THRIFT-5591 Add uuid type to IDL and implement reference code (+ improved self-tests)
Client: compiler general, netstd, Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Utils.pas b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Utils.pas
index 4a75af8..1226535 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Utils.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Utils.pas
@@ -84,11 +84,34 @@
     class function IsHtmlDoctype( const fourBytes : Integer) : Boolean; static;
+  IntegerUtils = class sealed
+  strict private
+    class procedure SwapBytes( var one, two : Byte); static; inline;
+    class procedure Swap2( const pValue : Pointer); static;
+    class procedure Swap4( const pValue : Pointer); static;
+    class procedure Swap8( const pValue : Pointer); static;
+  public
+    class procedure SwapByteOrder( const pValue : Pointer; const size : Integer); overload; static;
+  end;
+  TGuidHelper = record helper for System.TGuid
+  public
+    function SwapByteOrder : TGuid;
+    {$IFDEF Debug}
+    class procedure SelfTest; static;
+    {$ENDIF}
+  end;
   EnumUtils<T> = class sealed
     class function ToString(const value : Integer) : string;  reintroduce; static; inline;
   StringUtils<T> = class sealed
     class function ToString(const value : T) : string;  reintroduce; static; inline;
@@ -283,6 +306,97 @@
   result := (UpCase(pc^) = HTML_BEGIN[3]);
+{ IntegerUtils }
+class procedure IntegerUtils.SwapBytes( var one, two : Byte);
+var tmp : Byte;
+  tmp := one;
+  one := two;
+  two := tmp;
+class procedure IntegerUtils.Swap2( const pValue : Pointer);
+var pData : PByteArray absolute pValue;
+  SwapBytes( pData^[0], pData^[1]);
+class procedure IntegerUtils.Swap4( const pValue : Pointer);
+var pData : PByteArray absolute pValue;
+  SwapBytes( pData^[0], pData^[3]);
+  SwapBytes( pData^[1], pData^[2]);
+class procedure IntegerUtils.Swap8( const pValue : Pointer);
+var pData : PByteArray absolute pValue;
+  SwapBytes( pData^[0], pData^[7]);
+  SwapBytes( pData^[1], pData^[6]);
+  SwapBytes( pData^[2], pData^[5]);
+  SwapBytes( pData^[3], pData^[4]);
+class procedure IntegerUtils.SwapByteOrder( const pValue : Pointer; const size : Integer);
+  case size of
+    2 : Swap2( pValue);
+    4 : Swap4( pValue);
+    8 : Swap8( pValue);
+  else
+    raise EArgumentException.Create('Unexpected size');
+  end;
+{ TGuidHelper }
+function TGuidHelper.SwapByteOrder : TGuid;
+// convert to/from network byte order
+// -
+// -
+// -
+  result := Self;
+  IntegerUtils.SwapByteOrder( @result.D1, SizeOf(result.D1));
+  IntegerUtils.SwapByteOrder( @result.D2, SizeOf(result.D2));
+  IntegerUtils.SwapByteOrder( @result.D3, SizeOf(result.D3));
+  //result.D4 = array of byte -> implicitly correct
+{$IFDEF Debug}
+class procedure TGuidHelper.SelfTest;
+var guid   : TGuid;
+    pBytes : PByteArray;
+    i, expected : Integer;
+const TEST_GUID : TGuid = '{00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff}';
+  // host to network
+  guid := TEST_GUID;
+  guid := guid.SwapByteOrder;
+  // validate network order
+  pBytes := @guid;
+  for i := 0 to $F do begin
+    expected := i * $11;
+    ASSERT( pBytes^[i] = expected);
+  end;
+  // network to host and final validation
+  guid := guid.SwapByteOrder;
+  ASSERT( IsEqualGuid( guid, TEST_GUID));
 {$IFDEF Win64}
@@ -378,4 +492,8 @@
+  {$IFDEF Debug}
+  TGuid.SelfTest;
+  {$ENDIF}