Thrift now works in PHP, hot stuff
Summary: End to end communication working in Thrift with PHP
Problem: It's a bit slower than pillar still. Need to find out why.
Reviewed By: aditya
Test Plan: Unit tests are in the test directory. Get lucas on the PHP case...
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/compiler/Makefile b/compiler/Makefile
index 938ef50..26a8b31 100644
--- a/compiler/Makefile
+++ b/compiler/Makefile
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
generate/ \
generate/ \
- generate/
+ generate/ \
+ generate/
# Autogenerated files
diff --git a/compiler/src/generate/ b/compiler/src/generate/
index 18cfa31..1b36c82 100644
--- a/compiler/src/generate/
+++ b/compiler/src/generate/
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@;
// Print header file includes
- f_header_ << autogen_comment();
+ f_header_ <<
+ autogen_comment();
f_header_ <<
"#ifndef " << service_name_ << "_H" << endl <<
"#define " << service_name_ << "_H" << endl <<
@@ -150,7 +151,8 @@
"#include \"protocol/TProtocol.h\"" << endl <<
"#include \"" << program_name_ << "Types.h\"" << endl <<
- f_service_ << autogen_comment();
+ f_service_ <<
+ autogen_comment();
f_service_ <<
"#include \"" << service_name_ << ".h\"" << endl << endl;
@@ -643,9 +645,8 @@
string etype = tmp("_etype");
indent(f_service_) <<
- "uint32_t " << size << ";" << endl;
+ "int32_t " << size << ";" << endl;
// Declare variables, read header
if (ttype->is_map()) {
f_service_ <<
@@ -669,7 +670,7 @@
// For loop iterates over elements
string i = tmp("_i");
indent(f_service_) <<
- "uint32_t " << i << ";" << endl;
+ "int32_t " << i << ";" << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"for (" <<
i << " = 0; " << i << " < " << size << "; ++" << i << ")" << endl;
diff --git a/compiler/src/generate/ b/compiler/src/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7185ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "t_php_generator.h"
+using namespace std;
+ * Prepares for file generation by opening up the necessary file output
+ * streams.
+ *
+ * @param tprogram The program to generate
+ */
+void t_php_generator::init_generator(t_program* tprogram) {
+ // Make output directory
+ // Make output file
+ string f_types_name = string(T_PHP_DIR)+"/"+program_name_+"Types.php";
+ // Print header
+ f_types_ <<
+ "<?php" << endl <<
+ autogen_comment() <<
+ php_includes();
+ * Prints standard java imports
+ */
+string t_php_generator::php_includes() {
+ return
+ string("require_once THRIFT_ROOT.'/Thrift.php';\n\n");
+ * Does nothing in PHP
+ */
+void t_php_generator::close_generator() {
+ // Close types file
+ f_types_ << "?>" << endl;
+ f_types_.close();
+ * Generates a typedef. This is not done in PHP, types are all implicit.
+ *
+ * @param ttypedef The type definition
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_typedef(t_typedef* ttypedef) {}
+ * Generates code for an enumerated type. Since define is expensive to lookup
+ * in PHP, we use a global array for this.
+ *
+ * @param tenum The enumeration
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_enum(t_enum* tenum) {
+ f_types_ <<
+ "$GLOBALS['E_" << tenum->get_name() << "'] = array(" << endl;
+ vector<t_constant*> constants = tenum->get_constants();
+ vector<t_constant*>::iterator c_iter;
+ int value = -1;
+ for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) {
+ if ((*c_iter)->has_value()) {
+ value = (*c_iter)->get_value();
+ } else {
+ ++value;
+ }
+ f_types_ <<
+ " '" << (*c_iter)->get_name() << "' => " << value << "," << endl;
+ }
+ f_types_ <<
+ ");" << endl << endl;
+ // We're also doing it this way to see how it performs. It's more legible
+ // code but you can't do things like an 'extract' on it, which is a bit of
+ // a downer.
+ f_types_ <<
+ "final class " << tenum->get_name() << " {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ value = -1;
+ for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) {
+ if ((*c_iter)->has_value()) {
+ value = (*c_iter)->get_value();
+ } else {
+ ++value;
+ }
+ indent(f_types_) <<
+ "const " << (*c_iter)->get_name() << " = " << value << ";" << endl;
+ }
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << "}" << endl << endl;
+ * Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type. This is nothing in PHP
+ * where the objects are all just associative arrays (unless of course we
+ * decide to start using objects for them...)
