Thrift-1670: Incompatibilities between different versions of a Thrift interface
Client: delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer

The method TProtocolUtil.Skip() lacks implementation, which leads to exceptions after unknown message members are found by the generated deserialisation code.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/skip/skiptest_version2.dpr b/lib/delphi/test/skip/skiptest_version2.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797b35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/skip/skiptest_version2.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+program skiptest_version2;
+  Classes, Windows, SysUtils,
+  Skiptest.Two,
+  Thrift in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.pas',
+  Thrift.Transport in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Transport.pas',
+  Thrift.Protocol in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Protocol.pas',
+  Thrift.Protocol.JSON in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Protocol.JSON.pas',
+  Thrift.Collections in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Collections.pas',
+  Thrift.Server in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Server.pas',
+  Thrift.Console in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Console.pas',
+  Thrift.Utils in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Utils.pas',
+  Thrift.Stream in '..\..\..\lib\delphi\src\Thrift.Stream.pas';
+  REQUEST_EXT  = '.request';
+  RESPONSE_EXT = '.response';
+function CreatePing : IPing;
+var list : IThriftList<IPong>;
+    set_ : IHashSet<string>;
+  result := TPingImpl.Create;
+  result.Version1  := Skiptest.Two.TConstants.SKIPTESTSERVICE_VERSION;
+  result.BoolVal   := TRUE;
+  result.ByteVal   := 2;
+  result.DbVal     := 3;
+  result.I16Val    := 4;
+  result.I32Val    := 5;
+  result.I64Val    := 6;
+  result.StrVal    := 'seven';
+  result.StructVal := TPongImpl.Create;
+  result.StructVal.Version1 := -1;
+  result.StructVal.Version2 := -2;
+  list := TThriftListImpl<IPong>.Create;
+  list.Add( result.StructVal);
+  list.Add( result.StructVal);
+  set_ := THashSetImpl<string>.Create;
+  set_.Add( 'one');
+  set_.Add( 'uno');
+  set_.Add( 'eins');
+  set_.Add( 'een');
+  result.MapVal := TThriftDictionaryImpl< IThriftList<IPong>, IHashSet<string>>.Create;
+  result.MapVal.Add( list, set_);
+  TDummyServer = class( TInterfacedObject, TSkipTestService.Iface)
+  protected
+    // TSkipTestService.Iface
+    function PingPong(const ping: IPing; const pong: IPong): IPing;
+  end;
+function TDummyServer.PingPong(const ping: IPing; const pong: IPong): IPing;
+// TSkipTestService.Iface
+  Writeln('- performing request from version '+IntToStr(ping.Version1)+' client');
+  result := CreatePing;
+function CreateProtocol( protfact : IProtocolFactory; stm : TStream; aForInput : Boolean) : IProtocol;
+var adapt  : IThriftStream;
+    trans  : ITransport;
+  adapt  := TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE);
+  if aForInput
+  then trans := TStreamTransportImpl.Create( adapt, nil)
+  else trans := TStreamTransportImpl.Create( nil, adapt);
+  result := protfact.GetProtocol( trans);
+procedure CreateRequest( protfact : IProtocolFactory; fname : string);
+var stm    : TFileStream;
+    ping   : IPing;
+    proto  : IProtocol;
+    client : TSkipTestService.TClient;   // we need access to send/recv_pingpong()
+    cliRef : IUnknown;                   // holds the refcount
+  Writeln('- creating new request');
+  stm := TFileStream.Create( fname+REQUEST_EXT+'.tmp', fmCreate);
+  try
+    ping := CreatePing;
+    // save request data
+    proto  := CreateProtocol( protfact, stm, FALSE);
+    client := TSkipTestService.TClient.Create( nil, proto);
+    cliRef := client as IUnknown;
+    client.send_PingPong( ping, ping.StructVal);
+  finally
+    client := nil;  // not Free!
+    cliRef := nil;
+    stm.Free;
+    if client = nil then {warning supressed};
+  end;
+  DeleteFile( fname+REQUEST_EXT);
+  RenameFile( fname+REQUEST_EXT+'.tmp', fname+REQUEST_EXT);
+procedure ReadResponse( protfact : IProtocolFactory; fname : string);
+var stm    : TFileStream;
+    ping   : IPing;
+    proto  : IProtocol;
+    client : TSkipTestService.TClient;   // we need access to send/recv_pingpong()
+    cliRef : IUnknown;                   // holds the refcount
+  Writeln('- reading response');
+  stm := TFileStream.Create( fname+RESPONSE_EXT, fmOpenRead);
+  try
+    // save request data
+    proto  := CreateProtocol( protfact, stm, TRUE);
+    client := TSkipTestService.TClient.Create( proto, nil);
+    cliRef := client as IUnknown;
+    ping   := client.recv_PingPong;
+  finally
+    client := nil;  // not Free!
+    cliRef := nil;
+    stm.Free;
+    if client = nil then {warning supressed};
+  end;
+procedure ProcessFile( protfact : IProtocolFactory; fname : string);
+var stmIn, stmOut   : TFileStream;
+    protIn, protOut : IProtocol;
+    server : IProcessor;
+  Writeln('- processing request');
+  stmOut := nil;
+  stmIn  := TFileStream.Create( fname+REQUEST_EXT, fmOpenRead);
+  try
+    stmOut := TFileStream.Create( fname+RESPONSE_EXT+'.tmp', fmCreate);
+    // process request and write response data
+    protIn  := CreateProtocol( protfact, stmIn,  TRUE);
+    protOut := CreateProtocol( protfact, stmOut, FALSE);
+    server := TSkipTestService.TProcessorImpl.Create( TDummyServer.Create);
+    server.Process( protIn, protOut);
+  finally
+    server := nil;  // not Free!
+    stmIn.Free;
+    stmOut.Free;
+    if server = nil then {warning supressed};
+  end;
+  DeleteFile( fname+RESPONSE_EXT);
+  RenameFile( fname+RESPONSE_EXT+'.tmp', fname+RESPONSE_EXT);
+procedure Test( protfact : IProtocolFactory; fname : string);
+  // try to read an existing request
+  if FileExists( fname + REQUEST_EXT) then begin
+    ProcessFile( protfact, fname);
+    ReadResponse( protfact, fname);
+  end;
+  // create a new request and try to process
+  CreateRequest( protfact, fname);
+  ProcessFile( protfact, fname);
+  ReadResponse( protfact, fname);
+  FILE_BINARY = 'pingpong.bin';
+  FILE_JSON   = 'pingpong.json';
+  try
+    Writeln( 'Delphi SkipTest '+IntToStr(TConstants.SKIPTESTSERVICE_VERSION)+' using '+Thrift.Version);
+    Writeln;
+    Writeln('Binary protocol');
+    Test( TBinaryProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create, FILE_BINARY);
+    Writeln;
+    Writeln('JSON protocol');
+    Test( TJSONProtocolImpl.TFactory.Create,   FILE_JSON);
+    Writeln;
+    Writeln('Test completed without errors.');
+    Writeln;
+    Write('Press ENTER to close ...');  Readln;
+  except
+    on E: Exception do
+      Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
+  end;