THRIFT-2813 multiple haxe library fixes/improvements
Client: Haxe
Patch: Jens Geyer
This closes #260
diff --git a/test/haxe/TestClientServer.hxproj b/test/haxe/TestClientServer.hxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6696d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/haxe/TestClientServer.hxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<project version="2">
+ <!-- Output SWF options -->
+ <output>
+ <movie outputType="Application" />
+ <movie input="" />
+ <movie path="bin/TestClientServer" />
+ <movie fps="30" />
+ <movie width="800" />
+ <movie height="600" />
+ <movie version="1" />
+ <movie minorVersion="0" />
+ <movie platform="C++" />
+ <movie background="#FFFFFF" />
+ </output>
+ <!-- Other classes to be compiled into your SWF -->
+ <classpaths>
+ <class path="src" />
+ <class path="gen-haxe" />
+ <class path="../../lib/haxe/src" />
+ </classpaths>
+ <!-- Build options -->
+ <build>
+ <option directives="" />
+ <option flashStrict="False" />
+ <option noInlineOnDebug="False" />
+ <option mainClass="Main" />
+ <option enabledebug="False" />
+ <option additional="" />
+ </build>
+ <!-- haxelib libraries -->
+ <haxelib>
+ <!-- example: <library name="..." /> -->
+ </haxelib>
+ <!-- Class files to compile (other referenced classes will automatically be included) -->
+ <compileTargets>
+ <!-- example: <compile path="..." /> -->
+ </compileTargets>
+ <!-- Paths to exclude from the Project Explorer tree -->
+ <hiddenPaths>
+ <hidden path="obj" />
+ <hidden path="cpp.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="csharp.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="flash.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="java.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="javascript.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="make_all.bat" />
+ <hidden path="" />
+ <hidden path="" />
+ <hidden path="neko.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="php.hxml" />
+ <hidden path="project.hide" />
+ <hidden path="python.hxml" />
+ </hiddenPaths>
+ <!-- Executed before build -->
+ <preBuildCommand>thrift -r -gen haxe ../ThriftTest.thrift</preBuildCommand>
+ <!-- Executed after build -->
+ <postBuildCommand alwaysRun="False" />
+ <!-- Other project options -->
+ <options>
+ <option showHiddenPaths="False" />
+ <option testMovie="Unknown" />
+ <option testMovieCommand="" />
+ </options>
+ <!-- Plugin storage -->
+ <storage />
\ No newline at end of file