+ *
+ * @param tstruct The struct definition
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_struct(t_struct* tstruct) {
+ f_types_ <<
+ "class " << tstruct->get_name() << " {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
+ for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
+ indent(f_types_) <<
+ "public " << declare_field(*m_iter, true) << endl;
+ }
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ <<
+ indent() << "}" << endl <<
+ endl;
+ * Generates a thrift service. In C++, this comprises an entirely separate
+ * header and source file. The header file defines the methods and includes
+ * the data types defined in the main header file, and the implementation
+ * file contains implementations of the basic printer and default interfaces.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service definition
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_service(t_service* tservice) {
+ string f_service_name = string(T_PHP_DIR)+"/"+service_name_+".php";
+ f_service_ <<
+ "<?php" << endl <<
+ autogen_comment() <<
+ php_includes();
+ f_service_ <<
+ "require_once '" << service_name_ << "Types.php';" << endl << endl;
+ // Generate the three main parts of the service (well, two for now in PHP)
+ generate_service_interface(tservice);
+ // generate_service_server(tservice);
+ generate_service_client(tservice);
+ // Close service file
+ f_service_ << "?>" << endl;
+ f_service_.close();
+ * Generates a service interface definition.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_service_interface(t_service* tservice) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ "abstract class " << service_name_ << "If {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
+ vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
+ for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "public abstract function " << function_signature(*f_iter) << ";" << endl;
+ }
+ indent_down();
+ f_service_ <<
+ "}" << endl << endl;
+ * Generates a service client definition.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service to generate a server for.
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_service_client(t_service* tservice) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ "class " << service_name_ << "Client " <<
+ "extends " << service_name_ << "If {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ // Private members
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "private $_itrans = null;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "private $_otrans = null;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "private $_iprot = null;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "private $_oprot = null;" << endl << endl;
+ // Constructor function
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "public function __construct() {" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $argv = func_get_args();" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $argc = count($argv);" << endl <<
+ indent() << " if ($argc == 2) {" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_itrans = $this->_otrans = $argv[0];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_iprot = $this->_oprot = $argv[1];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " } else if ($argc == 4) {" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_itrans = $argv[0];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_otrans = $argv[1];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_iprot = $argv[2];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_oprot = $argv[3];" << endl <<
+ indent() << " }" << endl <<
+ indent() << "}" << endl << endl;
+ // Generate client method implementations
+ vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
+ vector<t_function*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ string funname = (*f_iter)->get_name();
+ // Open function
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "public function " << function_signature(*f_iter) << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ // Serialize the request
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeStructBegin($this->_otrans, 'function');" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldBegin($this->_otrans, 'name', TType::STRING, 0);" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeString($this->_otrans, '" << funname << "');" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldBegin($this->_otrans, 'args', TType::STRUCT, 1);" << endl;
+ generate_serialize_struct((*f_iter)->get_arglist());
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldStop($this->_otrans);" << endl <<
+ indent() <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeStructEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ // Flush the request
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_otrans->flush();" << endl;
+ // Read the response
+ t_struct result_struct((*f_iter)->get_name() + "_result");
+ t_field result_field((*f_iter)->get_returntype(), "_result");
+ // Add a field to the return struct if non void
+ if (!(*f_iter)->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ declare_field(&result_field, true, true) << endl;
+ result_struct.append(&result_field);
+ }
+ // Deserialize response struct
+ generate_deserialize_struct(&result_struct);
+ // Careful, only return _result if not a void function
+ if (!(*f_iter)->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "return $_result;" << endl;
+ } else {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "return;" << endl;
+ }
+ // Close function
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ f_service_ << endl;
+ }
+ indent_down();
+ f_service_ <<
+ "}" << endl;
+ f_service_.close();
+ * Deserializes a field of any type.
