| //To build dist/thrift.js, dist/thrift.min.js and doc/* |
| //run grunt at the command line in this directory. |
| //Prerequisites: |
| // Node Setup - nodejs.org |
| // Grunt Setup - npm install //reads the ./package.json and installs project dependencies |
| // Run grunt - npx grunt // uses project-local installed version of grunt (from package.json) |
| |
| module.exports = function(grunt) { |
| 'use strict'; |
| |
| grunt.initConfig({ |
| pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), |
| concat: { |
| options: { |
| separator: ';' |
| }, |
| dist: { |
| src: ['src/**/*.js'], |
| dest: 'dist/<%= pkg.name %>.js' |
| } |
| }, |
| shell: { |
| InstallThriftJS: { |
| command: 'mkdir -p test/build/ts/lib; cp ../js/src/thrift.js test/build/ts/thrift.js' |
| }, |
| InstallThriftNodeJSDep: { |
| command: 'cd ../..; npm install' |
| }, |
| InstallTestLibs: { |
| command: 'cd test; ant download_jslibs' |
| }, |
| ThriftGen: { |
| command: [ |
| 'mkdir -p test/gen-js', |
| '../../compiler/cpp/thrift -gen js:ts --out test/gen-js ../../test/ThriftTest.thrift', |
| 'mkdir -p test/gen-nodejs', |
| '../../compiler/cpp/thrift -gen js:node,ts --out test/gen-nodejs ../../test/ThriftTest.thrift', |
| ].join(' && ') |
| }, |
| ThriftBrowserifyNodeInt64: { |
| command: [ |
| './node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js ./node_modules/node-int64/Int64.js -s Int64 -o test/build/js/lib/Int64.js', |
| './node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js ../nodejs/lib/thrift/int64_util.js -s Int64Util -o test/build/js/lib/Int64Util.js', |
| './node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js ./node_modules/json-int64/index.js -s JSONInt64 -o test/build/js/lib/JSONInt64.js' |
| ].join(' && ') |
| }, |
| ThriftGenInt64: { |
| command: '../../compiler/cpp/thrift -gen js:ts -o test ../../test/Int64Test.thrift' |
| }, |
| ThriftTestServer: { |
| options: { |
| async: true, |
| execOptions: { |
| cwd: "./test", |
| env: {NODE_PATH: "../../nodejs/lib:../../../node_modules"} |
| } |
| }, |
| command: "node server_http.js", |
| }, |
| BuildTS: { |
| options: { |
| execOptions: { |
| cwd: "./test", |
| } |
| }, |
| command : "../node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --listFiles --outDir build/ts" |
| }, |
| BrowserifyCompiledTS: { |
| command: [ |
| "./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js test/build/ts/test.js -o test/build/ts/lib/test.js --standalone test", |
| "./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js test/build/ts/test-int64.js -o test/build/ts/lib/test-int64.js --standalone testInt64", |
| ].join(" && ") |
| }, |
| InstallGeneratedCode: { |
| command: [ |
| "mkdir -p test/build/ts", |
| "cp -r test/gen-js test/build/ts" |
| ].join(" && ") |
| }, |
| }, |
| qunit: { |
| ThriftJS: { |
| options: { |
| urls: [ |
| 'http://localhost:8089/test.html' |
| ], |
| puppeteer: { |
| headless: true, |
| args: ['--no-sandbox'], |
| }, |
| } |
| }, |
| ThriftJS_Int64: { |
| options: { |
| urls: [ |
| 'http://localhost:8089/test-int64.html' |
| ], |
| puppeteer: { |
| headless: true, |
| args: ['--no-sandbox'], |
| ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, |
| }, |
| } |
| }, |
| }, |
| jshint: { |
| // The main Thrift library file. not es6 yet :( |
| lib: { |
| src: ['../js/src/**/*.js'], |
| }, |
| // The test files use es6 |
| test: { |
| src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'test/*.js'], |
| options: { |
| esversion: 6, |
| } |
| }, |
| gen_js_code: { |
| src: ['test/gen-js/*.js'], |
| }, |
| gen_node_code: { |
| src: ['test/gen-nodejs/*.js'], |
| options: { |
| node: true, |
| } |
| }, |
| }, |
| }); |
| |
| grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); |
| grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-qunit'); |
| grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell-spawn'); |
| |
| grunt.registerTask('wait', 'Wait just one second for the server to start', function () { |
| var done = this.async(); |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| done(true); |
| }, 1000); |
| }); |
| |
| grunt.registerTask('installAndGenerate', [ |
| 'shell:InstallThriftJS', |
| 'shell:InstallThriftNodeJSDep', |
| 'shell:ThriftGen', |
| 'shell:ThriftBrowserifyNodeInt64', |
| 'shell:ThriftGenInt64', |
| 'shell:InstallTestLibs', |
| 'shell:BuildTS', |
| 'shell:InstallGeneratedCode', |
| 'shell:BrowserifyCompiledTS', |
| ]); |
| |
| grunt.registerTask('test', [ |
| 'installAndGenerate', |
| 'jshint', |
| 'shell:ThriftTestServer', |
| 'wait', |
| 'qunit:ThriftJS', |
| 'qunit:ThriftJS_Int64', |
| 'shell:ThriftTestServer:kill', |
| ]); |
| grunt.registerTask('default', ['test']); |
| }; |