THRIFT-1510:There should be an implementation of the JsonProtocol for ruby
Client: ruby
Patch: Wim Crols
JSON impl for ruby
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/json_protocol_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/json_protocol_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce64aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/json_protocol_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/spec_helper")
+class ThriftJsonProtocolSpec < Spec::ExampleGroup
+ include Thrift
+ before(:each) do
+ @trans =
+ @prot =
+ end
+ it "should write json escaped char" do
+ @prot.write_json_escape_char("\n")
+ == '\u000a'
+ @prot.write_json_escape_char(" ")
+ == '\u0020'
+ end
+ it "should write json char" do
+ @prot.write_json_char("\n")
+ == '\\n'
+ @prot.write_json_char(" ")
+ == ' '
+ @prot.write_json_char("\\")
+ == "\\\\"
+ @prot.write_json_char("@")
+ == '@'
+ end
+ it "should write json string" do
+ @prot.write_json_string("this is a \\ json\nstring")
+ == "\"this is a \\\\ json\\nstring\""
+ end
+ it "should write json base64" do
+ @prot.write_json_base64("this is a base64 string")
+ == "\"\"dGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBzdHJpbmc=\\n\"\""
+ end
+ it "should write json integer" do
+ @prot.write_json_integer(45)
+ == "45"
+ @prot.write_json_integer(33000)
+ == "33000"
+ @prot.write_json_integer(3000000000)
+ == "3000000000"
+ @prot.write_json_integer(6000000000)
+ == "6000000000"
+ end
+ it "should write json double" do
+ @prot.write_json_double(12.3)
+ == "12.3"
+ @prot.write_json_double(-3.21)
+ == "-3.21"
+ @prot.write_json_double(((+1.0/0.0)/(+1.0/0.0)))
+ == "\"NaN\""
+ @prot.write_json_double((+1.0/0.0))
+ == "\"Infinity\""
+ @prot.write_json_double((-1.0/0.0))
+ == "\"-Infinity\""
+ end
+ it "should write json object start" do
+ @prot.write_json_object_start
+ == "{"
+ end
+ it "should write json object end" do
+ @prot.write_json_object_end
+ == "}"
+ end
+ it "should write json array start" do
+ @prot.write_json_array_start
+ == "["
+ end
+ it "should write json array end" do
+ @prot.write_json_array_end
+ == "]"
+ end
+ it "should write message begin" do
+ @prot.write_message_begin("name", 12, 32)
+ == "[1,\"name\",12,32"
+ end
+ it "should write message end" do
+ @prot.write_message_end
+ == "]"
+ end
+ it "should write struct begin" do
+ @prot.write_struct_begin("name")
+ == "{"
+ end
+ it "should write struct end" do
+ @prot.write_struct_end
+ == "}"
+ end
+ it "should write field begin" do
+ @prot.write_field_begin("name", Types::STRUCT, 32)
+ == "32{\"rec\""
+ end
+ it "should write field end" do
+ @prot.write_field_end
+ == "}"
+ end
+ it "should write field stop" do
+ @prot.write_field_stop
+ == ""
+ end
+ it "should write map begin" do
+ @prot.write_map_begin(Types::STRUCT, Types::LIST, 32)
+ == "[\"rec\",\"lst\",32,{"
+ end
+ it "should write map end" do
+ @prot.write_map_end
+ == "}]"
+ end
+ it "should write list begin" do
+ @prot.write_list_begin(Types::STRUCT, 32)
+ == "[\"rec\",32"
+ end
+ it "should write list end" do
+ @prot.write_list_end
+ == "]"
+ end
+ it "should write set begin" do
+ @prot.write_set_begin(Types::STRUCT, 32)
+ == "[\"rec\",32"
+ end
+ it "should write set end" do
+ @prot.write_set_end
+ == "]"
+ end
+ it "should write bool" do
+ @prot.write_bool(true)
+ == "1"
+ @prot.write_bool(false)
+ == "0"
+ end
+ it "should write byte" do
+ @prot.write_byte(100)
+ == "100"
+ end
+ it "should write i16" do
+ @prot.write_i16(1000)
+ == "1000"
+ end
+ it "should write i32" do
+ @prot.write_i32(3000000000)
+ == "3000000000"
+ end
+ it "should write i64" do
+ @prot.write_i64(6000000000)
+ == "6000000000"
+ end
+ it "should write double" do
+ @prot.write_double(1.23)
+ == "1.23"
+ @prot.write_double(-32.1)
+ == "-32.1"
+ @prot.write_double(((+1.0/0.0)/(+1.0/0.0)))
+ == "\"NaN\""
+ @prot.write_double((+1.0/0.0))
+ == "\"Infinity\""
+ @prot.write_double((-1.0/0.0))
+ == "\"-Infinity\""
+ end
+ it "should write string" do
+ @prot.write_string("this is a test string")
+ == "\"this is a test string\""
+ end
+ it "should write binary" do
+ @prot.write_binary("this is a base64 string")
+ == "\"\"dGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBzdHJpbmc=\\n\"\""
+ end
+ it "should get type name for type id" do
+ expect {@prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::STOP)}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+ expect {@prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::VOID)}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::BOOL).should == "tf"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::BYTE).should == "i8"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::DOUBLE).should == "dbl"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::I16).should == "i16"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::I32).should == "i32"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::I64).should == "i64"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::STRING).should == "str"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::STRUCT).should == "rec"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::MAP).should == "map"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::SET).should == "set"
+ @prot.get_type_name_for_type_id(Types::LIST).should == "lst"
+ end
+ it "should get type id for type name" do
+ expect {@prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("pp")}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("tf").should == Types::BOOL
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("i8").should == Types::BYTE
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("dbl").should == Types::DOUBLE
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("i16").should == Types::I16
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("i32").should == Types::I32
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("i64").should == Types::I64
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("str").should == Types::STRING
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("rec").should == Types::STRUCT