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_field(t_field* tfield,
+ string prefix) {
+ t_type* type = tfield->get_type();
+ while (type->is_typedef()) {
+ type = ((t_typedef*)type)->get_type();
+ }
+ if (type->is_void()) {
+ prefix + tfield->get_name();
+ }
+ string name = prefix + tfield->get_name();
+ if (type->is_struct()) {
+ generate_deserialize_struct((t_struct*)(tfield->get_type()),
+ name + "->");
+ } else if (type->is_container()) {
+ generate_deserialize_container(tfield->get_type(), name);
+ } else if (type->is_base_type() || type->is_enum()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_iprot->";
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ throw "compiler error: cannot serialize void field in a struct: " +
+ name;
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ f_service_ << "readString($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ f_service_ << "readByte($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ f_service_ << "readI32($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U32:
+ f_service_ << "readU32($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ f_service_ << "readI64($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U64:
+ f_service_ << "readU64($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "compiler error: no C++ name for base type " + tbase;
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ f_service_ << "readI32($this->_itrans, $" << name << ");";
+ }
+ f_service_ <<
+ endl;
+ } else {
+ tfield->get_name().c_str(), type_name(type).c_str());
+ }
+ * Generates an unserializer for a variable. This makes two key assumptions,
+ * first that there is a const char* variable named data that points to the
+ * buffer for deserialization, and that there is a variable protocol which
+ * is a reference to a TProtocol serialization object.
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_struct(t_struct* tstruct,
+ string prefix) {
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ // Read the struct fields from the protocol
+ string fid = tmp("_fid");
+ string ftype = tmp("_ftype");
+ string fname = tmp("_name");
+ // Declare stack tmp variables
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "$" << fname << " = null;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$" << ftype << " = null;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$" << fid << " = 0;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$this->_iprot->readStructBegin($this->_itrans, $" << fname << ");" << endl;
+ // Loop over reading in fields
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "while (true)" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ // Read beginning field marker
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_iprot->readFieldBegin($this->_itrans, " <<
+ "$" << fname << ", $" << ftype << ", $" << fid << ");" << endl;
+ // Check for field STOP marker and break
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "if ($" << ftype << " == TType::STOP) { " << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "break;" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "}" << endl;
+ // Switch statement on the field we are reading
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "switch ($" << fid << ")" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ // Generate deserialization code for known cases
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "case " << (*f_iter)->get_key() << ":" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ generate_deserialize_field(*f_iter, prefix);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "break;" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ }
+ // In the default case we skip the field
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "default:" << endl <<
+ indent() << " $this->_iprot->skip($this->_itrans, $" << ftype << ");" << endl <<
+ indent() << " break;" << endl;
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ // Read field end marker
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_iprot->readFieldEnd($this->_itrans);" << endl;
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_iprot->readStructEnd($this->_itrans);" << endl;
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_container(t_type* ttype,
+ string prefix) {
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ string size = tmp("_size");
+ string ktype = tmp("_ktype");
+ string vtype = tmp("_vtype");
+ string etype = tmp("_etype");
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << size << " = 0;" << endl;
+ // Declare variables, read header
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "$" << ktype << " = 0;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$" << vtype << " = 0;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$this->_iprot->readMapBegin($this->_itrans, " <<
+ "$" << ktype << ", $" << vtype << ", $" << size << ");" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "$" << etype << " = 0;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$this->_iprot->readSetBegin($this->_itrans, " <<
+ "$" << etype << ", $" << size << ");" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "$" << etype << " = 0;" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$this->_iprot->readListBegin($this->_itrans, " <<
+ "$" << etype << ", $" << size << ");" << endl;
+ }
+ // For loop iterates over elements
+ string i = tmp("_i");
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "for ($" <<
+ i << " = 0; $" << i << " < $" << size << "; ++$" << i << ")" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ generate_deserialize_map_element((t_map*)ttype, prefix);
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ generate_deserialize_set_element((t_set*)ttype, prefix);
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ generate_deserialize_list_element((t_list*)ttype, prefix);
+ }
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ // Read container end
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ indent(f_service_) << "$this->_iprot->readMapEnd($this->_itrans);" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ indent(f_service_) << "$this->_iprot->readSetEnd($this->_itrans);" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ indent(f_service_) << "$this->_iprot->readListEnd($this->_itrans);" << endl;
+ }
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ * Generates code to deserialize a map
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_map_element(t_map* tmap,
+ string prefix) {
+ string key = tmp("_key");
+ string val = tmp("_val");
+ t_field fkey(tmap->get_key_type(), key);
+ t_field fval(tmap->get_val_type(), val);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ declare_field(&fkey, true, true) << endl;
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ declare_field(&fval, true, true) << endl;
+ generate_deserialize_field(&fkey);
+ generate_deserialize_field(&fval);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << prefix << "[$" << key << "] = $" << val << ";" << endl;
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_set_element(t_set* tset,
+ string prefix) {
+ string elem = tmp("_elem");
+ t_field felem(tset->get_elem_type(), elem);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << elem << " = null;" << endl;
+ generate_deserialize_field(&felem);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << prefix << " []= $" << elem << ";" << endl;
+void t_php_generator::generate_deserialize_list_element(t_list* tlist,
+ string prefix) {
+ string elem = tmp("_elem");
+ t_field felem(tlist->get_elem_type(), elem);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << elem << " = null;" << endl;
+ generate_deserialize_field(&felem);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$" << prefix << " []= $" << elem << ";" << endl;
+ * Serializes a field of any type.
