thrift: always prefix namespaces with " ::"
+THRIFT-1265   C++                  C++ container deserialize
+THRIFT-1167   Java                 Java nonblocking server with more than one thread for select and handling IO
+THRIFT-380    Python               Use setuptools for python build
+THRIFT-1270   C++                  thrift: add --allow-neg-keys argument to allow
+THRIFT-1263   Ruby                 publish ruby client to rubygems
+THRIFT-1205   Java                 port server unduly fragile with arbitrary input
+THRIFT-769    Java                 Pluggable Serializers
+THRIFT-1239   Java                 TupleProtocol- An extremely compact, temporary protocol
 Version 0.7.0
 THRIFT-1252   Ruby                 Segfault in Ruby deserializer
@@ -72,17 +353,17 @@
 THRIFT-1237   Java                 Java fb303 missing some methods		
 THRIFT-1248   C++                  pointer subtraction in TMemoryBuffer relies on undefined behavior		
 THRIFT-1253   Java                 Code generated for maps is not compiling		
-THRIFT-1255   Java                 Mismatch of method name between JavaME's lib and generated code (compareTo/compareObjects)		
+THRIFT-1255   Java                 Mismatch of method name between JavaME's lib and generated code (compareTo/compareObjects)
 THRIFT-1238   JavaScript           Thrift JS client cannot read map of structures		
 THRIFT-1213                        Membuffer should provide a way to get back the buffer		
-THRIFT-1117   JavaScript           JavaScript Unit Test does not work anymore because libthrift*.jar where moved by Maven Deployment		
+THRIFT-1117   JavaScript           JavaScript Unit Test does fail due to libthrift*.jar where moved by Maven Deployment		
 THRIFT-1164   JavaScript           Segmentation fault on NULL pointer in t_js_generator::generate_const		
-THRIFT-788    PHP                  thrift_protocol.so: multiget/multiget_slice does not handle more than 17 keys correctly		
+THRIFT-788    PHP                  thrift_protocol.so: multiget/multiget_slice does not handle more than 17 keys correctly
 THRIFT-1222   C++                  Unhandled exception for TEvhttpServer request		
 THRIFT-1241   PHP                  php namespace generation		
 THRIFT-1236   Erlang               Erlang Reconnecting Thrift Client		
-THRIFT-1151   Erlang               Produce more informative runtime error in case of schema and data mismatch during serialization		
-THRIFT-1146   Java                 Android Incompatibility : in Android < 2.3 java.io.IOException doesn't support for Throwable 
+THRIFT-1151   Erlang               Produce informative runtime error in case of schema and data mismatch on serialization
+THRIFT-1146   Java                 Android Incompatibility: Android < 2.3 java.io.IOException doesn't support for Throwable 
 THRIFT-826    PHP                  PHP TSocket Write Timeout		
 THRIFT-27     Erlang               Generated erlang types don't contain default values for records		
 THRIFT-1153   C++                  HttpClient does not specify the connection close parameter		
@@ -93,7 +374,7 @@
 THRIFT-1181   AS3                  AS3 compiler generates incorrect code for setting default values in constructor		
 THRIFT-997    Java                 Using valueOf for base types in getFieldValue		
 THRIFT-999    PHP                  Add TForkingServer		
-THRIFT-1041   Java                 TDeserializer holds onto a reference of the array it reads after it is done deserializing		
+THRIFT-1041   Java                 TDeserializer holds onto a reference of the array it reads after it is done deserializing
 THRIFT-1065   JavaScript           Unexpected exceptions not proper handled on JS		
 THRIFT-993    C++                  Some improvements in C++ stubs for oneway operations		
 THRIFT-1083   Python               Preforking python process pool server