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("map").should == Types::MAP
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("set").should == Types::SET
+ @prot.get_type_id_for_type_name("lst").should == Types::LIST
+ end
+ it "should read json syntax char" do
+ @trans.write('F')
+ expect {@prot.read_json_syntax_char('G')}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @trans.write('H')
+ @prot.read_json_syntax_char('H')
+ end
+ it "should read json escape char" do
+ @trans.write('0054')
+ @prot.read_json_escape_char.should == 'T'
+ end
+ it "should read json string" do
+ @trans.write("\"\\P")
+ expect {@prot.read_json_string(false)}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @trans.write("\"\\n\"")
+ @prot.read_json_string(false).should == "\\n"
+ @trans.write("\"this is a test string\"")
+ @prot.read_json_string.should == "this is a test string"
+ end
+ it "should read json base64" do
+ @trans.write("\"dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qgc3RyaW5n\"")
+ @prot.read_json_base64.should == "this is a test string"
+ end
+ it "should is json numeric" do
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("A").should == false
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("+").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("-").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric(".").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("0").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("1").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("2").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("3").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("4").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("5").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("6").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("7").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("8").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("9").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("E").should == true
+ @prot.is_json_numeric("e").should == true
+ end
+ it "should read json numeric chars" do
+ @trans.write("1.453E45T")
+ @prot.read_json_numeric_chars.should == "1.453E45"
+ end
+ it "should read json integer" do
+ @trans.write("1.45\"\"")
+ expect {@prot.read_json_integer}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @prot.read_string
+ @trans.write("1453T")
+ @prot.read_json_integer.should == 1453
+ end
+ it "should read json double" do
+ @trans.write("1.45e3e01\"\"")
+ expect {@prot.read_json_double}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @prot.read_string
+ @trans.write("\"1.453e01\"")
+ expect {@prot.read_json_double}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @trans.write("1.453e01\"\"")
+ @prot.read_json_double.should == 14.53
+ @prot.read_string
+ @trans.write("\"NaN\"")
+ @prot.read_json_double.nan?.should == true
+ @trans.write("\"Infinity\"")
+ @prot.read_json_double.should == +1.0/0.0
+ @trans.write("\"-Infinity\"")
+ @prot.read_json_double.should == -1.0/0.0
+ end
+ it "should read json object start" do
+ @trans.write("{")
+ @prot.read_json_object_start.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read json object end" do
+ @trans.write("}")
+ @prot.read_json_object_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read json array start" do
+ @trans.write("[")
+ @prot.read_json_array_start.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read json array end" do
+ @trans.write("]")
+ @prot.read_json_array_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read_message_begin" do
+ @trans.write("[2,")
+ expect {@prot.read_message_begin}.to raise_error(ProtocolException)
+ @trans.write("[1,\"name\",12,32\"\"")
+ @prot.read_message_begin.should == ["name", 12, 32]
+ end
+ it "should read message end" do
+ @trans.write("]")
+ @prot.read_message_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read struct begin" do
+ @trans.write("{")
+ @prot.read_struct_begin.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read struct end" do
+ @trans.write("}")
+ @prot.read_struct_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read field begin" do
+ @trans.write("1{\"rec\"")
+ @prot.read_field_begin.should == [nil, 12, 1]
+ end
+ it "should read field end" do
+ @trans.write("}")
+ @prot.read_field_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read map begin" do
+ @trans.write("[\"rec\",\"lst\",2,{")
+ @prot.read_map_begin.should == [12, 15, 2]
+ end
+ it "should read map end" do
+ @trans.write("}]")
+ @prot.read_map_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read list begin" do
+ @trans.write("[\"rec\",2\"\"")
+ @prot.read_list_begin.should == [12, 2]
+ end
+ it "should read list end" do
+ @trans.write("]")
+ @prot.read_list_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read set begin" do
+ @trans.write("[")
+ @prot.read_set_begin.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read set end" do
+ @trans.write("]")
+ @prot.read_set_end.should == nil
+ end
+ it "should read bool" do
+ @trans.write("0\"\"")
+ @prot.read_bool.should == false
+ @prot.read_string
+ @trans.write("1\"\"")
+ @prot.read_bool.should == true
+ end
+ it "should read byte" do
+ @trans.write("60\"\"")
+ @prot.read_byte.should == 60
+ end
+ it "should read i16" do
+ @trans.write("1000\"\"")
+ @prot.read_i16.should == 1000
+ end
+ it "should read i32" do
+ @trans.write("3000000000\"\"")
+ @prot.read_i32.should == 3000000000
+ end
+ it "should read i64" do
+ @trans.write("6000000000\"\"")
+ @prot.read_i64.should == 6000000000
+ end
+ it "should read double" do
+ @trans.write("12.23\"\"")
+ @prot.read_double.should == 12.23
+ end
+ it "should read string" do
+ @trans.write("\"this is a test string\"")
+ @prot.read_string.should == "this is a test string"
+ end
+ it "should read binary" do
+ @trans.write("\"dGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qgc3RyaW5n\"")
+ @prot.read_binary.should == "this is a test string"
+ end
+ describe JsonProtocolFactory do
+ it "should create a JsonProtocol" do
+"MockTransport")).should be_instance_of(JsonProtocol)
+ end
+ end