+ *
+ * @param tfield The field to serialize
+ * @param prefix Name to prepend to field name
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_field(t_field* tfield,
+ string prefix) {
+ t_type* type = tfield->get_type();
+ while (type->is_typedef()) {
+ type = ((t_typedef*)type)->get_type();
+ }
+ // Do nothing for void types
+ if (type->is_void()) {
+ prefix + tfield->get_name();
+ }
+ if (type->is_struct()) {
+ generate_serialize_struct((t_struct*)(tfield->get_type()),
+ prefix + tfield->get_name() + "->");
+ } else if (type->is_container()) {
+ generate_serialize_container(tfield->get_type(),
+ prefix + tfield->get_name());
+ } else if (type->is_base_type() || type->is_enum()) {
+ string name = prefix + tfield->get_name();
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->";
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ throw
+ "compiler error: cannot serialize void field in a struct: " + name;
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ f_service_ << "writeString($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ f_service_ << "writeByte($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ f_service_ << "writeI32($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U32:
+ f_service_ << "writeU32($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ f_service_ << "writeI64($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U64:
+ f_service_ << "writeU64($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "compiler error: no C++ name for base type " + tbase;
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ f_service_ << "writeI32($this->_otrans, $" << name << ");";
+ }
+ f_service_ << endl;
+ } else {
+ printf("DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SERIALIZE FIELD '%s%s' TYPE '%s'\n",
+ prefix.c_str(),
+ tfield->get_name().c_str(),
+ type_name(type).c_str());
+ }
+ * Serializes all the members of a struct.
+ *
+ * @param tstruct The struct to serialize
+ * @param prefix String prefix to attach to all fields
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_struct(t_struct* tstruct,
+ string prefix) {
+ string name = tstruct->get_name();
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeStructBegin($this->_otrans, '" << name << "');" << endl;
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ // Write field header
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldBegin($this->_otrans, " <<
+ "'" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "', " <<
+ type_to_enum((*f_iter)->get_type()) << ", " <<
+ (*f_iter)->get_key() << ");" << endl;
+ // Write field contents
+ generate_serialize_field(*f_iter, prefix);
+ // Write field closer
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeFieldEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ }
+ // Write the struct map
+ f_service_ <<
+ indent() << "$this->_oprot->writeFieldStop($this->_otrans);" << endl <<
+ indent() << "$this->_oprot->writeStructEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_container(t_type* ttype,
+ string prefix) {
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeMapBegin($this->_otrans, " <<
+ type_to_enum(((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type()) << ", " <<
+ type_to_enum(((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type()) << ", " <<
+ "count($" << prefix << "));" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeSetBegin($this->_otrans, " <<
+ type_to_enum(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) << ", " <<
+ "count($" << prefix << "));" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeListBegin($this->_otrans, " <<
+ type_to_enum(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type()) << ", " <<
+ "count($" << prefix << "));" << endl;
+ }
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ string kiter = tmp("_kiter");
+ string viter = tmp("_viter");
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "foreach ($" << prefix << " as " <<
+ "$" << kiter << " => $" << viter << ")" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ generate_serialize_map_element((t_map*)ttype, kiter, viter);
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ string iter = tmp("_iter");
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "foreach ($" << prefix << " as $" << iter << ")" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ generate_serialize_set_element((t_set*)ttype, iter);
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ string iter = tmp("_iter");
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "foreach ($" << prefix << " as $" << iter << ")" << endl;
+ scope_up(f_service_);
+ generate_serialize_list_element((t_list*)ttype, iter);
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ }
+ if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeMapEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeSetEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ indent(f_service_) <<
+ "$this->_oprot->writeListEnd($this->_otrans);" << endl;
+ }
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ scope_down(f_service_);
+ * Serializes the members of a map.
+ *
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_map_element(t_map* tmap,
+ string kiter,
+ string viter) {
+ t_field kfield(tmap->get_key_type(), kiter);
+ generate_serialize_field(&kfield, "");
+ t_field vfield(tmap->get_val_type(), viter);
+ generate_serialize_field(&vfield, "");
+ * Serializes the members of a set.
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_set_element(t_set* tset,
+ string iter) {
+ t_field efield(tset->get_elem_type(), iter);
+ generate_serialize_field(&efield, "");
+ * Serializes the members of a list.
+ */
+void t_php_generator::generate_serialize_list_element(t_list* tlist,
+ string iter) {
+ t_field efield(tlist->get_elem_type(), iter);
+ generate_serialize_field(&efield, "");
+ * Returns a Java type name
+ *
+ * @param ttype The type
+ */
+string t_php_generator::type_name(t_type* ttype) {
+ // In Java typedefs are just resolved to their real type
+ while (ttype->is_typedef()) {
+ ttype = ((t_typedef*)ttype)->get_type();
+ }
+ if (ttype->is_base_type()) {
+ return base_type_name(((t_base_type*)ttype)->get_base());
+ } else if (ttype->is_enum()) {
+ return "Int32";
+ } else if (ttype->is_map()) {
+ t_map* tmap = (t_map*) ttype;
+ return "HashMap<" +
+ type_name(tmap->get_key_type()) + "," +
+ type_name(tmap->get_val_type()) + ">";
+ } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+ t_set* tset = (t_set*) ttype;
+ return "HashSet<" + type_name(tset->get_elem_type()) + ">";
+ } else if (ttype->is_list()) {
+ t_list* tlist = (t_list*) ttype;
+ return "ArrayList<" + type_name(tlist->get_elem_type()) + ">";
+ } else {
+ return ttype->get_name();
+ }
+ * Returns the C++ type that corresponds to the thrift type.
+ *
+ * @param tbase The base type
+ */
+string t_php_generator::base_type_name(t_base_type::t_base tbase) {
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ return "void";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ return "TString";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ return "UInt8";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ return "Int32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U32:
+ return "UInt32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ return "Int64";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U64:
+ return "UInt64";
+ default:
+ throw "compiler error: no C++ name for base type " + tbase;
+ }
+ * Declares a field, which may include initialization as necessary.
+ *
+ * @param ttype The type
+ */
+string t_php_generator::declare_field(t_field* tfield, bool init, bool obj) {
+ string result = "$" + tfield->get_name();
+ if (init) {
+ t_type* type = tfield->get_type();
+ while (type->is_typedef()) {
+ type = ((t_typedef*)type)->get_type();
+ }
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ result += " = ''";
+ break;
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U32:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U64:
+ result += " = 0";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw "compiler error: no PHP initializer for base type " + tbase;
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ result += " = 0";
+ } else if (type->is_container()) {
+ result += " = array()";
+ } else if (type->is_struct()) {
+ if (obj) {
+ result += " = new " + type->get_name() + "()";
+ } else {
+ result += " = null";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result + ";";
+ * Renders a function signature of the form 'type name(args)'
+ *
+ * @param tfunction Function definition
+ * @return String of rendered function definition
+ */
+string t_php_generator::function_signature(t_function* tfunction,
+ string prefix) {
+ return
+ prefix + tfunction->get_name() +
+ "(" + argument_list(tfunction->get_arglist()) + ")";
+ * Renders a field list
+ */
+string t_php_generator::argument_list(t_struct* tstruct) {
+ string result = "";
+ const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
+ vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ result += ", ";
+ }
+ result += "$" + (*f_iter)->get_name();
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Converts the parse type to a C++ enum string for the given type.
+ */
+string t_php_generator ::type_to_enum(t_type* type) {
+ while (type->is_typedef()) {
+ type = ((t_typedef*)type)->get_type();
+ }
+ if (type->is_base_type()) {
+ t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
+ switch (tbase) {
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID:
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
+ return "TType::STRING";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
+ return "TType::BYTE";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+ return "TType::I32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U32:
+ return "TType::U32";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+ return "TType::I64";
+ case t_base_type::TYPE_U64:
+ return "TType::U64";
+ }
+ } else if (type->is_enum()) {
+ return "TType::I32";
+ } else if (type->is_struct()) {
+ return "TType::STRUCT";
+ } else if (type->is_map()) {
+ return "TType::MAP";
+ } else if (type->is_set()) {
+ return "TType::SET";
+ } else if (type->is_list()) {
+ return "TType::LST";
+ }
+ throw "INVALID TYPE IN type_to_enum: " + type->get_name();
diff --git a/compiler/src/generate/t_php_generator.h b/compiler/src/generate/t_php_generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d01acd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/generate/t_php_generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "t_oop_generator.h"
+// TODO(mcslee: Paramaterize the output dir
+#define T_PHP_DIR "gen-php"
+ * Java code generator.
+ *
+ * @author Mark Slee <>
+ */
+class t_php_generator : public t_oop_generator {
+ public:
+ t_php_generator() {}
+ ~t_php_generator() {}
+ /** Init and close methods */
+ void init_generator(t_program *tprogram);
+ void close_generator();
+ /** Program-level generation functions */
+ void generate_typedef (t_typedef* ttypedef);
+ void generate_enum (t_enum* tenum);
+ void generate_struct (t_struct* tstruct);
+ void generate_service (t_service* tservice);
+ /** Service-level generation functions */
+ void generate_service_interface (t_service* tservice);
+ void generate_service_client (t_service* tservice);
+ /** Serialization constructs */
+ void generate_deserialize_field (t_field* tfield,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_deserialize_struct (t_struct* tstruct,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_deserialize_container (t_type* ttype,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_deserialize_set_element (t_set* tset,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_deserialize_map_element (t_map* tmap,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_deserialize_list_element (t_list* tlist,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_serialize_field (t_field* tfield,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_serialize_struct (t_struct* tstruct,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_serialize_container (t_type* ttype,
+ std::string prefix="");
+ void generate_serialize_map_element (t_map* tmap,
+ std::string kiter,
+ std::string viter);
+ void generate_serialize_set_element (t_set* tmap,
+ std::string iter);
+ void generate_serialize_list_element (t_list* tlist,
+ std::string iter);
+ /** Helper rendering functions */
+ std::string php_includes();
+ std::string type_name(t_type* ttype);
+ std::string base_type_name(t_base_type::t_base tbase);
+ std::string declare_field(t_field* tfield, bool init=false, bool obj=false);
+ std::string function_signature(t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix="");
+ std::string argument_list(t_struct* tstruct);
+ std::string type_to_enum(t_type* ttype);
+ private:
+ /** File streams */
+ std::ofstream f_types_;
+ std::ofstream f_service_;
diff --git a/compiler/src/ b/compiler/src/
index 7f87368..8783309 100644
--- a/compiler/src/
+++ b/compiler/src/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "parse/t_program.h"
#include "generate/t_cpp_generator.h"
#include "generate/t_java_generator.h"
+#include "generate/t_php_generator.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -cpp Generate C++ output files\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -java Generate Java output files\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, " -php Generate PHP output files\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -php Generate PHP output files\n");
//fprintf(stderr, " -python Generate Python output files\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -d Print parse debugging to standard output\n");
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
int i;
bool gen_cpp = false;
bool gen_java = false;
+ bool gen_php = false;
// Setup time string
time_t now = time(NULL);
@@ -126,13 +128,15 @@
gen_cpp = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-java") == 0) {
gen_java = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-php") == 0) {
+ gen_php = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "!!! Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]);
- if (!gen_cpp && !gen_java) {
+ if (!gen_cpp && !gen_java && !gen_php) {
fprintf(stderr, "!!! No output language(s) specified\n\n");
@@ -176,6 +180,11 @@
delete java;
+ if (gen_php) {
+ t_php_generator* php = new t_php_generator();
+ php->generate_program(g_program);
+ delete php;
+ }
} catch (string s) {
printf("Error: %s\n", s.c_str());
} catch (const char* exc) {